Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths

Weve already gone over this in your other thread. Weed will still show up on a piss test a month later. Just because you fail a piss test doesnt mean you smoked any that day. Are you really going to pretend like you dont know this now? Quit making these dishonest threads.

Having it in your system does not mean that it caused the car crash.
First off.....................pot is NOT PHYSICALLY ADDICTIVE. l.

I've heard that media lie all my life. You affirmative action babies are all so gullible. "The TV people told me".


But you've never actually tasted the forbidden fruit or should I say flower?

Even withdrawing from alcohol addition can kill you. That's a physical addiction. Withdrawing from pot, you might get grumpy for a little while.
I can't believe you people continue to entertain this half-wit and his idiotic threads...

The board notes you have nothing to say but personal attacks. Thanks for admitting you're a mindless insect.:clap2:
First off.....................pot is NOT PHYSICALLY ADDICTIVE. l.

I've heard that media lie all my life. You affirmative action babies are all so gullible. "The TV people told me".


But you've never actually tasted the forbidden fruit or should I say flower?

Even withdrawing from alcohol addition can kill you. That's a physical addiction. Withdrawing from pot, you might get grumpy for a little while.

So you admit there are withdrawal symptoms. That's physical addiction you loony affirmative action baby.
Still waiting for the druggies to explain how the pot shows up in a blood test a month later if it's held in fat cells like they say.

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