Post Obama's Foreign Policy Successes

Obama foreign Policy successes? Ummm...he has met with and aided more more socialists, terrorists, and US enemies than any other president?
Wonder how many would have died if Saddam and his henchmen sons were left alone with the liberal doctrine...
Leftists keep talking aboit "the Bush disaster"but somehow fail to explain how we achieved every foreign policy goal. We dismembered al Qaeda, effected regime change in Iraq, leaving it a peaceful democratic state. We disarmed Libya's nuclear program.
Obama has nothing to show that is remotely comparable to this. "We got bin Laden". Yeah, with a program started by Bush and carried out by a unit demeaned as "Dick Cheney's hit squad" by the Left.
Progressives are so stupid they cannot tell success from failure.
Yup, all we had to do was keep 100k troops in Iraq FOREVER to prop up Boooosh's a-hole Maliki in abusing the Sunnis. Where'd they go, anyway, dupes? Well they became ISIS duh. Yup, Gaddafi was great lol. But thanks for wrecking the ME and the corrupt world depression...

We needed to keep in Iraq, about as much as we do now in Afghanistan, and then wind it down slowly. One of the side effects of Iraq was that Gadaffi's gave up his nukes. Only for the idiot Obama to bomb and remove him, paving the way for an ISIS / Al Queda state. Nice job president Hussien.
Maybe you should check non Pub propaganda outlets for the unity gov't gaining in Libya, or the fact that Gaddaffi never had nukes, and was terrorist/obscene dictator scum. Or that abusing Sunnis in Iraq was NOT a great idea.
Ah the shameless hypocrisy of leftist whack jobs, so Gadaffi which we had no reason to remove was a "terrorist/obscene dictator scum" but Sadam wasn't?
Yes, Ghadaffi pulled down his pants and gave up his nuclear program after he saw the bitch slapping Sadam got. He had actually become an ally and oil supplier of the West. It was a disastrous mistake to remove him, admit it.
Ghaddafi was about to obliterate Bengazi in a bloodbath and Libya was EASY to get to, Italy and France were going. Saddam was great in comparison. Read something.
Obama 'Foreign Policy Success' Update:

'Obama sends MORE US Troops to Iraq after 'JV Team' successfully kill MORE US troops'

Good thing 'Al Qaeida is on the run' and 'the War on Terror is over'....

Boooosh's idiotic wars produced all that, stupid. Now we're the good guys who help Muslims police their own, no longer the great Satan except to nutjobs.
Ghaddafi was losing to the rebels, especially with the US arming and funding them. Read something - he actually tried to reach out to Hillary / Obama to inquire about leaving and going into exile. Obama ordered his administration NOT to talk to him. Obama wanted blood. He wanted Ghaddafi dead. he got his wish, at the cost of dragging the US into the middle of someone else's civil war - without Congressional approval to do so )because he KNEW there is no way he could make a case to do it to Congress), aiding and abetting Al Qaeida, allowing them to take over their own country, and losing 4 Americans needlessly.

Ghaddafi was losing to the rebels, especially with the US arming and funding them. Read something - he actually tried to reach out to Hillary / Obama to inquire about leaving and going into exile. Obama ordered his administration NOT to talk to him. Obama wanted blood. He wanted Ghaddafi dead. he got his wish, at the cost of dragging the US into the middle of someone else's civil war - without Congressional approval to do so )because he KNEW there is no way he could make a case to do it to Congress), aiding and abetting Al Qaeida, allowing them to take over their own country, and losing 4 Americans needlessly.

bs lol. Unity gov't coming. Ghadafi was a terrorist and murderer, SEE YA!
Obama 'Foreign Policy Success' Update:

'Obama sends MORE US Troops to Iraq after 'JV Team' successfully kill MORE US troops'

Good thing 'Al Qaeida is on the run' and 'the War on Terror is over'....

Boooosh's idiotic wars produced all that, stupid. Now we're the good guys who help Muslims police their own, no longer the great Satan except to nutjobs.

Obama provides weapons to terrorists who had for years from Northern Libya hired jihadists from around the world to go kill Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq. he funds them, supplies them, and arms them. He finally drags the US into the middle of their civil war, joining Al Qaieda, the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12).

Bush is to blame? Ummm....Afghanistan and Iraq had nothing to do with Libya, dumbass. Democrats joined Republicans in making the case why we SHOULD go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq then voted to give Bush the authority to do so.

OBAMA needed Benghazi to run cash / weapons to MORE terrorists in Syria, to run his personal proxy war against Assad after his 'Red Line' screw up on the world stage. Obama REFUSED to go before Congress to pitch the idea of jumping into the middle of Libya's civil war because he KNEW there is no way in hell / their right mind ANYONE would 'OK' helping the terrorists who had murdered thousands of Americans on 9/11/01. So Obama dragged the country to war in Libya ON HIS OWN, WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL.
-- It's AMAZING how Liberals CHOOSE not to see aiding Al Qaeida - the 9/11/01 terrorists who killed Americans, using our military to help then take over their own country after Bush had sworn not to let them have a safe haven anywhere, was not / IS NOT 'TREASON'.

It's not like Obama and Hillary didn't know.

Hillary's and other e-mail evidence spelled it all out.

Stephens reported a month before 9/11/12 a massive gathering of approx. 1,000 Al Qaeida in Benghazi. He reported Al Qaeida flags flying over Benghazi govt buildings, numerous terrorist training camps being opened there...and STLLL Obama and Hillary turned a blind eye.

They knew about the calls for the attacks on 9/11/12, which forced every other govt to pull their people out. They knew of the call to assassinate Stephens in retaliation for an Al Qaidea Commander being killed a month before. They KNOW of the 2 terrorist attacks and attempts on his life in the weeks before 9/11/12...when they denied hundreds of requests for additional security and stripped him of 14 members of his security staff...against his protest!

Running guns to ISIS was more important. Protecting Obama's LIEs of 'Al Qaeida is on the run and the War on Terror is Over was more important.

'Leave no man behind'? Hillary and Obama served Stephens up on a f*ing plate to Al Qaeida!
Obama 'Foreign Policy Success' Update:

'Obama sends MORE US Troops to Iraq after 'JV Team' successfully kill MORE US troops'

Good thing 'Al Qaeida is on the run' and 'the War on Terror is over'....

Boooosh's idiotic wars produced all that, stupid. Now we're the good guys who help Muslims police their own, no longer the great Satan except to nutjobs.

Obama provides weapons to terrorists who had for years from Northern Libya hired jihadists from around the world to go kill Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq. he funds them, supplies them, and arms them. He finally drags the US into the middle of their civil war, joining Al Qaieda, the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12).

Bush is to blame? Ummm....Afghanistan and Iraq had nothing to do with Libya, dumbass. Democrats joined Republicans in making the case why we SHOULD go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq then voted to give Bush the authority to do so.

OBAMA needed Benghazi to run cash / weapons to MORE terrorists in Syria, to run his personal proxy war against Assad after his 'Red Line' screw up on the world stage. Obama REFUSED to go before Congress to pitch the idea of jumping into the middle of Libya's civil war because he KNEW there is no way in hell / their right mind ANYONE would 'OK' helping the terrorists who had murdered thousands of Americans on 9/11/01. So Obama dragged the country to war in Libya ON HIS OWN, WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL.
-- It's AMAZING how Liberals CHOOSE not to see aiding Al Qaeida - the 9/11/01 terrorists who killed Americans, using our military to help then take over their own country after Bush had sworn not to let them have a safe haven anywhere, was not / IS NOT 'TREASON'.

It's not like Obama and Hillary didn't know.

Hillary's and other e-mail evidence spelled it all out.

Stephens reported a month before 9/11/12 a massive gathering of approx. 1,000 Al Qaeida in Benghazi. He reported Al Qaeida flags flying over Benghazi govt buildings, numerous terrorist training camps being opened there...and STLLL Obama and Hillary turned a blind eye.

They knew about the calls for the attacks on 9/11/12, which forced every other govt to pull their people out. They knew of the call to assassinate Stephens in retaliation for an Al Qaidea Commander being killed a month before. They KNOW of the 2 terrorist attacks and attempts on his life in the weeks before 9/11/12...when they denied hundreds of requests for additional security and stripped him of 14 members of his security staff...against his protest!

Running guns to ISIS was more important. Protecting Obama's LIEs of 'Al Qaeida is on the run and the War on Terror is Over was more important.

'Leave no man behind'? Hillary and Obama served Stephens up on a f*ing plate to Al Qaeida!
Bush LIED. Piles of bs propaganda. Nobody made Stephens go to Bengazi. Very brave. Died of smoke, very unlucky, dupe.
You forgot to mention that General Patreaus led a successful campaign known as the Surge and Iraqis voted in free elections for the first time ever.

5000 American dead and over 100,000 Iraqi dead

How did those free elections turn out? Civil war
Civil war erupted when US left prematurely and Islamists and terrorists stepped right back in.
We left because we had soldiers killed unnecessarily and never should have been there in the first place
You forgot to mention that General Patreaus led a successful campaign known as the Surge and Iraqis voted in free elections for the first time ever.

5000 American dead and over 100,000 Iraqi dead

How did those free elections turn out? Civil war
Actually the civil war came after Obozo withdrew troops against the advice of his own generals.
It isnt that you dont know anything. It's that everything you know is wrong.
He repeats bullshit talking points like a robot. Perhaps he can audition to be a PMSNBC host?

I make more money posting on USMB
Leftists keep talking aboit "the Bush disaster"but somehow fail to explain how we achieved every foreign policy goal. We dismembered al Qaeda, effected regime change in Iraq, leaving it a peaceful democratic state. We disarmed Libya's nuclear program.
Obama has nothing to show that is remotely comparable to this. "We got bin Laden". Yeah, with a program started by Bush and carried out by a unit demeaned as "Dick Cheney's hit squad" by the Left.
Progressives are so stupid they cannot tell success from failure.
Yup, all we had to do was keep 100k troops in Iraq FOREVER to prop up Boooosh's a-hole Maliki in abusing the Sunnis. Where'd they go, anyway, dupes? Well they became ISIS duh. Yup, Gaddafi was great lol. But thanks for wrecking the ME and the corrupt world depression...

We needed to keep in Iraq, about as much as we do now in Afghanistan, and then wind it down slowly. One of the side effects of Iraq was that Gadaffi's gave up his nukes. Only for the idiot Obama to bomb and remove him, paving the way for an ISIS / Al Queda state. Nice job president Hussien.
Maybe you should check non Pub propaganda outlets for the unity gov't gaining in Libya, or the fact that Gaddaffi never had nukes, and was terrorist/obscene dictator scum. Or that abusing Sunnis in Iraq was NOT a great idea.
Ah the shameless hypocrisy of leftist whack jobs, so Gadaffi which we had no reason to remove was a "terrorist/obscene dictator scum" but Sadam wasn't?
Yes, Ghadaffi pulled down his pants and gave up his nuclear program after he saw the bitch slapping Sadam got. He had actually become an ally and oil supplier of the West. It was a disastrous mistake to remove him, admit it.
Ghaddafi was about to obliterate Bengazi in a bloodbath and Libya was EASY to get to, Italy and France were going. Saddam was great in comparison. Read something.
Hah! What a forgetful goofball, the reason Obama gave for bombing Libya was because of "humanitarian reasons". Right after Ghadaffi was removed, ISIS stepped in and sends videos of beheaded Christians with their blood spilling in the Mediterranean threatening the Vatican as s signal to the stupid Europeans. Yet Obama has stood by while Assad has slaughtered over 250,000 of his own people so far. Such a great humanitarian.
The disaster that was the Bush administration has had global impacts that will be felt for a generation. Hundreds of thousands have died from his vision of reshaping the world

What Obama has done in the last seven years is exponentially worse than Bush. The reason you refuse to discuss Obama's failures is because you know his record is disastrous.
Your distorted reality works in the rightwing echo chamber. Obama has shown the benefits of patience and diplomacy instead of Bush's impulsive nation building
To claim that Bush's invasions and puppet governments are better than Obamas international coalitions is nonsense
You live on Planet Progressive where every day is opposite day.
Obama allowed Iraq to be destroyed. Obama is allowing Afghanistan to be destroyed. Obama allowed Libya to be destroyed. Obama is allowing the Iranians to build nuclear weapons and test missiles. Obama is allowing the Ukraine to be destroyed.
Where are these so-called international coalitions? He has assembled coalitions to oppose us. That isnt how its supposed to work.

It was the Bush Doctrine that opened the gates of unrest in the region. By extending democracy to these betrodden masses, the joys of liberty and freedom will engulf the masses
Instead he created a power vacuum that caused civil war to spread through the Muslim world
BOOSH. Hey, it's 2016. Bush has been out of office for nearly 8 years.
Actually Democrat support for ethanol increased food prices, causing unrest in Arab countries. Obama led from behind and allowed things to unfold in a power vacuum.
Don't forget the demorats had both houses for the last 2 years of Bush's 8 and caused one of the biggest economic downturns in history plus clinton caused the dot-com bubble and 911...

President Obama Is a Political Narcissist

by Matthew Continetti March 19, 2016

Russia announces the withdrawal of its forces from Syria. The decision is a surprise — President Obama is shocked. This is a feeling he experiences often.

He was astonished when Vladimir Putin intervened in the Syrian conflict in 2015. He was startled when ISIS conquered a fair portion of Mesopotamia in 2014. He was jarred when Putin invaded Crimea, and launched a proxy war in eastern Ukraine that same year. Rogue states pursue policies contrary to what Obama the Wise sees as their self-interest, and the presidential response never varies. He is stunned. He is saddened. He is filled with sangfroid.

Bewilderment happens when reality dispels illusions. I used to think President Obama’s illusions were simply the product of his ideology, of his faith in the universality of human reason, in the idea of historical progress, of his ambivalence toward American power. But after reading Jeffrey Goldberg’s epic, absorbing, revealing interview with the president in The Atlantic, I have come to a different conclusion. It’s not just ideology that drives Obama’s cluelessness. It’s narcissism.

If there is a theme to Goldberg’s article, it is this: Barack Obama knows better. He knows better than the “foreign-policy establishment” that his team snidely dismisses as controlled by Jewish and Arab money. He knows better than the elected leaders of Great Britain, France, and Israel, and the monarchs of Saudi Arabia and Jordan, of whom he is so contemptuous. (Angela Merkel of Germany, Goldberg reports, is “one of the few foreign leaders Obama respects.”) And he knows better than his critics, whose arguments he pores over in obsessive detail, coming up with explanations, rebuttals, and straw men to dismiss them.

RELATED: State of the World: Year Eight of Barack Obama

Why does Obama know better? Not out of any intense study of or reflection on diplomatic and world history and international-relations theory. Not because he served in the military or in the diplomatic corps or held senior posts in government prior to election as president. What graces Obama with superior insight and prudence is the simple fact of his own existence. He is his own proof of his superiority.


Read more at: President Obama Is a Political Narcissist, by Matthew Continetti, National Review

Bill Clinton, the former / last DNC President & husband of Hillary Clinton, the current leading DNC presidential candidate, just called Obama a loser / failure snd his entire Presidency a failed legacy....

Who am I to argue? 'Nuff said.

What Obama has done in the last seven years is exponentially worse than Bush. The reason you refuse to discuss Obama's failures is because you know his record is disastrous.
Your distorted reality works in the rightwing echo chamber. Obama has shown the benefits of patience and diplomacy instead of Bush's impulsive nation building
To claim that Bush's invasions and puppet governments are better than Obamas international coalitions is nonsense
You live on Planet Progressive where every day is opposite day.
Obama allowed Iraq to be destroyed. Obama is allowing Afghanistan to be destroyed. Obama allowed Libya to be destroyed. Obama is allowing the Iranians to build nuclear weapons and test missiles. Obama is allowing the Ukraine to be destroyed.
Where are these so-called international coalitions? He has assembled coalitions to oppose us. That isnt how its supposed to work.

It was the Bush Doctrine that opened the gates of unrest in the region. By extending democracy to these betrodden masses, the joys of liberty and freedom will engulf the masses
Instead he created a power vacuum that caused civil war to spread through the Muslim world
BOOSH. Hey, it's 2016. Bush has been out of office for nearly 8 years.
Actually Democrat support for ethanol increased food prices, causing unrest in Arab countries. Obama led from behind and allowed things to unfold in a power vacuum.
Don't forget the demorats had both houses for the last 2 years of Bush's 8 and caused one of the biggest economic downturns in history plus clinton caused the dot-com bubble and 911...

The Democrats also held both houses during the famous "Reagan Revolution"

Ready to give them credit for Reagans economy?
Your distorted reality works in the rightwing echo chamber. Obama has shown the benefits of patience and diplomacy instead of Bush's impulsive nation building
To claim that Bush's invasions and puppet governments are better than Obamas international coalitions is nonsense
You live on Planet Progressive where every day is opposite day.
Obama allowed Iraq to be destroyed. Obama is allowing Afghanistan to be destroyed. Obama allowed Libya to be destroyed. Obama is allowing the Iranians to build nuclear weapons and test missiles. Obama is allowing the Ukraine to be destroyed.
Where are these so-called international coalitions? He has assembled coalitions to oppose us. That isnt how its supposed to work.

It was the Bush Doctrine that opened the gates of unrest in the region. By extending democracy to these betrodden masses, the joys of liberty and freedom will engulf the masses
Instead he created a power vacuum that caused civil war to spread through the Muslim world
BOOSH. Hey, it's 2016. Bush has been out of office for nearly 8 years.
Actually Democrat support for ethanol increased food prices, causing unrest in Arab countries. Obama led from behind and allowed things to unfold in a power vacuum.
Don't forget the demorats had both houses for the last 2 years of Bush's 8 and caused one of the biggest economic downturns in history plus clinton caused the dot-com bubble and 911...

The Democrats also held both houses during the famous "Reagan Revolution"

Ready to give them credit for Reagans economy?
And Republicans for Clinton's...
Your distorted reality works in the rightwing echo chamber. Obama has shown the benefits of patience and diplomacy instead of Bush's impulsive nation building
To claim that Bush's invasions and puppet governments are better than Obamas international coalitions is nonsense
You live on Planet Progressive where every day is opposite day.
Obama allowed Iraq to be destroyed. Obama is allowing Afghanistan to be destroyed. Obama allowed Libya to be destroyed. Obama is allowing the Iranians to build nuclear weapons and test missiles. Obama is allowing the Ukraine to be destroyed.
Where are these so-called international coalitions? He has assembled coalitions to oppose us. That isnt how its supposed to work.

It was the Bush Doctrine that opened the gates of unrest in the region. By extending democracy to these betrodden masses, the joys of liberty and freedom will engulf the masses
Instead he created a power vacuum that caused civil war to spread through the Muslim world
BOOSH. Hey, it's 2016. Bush has been out of office for nearly 8 years.
Actually Democrat support for ethanol increased food prices, causing unrest in Arab countries. Obama led from behind and allowed things to unfold in a power vacuum.
Don't forget the demorats had both houses for the last 2 years of Bush's 8 and caused one of the biggest economic downturns in history plus clinton caused the dot-com bubble and 911...

The Democrats also held both houses during the famous "Reagan Revolution"

Ready to give them credit for Reagans economy?
You mean for realizing that Reagan's vision of lower taxes and less government would create strong growth? Yes, I absolutely credit them.
Now, are you ready to blame Democrats who voted for the opposite in Obama's programs and caused the worst economy since WWII?

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