Potentially deadly tick virus spreading...!!!!!

Potentially new bright and shiny freedom and liberty robbing hoax?
It does now seem inevitable that we all will someday die so better off to hide until then and force others to do so.
what sort of qualifications would you need to have to be a yahoo staff news writer?


Now that it is a proven way to control us.....
Gee, thanks for something else to worry about! I needed that.
My cousin just had their yard treated for mosquitos and ticks. I didn't know you could even do that. Guess their bug zapper broke.
My cousin just had their yard treated for mosquitos and ticks. I didn't know you could even do that. Guess their bug zapper broke.
I'm sure bug companies will be happy to take your money for "treating" your lawn. I question how effective it will be. Ticks ride in the fur of animals, I don't know how a lawn treatment stops that.
I apologize for reintroducing gender issues into discussion. Statistically, adult female Progressives and young adult Progressives are the most aggressive sort. #notallofthem

They are also more likely to bite humans. Here. Usually among Progressives, the adult females take dominant role, young adult Progressives take secondary role, while adult males take tertiary subordinate role.



Now that it is a proven way to control us.....
Ticks and mosquitoes doesn't bother me. Maybe because I eat lots of garlic with my meals.

And so the Deep state can keep on creating these bioweapons. That I'm already prepared for these attacks.


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