Posted this a year ago on FB

Yep, the black shirts are coming to gipper and TN's hovel to collect guns and forbidden literature and other goodies to the Lord of the Manor.
"forbidden literature?"
You are so fucking stupid fakey
Yep, the black shirts are coming for your copy of the Constitution. They are not? I thought you said we lived in a police state. So you get to keep your Constitution? OK.
How are we a police state?

How are we slaves?

How is the country terrible?
Asking such questions only makes you look stupid Jake.

You are very good at making yourself look stupid...sadly, I have come to realize you really are STUPID.
You are unable to answer the questions; thus you attack me personally as a deflection.
Your questions are akin to asking me to prove the sun rises in the east.
Another deflection, we see. Answer the questions: how are we slaves, and the country terrible, and a police state?
Sorry Jake...but when one gets all their news from the DNC, the truth is something one is incapable of comprehending.

Stop being a dupe for the ruling class, and then I will gladly become your tutor.

1. The United States of America is nowhere near police state status.

If you believe it is then tell me when did North Korea conquered this fine nation!?!

2. If you believe you are a slave to the system then you are foolish and ignorant.

You have the right to rise in society or lower yourself in it and no one holds chains that bound you to one status in life.

3. America is still better than most nations around the world. Yes she has her share of issues but by God man there is no Utopia where everything is perfect...

Closing Comment:

Because you feel certain freedoms are not granted to you because of certain laws, well get them change but to utter that America is not great, we are slaves and we live in some form of police state tell me that reality is not your friend

So why don't you give examples of the enslavement, police state and how America is not great and before you write I am some leftist loon, well if you believe I am then there is no hope for you!
TN, you are the one who says we live in a police state. So you have backed off that. Very good.
Asking such questions only makes you look stupid Jake.

You are very good at making yourself look stupid...sadly, I have come to realize you really are STUPID.
You are unable to answer the questions; thus you attack me personally as a deflection.
Your questions are akin to asking me to prove the sun rises in the east.
Another deflection, we see. Answer the questions: how are we slaves, and the country terrible, and a police state?
Sorry Jake...but when one gets all their news from the DNC, the truth is something one is incapable of comprehending.

Stop being a dupe for the ruling class, and then I will gladly become your tutor.

1. The United States of America is nowhere near police state status.

If you believe it is then tell me when did North Korea conquered this fine nation!?!

2. If you believe you are a slave to the system then you are foolish and ignorant.

You have the right to rise in society or lower yourself in it and no one holds chains that bound you to one status in life.

3. America is still better than most nations around the world. Yes she has her share of issues but by God man there is no Utopia where everything is perfect...

Closing Comment:

Because you feel certain freedoms are not granted to you because of certain laws, well get them change but to utter that America is not great, we are slaves and we live in some form of police state tell me that reality is not your friend

So why don't you give examples of the enslavement, police state and how America is not great and before you write I am some leftist loon, well if you believe I am then there is no hope for you!
It has been proven that Americans break the law on average three times a day, and don't even know it.

The federal government is spying on every one us. Ignoring Constitutional protections.

The police departments nationwide have become militarized.

Crony capitalism enriches those connected to the federal government. Big corps buy protection by buying politicians. Akin to a Mafia racket. Smaller corps get screwed thus resulting in big corps controlling much of the commerce in the nation and preventing competition from improving our lives.

Non-stop wars enrich the empower the politician and the ruling class. The rest of us lose our rights and wealth. War is the health of the state...and the USA is very healthy in this regard.

Health care, college education, and home ownership have become so expensive as to enslave millions of Americans to a life of debt servitude.

The Fed dilutes our currency and reduces interest rates to zero, thus harming millions of Americans on fixed incomes and savers looking for a safe place to keep their money.
We are a police state and many Americans are slaves to a big uncontrolled central government. That said, we still have remnants of our glorious past, but they are rapidly disappearing.

We are the world's greatest military power, but that only enriches the ruling class. The rest of us just lose our liberties and wealth, as the ruling class continues it's non-stop warring.
Disagreed for previously posted reasons.

We are not a police state. I run around Texas with guns in my car and guns in my home. No one comes knocking on my door in the middle of the night to check my papers nor am I asked for them unless voting or cashing a check. I am free to drive, bike, fly or boat all across our great nation.

The people making the most noise about fascism and socialism are the political asshats; extremists with more mouth than sense. Most people are happy and enjoy the freedoms of our nation. Their main concerns are the deterioration of the Middle Class, specifically their own livelihood. There is discontent, which is why Trump was elected over the statist Hillary who promised to move the nation in the same direction it's been heading for 25 years, but I see no one except nutjobs advocating revolution or that ours is a police state enslaving its citizenry.

Definition of POLICE STATE
police state: a country in which the activities of the people are strictly controlled by the government with the help of a police force.
How are we a police state?

How are we slaves?

How is the country terrible?
Asking such questions only makes you look stupid Jake.

You are very good at making yourself look stupid...sadly, I have come to realize you really are STUPID.
You are unable to answer the questions; thus you attack me personally as a deflection.
Your questions are akin to asking me to prove the sun rises in the east.
Another deflection, we see. Answer the questions: how are we slaves, and the country terrible, and a police state?
Sorry Jake...but when one gets all their news from the DNC, the truth is something one is incapable of comprehending.

Stop being a dupe for the ruling class, and then I will gladly become your tutor.
So are you talking about the 'ruling class' known as Wall Street? CEOs, Energy Czars? Or do you consider those trying to save PP, streams running by mines, healthcare and just about every government agency slurred by the current admin the 'ruling class'? 'Splain yourself, gipper. I don't mind being a dupe for the latter, just as I see you as a dupe for the former. Where do you get your news from? (Rhetorical...I already know that)
Yep, the black shirts are coming to gipper and TN's hovel to collect guns and forbidden literature and other goodies to the Lord of the Manor.
Forbidden literature? The Anarchist's Cookbook? Poor Man's James Bond? Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"? :)

Are you just having fun or did I miss where they claimed such a silly thing?
Humans have broken the law since Adam poked Eve: someone's law, eh?

The Patriot Act is an abomination, yes, that does not make a Police State.

Paramilitarized PDs do not make a police state.

Crony capitalism is a regular part of our culture, ever since the laws permitted incorporating businesses. That does not make a police state.

Non-stop wars is an indication that we have let the military-industrial complex, which Donald loves, dominate our loves. Good point.

Health care, college education, and home ownership through much of the industrialized age has been costly. That does not make a police state.

Me thinks the poster would be yelling much louder about high Fed interest rates, because he is an uneducated Millennial.

Go get an education.
Yep, the black shirts are coming to gipper and TN's hovel to collect guns and forbidden literature and other goodies to the Lord of the Manor.
Forbidden literature? The Anarchist's Cookbook? Poor Man's James Bond? Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"? :)

Are you just having fun or did I miss where they claimed such a silly thing?
Oh, they think we live in a police state.
One of our State govts tried to tax RAINWATER FFS. Unconstitutional acts ALL AROUND US.
You guys are splitting hairs and its like you are TRYING not to understand Gipper.
I've heard of some "rainwater" taxes but they were either exemptions for farmers/ranchers who harvested rainwater or to real estate developers who polluted the water system via rainwater runoff aka storm drains. Are you referencing something akin to those or something else?
uh, miketx . . . reagan was wrong generally and now he is dead.

Beside, if RR were alive now, he most likely would demand re-education camps for the far right and the alt right. Nah, he would say, just give them to Russia if they love it so much.
Asking such questions only makes you look stupid Jake.

You are very good at making yourself look stupid...sadly, I have come to realize you really are STUPID.
You are unable to answer the questions; thus you attack me personally as a deflection.
Your questions are akin to asking me to prove the sun rises in the east.
Another deflection, we see. Answer the questions: how are we slaves, and the country terrible, and a police state?
Sorry Jake...but when one gets all their news from the DNC, the truth is something one is incapable of comprehending.

Stop being a dupe for the ruling class, and then I will gladly become your tutor.
So are you talking about the 'ruling class' known as Wall Street? CEOs, Energy Czars? Or do you consider those trying to save PP, streams running by mines, healthcare and just about every government agency slurred by the current admin the 'ruling class'? 'Splain yourself, gipper. I don't mind being a dupe for the latter, just as I see you as a dupe for the former. Where do you get your news from? (Rhetorical...I already know that)
Ruling class does include those you mention. Thank you.
You are unable to answer the questions; thus you attack me personally as a deflection.
Your questions are akin to asking me to prove the sun rises in the east.
Another deflection, we see. Answer the questions: how are we slaves, and the country terrible, and a police state?
Sorry Jake...but when one gets all their news from the DNC, the truth is something one is incapable of comprehending.

Stop being a dupe for the ruling class, and then I will gladly become your tutor.
So are you talking about the 'ruling class' known as Wall Street? CEOs, Energy Czars? Or do you consider those trying to save PP, streams running by mines, healthcare and just about every government agency slurred by the current admin the 'ruling class'? 'Splain yourself, gipper. I don't mind being a dupe for the latter, just as I see you as a dupe for the former. Where do you get your news from? (Rhetorical...I already know that)
Ruling class does include those you mention. Thank you.
But that does not make a police state.

Go get an education and work for a living, gipper.
We are a police state and many Americans are slaves to a big uncontrolled central government. That said, we still have remnants of our glorious past, but they are rapidly disappearing.

We are the world's greatest military power, but that only enriches the ruling class. The rest of us just lose our liberties and wealth, as the ruling class continues it's non-stop warring.
Disagreed for previously posted reasons.

We are not a police state. I run around Texas with guns in my car and guns in my home. No one comes knocking on my door in the middle of the night to check my papers nor am I asked for them unless voting or cashing a check. I am free to drive, bike, fly or boat all across our great nation.

The people making the most noise about fascism and socialism are the political asshats; extremists with more mouth than sense. Most people are happy and enjoy the freedoms of our nation. Their main concerns are the deterioration of the Middle Class, specifically their own livelihood. There is discontent, which is why Trump was elected over the statist Hillary who promised to move the nation in the same direction it's been heading for 25 years, but I see no one except nutjobs advocating revolution or that ours is a police state enslaving its citizenry.

Definition of POLICE STATE
police state: a country in which the activities of the people are strictly controlled by the government with the help of a police force.
When ALL Americans are spied on by the federal government and laws are written so that we break the law three times a day, and the police are militarized units...we are police state.
Your questions are akin to asking me to prove the sun rises in the east.
Another deflection, we see. Answer the questions: how are we slaves, and the country terrible, and a police state?
Sorry Jake...but when one gets all their news from the DNC, the truth is something one is incapable of comprehending.

Stop being a dupe for the ruling class, and then I will gladly become your tutor.
So are you talking about the 'ruling class' known as Wall Street? CEOs, Energy Czars? Or do you consider those trying to save PP, streams running by mines, healthcare and just about every government agency slurred by the current admin the 'ruling class'? 'Splain yourself, gipper. I don't mind being a dupe for the latter, just as I see you as a dupe for the former. Where do you get your news from? (Rhetorical...I already know that)
Ruling class does include those you mention. Thank you.
But that does not make a police state.

Go get an education and work for a living, gipper.

We aren't Cuba yet doubt you wish we were.
Another deflection, we see. Answer the questions: how are we slaves, and the country terrible, and a police state?
Sorry Jake...but when one gets all their news from the DNC, the truth is something one is incapable of comprehending.

Stop being a dupe for the ruling class, and then I will gladly become your tutor.
So are you talking about the 'ruling class' known as Wall Street? CEOs, Energy Czars? Or do you consider those trying to save PP, streams running by mines, healthcare and just about every government agency slurred by the current admin the 'ruling class'? 'Splain yourself, gipper. I don't mind being a dupe for the latter, just as I see you as a dupe for the former. Where do you get your news from? (Rhetorical...I already know that)
Ruling class does include those you mention. Thank you.
But that does not make a police state.

Go get an education and work for a living, gipper.

We aren't Cuba yet doubt you wish we were.
Nah, that would be you . . . all those lovelies on the beach.

You do not understand history, economics, finance, markets, and the power of technology on our lives.

If you would go to college, that would be a good start for you.
When ALL Americans are spied on by the federal government and laws are written so that we break the law three times a day, and the police are militarized units...we are police state.
If we were a police state how do you know all Americans are being spied upon? Wouldn't you be arrested and your Internet access cut off?

While many large cities have "militarized" units AKA SWAT, the police I see every day are just regular police in regular police cars.

Not sure what laws I'm breaking every day although I've read about silly laws. Example: Dumb Laws in Texas. Crazy Texas Laws. We have weird laws, strange laws, and just plain crazy laws!
It is illegal to sell one’s eye

One must acknowledge a supreme being before being able to hold public office.

It is illegal to milk another person’s cow.

It is illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing.

Up to a felony charge can be levied for promoting the use of, or owning more than six dildos.

It is illegal for one to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel.

Silly or not, I haven't broken any of those laws ever much less every day.

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