Post Obama's Foreign Policy Successes

The GOP completely destabilized the Middle East with that terrible Iraq debacle and are so fucking ignorant, they don't even know it. Such stupid people.

If you do a Google search:

obama's foreign policy successes - Google Search

It's amazing how much pops up.

So then, just to see, I searched for the same about Bush. And this is what I got:

  • Foreign policy accomplishments of President Bush:
  • Ordered an invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 to overthrow the Taliban, destroy Al-Qaeda, and to capture Osama bin Laden following the September 11 terrorist attacks (only they let Bin Laden go and left Afghanistan a mess)
  • Led an invasion of Iraq in 2003 under the pretext of Iraqi refusal to relinquish its WMD (What a disastrous mess)
  • Condemned Iraq, Iran, and North Korea as part of the "Axis of Evil" and accused them of helping terrorism and seeking WMD (and left thousands of centrifuges in Iran and North Korea with nuclear weapons)
  • Signed the US-India Civil Nuclear Agreement with India, greatly improving relations between the countries
  • Established the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), an AIDS program that committed $15 billion to combat AIDS over five years, especially in Africa (and he banned funding for condoms and sex education. His ignorant policies probably caused more AIDs cases than prevented)

Slim pickens after 8 years.

Yada yada yada. More leftist whack job propaganda. Bush handed a stable Iraq over to Obama, and he proceeded to stomp all over it.

Bush inherited a stable Iraq that he proceeded to dismantle.
Bush inherited a stable Iraq that he proceeded to dismantle.

From whom did he 'inherit' a 'stable' Iraq? Yeah, Bush 'inherited a stable Iraq' just like Obama 'inherited a stable Libya' before he took us to war on his own to help Al '9/11/01' Qaeida take over their own country. :p
Didn't invade a country that posed no threat to US, wasting trillions and 100s of thousands dead...

Rabbi, you supported that dumbass war that caused this shit storm...

Your say in foriegn affairs is a joke after that... Sorry but the adults are still fixing your mess...

How many do you think Obama has killed in Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, since you are all about body counts.

Now his failures:
1. Reset with Russia
2. Selling out Poland/Czech Republic on missle defense
3.Iran deal
4. Withdrawal from Iraq
5. Surge in Afghanistan
6. Intiative in the Middle East
7. Libyan policy
8. Syrian policy
9. Yemen policy (cited as a success by State Department)
10. Relations with Israel
11. Relations with NATO allies
12 Honduras
13. Venezuela

There is not a continent untouched by Obama's incompetence and feckless foreign policy. A total and complete record of failure.

Queing up the "But BUSH" meme in 3...2...1...

Took exactly the next post from yours to have a liberal blame Bush, or more accurately, try to justify Obama's failures on Mrs. Clinton's approved war in Iraq.
Why do you say that lie? You know it's not true. The Sunni's were disenfranchised and joining Isis during the time you call Iraq stable???? And you call that stable? What the fuck is wrong with you????


The terror associated with Jeb Bush's definition of "stability" in Iraq and the latest conservative whitewashing of the Iraq War's bloody history is staggering. The U.S. Department of State records that in 2008 alone, 3,256 terrorist attacks occurred in Iraq. As far as Bush "winning" the war, 19,077 people were "killed, kidnapped, or injured as a result of terrorism" in Iraq during George W. Bush's last year in office. Prior to 2008, the U.S. Department of State cites a total of 12,841 terrorist attacks in Iraq from 2006 to 2007, resulting in the death of 82,891 Iraqis. Apparently, Jeb Bush and others never read the State Department's Country Reports on Terrorism 2009, which states that "Since 2005 [until 2009], Iraq continues to be the single country with the most attacks and fatalities due to terrorism."

Jeb Bush is wrong; Iraq was not stable before Obama


These tards can look this stuff up any time and know the truth. Instead, they repeat the same ignorant bullshit. Why? Why? Why?

Why this determined ignorance? Why this stupidity? Why not find out the truth?

Who is going to believe morons on anything if they keep lying?

Anyone? Can anyone explain this to me?

The truth is that Bush and Petraeus implemented the Surge and it worked and had stabilized Iraq. We had won the war in Iraq. Obama was against the Surge, and he went ahead and destabilized the entire region.

Why the Surge Worked

Peter Beinart - Admit It: The Surge Worked
The left simply cannot admit that the Iraq War was a success, we achieved every objective we set, and we did so with minimal loss of American life (recall what the media were predicting for casualty figures). So they will spin, obfuscate, deflect, or do anything to deny this reality.

Iraq was a foreign policy disaster

It was based on a lie
It was poorly executed
It killed over 100,000 Iraqis and 5000 Americans
It disrupted the balance of power in the region
It left a government that is unable to maintain an alliance between Shiite, Suni and Kurds
So if you favor tyrants (Saddam) why don't you support Trump?

Saddam was a tyrant, but he was not my problem
Trump is a problem
Why do you say that lie? You know it's not true. The Sunni's were disenfranchised and joining Isis during the time you call Iraq stable???? And you call that stable? What the fuck is wrong with you????


The terror associated with Jeb Bush's definition of "stability" in Iraq and the latest conservative whitewashing of the Iraq War's bloody history is staggering. The U.S. Department of State records that in 2008 alone, 3,256 terrorist attacks occurred in Iraq. As far as Bush "winning" the war, 19,077 people were "killed, kidnapped, or injured as a result of terrorism" in Iraq during George W. Bush's last year in office. Prior to 2008, the U.S. Department of State cites a total of 12,841 terrorist attacks in Iraq from 2006 to 2007, resulting in the death of 82,891 Iraqis. Apparently, Jeb Bush and others never read the State Department's Country Reports on Terrorism 2009, which states that "Since 2005 [until 2009], Iraq continues to be the single country with the most attacks and fatalities due to terrorism."

Jeb Bush is wrong; Iraq was not stable before Obama


These tards can look this stuff up any time and know the truth. Instead, they repeat the same ignorant bullshit. Why? Why? Why?

Why this determined ignorance? Why this stupidity? Why not find out the truth?

Who is going to believe morons on anything if they keep lying?

Anyone? Can anyone explain this to me?

The truth is that Bush and Petraeus implemented the Surge and it worked and had stabilized Iraq. We had won the war in Iraq. Obama was against the Surge, and he went ahead and destabilized the entire region.

Why the Surge Worked

Peter Beinart - Admit It: The Surge Worked
The left simply cannot admit that the Iraq War was a success, we achieved every objective we set, and we did so with minimal loss of American life (recall what the media were predicting for casualty figures). So they will spin, obfuscate, deflect, or do anything to deny this reality.

Iraq was a foreign policy disaster

It was based on a lie
It was poorly executed
It killed over 100,000 Iraqis and 5000 Americans
It disrupted the balance of power in the region
It left a government that is unable to maintain an alliance between Shiite, Suni and Kurds
So if you favor tyrants (Saddam) why don't you support Trump?

Saddam was a tyrant, but he was not my problem
Trump is a problem
Oh. Oh.
Actually, liberals like the idea of Republicans running Trump

He is a huge problem for the Republican Party who is wondering...what if he wins?

Trump is a headache for Liberals and Washington Establishment Republicans.

- Trump has the business experience Obama lacked/lacks.

- He has more international / foreign 'policy' experience than Obama did.

- He has some common-sense approaches to keep this country safe that Obama lacks.

- Trumps daddy was not an anti-colonialist who hated the US and wanted to see it eliminated as a world power and world influence

- Trump wasn't admittedly tutored by a communist, studied a Socialist, mentored by a racist hate-spewing anti-American pastor, or was ever friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and unrepentantly killed cops...

- He actually LIKES this country and does not want to 'fundamentally change it'.

Trump is in a better position and more qualified to be President than Obama was when he 1st ran.
This is all BS, we had won the war in Iraq when Oblahblah took over. Obama said he's ending the war and despite the generals' insistence to leave a residual force, prematurely withdrew all our forces from Iraq. Obama the traitor pissed away all the lives that had been lost to remove Sadam and conquer and stabilize Iraq.
How U.S. Foreign Policy Made 2015 the “Worst Year in Modern History for Christian Persecution”
The primary achievement of U.S. foreign policies is the unprecedented rise of Islamic forces bent on destroying America.
March 18, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim

Originally published by the Gatestone Institute.

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

2015 was the “worst year in modern history for Christian persecution,” according to Open Doors, a human rights organization that has been documenting the persecution of Christians since 1955.

According to its latest data, more than 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith in 2015 — almost twice as many as in 2014. In addition, more than 2,400 churches were attacked, damaged or destroyed — again, more than double the number of the previous year.

In the words of Open Doors’ CEO, David Curry:

The 2016 World Watch List [which ranks the 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted] documents an unprecedented escalation of violence against Christians, making this past year the most violent and sustained attack on Christian faith in modern history. … This research has concluded that after the brutal persecution of Christians in 2014, 2015 proved to be even worse with the persecution continuing to increase, intensify and spread across the globe. … The level of exclusion, discrimination and violence against Christians is unprecedented, spreading and intensifying.

Who or what is behind these unprecedented levels of persecution? Some of it is related to the tendency of non-Western nations to associate Christianity with the “hated West.” Four are Communist nations — Vietnam (ranked #20), Laos (#29), China (#33), and North Korea (#1), where “Christianity is not only seen as ‘opium for the people,’ as is normal for all communist states, it is also seen as deeply Western and despicable,” notes the report. Three are reclaiming their religious heritage in contradistinction to what is portrayed as a depraved West — Hindu India (#17), Buddhist Bhutan (#38) and Myanmar (#23). And two — Mexico (#40) and Columbia (#46) — are fueled by organized crime and drug cartels.

“Islamic extremism” is cited as the source of persecution for the remaining 41 nations that make the list of 50 worst persecutors of Christians. North Korea aside, the rest of the eight nations where Christians experience the worst form of persecution (“extreme persecution”) are all Islamic. In 35 nations, Islamic extremism “has risen to a level akin to ethnic cleansing” of Christians.


How U.S. Foreign Policy Made 2015 the “Worst Year in Modern History for Christian Persecution”

Obama visits Cuba this week

Chalk up another foreign policy success
How U.S. Foreign Policy Made 2015 the “Worst Year in Modern History for Christian Persecution”
The primary achievement of U.S. foreign policies is the unprecedented rise of Islamic forces bent on destroying America.
March 18, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim

Originally published by the Gatestone Institute.

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

2015 was the “worst year in modern history for Christian persecution,” according to Open Doors, a human rights organization that has been documenting the persecution of Christians since 1955.

According to its latest data, more than 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith in 2015 — almost twice as many as in 2014. In addition, more than 2,400 churches were attacked, damaged or destroyed — again, more than double the number of the previous year.

In the words of Open Doors’ CEO, David Curry:

The 2016 World Watch List [which ranks the 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted] documents an unprecedented escalation of violence against Christians, making this past year the most violent and sustained attack on Christian faith in modern history. … This research has concluded that after the brutal persecution of Christians in 2014, 2015 proved to be even worse with the persecution continuing to increase, intensify and spread across the globe. … The level of exclusion, discrimination and violence against Christians is unprecedented, spreading and intensifying.

Who or what is behind these unprecedented levels of persecution? Some of it is related to the tendency of non-Western nations to associate Christianity with the “hated West.” Four are Communist nations — Vietnam (ranked #20), Laos (#29), China (#33), and North Korea (#1), where “Christianity is not only seen as ‘opium for the people,’ as is normal for all communist states, it is also seen as deeply Western and despicable,” notes the report. Three are reclaiming their religious heritage in contradistinction to what is portrayed as a depraved West — Hindu India (#17), Buddhist Bhutan (#38) and Myanmar (#23). And two — Mexico (#40) and Columbia (#46) — are fueled by organized crime and drug cartels.

“Islamic extremism” is cited as the source of persecution for the remaining 41 nations that make the list of 50 worst persecutors of Christians. North Korea aside, the rest of the eight nations where Christians experience the worst form of persecution (“extreme persecution”) are all Islamic. In 35 nations, Islamic extremism “has risen to a level akin to ethnic cleansing” of Christians.


How U.S. Foreign Policy Made 2015 the “Worst Year in Modern History for Christian Persecution”


Pres. Hussein Osama refused to call it a genocide until only after the House voted it unanimousky by a margin of 384 to zero. And even then he claims "it isn't going to change anything militarily or legally". We have a traitor at the helm.
How U.S. Foreign Policy Made 2015 the “Worst Year in Modern History for Christian Persecution”
The primary achievement of U.S. foreign policies is the unprecedented rise of Islamic forces bent on destroying America.
March 18, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim

Originally published by the Gatestone Institute.

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

2015 was the “worst year in modern history for Christian persecution,” according to Open Doors, a human rights organization that has been documenting the persecution of Christians since 1955.

According to its latest data, more than 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith in 2015 — almost twice as many as in 2014. In addition, more than 2,400 churches were attacked, damaged or destroyed — again, more than double the number of the previous year.

In the words of Open Doors’ CEO, David Curry:

The 2016 World Watch List [which ranks the 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted] documents an unprecedented escalation of violence against Christians, making this past year the most violent and sustained attack on Christian faith in modern history. … This research has concluded that after the brutal persecution of Christians in 2014, 2015 proved to be even worse with the persecution continuing to increase, intensify and spread across the globe. … The level of exclusion, discrimination and violence against Christians is unprecedented, spreading and intensifying.

Who or what is behind these unprecedented levels of persecution? Some of it is related to the tendency of non-Western nations to associate Christianity with the “hated West.” Four are Communist nations — Vietnam (ranked #20), Laos (#29), China (#33), and North Korea (#1), where “Christianity is not only seen as ‘opium for the people,’ as is normal for all communist states, it is also seen as deeply Western and despicable,” notes the report. Three are reclaiming their religious heritage in contradistinction to what is portrayed as a depraved West — Hindu India (#17), Buddhist Bhutan (#38) and Myanmar (#23). And two — Mexico (#40) and Columbia (#46) — are fueled by organized crime and drug cartels.

“Islamic extremism” is cited as the source of persecution for the remaining 41 nations that make the list of 50 worst persecutors of Christians. North Korea aside, the rest of the eight nations where Christians experience the worst form of persecution (“extreme persecution”) are all Islamic. In 35 nations, Islamic extremism “has risen to a level akin to ethnic cleansing” of Christians.


How U.S. Foreign Policy Made 2015 the “Worst Year in Modern History for Christian Persecution”


Pres. Hussein Osama refused to call it a genocide until only after the House voted it unanimousky by a margin of 384 to zero. And even then he claims "it isn't going to change anything militarily or legally". We have a traitor at the helm.
ISIS is a bunch of sick fucks

They kill more muslims in trying to intimidating them than they do Christians

Christians are among the many who are cruelly murdered by ISIS
Obama visits Cuba this week

Chalk up another foreign policy success
Success for the Castro brothers, you mean. Because the US got exactly nothing in return for recognizing Cuba.
Obama does not negotiate with terrorists and tyrants. He gives them what they want.

Success in reaching a diplomatic truce that should have been settled decades ago
Obama visits Cuba this week

Chalk up another foreign policy success
Success for the Castro brothers, you mean. Because the US got exactly nothing in return for recognizing Cuba.
Obama does not negotiate with terrorists and tyrants. He gives them what they want.

Success in reaching a diplomatic truce that should have been settled decades ago
That was no truce, that was a surrender. Obama simply bent over for Castro just like he bent over for the Taliban in the Bergdahl scandal, bent over for Putin, bent over for Erdogan, bent over for North Korea, etc etc.
No wonder everyone thinks Obama is gay.
Iranian heavy-water reactor deactivated

Osama Bin Laden dead

Muslims fighting their own wars

Testing nuclear capable ICBM's.

Thank you George Bush's military.

In preparation for attacking the US again.

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