Post-debate, MSNBC’s Matthews claims Romney supporters fueled by racial hatred of Oba

Chris Matthews!!!!

Oh boy, President Obama is being challenged by Mitt Romney and all the GOP base ca do is rant and rave about Chris Matthews?

sniff, sniff, sniff...desperation in the air?

Calling out the media on their pathetically biased rants should always be part of the game.

If there are people who only dislike him because of the color of his skin, then there are people who only LIKE him because of the color of his skin.

Looking forward to the denials.


I since that Chris was talking about the full on hate-mongers who do hate him simply and solely because he is black. And yes I believe that a significant number of citizens fall into that category. Not just a mild dislike. Now I also believe there are plenty of folks who will vote for him just because he is black too......

In that quote Matthews didn't say "some" of them hate him because he's black...he just stated "they" hate him. He didn't break it down to just some of the conservative, he meant all of them. Which is one of the most stupid statements (next to that tingle) that he's ever made.

I agree, some most likely do hate him because he's black, just like some voted for him just because he's black. I also believe Matthews is a hater of the you're never going to hear him say anything rational about them.

I may decide to watch him though on election night. That'll be a laugh a minute!!
Presidential Debate III was more like “Rocky” Round 16, an afterthought where neither boxer really lands a clean punch on the other and where the crowd has dozed off or gone to bed. Only in the land of MSNBC were sparks flying.

Famously tingly MSNBC host Chris Matthews decided the whole race came down to, well, race. In one of the more outlandish rants of an outlandish career, Matthews said the right hates Obama more than they want to destroy Al Qaeda, according to The Hill. The rant is too priceless to edit:

“I think they hate Obama. They want him out of the White House more than they want to destroy Al Qaeda. Their No. 1 enemy in the world right now, on the right, is their hatred, hatred for Obama. And we can go into that about the white working class in the South and looking at these numbers we're getting the last couple days about racial hatred in many cases … this isn't about being a better president, they want to get rid of this president,’ he said.”

Read more: Post-debate, MSNBC


I love it, Does that moron not realize the American People are sick and tired of the Race Card Being played constantly in defense of Obama. Does he actually think he is helping Obama with this crap?
Chris Matthews!!!!

Oh boy, President Obama is being challenged by Mitt Romney and all the GOP base ca do is rant and rave about Chris Matthews?

sniff, sniff, sniff...desperation in the air?

Calling out the media on their pathetically biased rants should always be part of the game.

FOX News Alert! The Media is Fair and Balanced

I avoid the TV news and the talking heads on all channels. That is why neither Mitt or Obama is getting a vote from me.

If Fox News is the only place you see a bias lean then you are just not paying attention or you are a another partisan hack.
Meet Chip Saltsman Tea Party and RNC leader:

[ame=]Barack The Magic Negro? Chip Saltsman Controversy Grows. More Right Wing Hate Speech. - YouTube[/ame]

If there are people who only dislike him because of the color of his skin, then there are people who only LIKE him because of the color of his skin.

Looking forward to the denials.


I since that Chris was talking about the full on hate-mongers who do hate him simply and solely because he is black. And yes I believe that a significant number of citizens fall into that category. Not just a mild dislike. Now I also believe there are plenty of folks who will vote for him just because he is black too......

In that quote Matthews didn't say "some" of them hate him because he's black...he just stated "they" hate him. He didn't break it down to just some of the conservative, he meant all of them. Which is one of the most stupid statements (next to that tingle) that he's ever made.

I agree, some most likely do hate him because he's black, just like some voted for him just because he's black. I also believe Matthews is a hater of the you're never going to hear him say anything rational about them.

I may decide to watch him though on election night. That'll be a laugh a minute!!

I am sure some do hate him because he is black, but they are a Minority. Most of us hate him because he is a lefty, Just like we hate Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi.
no race card, all you have to do is read this board for 1 hour and you can taste the hate for the sitting president.

Some will just up right and admit it. you will see, just wait.... you post it, they will come.

You folks might have a point about racism if Barack Obama's Presidency had been a success and he was still hated. But what's going on here is you've got people like Chrissie Matthews accusing those of us who think Obama is clueless as a leader...of being racists and that's simply a cop out. Is it racism for so many blacks to vote for someone who hasn't done the job he was given four years ago simply because he's black?

Are there people who ARE racists and hate Barack Obama? Of course. Will the majority of the people who will vote against him do so because of the color of his skin? Sorry, but if Barack Obama loses in November it will be because he's been a lousy President...not because he's black. The truth is...if Barack Obama were white, he'd be getting his ass handed to him right now and the black vote would stay home in droves.
Seriously, people better watch this loony Wingnut and that Maddcow dude on Election Day. What will they do if their beloved Dear Leader loses? I know i'll be watching if that happens. Truly priceless entertainment. Their ratings will their best ever. :)
yes he does, in times of desperation and spin, libs believe he who screams loudest is the winner.
No one but the Right Wing Nut World cares what Chris Matthews says. Chris' audience size is a little bit larger than USMB

Chris Matthews!!!!

Oh boy, President Obama is being challenged by Mitt Romney and all the GOP base ca do is rant and rave about Chris Matthews?

sniff, sniff, sniff...desperation in the air?

Calling out the media on their pathetically biased rants should always be part of the game.

FOX News Alert! The Media is Fair and Balanced

Compared to Chrissy Matthews PRAVDA was FAIR and BALANCED.
No one but the Right Wing Nut World cares what Chris Matthews says. Chris' audience size is a little bit larger than USMB



May be true. I have no idea how his ratings are or how big his audience is. I despise most TV political media so I never like to miss a chance to call them on their bias, inaccuracies and lies when offered online.
Seriously, people better watch this loony Wingnut and that Maddcow dude on Election Day. What will they do if their beloved Dear Leader loses? I know i'll be watching if that happens. Truly priceless entertainment. Their ratings will their best ever. :)

The meltdowns will be absolutely epic.
No one but the Right Wing Nut World cares what Chris Matthews says. Chris' audience size is a little bit larger than USMB



May be true. I have no idea how his ratings are or how big his audience is. I despise most TV political media so I never like to miss a chance to call them on their bias, inaccuracies and lies when offered online.

Okay, enough playing with you and others.

Chris Matthews does not do the news. He offers opinion.

clue: opinion is biased


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