Post Obama's Foreign Policy Successes

Obama was the last to forcibly call it genocide on the deadline. What a great humanitarian we have for president.
Obama had fought the bulk of the fight against ISIS

Who cares what it is called?
Obama created ISIS and is indirectly responsible for the deaths of over 250,000 people in Syria.

ISIS grew out of the power vacuum created by the Bush Doctrine
Blaming Bush again? ISIS was created when Obama pulled out prematurely from Iraq, and did nothing to help the Syrian people but draw a worthless red line when Assad started slaughtering his own people. Obama and by default Hillary who was his Secretary of State have been a foreign policy catastrophe. It's hilarious that Hillary touts her disastrous credentials as Secretary of State as if it was even remotely successful.
Blaming Bush?
The whole world blames Bush. The Bush Doctrine upset the whole region. While Bush envisioned he would be remembered as the Father of Democracy in the region. Instead, he created instability that led to the Islamic Revolution we are seeing today

Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:
0bama's entire presidency was an abominable disaster.
^^ Brainwashed functional moron thinks economy is getting worse....enjoys US soldiers being killed for NOTHING.

Obama had fought the bulk of the fight against ISIS

Who cares what it is called?
Obama created ISIS and is indirectly responsible for the deaths of over 250,000 people in Syria.

ISIS grew out of the power vacuum created by the Bush Doctrine
Blaming Bush again? ISIS was created when Obama pulled out prematurely from Iraq, and did nothing to help the Syrian people but draw a worthless red line when Assad started slaughtering his own people. Obama and by default Hillary who was his Secretary of State have been a foreign policy catastrophe. It's hilarious that Hillary touts her disastrous credentials as Secretary of State as if it was even remotely successful.
Blaming Bush?
The whole world blames Bush. The Bush Doctrine upset the whole region. While Bush envisioned he would be remembered as the Father of Democracy in the region. Instead, he created instability that led to the Islamic Revolution we are seeing today

Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Obama created ISIS and is indirectly responsible for the deaths of over 250,000 people in Syria.

ISIS grew out of the power vacuum created by the Bush Doctrine
Blaming Bush again? ISIS was created when Obama pulled out prematurely from Iraq, and did nothing to help the Syrian people but draw a worthless red line when Assad started slaughtering his own people. Obama and by default Hillary who was his Secretary of State have been a foreign policy catastrophe. It's hilarious that Hillary touts her disastrous credentials as Secretary of State as if it was even remotely successful.
Blaming Bush?
The whole world blames Bush. The Bush Doctrine upset the whole region. While Bush envisioned he would be remembered as the Father of Democracy in the region. Instead, he created instability that led to the Islamic Revolution we are seeing today

Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.
ISIS grew out of the power vacuum created by the Bush Doctrine
Blaming Bush again? ISIS was created when Obama pulled out prematurely from Iraq, and did nothing to help the Syrian people but draw a worthless red line when Assad started slaughtering his own people. Obama and by default Hillary who was his Secretary of State have been a foreign policy catastrophe. It's hilarious that Hillary touts her disastrous credentials as Secretary of State as if it was even remotely successful.
Blaming Bush?
The whole world blames Bush. The Bush Doctrine upset the whole region. While Bush envisioned he would be remembered as the Father of Democracy in the region. Instead, he created instability that led to the Islamic Revolution we are seeing today

Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world
Blaming Bush again? ISIS was created when Obama pulled out prematurely from Iraq, and did nothing to help the Syrian people but draw a worthless red line when Assad started slaughtering his own people. Obama and by default Hillary who was his Secretary of State have been a foreign policy catastrophe. It's hilarious that Hillary touts her disastrous credentials as Secretary of State as if it was even remotely successful.
Blaming Bush?
The whole world blames Bush. The Bush Doctrine upset the whole region. While Bush envisioned he would be remembered as the Father of Democracy in the region. Instead, he created instability that led to the Islamic Revolution we are seeing today

Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world

What Obama has done in the last seven years is exponentially worse than Bush. The reason you refuse to discuss Obama's failures is because you know his record is disastrous.
How U.S. Foreign Policy Made 2015 the “Worst Year in Modern History for Christian Persecution”
The primary achievement of U.S. foreign policies is the unprecedented rise of Islamic forces bent on destroying America.
March 18, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim

Originally published by the Gatestone Institute.

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

2015 was the “worst year in modern history for Christian persecution,” according to Open Doors, a human rights organization that has been documenting the persecution of Christians since 1955.

According to its latest data, more than 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith in 2015 — almost twice as many as in 2014. In addition, more than 2,400 churches were attacked, damaged or destroyed — again, more than double the number of the previous year.

In the words of Open Doors’ CEO, David Curry:

The 2016 World Watch List [which ranks the 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted] documents an unprecedented escalation of violence against Christians, making this past year the most violent and sustained attack on Christian faith in modern history. … This research has concluded that after the brutal persecution of Christians in 2014, 2015 proved to be even worse with the persecution continuing to increase, intensify and spread across the globe. … The level of exclusion, discrimination and violence against Christians is unprecedented, spreading and intensifying.

Who or what is behind these unprecedented levels of persecution? Some of it is related to the tendency of non-Western nations to associate Christianity with the “hated West.” Four are Communist nations — Vietnam (ranked #20), Laos (#29), China (#33), and North Korea (#1), where “Christianity is not only seen as ‘opium for the people,’ as is normal for all communist states, it is also seen as deeply Western and despicable,” notes the report. Three are reclaiming their religious heritage in contradistinction to what is portrayed as a depraved West — Hindu India (#17), Buddhist Bhutan (#38) and Myanmar (#23). And two — Mexico (#40) and Columbia (#46) — are fueled by organized crime and drug cartels.

“Islamic extremism” is cited as the source of persecution for the remaining 41 nations that make the list of 50 worst persecutors of Christians. North Korea aside, the rest of the eight nations where Christians experience the worst form of persecution (“extreme persecution”) are all Islamic. In 35 nations, Islamic extremism “has risen to a level akin to ethnic cleansing” of Christians.


How U.S. Foreign Policy Made 2015 the “Worst Year in Modern History for Christian Persecution”


Pres. Hussein Osama refused to call it a genocide until only after the House voted it unanimousky by a margin of 384 to zero. And even then he claims "it isn't going to change anything militarily or legally". We have a traitor at the helm.
ISIS is a bunch of sick fucks

They kill more muslims in trying to intimidating them than they do Christians

Christians are among the many who are cruelly murdered by ISIS

Obama was the last to forcibly call it genocide on the deadline. What a great humanitarian we have for president.
Sorry actual government doesn't conform to Pub bs infotainment schedules and story lines, brainwashed functional moron.
You and your ilk (all the left) are the brainwashed dysfunctional radical morons who's indoctrination took hold since grade one, the rest of us on the other hand grew up, you fucking dope...(salunsky 5/6)
Blaming Bush again? ISIS was created when Obama pulled out prematurely from Iraq, and did nothing to help the Syrian people but draw a worthless red line when Assad started slaughtering his own people. Obama and by default Hillary who was his Secretary of State have been a foreign policy catastrophe. It's hilarious that Hillary touts her disastrous credentials as Secretary of State as if it was even remotely successful.
Blaming Bush?
The whole world blames Bush. The Bush Doctrine upset the whole region. While Bush envisioned he would be remembered as the Father of Democracy in the region. Instead, he created instability that led to the Islamic Revolution we are seeing today

Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world
Wonder how many would have died if Saddam and his henchmen sons were left alone with the liberal doctrine...
Blaming Bush?
The whole world blames Bush. The Bush Doctrine upset the whole region. While Bush envisioned he would be remembered as the Father of Democracy in the region. Instead, he created instability that led to the Islamic Revolution we are seeing today

Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world
Wonder how many would have died if Saddam and his henchmen sons were left alone with the liberal doctrine...
Leftists keep talking aboit "the Bush disaster"but somehow fail to explain how we achieved every foreign policy goal. We dismembered al Qaeda, effected regime change in Iraq, leaving it a peaceful democratic state. We disarmed Libya's nuclear program.
Obama has nothing to show that is remotely comparable to this. "We got bin Laden". Yeah, with a program started by Bush and carried out by a unit demeaned as "Dick Cheney's hit squad" by the Left.
Progressives are so stupid they cannot tell success from failure.
Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world
Wonder how many would have died if Saddam and his henchmen sons were left alone with the liberal doctrine...
Leftists keep talking aboit "the Bush disaster"but somehow fail to explain how we achieved every foreign policy goal. We dismembered al Qaeda, effected regime change in Iraq, leaving it a peaceful democratic state. We disarmed Libya's nuclear program.
Obama has nothing to show that is remotely comparable to this. "We got bin Laden". Yeah, with a program started by Bush and carried out by a unit demeaned as "Dick Cheney's hit squad" by the Left.
Progressives are so stupid they cannot tell success from failure.
they'll never accept or admit that they put in as president the bigger failure than even Jimmy Carter. It's been the worst eight years of my political life having that shameful, classless, embarrassment man for President.
...latest Obama Foreign Policy Success Update:

5 Americans Killed By ISIS abroad...

'Al Qaeida Is On The Run' ... 'The War On Terror Is Over'

(Maybe he should have said:
"If you like your War on Terror you can keep your War on Terror"?!)
Blaming Bush?
The whole world blames Bush. The Bush Doctrine upset the whole region. While Bush envisioned he would be remembered as the Father of Democracy in the region. Instead, he created instability that led to the Islamic Revolution we are seeing today

Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world

What Obama has done in the last seven years is exponentially worse than Bush. The reason you refuse to discuss Obama's failures is because you know his record is disastrous.
Your distorted reality works in the rightwing echo chamber. Obama has shown the benefits of patience and diplomacy instead of Bush's impulsive nation building
To claim that Bush's invasions and puppet governments are better than Obamas international coalitions is nonsense
Blaming Bush?
The whole world blames Bush. The Bush Doctrine upset the whole region. While Bush envisioned he would be remembered as the Father of Democracy in the region. Instead, he created instability that led to the Islamic Revolution we are seeing today

Oh please Obama's failures are vast and numerous. And Hillary is a failed candidate because of these failures, which will be exploited by whoever is the GOP nominee. Arab Spring, Libya, Ben Ghazi, Syria, rise of ISIS, Russian relations, Ukraine, Iran deal, betraying our allies, etc. and the woman who was at the helm of these disasters is the front runner for the Democrats? It doesn't get any better! :clap2:

It was Bush who upset the apple cart in the name of Bush Doctrine

Freedom and democracy for all resulted in a power struggle
Eight years later and there is still Bush derangement syndrome. Obama can't own up to failures that he is responsible for. In fact Obama and "foreign policy success" should be considered an oxymoron.

The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world
Wonder how many would have died if Saddam and his henchmen sons were left alone with the liberal doctrine...

We will never know will we. What we do know is the U.S. lost 5000 dead unnecessarily. We know that we spent two trillion on empire building. We know we set off a revolution that has killed hundreds of thousand.
...latest Obama Foreign Policy Success Update:

5 Americans Killed By ISIS abroad...

'Al Qaeida Is On The Run' ... 'The War On Terror Is Over'

(Maybe he should have said:
"If you like your War on Terror you can keep your War on Terror"?!)
Terrorists kill at eleven

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