Posters Calling Christian Trump Supporters ‘Trash’ Appear in New York City

Imagine for a moment if a "street artist" depicted Hasidic Jews in such a fashion! Hate crime! That said, without "Evangelicals" and other crazy Whites, Jewish folks would not be pleased. They need the false dichotomy created by the secret societies 2000 years ago that cripple Western mankind with insane middle east mythology. If you ever talk to a Jewish person and say you know the OT and NT are fabrications, you will feel the awkward feeling that they realize you know they no longer have a basis for a double standard in terms of race-based country, race-based organizations, etc.
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Fuck I didn't think Jesus would come back in my lifetime .

Oh hell the left really is starting something now


My pastor does, in his lifetime. He's in his early 60s now. And to be clear: he is the most rational, logical person and we do not go to what many might call a "holy roller" church. When he was called to the ministry he felt God told him expressly that Jesus would come back in his lifetime.

I believe it.
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.

Totally hilarious and spot on.


You folks would come UNGLUED if it was a woman wearing a burka and carrying a Koran with that big red circle around her.

You're too easy. All of you. Too easy.
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
And the left still talks about civility. Pathetic bastards.

Get a sense of humor, those were pretty funny

Yeah, funny too like I said if it were a woman in a burka with a Koran right?

You'd be laughing then too, right?
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
Hurt your feelings Snowflake?

Speaking for me, doesn't hurt my feelings at all.

Reveals what you are though, the Left. Hypocrites. Haters. But we knew this. And we'll be voting.
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
And the left still talks about civility. Pathetic bastards.

Get a sense of humor, those were pretty funny

So is this..

So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
And the left still talks about civility. Pathetic bastards.

Get a sense of humor, those were pretty funny

Yeah, funny too like I said if it were a woman in a burka with a Koran right?

You'd be laughing then too, right?

Yep, sure would.
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
And the left still talks about civility. Pathetic bastards.

Get a sense of humor, those were pretty funny

So is this..

View attachment 225266

If you say so
Any civility has to begin with both ends holding their side accountable.

Obviously the Right won't, since Trump lacks the capacity for it and they don't care.

Doesn't look like the Left will either. They've lost their shit long ago.

The crazies are killing us.
Fuck I didn't think Jesus would come back in my lifetime .

Oh hell the left really is starting something now


My pastor does, in his lifetime. He's in his early 60s now. And to be clear: he is the most rational, logical person and we do not go to what many might call a "holy roller" church. When he was called to the ministry he felt God told him expressly that Jesus would come back in his lifetime.

I believe it.

The 11 disciples also thought that Jesus would return in their lifetime.
Fuck I didn't think Jesus would come back in my lifetime .

Oh hell the left really is starting something now


My pastor does, in his lifetime. He's in his early 60s now. And to be clear: he is the most rational, logical person and we do not go to what many might call a "holy roller" church. When he was called to the ministry he felt God told him expressly that Jesus would come back in his lifetime.

I believe it.

The 11 disciples also thought that Jesus would return in their lifetime.

Hey Golfing Gator, where can you direct me to posts of your shooting down Islamic assertions of faith? I mean since you would laugh heartily at posters in NYC being horribly offensive to Islamic women holding their holy book.

Just want to make sure you're equal opportunity.
Fuck I didn't think Jesus would come back in my lifetime .

Oh hell the left really is starting something now


My pastor does, in his lifetime. He's in his early 60s now. And to be clear: he is the most rational, logical person and we do not go to what many might call a "holy roller" church. When he was called to the ministry he felt God told him expressly that Jesus would come back in his lifetime.

I believe it.

The 11 disciples also thought that Jesus would return in their lifetime.

Hey Golfing Gator, where can you direct me to posts of your shooting down Islamic assertions of faith? I mean since you would laugh heartily at posters in NYC being horribly offensive to Islamic women holding their holy book.

Just want to make sure you're equal opportunity.

Find me a thread on here where a Muslim is asserting their faith, and I am sure I would have shot it down.

You might not have noticed, but there are not a lot of Muslims on here pushing their religion.
Fuck I didn't think Jesus would come back in my lifetime .

Oh hell the left really is starting something now


My pastor does, in his lifetime. He's in his early 60s now. And to be clear: he is the most rational, logical person and we do not go to what many might call a "holy roller" church. When he was called to the ministry he felt God told him expressly that Jesus would come back in his lifetime.

I believe it.

The 11 disciples also thought that Jesus would return in their lifetime.

Hey Golfing Gator, where can you direct me to posts of your shooting down Islamic assertions of faith? I mean since you would laugh heartily at posters in NYC being horribly offensive to Islamic women holding their holy book.

Just want to make sure you're equal opportunity.

Find me a thread on here where a Muslim is asserting their faith, and I am sure I would have shot it down.

You might not have noticed, but there are not a lot of Muslims on here pushing their religion.

And that's what they all say. Yep.
Fuck I didn't think Jesus would come back in my lifetime .

Oh hell the left really is starting something now


My pastor does, in his lifetime. He's in his early 60s now. And to be clear: he is the most rational, logical person and we do not go to what many might call a "holy roller" church. When he was called to the ministry he felt God told him expressly that Jesus would come back in his lifetime.

I believe it.

The 11 disciples also thought that Jesus would return in their lifetime.

Hey Golfing Gator, where can you direct me to posts of your shooting down Islamic assertions of faith? I mean since you would laugh heartily at posters in NYC being horribly offensive to Islamic women holding their holy book.

Just want to make sure you're equal opportunity.

Find me a thread on here where a Muslim is asserting their faith, and I am sure I would have shot it down.

You might not have noticed, but there are not a lot of Muslims on here pushing their religion.

And that's what they all say. Yep.

Yeah, how dare me not shoot down an imaginary post that does not even exist...if you are really this stupid it is no wonder you are a Trump worshiper.
My pastor does, in his lifetime. He's in his early 60s now. And to be clear: he is the most rational, logical person and we do not go to what many might call a "holy roller" church. When he was called to the ministry he felt God told him expressly that Jesus would come back in his lifetime.

I believe it.

The 11 disciples also thought that Jesus would return in their lifetime.

Hey Golfing Gator, where can you direct me to posts of your shooting down Islamic assertions of faith? I mean since you would laugh heartily at posters in NYC being horribly offensive to Islamic women holding their holy book.

Just want to make sure you're equal opportunity.

Find me a thread on here where a Muslim is asserting their faith, and I am sure I would have shot it down.

You might not have noticed, but there are not a lot of Muslims on here pushing their religion.

And that's what they all say. Yep.

Yeah, how dare me not shoot down an imaginary post that does not even exist...if you are really this stupid it is no wonder you are a Trump worshiper.

Some liberals oppose Islam, especially in radical form. It is simply statistics that most do not, and many support it. Look, had yesterday's atrocity been carried out by a radical Islamist--very possible by the way--what would we be hearing today? "Don't blame all Muslims! Look out for your Muslim neighbors for Islamophobia! Don't broadbrush!"

But because it was a Nazi who DID NOT even support Trump, there's none of that. Look, even here, they're STILL trying to pin that on "Trump worshipers". Pathetic, really.
Some liberals oppose Islam, especially in radical form. It is simply statistics that most do not, and many support it. Look, had yesterday's atrocity been carried out by a radical Islamist--very possible by the way--what would we be hearing today? "Don't blame all Muslims! Look out for your Muslim neighbors for Islamophobia! Don't broadbrush!"

But because it was a Nazi who DID NOT even support Trump, there's none of that. Look, even here, they're STILL trying to pin that on "Trump worshipers". Pathetic, really.

I cannot really speak for what liberals do, you might have a better idea since you are likely left of me.

I pretty much hate all organized religion, I do not care about the flavor.

They all twist the very sacred text they claim to be built upon and are more about control than faith.
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
This is actually you spreading the incivility. Don’t you realize it?

You’re trying to rile up your base
Some liberals oppose Islam, especially in radical form. It is simply statistics that most do not, and many support it. Look, had yesterday's atrocity been carried out by a radical Islamist--very possible by the way--what would we be hearing today? "Don't blame all Muslims! Look out for your Muslim neighbors for Islamophobia! Don't broadbrush!"

But because it was a Nazi who DID NOT even support Trump, there's none of that. Look, even here, they're STILL trying to pin that on "Trump worshipers". Pathetic, really.

I cannot really speak for what liberals do, you might have a better idea since you are likely left of me.

I pretty much hate all organized religion, I do not care about the flavor.

They all twist the very sacred text they claim to be built upon and are more about control than faith.
And consider it might not even be sacred text. It might be the ramblings of goat herders
So much for a new civil tone from the left:

Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared in New York City on Oct. 25.

However, the slick branding was not approved by the city, the Department of Sanitation said late Thursday.

“These were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone the unlawful defacement of City litter baskets. We are looking into this matter,” the department said in a statement.
Hurt your feelings Snowflake?

Not at all. It just makes me think leftwingers are all imbeciles.
So sensitive these days Finger Boy

Can I find you a safe space?

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