Potentially Scary Stuff: Asteroid has High Probabilty of impact in 2036...

rcajun90 said:
There you go again switching the subject. You stated that it wasn’t governments basic jobs to protect it citizens. Any Middle School student that had a good teacher someplace down the line would know that protecting its citizens is job one of any government. ...
It's not, but National defense is much different than the "protection" you speak of.
What should the government protect you from, bad weather, bad dreams or both?

Perhaps you could provide a Constitutional reference that supports your “protection” claim. Other than the intent of the preamble to "protect its citizens from internal strife and from attack from the outside".

I know this is way over yer head, but give er a try. After all you went to public school in La. right? You may at least be able to make something up.

If you do start another thread so we don't screw this one up with mud slingin, okay?:thup:
Mr. P said:
It's not, but National defense is much different than the "protection" you speak of.
What should the government protect you from, bad weather, bad dreams or both?

Perhaps you could provide a Constitutional reference that supports your “protection” claim. Other than the intent of the preamble to "protect its citizens from internal strife and from attack from the outside".

I know this is way over yer head, but give er a try. After all you went to public school in La. right? You may at least be able to make something up.

If you do start another thread so we don't screw this one up with mud slingin, okay?:thup:

No need to research anything. I just need to look at my daughter’s ninth grade civics textbook. Protecting the citizens is one of the basic functions of local, state and national governments. If you should open up a history book (I know they don’t have many pictures in them but try it) you would see that when a government fails to protect their citizens, it usually ends up destroying that government. Why don’t you google the last days of the Roman Empire? You seem to put little thought into anything you post. You are quick with repetitive one liners and that’s about it. You have a nice afternoon Mr. P. BTW I’m a product of the Catholic school system and not all the public school districts are bad in Louisiana. St. Tammany has some of the best in the nation. Again you don’t know what you are talking about.
rcajun90 said:
You think government should protect you from a disaster????


Hey, maybe they could just aim the asteroid to fill up the big hole in NO. :beer:
rcajun90 said:
No need to research anything. I just need to look at my daughter’s ninth grade civics textbook. Protecting the citizens is one of the basic functions of local, state and national governments. If you should open up a history book (I know they don’t have many pictures in them but try it) you would see that when a government fails to protect their citizens, it usually ends up destroying that government. Why don’t you google the last days of the Roman Empire? You seem to put little thought into anything you post. You are quick with repetitive one liners and that’s about it. You have a nice afternoon Mr. P. BTW I’m a product of the Catholic school system and not all the public school districts are bad in Louisiana. St. Tammany has some of the best in the nation. Again you don’t know what you are talking about.
Can't defend yer claim, huh? Damn I was looking forward to it too.
Oh well.
Mr. P said:
Can't defend yer claim, huh? Damn I was looking forward to it too.
Oh well.

There's nothing to defend. It is pretty common knowledge. I have a feeling that a village is missing their idiot. Where do you call home? You have a great night Mr. P.
ScreamingEagle said:
Hey, maybe they could just aim the asteroid to fill up the big hole in NO. :beer:

Yes real nice. Kill 200,000 Americans trying to rebuild their city. The Romans called this shameful joy. We all know what great people they were. I now know what a wonderful person you are. You have a wonderful night also.
rcajun90 said:
There's nothing to defend. It is pretty common knowledge. I have a feeling that a village is missing their idiot. Where do you call home? You have a great night Mr. P.
Yes, there is something to defend. Your position that it is the Governments job to "protect" you. Can't do it can ya...nope. Ya know why, cuz it ain't in there pal.

Nighty, night. :lame2:
God damn it people. You hijacked my thread about the end of the world to bitch about New Orleans?
insein said:
God damn it people. You hijacked my thread about the end of the world to bitch about New Orleans?
Hey, watch the language or you will go to...Heeelll... New Orleans! :funnyface

Sorry..I tried for another thread...But some folks can't read. :D

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