Post Obama's Foreign Policy Successes

Didn't invade a country that posed no threat to US, wasting trillions and 100s of thousands dead...

Rabbi, you supported that dumbass war that caused this shit storm...

Your say in foriegn affairs is a joke after that... Sorry but the adults are still fixing your mess...

And the far left narrative runs without question or hesitation showing that do not understand history..

There are no adults in the far left religion..
They don't even know why we went to Iraq.

Which is why their GWB ramblings get ignored by me.
Anyone seen OBL lately? That’s what I thought.

I've never seen OBL. Nor is there a body to see. For all we know he could be in Obama's cabinet .

Ahh the 9/11 Conspiracy whack job constituency of Trump’s rears it’s ugly (and it’s only) head.
Do you also think no planes hit the buildings on 9/11 there Dylan?

You just make stupid shit up thinking it's some sort of "gotcha" cleverness. Sucks to be you loser.
Anyone seen OBL lately? That’s what I thought.

I've never seen OBL. Nor is there a body to see. For all we know he could be in Obama's cabinet .

Ahh the 9/11 Conspiracy whack job constituency of Trump’s rears it’s ugly (and it’s only) head.
Do you also think no planes hit the buildings on 9/11 there Dylan?

You just make stupid shit up thinking it's some sort of "gotcha" cleverness. Sucks to be you loser.
When faced with anything resembling an argument or fact Candy simply punts. It's tough pretending to be a lesbian when you're really a 300lb Asian tranny.
Anyone seen OBL lately? That’s what I thought.

I've never seen OBL. Nor is there a body to see. For all we know he could be in Obama's cabinet .

Ahh the 9/11 Conspiracy whack job constituency of Trump’s rears it’s ugly (and it’s only) head.
Do you also think no planes hit the buildings on 9/11 there Dylan?

You just make stupid shit up thinking it's some sort of "gotcha" cleverness. Sucks to be you loser.
When faced with anything resembling an argument or fact Candy simply punts. It's tough pretending to be a lesbian when you're really a 300lb Asian tranny.

You’re pretending to be a lesbian? I kinda always knew you were. Try harder next time Shirley.

OBL is dead.

GM is selling cars in China.

You’re welcome?
Anyone seen OBL lately? That’s what I thought.

I've never seen OBL. Nor is there a body to see. For all we know he could be in Obama's cabinet .

Ahh the 9/11 Conspiracy whack job constituency of Trump’s rears it’s ugly (and it’s only) head.
Do you also think no planes hit the buildings on 9/11 there Dylan?

You just make stupid shit up thinking it's some sort of "gotcha" cleverness. Sucks to be you loser.

OBL is dead fact.
You doubt it fact.
I believe the US Navy Seals. Fact.
You do not. Fact.

Then again as a trump worshiper, you don’t like the “establishment” and the SEALs are just a bunch of government workers. Fact.

About my cleverness, I can’t help it. I outsmarted you without trying. Fact.
Anyone seen OBL lately? That’s what I thought.

I've never seen OBL. Nor is there a body to see. For all we know he could be in Obama's cabinet .

Ahh the 9/11 Conspiracy whack job constituency of Trump’s rears it’s ugly (and it’s only) head.
Do you also think no planes hit the buildings on 9/11 there Dylan?

You just make stupid shit up thinking it's some sort of "gotcha" cleverness. Sucks to be you loser.
When faced with anything resembling an argument or fact Candy simply punts. It's tough pretending to be a lesbian when you're really a 300lb Asian tranny.

You’re pretending to be a lesbian? I kinda always knew you were. Try harder next time Shirley.

OBL is dead.

GM is selling cars in China.

You’re welcome?
OBL is dead. Of course he was rendered a non-entity by Bush's policies and taken out by Seal Team Six following a long standing program by Bush.
You're welcome, Ming.
Meanwhile back on planet Reality Obama's foreign policy is still a failure.
I've never seen OBL. Nor is there a body to see. For all we know he could be in Obama's cabinet .

Ahh the 9/11 Conspiracy whack job constituency of Trump’s rears it’s ugly (and it’s only) head.
Do you also think no planes hit the buildings on 9/11 there Dylan?

You just make stupid shit up thinking it's some sort of "gotcha" cleverness. Sucks to be you loser.
When faced with anything resembling an argument or fact Candy simply punts. It's tough pretending to be a lesbian when you're really a 300lb Asian tranny.

You’re pretending to be a lesbian? I kinda always knew you were. Try harder next time Shirley.

OBL is dead.

GM is selling cars in China.

You’re welcome?
OBL is dead. Of course he was rendered a non-entity by Bush's policies and taken out by Seal Team Six following a long standing program by Bush.
You're welcome, Ming.
Meanwhile back on planet Reality Obama's foreign policy is still a failure.

This dispatch from Planet Earth:
Obama is the one that got him. Bush gave up a long time before that….

And GM is selling cars in China.

You’re welcome.

Oh, and the US is gaining a new trading partner as you try desperately to read these words thanks sole to Mr. Obama’s actions.
I've never seen OBL. Nor is there a body to see. For all we know he could be in Obama's cabinet .

Ahh the 9/11 Conspiracy whack job constituency of Trump’s rears it’s ugly (and it’s only) head.
Do you also think no planes hit the buildings on 9/11 there Dylan?

You just make stupid shit up thinking it's some sort of "gotcha" cleverness. Sucks to be you loser.
When faced with anything resembling an argument or fact Candy simply punts. It's tough pretending to be a lesbian when you're really a 300lb Asian tranny.

You’re pretending to be a lesbian? I kinda always knew you were. Try harder next time Shirley.

OBL is dead.

GM is selling cars in China.

You’re welcome?
OBL is dead. Of course he was rendered a non-entity by Bush's policies and taken out by Seal Team Six following a long standing program by Bush.
You're welcome, Ming.
Meanwhile back on planet Reality Obama's foreign policy is still a failure.
Obama got Seal Team Six killed. So ... Yeah... Failure.
Ahh the 9/11 Conspiracy whack job constituency of Trump’s rears it’s ugly (and it’s only) head.
Do you also think no planes hit the buildings on 9/11 there Dylan?

You just make stupid shit up thinking it's some sort of "gotcha" cleverness. Sucks to be you loser.
When faced with anything resembling an argument or fact Candy simply punts. It's tough pretending to be a lesbian when you're really a 300lb Asian tranny.

You’re pretending to be a lesbian? I kinda always knew you were. Try harder next time Shirley.

OBL is dead.

GM is selling cars in China.

You’re welcome?
OBL is dead. Of course he was rendered a non-entity by Bush's policies and taken out by Seal Team Six following a long standing program by Bush.
You're welcome, Ming.
Meanwhile back on planet Reality Obama's foreign policy is still a failure.

This dispatch from Planet Earth:
Obama is the one that got him. Bush gave up a long time before that….

And GM is selling cars in China.

You’re welcome.

Oh, and the US is gaining a new trading partner as you try desperately to read these words thanks sole to Mr. Obama’s actions.
Biden had to shame Obama into oredering the hit. Osama was rendered impotent by Bush's efforts. There was no diminution of terrorism after Osama's death.
GM got bailed out by Bush and then Obama and continues to produce shoddy cars and the next downturn in the market they will be back for more.
You're welcome, Ming.
Obama Proudly Poses with Racist Mass-Murderer
What the president's staged picture with Che Guevara means.
March 23, 2016
Humberto Fontova


While in Havana yesterday president Obama carefully arranged a photo-op with the huge mural of Che Guevara as backdrop. If the phrase “carefully arranged” strikes you as rhetorically “pushing the envelope,” I invite you to watch this brief video for proof.

“Better” still, this mural—the biggest of the celebrated (by many liberals) mass-murderer, racist and warmonger -- adorns the headquarters for Cuba’s Ministry of the Interior, which is to say: the headquarters for Cuba's KGB- and STASI-trained secret police. Nothing could be more fitting.

In 1959, with the help of Soviet GRU agents, the man President Obama felt a burning need to arrange as his backdrop helped found, train and indoctrinate Cuba’s secret police. "Always interrogate your prisoners at night," Che Guevara instructed the Castro regime’s torturers. "A man's resistance is always lower at night." Che Guevara, that whacky cut-up, often signed his early correspondence as “Stalin II.”

If the phrase “celebrated (especially by many liberals)” strikes you as yet another rhetorical “pushing of the envelope,” I invite you to consider that in 1999 when Time magazine hailed “The 100 Most Important People of the Century,” Che Guevara was among them.

OK, at first glance this might seem reasonable. The term “important,” after all, can be construed as morally-neutral. But Time magazine placed Che Guevara in its “Heroes and Icons” category of the “Century’s Most Important People,” alongside Anne Frank, Andrei Sakharov, Rosa Parks and Mother Theresa.

If the walls of that building (i.e. torture chamber) so strategically aligned behind President Obama yesterday and those of its branch offices could only talk. What agonies they might relate. You see, amigos: Che Guevara and Raul Castro founded a regime that jailed more of its subjects per capita than did Stalin’s and murdered more its subjects in its first three years in power than did Hitler’s in its first six.

"Executions?" Che Guevara exclaimed while addressing the hallowed halls of the U.N. General Assembly on December 9, 1964. "Certainly we execute!" he declared, to the claps and cheers of that august body. "And we will continue executing as long as it is necessary! This is a war to the death against the revolution’s enemies!" According to the Black Book of Communism, those firing-squad executions had reached 16,000 by the end of the '60s.


Obama Proudly Poses with Racist Mass-Murderer
Obama Proudly Poses with Racist Mass-Murderer
What the president's staged picture with Che Guevara means.
March 23, 2016
Humberto Fontova


While in Havana yesterday president Obama carefully arranged a photo-op with the huge mural of Che Guevara as backdrop. If the phrase “carefully arranged” strikes you as rhetorically “pushing the envelope,” I invite you to watch this brief video for proof.

“Better” still, this mural—the biggest of the celebrated (by many liberals) mass-murderer, racist and warmonger -- adorns the headquarters for Cuba’s Ministry of the Interior, which is to say: the headquarters for Cuba's KGB- and STASI-trained secret police. Nothing could be more fitting.

In 1959, with the help of Soviet GRU agents, the man President Obama felt a burning need to arrange as his backdrop helped found, train and indoctrinate Cuba’s secret police. "Always interrogate your prisoners at night," Che Guevara instructed the Castro regime’s torturers. "A man's resistance is always lower at night." Che Guevara, that whacky cut-up, often signed his early correspondence as “Stalin II.”

If the phrase “celebrated (especially by many liberals)” strikes you as yet another rhetorical “pushing of the envelope,” I invite you to consider that in 1999 when Time magazine hailed “The 100 Most Important People of the Century,” Che Guevara was among them.

OK, at first glance this might seem reasonable. The term “important,” after all, can be construed as morally-neutral. But Time magazine placed Che Guevara in its “Heroes and Icons” category of the “Century’s Most Important People,” alongside Anne Frank, Andrei Sakharov, Rosa Parks and Mother Theresa.

If the walls of that building (i.e. torture chamber) so strategically aligned behind President Obama yesterday and those of its branch offices could only talk. What agonies they might relate. You see, amigos: Che Guevara and Raul Castro founded a regime that jailed more of its subjects per capita than did Stalin’s and murdered more its subjects in its first three years in power than did Hitler’s in its first six.

"Executions?" Che Guevara exclaimed while addressing the hallowed halls of the U.N. General Assembly on December 9, 1964. "Certainly we execute!" he declared, to the claps and cheers of that august body. "And we will continue executing as long as it is necessary! This is a war to the death against the revolution’s enemies!" According to the Black Book of Communism, those firing-squad executions had reached 16,000 by the end of the '60s.


Obama Proudly Poses with Racist Mass-Murderer

Imagine that....Communist countries have images of great communist leaders

Cue Republican outrage
Anyone seen OBL lately? That’s what I thought.

I've never seen OBL. Nor is there a body to see. For all we know he could be in Obama's cabinet .

Ahh the 9/11 Conspiracy whack job constituency of Trump’s rears it’s ugly (and it’s only) head.
Do you also think no planes hit the buildings on 9/11 there Dylan?

You just make stupid shit up thinking it's some sort of "gotcha" cleverness. Sucks to be you loser.

OBL is dead fact.
You doubt it fact.
I believe the US Navy Seals. Fact.
You do not. Fact.

Then again as a trump worshiper, you don’t like the “establishment” and the SEALs are just a bunch of government workers. Fact.

About my cleverness, I can’t help it. I outsmarted you without trying. Fact.

You need to look up the definition of "fact".

1. It isn't a fact that OBL is dead. Where's the body?
2. I believe he is dead, but I can't state that he is in fact dead.
3. The Seals say they killed him. I believe they did but still we can't state it as fact.
4. I'm a Cruz supporter.
5. The Seals do work for the government.
6. You got everything wrong.
7. You are the opposite of clever.
I saw the body.
I talked to the guys who were on the team.
I saw his body be dumped into the ocean to prevent creating a place for terrorist pilgrimages.
YOU may not be able to state as 'fact' that UBL is dead, but the SEALs sure as hell can.
Anyone seen OBL lately? That’s what I thought.

I've never seen OBL. Nor is there a body to see. For all we know he could be in Obama's cabinet .

Ahh the 9/11 Conspiracy whack job constituency of Trump’s rears it’s ugly (and it’s only) head.
Do you also think no planes hit the buildings on 9/11 there Dylan?

You just make stupid shit up thinking it's some sort of "gotcha" cleverness. Sucks to be you loser.

OBL is dead fact.
You doubt it fact.
I believe the US Navy Seals. Fact.
You do not. Fact.

Then again as a trump worshiper, you don’t like the “establishment” and the SEALs are just a bunch of government workers. Fact.

About my cleverness, I can’t help it. I outsmarted you without trying. Fact.

You need to look up the definition of "fact".

1. It isn't a fact that OBL is dead. Where's the body?
2. I believe he is dead, but I can't state that he is in fact dead.
3. The Seals say they killed him. I believe they did but still we can't state it as fact.
4. I'm a Cruz supporter.
5. The Seals do work for the government.
6. You got everything wrong.
7. You are the opposite of clever.

Yet here you are desperately trying to correct me and failing miserably.

1. Fact, OBL is Dead.
2. Fact, Obama got him.
3. Fact, George Bush gave up on it a long time ago.
4. Fact, Obama rules, 9/11 truthers like you drool.
You just make stupid shit up thinking it's some sort of "gotcha" cleverness. Sucks to be you loser.
When faced with anything resembling an argument or fact Candy simply punts. It's tough pretending to be a lesbian when you're really a 300lb Asian tranny.

You’re pretending to be a lesbian? I kinda always knew you were. Try harder next time Shirley.

OBL is dead.

GM is selling cars in China.

You’re welcome?
OBL is dead. Of course he was rendered a non-entity by Bush's policies and taken out by Seal Team Six following a long standing program by Bush.
You're welcome, Ming.
Meanwhile back on planet Reality Obama's foreign policy is still a failure.

This dispatch from Planet Earth:
Obama is the one that got him. Bush gave up a long time before that….

And GM is selling cars in China.

You’re welcome.

Oh, and the US is gaining a new trading partner as you try desperately to read these words thanks sole to Mr. Obama’s actions.
Biden had to shame Obama into oredering the hit.

Osama was rendered impotent by Bush's efforts.
Huge lie.

There was no diminution of terrorism after Osama's death.
One less repeat offender thanks to CIC Obama.

GM got bailed out by Bush and then Obama and continues to produce shoddy cars and the next downturn in the market they will be back for more.
Not even a very good lie. C'mon, you lie so often surely you're better than this Shirley?

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