Pot Kettle and the Supreme Court et al


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
For going on four years we have listened to the Democrats, talking heads on TV, KJP, the President and others tell us how dangerous it is for Trump and Republicans to criticize the courts, criticize the DOJ, criticize the FBI, criticize the election process, etc. and that apparently makes them (non Democrats) all existential threats to our 'democracy.'

So could someone explain why the media, entertainment, talking heads on TV, members of Congress, the President himself criticizing/condemning the Supreme Court of the U.S. are NOT an existential threat to our 'democracy'?

Bette Midler parody on Wizard of Oz to complain about SCOTUS

(My thoughts were that it was no wizard behind that curtain. And there apparently is no President behind that curtain either.) But I digress. . .

AOC to file impeachment papers for SCOTUS justices? (I'll give pretty good odds on how far that is going to fly.)

Schumer raging on the steps of the Supreme Court building literally threated the justices:

Biden made an official statement to the nation blasting the SCOTUS immunity decision:

And there are many others--various members of Congress, Democrat operatives, Brennan, Clapper et al all joining the chorus to condemn the high court.

So what makes Democrats immune but the Patriots/Republicans are existential threats to our 'democracy' when both criticize court rulings?
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We must accept court decisions. Same as believe all women. Democratic Party BS.
For a fact, SCOTUS has made some dreadful decision over the almost two and a half centuries it has been in existence. And from time to time it rightfully overturns those dreadful decisions and gets it right or at least a lot more right.

Of course a totalitarian minded government wants SCOTUS to do its bidding and when SCOTUS acts independently as the Constitution intended, those who participate and support that government are going to be angry. And when SCOTUS rules differently than the opposition party would have preferred those in the opposition party too can be angry.

The double standard, however, comes in when the opposition party is labeled an 'existential threat to our 'democracy' when they criticize a decision of the court at any level. But somehow it's okay if the Democrats and neoMarxists do that?

The double standard is galling and indefensible.
For going on four years we have listened to the Democrats, talking heads on TV, KJP, the President and others tell us how dangerous it is for Trump and Republicans to criticize the courts, criticize the DOJ, criticize the FBI, criticize the election process, etc. and that apparently makes them (non Democrats) all existential threats to our 'democracy.'

So could someone explain why the media, entertainment, talking heads on TV, members of Congress, the President himself criticizing/condemning the Supreme Court of the U.S. are NOT an existential threat to our 'democracy'?

Bette Midler parody on Wizard of Oz to complain about SCOTUS

(My thoughts were that it was no wizard behind that curtain. And there apparently is no President behind that curtain either.) But I digress. . .

AOC to file impeachment papers for SCOTUS justices? (I'll give pretty good odds on how far that is going to fly.)

Schumer raging on the steps of the Supreme Court building literally threated the justices:

Biden made an official statement to the nation blasting the SCOTUS immunity decision:

And there are many others--various members of Congress, Democrat operatives, Brennan, Clapper et al all joining the chorus to condemn the high court.

So what makes Democrats immune but the Patriots/Republicans are existential threats to our 'democracy' when both criticize court rulings?
Would prefer a more balanced court, Usually it leans a little in one direction. We can live with that.
apparent cheating and some out right lies, have harmed the basic trust,
Not just of the court, but of EVERYTHING from our elections to our government agency's.
For going on four years we have listened to the Democrats, talking heads on TV, KJP, the President and others tell us how dangerous it is for Trump and Republicans to criticize the courts, criticize the DOJ, criticize the FBI, criticize the election process, etc. and that apparently makes them (non Democrats) all existential threats to our 'democracy.'

So could someone explain why the media, entertainment, talking heads on TV, members of Congress, the President himself criticizing/condemning the Supreme Court of the U.S. are NOT an existential threat to our 'democracy'?

Bette Midler parody on Wizard of Oz to complain about SCOTUS

(My thoughts were that it was no wizard behind that curtain. And there apparently is no President behind that curtain either.) But I digress. . .

AOC to file impeachment papers for SCOTUS justices? (I'll give pretty good odds on how far that is going to fly.)

Schumer raging on the steps of the Supreme Court building literally threated the justices:

Biden made an official statement to the nation blasting the SCOTUS immunity decision:

And there are many others--various members of Congress, Democrat operatives, Brennan, Clapper et al all joining the chorus to condemn the high court.

So what makes Democrats immune but the Patriots/Republicans are existential threats to our 'democracy' when both criticize court rulings?
Can you tell us why it is OK for Supreme Court Justices to accept $4,042,286 Dollars in gifts, mostly from wealthy conservative/republican donars given to mostly conservative member of the court, and what other part of US or State government agencies, allows it, under ethics constraints at all other levels of government? The big decisions, seem to be going their way. They could be the best justices money can buy.
Can you tell us why it is OK for Supreme Court Justices to accept $4,042,286 Dollars in gifts, mostly from wealthy conservative/republican donars given to mostly conservative member of the court, and what other part of US or State government agencies, allows it, under ethics constraints at all other levels of government? The big decisions, seem to be going their way. They could be the best justices money can buy.
Got a link for that $4m?
For going on four years we have listened to the Democrats, talking heads on TV, KJP, the President and others tell us how dangerous it is for Trump and Republicans to criticize the courts, criticize the DOJ, criticize the FBI, criticize the election process, etc. and that apparently makes them (non Democrats) all existential threats to our 'democracy.'
You understand there is a difference with respectfully expressing disagreement with a SC ruling and attacking prosecutors, judges, the system of justice, court clerks, the families of prosecutors, with threats to their well being in addition to assassinating their character, right?
Yes. Of course.
That $4m was over two decades!! Not "mostly from conservative/Republican donors".

Total bullshit. Liberal & conservative justices both took gifts.

If y9ou want to say no gifts, fine, make it criminal, but don't try to make it sound partisan, like only Republicans take gifts.
Would prefer a more balanced court, Usually it leans a little in one direction. We can live with that.
apparent cheating and some out right lies, have harmed the basic trust,
Not just of the court, but of EVERYTHING from our elections to our government agency's.
IMO there is no 'balance' appropriate on the high court. The purpose of the Court is to interpret what the letter and intent of the Court is when parties cannot agree on that. Something is either lawful/constitutional or it isn't. The individual justices ideology should have no bearing on it.
Can you tell us why it is OK for Supreme Court Justices to accept $4,042,286 Dollars in gifts, mostly from wealthy conservative/republican donars given to mostly conservative member of the court, and what other part of US or State government agencies, allows it, under ethics constraints at all other levels of government? The big decisions, seem to be going their way. They could be the best justices money can buy.
Would have to see each individual situation but this thread is not about that. Do you have an answer for the question in the OP?
You understand there is a difference with respectfully expressing disagreement with a SC ruling and attacking prosecutors, judges, the system of justice, court clerks, the families of prosecutors, with threats to their well being in addition to assassinating their character, right?
Yep. But I don't see that happening in the examples listed in the OP.
That $4m was over two decades!! Not "mostly from conservative/Republican donors".

Total bullshit. Liberal & conservative justices both took gifts.

If y9ou want to say no gifts, fine, make it criminal, but don't try to make it sound partisan, like only Republicans take gifts.

Looks like Thomas, Scalia and Alito are the big winners, Thomas by millions more.

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