Post Obama's Foreign Policy Successes

Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world

What Obama has done in the last seven years is exponentially worse than Bush. The reason you refuse to discuss Obama's failures is because you know his record is disastrous.
Your distorted reality works in the rightwing echo chamber. Obama has shown the benefits of patience and diplomacy instead of Bush's impulsive nation building
To claim that Bush's invasions and puppet governments are better than Obamas international coalitions is nonsense
You live on Planet Progressive where every day is opposite day.
Obama allowed Iraq to be destroyed. Obama is allowing Afghanistan to be destroyed. Obama allowed Libya to be destroyed. Obama is allowing the Iranians to build nuclear weapons and test missiles. Obama is allowing the Ukraine to be destroyed.
Where are these so-called international coalitions? He has assembled coalitions to oppose us. That isnt how its supposed to work.
Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world
Wonder how many would have died if Saddam and his henchmen sons were left alone with the liberal doctrine...

We will never know will we. What we do know is the U.S. lost 5000 dead unnecessarily. We know that we spent two trillion on empire building. We know we set off a revolution that has killed hundreds of thousand.

Obama spat in the face of all the dead and maimed Americans by pulling out prematurely and handing everything back.
Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world

What Obama has done in the last seven years is exponentially worse than Bush. The reason you refuse to discuss Obama's failures is because you know his record is disastrous.
Your distorted reality works in the rightwing echo chamber. Obama has shown the benefits of patience and diplomacy instead of Bush's impulsive nation building
To claim that Bush's invasions and puppet governments are better than Obamas international coalitions is nonsense

As usual you want to talk about Bush but not anout the long list of total failures that Obama and Clinton are responsible for. Bush had implemented the surge and handed a victorious Iraq over to Obama, who then CHOSE to pull our troops out prematurely. Libya, and Arab Spring which brought about more Islamic terrorist regimes all happened under Obama and Clinton.
How about Cuba? Since Obama tried to "normalize " relations with Cuba there has been about a thousand political arrests per month on the communist dominated island. Meanwhile the U.S. hasn't gained a thing. Now he visits Cuba on Palm Sunday like some sort of messiah? It's insulting to Cubans and Americans.
Obama and Chavez met either two pieces how is first time US and Cuba leader are togheter back to the 60's and that's great for Cruz how are half cuban and canadian.
It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world

What Obama has done in the last seven years is exponentially worse than Bush. The reason you refuse to discuss Obama's failures is because you know his record is disastrous.
Your distorted reality works in the rightwing echo chamber. Obama has shown the benefits of patience and diplomacy instead of Bush's impulsive nation building
To claim that Bush's invasions and puppet governments are better than Obamas international coalitions is nonsense
You live on Planet Progressive where every day is opposite day.
Obama allowed Iraq to be destroyed. Obama is allowing Afghanistan to be destroyed. Obama allowed Libya to be destroyed. Obama is allowing the Iranians to build nuclear weapons and test missiles. Obama is allowing the Ukraine to be destroyed.
Where are these so-called international coalitions? He has assembled coalitions to oppose us. That isnt how its supposed to work.

It was the Bush Doctrine that opened the gates of unrest in the region. By extending democracy to these betrodden masses, the joys of liberty and freedom will engulf the masses
Instead he created a power vacuum that caused civil war to spread through the Muslim world
Air Force One just took off headed for Cuba

A diplomatic breakthrough we have been waiting generations for.

Great job by our President

Now his failures:
1. Reset with Russia
2. Selling out Poland/Czech Republic on missle defense
3.Iran deal
4. Withdrawal from Iraq
5. Surge in Afghanistan
6. Intiative in the Middle East
7. Libyan policy
8. Syrian policy
9. Yemen policy (cited as a success by State Department)
10. Relations with Israel
11. Relations with NATO allies
12 Honduras
13. Venezuela

There is not a continent untouched by Obama's incompetence and feckless foreign policy. A total and complete record of failure.

Queing up the "But BUSH" meme in 3...2...1...

Tell ya what...
...lets post bush's as well...
5000 dead and 30000+ maimed and life ruined. Thats not the muslim, Canadian of any other country... just American.
Two illegal, unfunded wars to get the hijackers of 911 who of 15 of 19 were from saudi we go into cant go to saudi because the bush's are multi generational friends with the saudi family....oil friends.
And at the same time the 5 american oil co's start pumpin....the news says: "WAR OVER IN THE MIDDLE EAST"!!
KBR, halliberton and a handfull of other companies making BILLIONS on no bid, over paid gov contracts. If your so worried bout taxes, this should bother you.
Now, Im more to the middle but if yer gonna say that about obama, then youd be illogical and unreasonable not to consume BOTH facts.
I hope your being sarcastic.
You dont see anyone goin to 1st world countries for trade agreements do you?
This is just another third world country for our gov to send our jobs to for the dismantling of America for thr sake of the bs 'global economy".
I hope your being sarcastic.
You dont see anyone goin to 1st world countries for trade agreements do you?
This is just another third world country for our gov to send our jobs to for the dismantling of America for thr sake of the bs 'global economy".

It is one of our closest neighbors and it is obvious our tactic of trying to isolated them has not succeeded in toppling Castro

Sometimes a carrot works better than the stick

Great job by our President
It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world
Wonder how many would have died if Saddam and his henchmen sons were left alone with the liberal doctrine...

We will never know will we. What we do know is the U.S. lost 5000 dead unnecessarily. We know that we spent two trillion on empire building. We know we set off a revolution that has killed hundreds of thousand.

Obama spat in the face of all the dead and maimed Americans by pulling out prematurely and handing everything back.
Bush spat in the face of the dead and maimed by placing them in a hazardous place they had no business being

Obama got their asses out of there
Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world
Wonder how many would have died if Saddam and his henchmen sons were left alone with the liberal doctrine...
Leftists keep talking aboit "the Bush disaster"but somehow fail to explain how we achieved every foreign policy goal. We dismembered al Qaeda, effected regime change in Iraq, leaving it a peaceful democratic state. We disarmed Libya's nuclear program.
Obama has nothing to show that is remotely comparable to this. "We got bin Laden". Yeah, with a program started by Bush and carried out by a unit demeaned as "Dick Cheney's hit squad" by the Left.
Progressives are so stupid they cannot tell success from failure.
Yup, all we had to do was keep 100k troops in Iraq FOREVER to prop up Boooosh's a-hole Maliki in abusing the Sunnis. Where'd they go, anyway, dupes? Well they became ISIS duh. Yup, Gaddafi was great lol. But thanks for wrecking the ME and the corrupt world depression...
I like Cuba and Venezuela. Change me from Communism treat to Communism liker. On third place. And the Marxists are good even Marxism likers I and are second best. US and Canada species Liberalism are best political ideologies.

Who in Europe are like North America ?!
Are Hillary Clinton against ISIS if she are no good for me I does like IS in Syria conflict . .
Air Force One just took off headed for Cuba

A diplomatic breakthrough we have been waiting generations for.

Great job by our President
Maybe you should ask the zig community of Cuban Americans what they think? Giving a pass to a brutal regime that has tortured and killed it's own people for decades is nothing to brag about. What an achievement it was, the US really really needed to start doing business with the economic superpower known as Cuba.
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world
Wonder how many would have died if Saddam and his henchmen sons were left alone with the liberal doctrine...

We will never know will we. What we do know is the U.S. lost 5000 dead unnecessarily. We know that we spent two trillion on empire building. We know we set off a revolution that has killed hundreds of thousand.

Obama spat in the face of all the dead and maimed Americans by pulling out prematurely and handing everything back.
Bush spat in the face of the dead and maimed by placing them in a hazardous place they had no business being

Obama got their asses out of there

All those gains and cities like Ramadi that Americans gave their lives to free in order to hand over a stable, functioning Iraq was spat on by Obama in short order. Which gave rise to ISIS and the Syria catastrophe we are seeing unfold. Look, Americans know the truth, it doesn't matter what a partisan hack like you who thinks Obama can walk on water thinks.
It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world
Wonder how many would have died if Saddam and his henchmen sons were left alone with the liberal doctrine...
Leftists keep talking aboit "the Bush disaster"but somehow fail to explain how we achieved every foreign policy goal. We dismembered al Qaeda, effected regime change in Iraq, leaving it a peaceful democratic state. We disarmed Libya's nuclear program.
Obama has nothing to show that is remotely comparable to this. "We got bin Laden". Yeah, with a program started by Bush and carried out by a unit demeaned as "Dick Cheney's hit squad" by the Left.
Progressives are so stupid they cannot tell success from failure.
Yup, all we had to do was keep 100k troops in Iraq FOREVER to prop up Boooosh's a-hole Maliki in abusing the Sunnis. Where'd they go, anyway, dupes? Well they became ISIS duh. Yup, Gaddafi was great lol. But thanks for wrecking the ME and the corrupt world depression...

We needed to keep in Iraq, about as much as we do now in Afghanistan, and then wind it down slowly. One of the side effects of Iraq was that Gadaffi's gave up his nukes. Only for the idiot Obama to bomb and remove him, paving the way for an ISIS / Al Queda state. Nice job president Hussien.
Air Force One just took off headed for Cuba

A diplomatic breakthrough we have been waiting generations for.

Great job by our President
Maybe you should ask the zig community of Cuban Americans what they think? Giving a pass to a brutal regime that has tortured and killed it's own people for decades is nothing to brag about. What an achievement it was, the US really really needed to start doing business with the economic superpower known as Cuba.
Air Force One just took off headed for Cuba

A diplomatic breakthrough we have been waiting generations for.

Great job by our President
Maybe you should ask the zig community of Cuban Americans what they think? Giving a pass to a brutal regime that has tortured and killed it's own people for decades is nothing to brag about. What an achievement it was, the US really really needed to start doing business with the economic superpower known as Cuba.
I'm tired of geriatric Cubans dictating our foreign policy. Ask Elian Gonzalez

Yea....yea.....heard all the Castro is a monster crap my whole life. I ain't buying it anymore

We tried the whole embargo thing for 50 didn't work

Time to move on and recognize we have a communist country at our doorstep....the rest of the world has

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