Poster boy for msnbc's blm sentenced 8 years for arson

The angry Neeeeeegroes need to stop this nonsense and find gainful employment

Would YOU hire some of those people? That's the problem with what the left has done with black culture.

Look at old pictures and news reels from the 60's. The black people in the marches were well dressed and dignified. Before the democrooks got control of their minds they were much more religious, had good character and manners and weren't gunning each other down in the street.

I wouldn't want an inner city ghetto rat in my community collecting garbage.

How can they even be expected to get jobs after the democrooks indoctrinated them with an entitlement mentality, and an entertainment culture that has them embracing "thug life"?
The angry Neeeeeegroes need to stop this nonsense and find gainful employment

Would YOU hire some of those people? That's the problem with what the left has done with black culture.

Look at old pictures and news reels from the 60's. The black people in the marches were well dressed and dignified. Before the democrooks got control of their minds they were much more religious, had good character and manners and weren't gunning each other down in the street.

I wouldn't want an inner city ghetto rat in my community collecting garbage.

How can they even be expected to get jobs after the democrooks indoctrinated them with an entitlement mentality, and an entertainment culture that has them embracing "thug life"?

The problem is they have no family unit, they are allowed to run wild and not taught to take responsibility. They are the "entitlement" generation
It's like these two worthless pieces of chit. Already locked up for the murder of a pastor's wife in a home invasion and now linked to another home invasion and rape. They serve no purpose, just eliminate them and do society a favor.


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Dec. 18, 2015)– New charges have been filed against two men previously charged in the murder of Amanda Blackburn.

Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry announced Friday Larry Jo Taylor Jr. and Jalen Watson face charges in a burglary and rape that occurred on Nov. 3 on the west side.

Taylor, 18, faces three counts of rape, burglary, theft, armed robbery, criminal confinement and auto theft.

Suspects in Amanda Blackburn's murder charged in separate rape, burglary
Why is it that all the hero's of the black community turn out to be criminals?
And their ultimate achievment was to fucking 'block vote' in a negro president who is actively attempting to destroy America.
What do you expect from negroes who can't tie their own shoelaces?
Why is it that all the hero's of the black community turn out to be criminals?

Many of the world's greatest and most revered heroes have been "criminals".

Jesus of Nazereth
Joan of Ark
Mahatma Gandhi
William Wallace
Werner Von Braun
Hernan Cortez
Christopher Columbus
George Washington

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