Post a Recent Photo of Yourself...It's that time again

About a year old... but still the same hair... longer and a bit straighter by now...


Thats a cool pic....very well done. Seems like it was done with a pretty darn good camera.
It's one of mine. Especially when it comes to child molesters. He's hiding his eyes because they show his age.

I thought it was because anarchists are always trying to look cool and detached... :lol:

I'd post 1 but you already know what I look like and it tends to get the old ladies panties in a wad when I show a little cleavage.

Or... you can always post a photo without the aforementioned view of your cleavage ... ;) But that's all up to you :)
Thats a cool pic....very well done. Seems like it was done with a pretty darn good camera.

Well, thank you :) I got better ones from the same shoot, but chose a pic that didn't show my face too clearly because I still am a little afraid of the whole 'internet stalking' issue even though I'm a whole continent away from the US :) It was taken by a professional photographer.

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