Posted an ad on Craiglist and got a reply from a young hot thing!!!


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
Looks like I will have some a$$ cheeks in my face this weekend LOL And not only that it's a 3 day weekend which makes it even better. Craigslist is the best fucking website of all time

So excited for this weekend.
Uh, ok....


Have a good weekend, dude!!!
she'll smell the desperation and bail..

She was able to get a feel for me and see that I was a cool guy
Like frigid or really, really kewl?

From everything I said in the ad. Basically she was able to tell I wasn;t a CREEPO

Ist schon ok, Kumpel, kannst ruhig zugeben, daß Du ein vollhomosexuell bist, daß Du auf Riesenschwänze und so stehst... wirklich, ist ok bei uns. Hau rein!

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