Post Obama's Foreign Policy Successes

Obama mending fences with Cuba as Republicans rant about building walls
Obama supporting commie regimes as Republicans want to make America great again.

Commie regimes?

Like our close trading partners China and Vietnam?
Both China and Vietnam have adopted market based economies.
Obama countenances Castro arresting dissidents and tossing them in jail. Now he has given the commies what they want at absolutely no expense to them. No promises of reform. No talk about elections. Just pure unadulterated tyranny so Obama can open the country up to his crony capitalist pals.

As will Cuba once US sanctions are lifted
Raul Castro is already making overtures to open up their markets

Our strict sanctions did not result in reform in over 50 years. Opening commercial ties is more likely to force Cuba to reform

Mark up another Obama foreign policy success
Air Force One just took off headed for Cuba

A diplomatic breakthrough we have been waiting generations for.

Great job by our President
Maybe you should ask the zig community of Cuban Americans what they think? Giving a pass to a brutal regime that has tortured and killed it's own people for decades is nothing to brag about. What an achievement it was, the US really really needed to start doing business with the economic superpower known as Cuba.
Air Force One just took off headed for Cuba

A diplomatic breakthrough we have been waiting generations for.

Great job by our President
Maybe you should ask the zig community of Cuban Americans what they think? Giving a pass to a brutal regime that has tortured and killed it's own people for decades is nothing to brag about. What an achievement it was, the US really really needed to start doing business with the economic superpower known as Cuba.
I'm tired of geriatric Cubans dictating our foreign policy. Ask Elian Gonzalez

Yea....yea.....heard all the Castro is a monster crap my whole life. I ain't buying it anymore

We tried the whole embargo thing for 50 didn't work

Time to move on and recognize we have a communist country at our doorstep....the rest of the world has

Castro is a monster, he oppresses, tortures, and kills his own people. No wonder our fascist socialist president has fallen in love with Castro. They share the same values, especially when it comes to anti Americanism.
Wonder how many would have died if Saddam and his henchmen sons were left alone with the liberal doctrine...

We will never know will we. What we do know is the U.S. lost 5000 dead unnecessarily. We know that we spent two trillion on empire building. We know we set off a revolution that has killed hundreds of thousand.

Obama spat in the face of all the dead and maimed Americans by pulling out prematurely and handing everything back.
Bush spat in the face of the dead and maimed by placing them in a hazardous place they had no business being

Obama got their asses out of there

All those gains and cities like Ramadi that Americans gave their lives to free in order to hand over a stable, functioning Iraq was spat on by Obama in short order. Which gave rise to ISIS and the Syria catastrophe we are seeing unfold. Look, Americans know the truth, it doesn't matter what a partisan hack like you who thinks Obama can walk on water thinks.

Bush sent 5000 Americans to their death for no reason. Sending in more Americans to try to justify the 5000 we already lost is foolish

Bush handed over a stable victorious Iraq, and Obama pissed away all the accomplishments and betrayed all the American lives that were lost in the process. And as a result, groups like ISIS stepped in and took over.

You keep forgetting to tell the other half of the story.
The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world
Wonder how many would have died if Saddam and his henchmen sons were left alone with the liberal doctrine...
Leftists keep talking aboit "the Bush disaster"but somehow fail to explain how we achieved every foreign policy goal. We dismembered al Qaeda, effected regime change in Iraq, leaving it a peaceful democratic state. We disarmed Libya's nuclear program.
Obama has nothing to show that is remotely comparable to this. "We got bin Laden". Yeah, with a program started by Bush and carried out by a unit demeaned as "Dick Cheney's hit squad" by the Left.
Progressives are so stupid they cannot tell success from failure.
Yup, all we had to do was keep 100k troops in Iraq FOREVER to prop up Boooosh's a-hole Maliki in abusing the Sunnis. Where'd they go, anyway, dupes? Well they became ISIS duh. Yup, Gaddafi was great lol. But thanks for wrecking the ME and the corrupt world depression...

We needed to keep in Iraq, about as much as we do now in Afghanistan, and then wind it down slowly. One of the side effects of Iraq was that Gadaffi's gave up his nukes. Only for the idiot Obama to bomb and remove him, paving the way for an ISIS / Al Queda state. Nice job president Hussien.
Maybe you should check non Pub propaganda outlets for the unity gov't gaining in Libya, or the fact that Gaddaffi never had nukes, and was terrorist/obscene dictator scum. Or that abusing Sunnis in Iraq was NOT a great idea.
Ah the shameless hypocrisy of leftist whack jobs, so Gadaffi which we had no reason to remove was a "terrorist/obscene dictator scum" but Sadam wasn't?

Yes, Ghadaffi pulled down his pants and gave up his nuclear program after he saw the bitch slapping Sadam got. He had actually become an ally and oil supplier of the West. It was a disastrous mistake to remove him, admit it.
We will never know will we. What we do know is the U.S. lost 5000 dead unnecessarily. We know that we spent two trillion on empire building. We know we set off a revolution that has killed hundreds of thousand.

Obama spat in the face of all the dead and maimed Americans by pulling out prematurely and handing everything back.
Bush spat in the face of the dead and maimed by placing them in a hazardous place they had no business being

Obama got their asses out of there

All those gains and cities like Ramadi that Americans gave their lives to free in order to hand over a stable, functioning Iraq was spat on by Obama in short order. Which gave rise to ISIS and the Syria catastrophe we are seeing unfold. Look, Americans know the truth, it doesn't matter what a partisan hack like you who thinks Obama can walk on water thinks.

Bush sent 5000 Americans to their death for no reason. Sending in more Americans to try to justify the 5000 we already lost is foolish

Bush handed over a stable victorious Iraq, and Obama pissed away all the accomplishments and betrayed all the American lives that were lost in the process. And as a result, groups like ISIS stepped in and took over.

You keep forgetting to tell the other half of the story.

I remember that


Too bad we only lost 5000 Americans after that
You forgot to mention that General Patreaus led a successful campaign known as the Surge and Iraqis voted in free elections for the first time ever.
You forgot to mention that General Patreaus led a successful campaign known as the Surge and Iraqis voted in free elections for the first time ever.

5000 American dead and over 100,000 Iraqi dead

How did those free elections turn out? Civil war
You forgot to mention that General Patreaus led a successful campaign known as the Surge and Iraqis voted in free elections for the first time ever.

5000 American dead and over 100,000 Iraqi dead

How did those free elections turn out? Civil war
Actually the civil war came after Obozo withdrew troops against the advice of his own generals.
It isnt that you dont know anything. It's that everything you know is wrong.
You forgot to mention that General Patreaus led a successful campaign known as the Surge and Iraqis voted in free elections for the first time ever.

5000 American dead and over 100,000 Iraqi dead

How did those free elections turn out? Civil war
Actually the civil war came after Obozo withdrew troops against the advice of his own generals.
It isnt that you dont know anything. It's that everything you know is wrong.

Actually, we got pulled into the Civil War between Sunni, Shiite and Kurds which killed 5000 Americans. All because Bush was stupid enough to think the war was won once Saddam was killed

Bush's failed attempts at nation building disrupted the whole region and led to uprisings as various factions fight for dominance

Don't they know they are supposed to treat us as liberators?
You forgot to mention that General Patreaus led a successful campaign known as the Surge and Iraqis voted in free elections for the first time ever.

5000 American dead and over 100,000 Iraqi dead

How did those free elections turn out? Civil war
Actually the civil war came after Obozo withdrew troops against the advice of his own generals.
It isnt that you dont know anything. It's that everything you know is wrong.

Actually, we got pulled into the Civil War between Sunni, Shiite and Kurds which killed 5000 Americans. All because Bush was stupid enough to think the war was won once Saddam was killed

Bush's failed attempts at nation building disrupted the whole region and led to uprisings as various factions fight for dominance

Don't they know they are supposed to treat us as liberators?
Which part of peaceful democratic elections do you not get?
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Obama 'Foreign-Domestic Policy Success' Update:

''Four illegal immigrants charged in rape, beating; two were previously deported"

Yeah, no need to secure the border, to keep illegals in jail, or to deport the criminals we catch.

(Personally I would plant explosive chips into illegals we deport. Try to take it out, they explode. Then put towers up along the border so if these illegals already deported try to cross again a signal is sent detonating the chip.)
Obama's foreign policy successes:

1. Death.
2. Unrest.
3. Starvation.
4. Homelessness.
5. More death.
7. Terrorism.
8. Destruction.
9. Debt.
10. Ruin.
11. Despair
12. Orphans.
13. Still more death.
14. Radicalization.
15. Beheadings.
16. Torture.
17. Captured Americans.
18. Oppression.
19. Widows.
20. Poverty.
this would make for a great answer on Jeopardy,,,,but how would u phrase it?

"What is 0bama's foreign policy accomplishments?"
You forgot to mention that General Patreaus led a successful campaign known as the Surge and Iraqis voted in free elections for the first time ever.

5000 American dead and over 100,000 Iraqi dead

How did those free elections turn out? Civil war
Civil war erupted when US left prematurely and Islamists and terrorists stepped right back in.
You forgot to mention that General Patreaus led a successful campaign known as the Surge and Iraqis voted in free elections for the first time ever.

5000 American dead and over 100,000 Iraqi dead

How did those free elections turn out? Civil war
Actually the civil war came after Obozo withdrew troops against the advice of his own generals.
It isnt that you dont know anything. It's that everything you know is wrong.
He repeats bullshit talking points like a robot. Perhaps he can audition to be a PMSNBC host?

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