Post Obama's Foreign Policy Successes

Fact...obl still dead
Fact ...Obama still got him despite your fantasies
fact...Were still selling cars in China

Ask a 5 y/o if that is good or not, you have inferior intelligence
You keep repeating this like a mantra. But it only proves my contention: Obama's 7 years in office have produce exactly one minor foreign policy success, one that was merely the continuation of Bush's policies (thanks, George).

Your say in foriegn affairs is a joke after that... Sorry but the adults are still fixing your mess...

And how exactly are you "fixing" Iraq?
Anyone seen OBL lately? That’s what I thought.

I've never seen OBL. Nor is there a body to see. For all we know he could be in Obama's cabinet .

Ahh the 9/11 Conspiracy whack job constituency of Trump’s rears it’s ugly (and it’s only) head.
Do you also think no planes hit the buildings on 9/11 there Dylan?

You just make stupid shit up thinking it's some sort of "gotcha" cleverness. Sucks to be you loser.
When faced with anything resembling an argument or fact Candy simply punts. It's tough pretending to be a lesbian when you're really a 300lb Asian tranny.

You’re pretending to be a lesbian? I kinda always knew you were. Try harder next time Shirley.

OBL is dead.

GM is selling cars in China.

You’re welcome?

OBL is dead thanks to Bush's Seal Teams.

GM has sold cars in China for many years.
Raymond Ibrahim on CBN News: Obama’s Foreign Policy Empowers Jihadis and Kills Christians
With friends like Obama, Mideast Christians don’t need enemies.
March 25, 2016

CBN News recently interviewed Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman Fellow at the Center, about his article How U.S. Foreign Policy Made 2015 the “Worst Year in Modern History for Christian Persecution.” The five-minute video interview follows:


Raymond Ibrahim on CBN News: Obama’s Foreign Policy Empowers Jihadis and Kills Christians
'Devoutness' is the difference between an Islamic Extremist Jihadi and one of the 'Good Muslims' everyone keeps reminding us is out there.

The 'Western world' for the most part no longer takes religion 'seriously' and therefore can not understand that a religion exists, a militant one based on strength, dominance, and submission and that there are those who are extremely 'devout' - what most would call 'radical'. Many believe that if we just treat members of this faith better, nicer, let them worship and do what they want they will be our friends. It has nothing to do with any of that - it is about a strict, devout following to a religion that leads those so devout to believe they are called to wage war on Non-Muslims, even to KILL Non-Muslims.

If we can not bring our selves to understand this then there is no way we can address / fight this. Germany rejected this understanding, if they THOUGHT about it to begin with, and they open their borders to welcome these Jihadis in to begin with. They sought to welcome in the destitute, poor, unloved, 'outcasts' and 'refugees' only to take the viper in and hold it close to its chest. In essence, without understanding this realism about Islamic faith and those who devoutly follow it they embraced their own 'destruction', welcoming in those sworn to kill them.

I still have not made up my mind if Obama is just that naïve or if he fully understands this and is working to spread Islam around the world, opening the door (borders and boundaries previously shut or made harder to enter in the past) for this devout Islamic movement to spread. Comments such as 'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam' after 4 Americans were murdered by these terrorists / Jihadis instead of vowing to defend American citizens from 'senseless' hatred gives reason to pause.

Obama is right - there are a lot of 'good' Muslims, but they are 'good' because they are NOT devout, do NOT embrace the full teachings of the Quran, and do not gravitate to the strict adherence and interpretation as those devout Muslims led to Jihad. By completely rejecting the and defending Islam, however, Obama refuses to address the real threat of Islam and the driving force behind this Jihadi movement.

Europe is like a bellwether , in many ways, for what eventually happens here. Germany blindly and without caution or thought welcomed with open borders scores of Muslims...form a civil and religious war-torn nation that hates western culture, whose beliefs and culture is not the same and does not mix well with western culture (groping, fondling, raping women is 'ok' according to many Muslims in their culture). They either did not consider this - because they could not comprehend this - or ignored it, and they are responsible for the aftermath...and backlash...that followed. Obama is doing the exact thing...whether with eyes open or not.

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