Posters Calling Christian Trump Supporters ‘Trash’ Appear in New York City

So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
And the left still talks about civility. Pathetic bastards.

So name calling is the same thing to you bastards as sending bombs or shooting, you're all pathetic pieces of trash. Whoops you use that line against lefties.

Remind us again how the lefts war on Christmas is a myth again?


It is a giant, huge myth.

There, happy now?
That’s just going to motivate the Bible Belt more, and insure more votes. His last rally held 18,000 inside, and probably as many tailgating? Hillary’s lezfest can’t even come close. Does the new healthcare plan cover psychiatrists?

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So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
Some idiots don't know the meaning of the words CIVILITY, TOLERANCE, and/or RESPECT. No amount of deaths or violence will help them learn...

In the immortal words of Forrest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does'.
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
Hurt your feelings Snowflake?
Call the ALT-Right WeakWhyte Nationalists what they really are.....White Trash Terrorists targeting Americans.

But what's new, law enforcement is now gathering up these ALT-Right Proud Boi groups for terrorising NYC locals....indicted and going to court right now for violent attacks. Dictator Don calls these ALT-Right groups "good people".

Man attacked in Proud Boys brawl: Antifa "tried to kill me"
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So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.

Did they throw bombs, shoot at them or just call them names like we do here?
Calling people names is precisely what you are accusing Trump of doing to make him guilty of "incivility," moron.
Trump is the president.

The poster guy is some NYC street artist.

Big difference in case you hadn’t noticed.
Hillary is the former Secretary of State. Nazi Pelosi is the former Speaker of the House.
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
And the left still talks about civility. Pathetic bastards.

So name calling is the same thing to you bastards as sending bombs or shooting, you're all pathetic pieces of trash. Whoops you use that line against lefties.

ROTFLMAO! Antifa attacking people, SJWs stealing hats and sucker punching people, keying cars with a Trump bumper sticker and of course stealing Trump signs during the election cycle, some lame fuck blindsides Rand Paul, some leftard loon shoots at a softball park. Leftard funded NGOs admitting that they paid mentally unstable people to attack Trump supporters at his rallies. Wikileaks shows the criminality and corruption of the DNC, etc, etc....but Debbiedumbfuck plays the victim card. Try this, lil debbie........says "no tears".


So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
Hurt your feelings Snowflake?

Not at all. It just makes me think leftwingers are all imbeciles.
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.

Did they throw bombs, shoot at them or just call them names like we do here?
Calling people names is precisely what you are accusing Trump of doing to make him guilty of "incivility," moron.
Trump is the president.

The poster guy is some NYC street artist.

Big difference in case you hadn’t noticed.

He's lowered the bar on civility, that's for sure. Too bad, college educated wealthy man who was given all the breaks too, but still, he tweets from the gutter.
No, he's just meeting the bar where the left has set it, and they don't like it.
Did you hear that 9/11 proved these despicable, pissed-off-accented, liberal New Yahkah's are the world's fastest readers? NY muslim lovers can go through 100 stories in a matter of seconds!
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
Is Trump a Christian?

noooooo.... Trump is Trump. Not a Christian. Still doesn't change the fact that these people are attacking Christians CONSTANTLY....
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
Hurt your feelings Snowflake?

Is this your idea of civility you keep claiming to support? Hypocrite much?
Call the ALT-Right WeakWhyte Nationalists what they really are.....White Trash Terrorists targeting Americans.

But what's new, law enforcement is now gathering up these ALT-Right Proud Boi groups for terrorising NYC locals....indicted and going to court right now for violent attacks. Dictator Don calls these ALT-Right groups "good people".

Man attacked in Proud Boys brawl: Antifa "tried to kill me"

Haha...let me guess, you’re White just like all the rest of the “Hate Whitey” bunch here?
Fuck New York, New York...or should I say fuck, fuck New York, New York? That city-like toilet is filled with people so miserable and unpleasant, New Yorkers are incapable of relaxed, mellow, care-free moments in life. Their arrogant egos get in the way of pleasant sensory perceptions.
Fuck New York, New York...or should I say fuck, fuck New York, New York? That city-like toilet is filled with people so miserable and unpleasant, New Yorkers are incapable of relaxed, mellow, care-free moments in life. Their arrogant egos get in the way of pleasant sensory perceptions.

They are really fucking rich though. Holy shit do the people in that city make big fucking money ...
So? Trumpybear has routinely called a lot better people much worse with his Marxist-Leninist chants.
if you do not FOLLOW Christ AND HIS teachings, you can't call yourselves Christians, can you?
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.

You can't be a Trump supporter and call yourself a Christian. Evangelicals, the 86% of them that voted for Trump in this country are nothing more than red hat Jesus followers--:auiqs.jpg:

They have made a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ and continue to do so with their support. In one fatal swipe they have burned down the Republican party's Family Value's platform, and obliterated the credibility of every single Evangelical church in this nation.



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