Post Obama's Foreign Policy Successes

Bush spat in the face of the dead and maimed by placing them in a hazardous place they had no business being

Obama got their asses out of there
You mean Bush put diplomatic personnel in Benghazi when every other country had pulled out? Wow, who knew.

No....Bush put people in the WTC and Pentagon
Wow, no other president ever had people there. What order did Bush give putting people in the WTC? Did it countermand Clinton's order that also had people there during a terrorist atack?

After the W
Bush spat in the face of the dead and maimed by placing them in a hazardous place they had no business being

Obama got their asses out of there
You mean Bush put diplomatic personnel in Benghazi when every other country had pulled out? Wow, who knew.

No....Bush put people in the WTC and Pentagon
Wow, no other president ever had people there. What order did Bush give putting people in the WTC? Did it countermand Clinton's order that also had people there during a terrorist atack?

After the first plane hit the WTC, why didn't Bush evacuate the other tower?
Why did he leave the Pentagon unprotected?

I know....too busy reading My Pet Goat

You seem to be really trying to hard to show how limited your thinking ability truly is.

How does a President order a building evacuated? Did he know that another plane was coming?

How do you protect a building from getting hit by a plane?

Stupid. Just plain old everyday stupid!
Bush left them to die....

What difference did 3000 lives make? He had to finish My Pet Goat
Bush spat in the face of the dead and maimed by placing them in a hazardous place they had no business being

Obama got their asses out of there
You mean Bush put diplomatic personnel in Benghazi when every other country had pulled out? Wow, who knew.

No....Bush put people in the WTC and Pentagon
Wow, no other president ever had people there. What order did Bush give putting people in the WTC? Did it countermand Clinton's order that also had people there during a terrorist atack?

After the W
Bush spat in the face of the dead and maimed by placing them in a hazardous place they had no business being

Obama got their asses out of there
You mean Bush put diplomatic personnel in Benghazi when every other country had pulled out? Wow, who knew.

No....Bush put people in the WTC and Pentagon
Wow, no other president ever had people there. What order did Bush give putting people in the WTC? Did it countermand Clinton's order that also had people there during a terrorist atack?

After the first plane hit the WTC, why didn't Bush evacuate the other tower?
Why did he leave the Pentagon unprotected?

I know....too busy reading My Pet Goat

You seem to be really trying to hard to show how limited your thinking ability truly is.

How does a President order a building evacuated? Did he know that another plane was coming?

How do you protect a building from getting hit by a plane?

Stupid. Just plain old everyday stupid!
Not by ignoring every warning and your terrorism czar...
You mean Bush put diplomatic personnel in Benghazi when every other country had pulled out? Wow, who knew.

No....Bush put people in the WTC and Pentagon
Wow, no other president ever had people there. What order did Bush give putting people in the WTC? Did it countermand Clinton's order that also had people there during a terrorist atack?

After the W
You mean Bush put diplomatic personnel in Benghazi when every other country had pulled out? Wow, who knew.

No....Bush put people in the WTC and Pentagon
Wow, no other president ever had people there. What order did Bush give putting people in the WTC? Did it countermand Clinton's order that also had people there during a terrorist atack?

After the first plane hit the WTC, why didn't Bush evacuate the other tower?
Why did he leave the Pentagon unprotected?

I know....too busy reading My Pet Goat

You seem to be really trying to hard to show how limited your thinking ability truly is.

How does a President order a building evacuated? Did he know that another plane was coming?

How do you protect a building from getting hit by a plane?

Stupid. Just plain old everyday stupid!
Bush left them to die....

What difference did 3000 lives make? He had to finish My Pet Goat

I see that you are completely clueless as to the timeline of events on 9/11. Why am I not surprised? Liberals never could read for comprehension.

Keep posting your uninformed and idiotic comments. It only makes you look like you have a mental defect.
We are seeing the difference with a President who actually negotiates with opposing countries vs the Republican bluster of endless embargoes and angry rhetoric

For the first time ever....Iran came to the negotiating table and agreed to nuclear disarmament

For the first time in 50 years...we have normalized relations with Cuba

A truly great President
No....Bush put people in the WTC and Pentagon
Wow, no other president ever had people there. What order did Bush give putting people in the WTC? Did it countermand Clinton's order that also had people there during a terrorist atack?

After the W
No....Bush put people in the WTC and Pentagon
Wow, no other president ever had people there. What order did Bush give putting people in the WTC? Did it countermand Clinton's order that also had people there during a terrorist atack?

After the first plane hit the WTC, why didn't Bush evacuate the other tower?
Why did he leave the Pentagon unprotected?

I know....too busy reading My Pet Goat

You seem to be really trying to hard to show how limited your thinking ability truly is.

How does a President order a building evacuated? Did he know that another plane was coming?

How do you protect a building from getting hit by a plane?

Stupid. Just plain old everyday stupid!
Bush left them to die....

What difference did 3000 lives make? He had to finish My Pet Goat

I see that you are completely clueless as to the timeline of events on 9/11. Why am I not surprised? Liberals never could read for comprehension.

Keep posting your uninformed and idiotic comments. It only makes you look like you have a mental defect.
3000 Anericans died and Bush just allowed it

What difference did it make?
Wow, no other president ever had people there. What order did Bush give putting people in the WTC? Did it countermand Clinton's order that also had people there during a terrorist atack?

After the W
Wow, no other president ever had people there. What order did Bush give putting people in the WTC? Did it countermand Clinton's order that also had people there during a terrorist atack?

After the first plane hit the WTC, why didn't Bush evacuate the other tower?
Why did he leave the Pentagon unprotected?

I know....too busy reading My Pet Goat

You seem to be really trying to hard to show how limited your thinking ability truly is.

How does a President order a building evacuated? Did he know that another plane was coming?

How do you protect a building from getting hit by a plane?

Stupid. Just plain old everyday stupid!
Bush left them to die....

What difference did 3000 lives make? He had to finish My Pet Goat

I see that you are completely clueless as to the timeline of events on 9/11. Why am I not surprised? Liberals never could read for comprehension.

Keep posting your uninformed and idiotic comments. It only makes you look like you have a mental defect.
3000 Anericans died and Bush just allowed it

What difference did it make?

No. He didn't just allow it. Just stop with the lies!
He's had a bunch of 'em. I just can't think of any right now.
i wonder how big the wing of his library will be dedicated to the successes of his foreign policies.

It will be in a small envelope in a two-drawer filing cabinet in the coat closet by the foyer.
I expect it to be in the form of graffiti on the side of a burnt out building in Chicago.

Maybe typed in 6 point font?
He's had a bunch of 'em. I just can't think of any right now.
i wonder how big the wing of his library will be dedicated to the successes of his foreign policies.

It will be in a small envelope in a two-drawer filing cabinet in the coat closet by the foyer.
I expect it to be in the form of graffiti on the side of a burnt out building in Chicago.

Maybe typed in 6 point font?
Spray paint.
He's had a bunch of 'em. I just can't think of any right now.
i wonder how big the wing of his library will be dedicated to the successes of his foreign policies.

It will be in a small envelope in a two-drawer filing cabinet in the coat closet by the foyer.
I expect it to be in the form of graffiti on the side of a burnt out building in Chicago.

Maybe typed in 6 point font?
Spray paint.

Nah! Too big. Might be noticed unnecessarily.
Obama mending fences with Cuba as Republicans rant about building walls
Obama's foreign policy successes:

1. Death.
2. Unrest.
3. Starvation.
4. Homelessness.
5. More death.
7. Terrorism.
8. Destruction.
9. Debt.
10. Ruin.
11. Despair
12. Orphans.
13. Still more death.
14. Radicalization.
15. Beheadings.
16. Torture.
17. Captured Americans.
18. Oppression.
19. Widows.
20. Poverty.
Obama's foreign policy successes:

1. Death.
2. Unrest.
3. Starvation.
4. Homelessness.
5. More death.
7. Terrorism.
8. Destruction.
9. Debt.
10. Ruin.
11. Despair
12. Orphans.
13. Still more death.
14. Radicalization.
15. Beheadings.
16. Torture.
17. Captured Americans.
18. Oppression.
19. Widows.
20. Poverty.
this would make for a great answer on Jeopardy,,,,but how would u phrase it?
Obama mending fences with Cuba as Republicans rant about building walls
Obama supporting commie regimes as Republicans want to make America great again.

Commie regimes?

Like our close trading partners China and Vietnam?
Both China and Vietnam have adopted market based economies.
Obama countenances Castro arresting dissidents and tossing them in jail. Now he has given the commies what they want at absolutely no expense to them. No promises of reform. No talk about elections. Just pure unadulterated tyranny so Obama can open the country up to his crony capitalist pals.

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