Pound for Pound, Blue Jays are the Meanest, Toughest Animals on the danged Planet


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Got a pond in my backyard, and lots of animals stop to drink.

I have seen all kinds of critters, but Blue Jays are just amazing.

I have seen Blue Jays scare off the following creatures at least once:
feral house cats, large crows, turkey buzzards, squirrels, a german shepherdish mutt, cardinals, and lots of birds that I dont recognize.

Anyone else seen these little hellions in action as well?
blue jays give a warning that scares other birds....i have seen the dive bomb the cats when they get too close to a nest....

right now i have the war of the squirrels going on
Yep...I wouldn't be surprised if the phrase "tough old bird" originated about these birds.
I beg to differ. Sheldon Cooper says it's the Army Ant. :cool:
We have lots of bird feeders in our yard and there are many blue jays in the crowd that shows up to feed. They are mean. They are the bullies of the feeders...
blue jays give a warning that scares other birds....i have seen the dive bomb the cats when they get too close to a nest....

right now i have the war of the squirrels going on

Squirrels, aka 'tree rats' are some very territorial creatures. They keep attacking my statue of Mary, the little bastards.

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