Poverty in the Ozarks

But, we have to send a few billion to the Ukraine. Or Iran. Or syria. Or whevever. The ozarks doesn't have oil.

I saw a documentary on poverty in the Ozarks many years ago. People don't think there is real poverty in America, but there is, and not only in the inner city.
I travelled many back roads of Appalachia in the late-'70s and saw much poverty first-hand.
Not one of them was unhappy.
It's not a good thing, but it's not a sad thing either.
Don't drink the Kool-Aid.

This whole story is based on the lives of people who decided to have children that they could not support.

NEWS FLASH: Due to recent scientific discoveries (about 50 years ago), it is possible to avoid pregnancy by the simple strategem of taking a pill a day, which pills are available at WalMart pharmacy for approximately $10 per month. In fact, if you are on Medicaid, they are free. Even simpler, you can avoid engaging in reproductive activities until you are married and able to support and nurture a child. What a concept! Or you could use a prophylactic! Jesus! Why didn't they think of THAT??!!

Furthermore, there is a medical procedure available to rid a woman on an unwanted pregnancy, and scores of Wimmins' Advocates who will either pay for such procedure or help to provide it.


So don't go whining to the Washington Post that you are living in poverty when it is (in the vast majority of cases) due to your own disastrous life choices. And don't go hiding behind your illegitimate children, claiming THEY shouldn't have to live in poverty! It's your fucking fault!

There used to be an expression commonly used in English-speaking countries - "the deserving poor." The expression is no longer used - not politically correct, because it implies that there are NON-deserving poor, which is something we cannot countenance.
But the expression is apropos.

I'll reserve my sympathy for those who play by the rules, and are thrown into poverty by factors totally outside their control, and with no fault on their part. It happens. But usually these news reports focus on people who have simply been irresponsible and then find themselves in untenable situations.
I travelled many back roads of Appalachia in the late-'70s and saw much poverty first-hand.
Not one of them was unhappy.
It's not a good thing, but it's not a sad thing either.

How do you know not one of them was unhappy? You really think people live that way by choice? Isn't that condescenting and patronizing? That's what people said about slaves and after slavery about poor blacks. It wasn't true.

You don't actually know what they think or how they feel. Poverty like this is generally caused by poor education and is a generational thing. According to this story, it is increasing in this area.
Poverty is increasing almost everywhere because we are living a tax and spend our way to prosperity philosophy.
I travelled many back roads of Appalachia in the late-'70s and saw much poverty first-hand.
Not one of them was unhappy.
It's not a good thing, but it's not a sad thing either.

How do you know not one of them was unhappy? You really think people live that way by choice? Isn't that condescenting and patronizing? That's what people said about slaves and after slavery about poor blacks. It wasn't true.

You don't actually know what they think or how they feel. Poverty like this is generally caused by poor education and is a generational thing. According to this story, it is increasing in this area.

Of course they live that way by choice.

If they didn't choose to live there, they would move.
No way to live | Springfield News-Leader | news-leader.com

Two out of every five Greene County families with children under age 18 live in poverty, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates. It jumps to nearly half when the family has a child under age 5.

Poverty in America is not something that only affects inner city minorities.

First and foremost I think you for the thread. This is a reply more to the negative replies to your OP than to you but to you also. One has to wonder who has a greater lack of education. The people you refer to or your detractors? To not understand the human condition is to not know others, not know the majority, not to understand practically all of human history. What do they think? That people do not suffer? That only some people suffer, those they can relate to, which is a very limited demographic apparently. What kind of education can one have that at some point along the way open ones mind to the life of more than oneself?
Don't drink the Kool-Aid.

This whole story is based on the lives of people who decided to have children that they could not support.

NEWS FLASH: Due to recent scientific discoveries (about 50 years ago), it is possible to avoid pregnancy by the simple strategem of taking a pill a day, which pills are available at WalMart pharmacy for approximately $10 per month. In fact, if you are on Medicaid, they are free. Even simpler, you can avoid engaging in reproductive activities until you are married and able to support and nurture a child. What a concept! Or you could use a prophylactic! Jesus! Why didn't they think of THAT??!!

Furthermore, there is a medical procedure available to rid a woman on an unwanted pregnancy, and scores of Wimmins' Advocates who will either pay for such procedure or help to provide it.


So don't go whining to the Washington Post that you are living in poverty when it is (in the vast majority of cases) due to your own disastrous life choices. And don't go hiding behind your illegitimate children, claiming THEY shouldn't have to live in poverty! It's your fucking fault!

There used to be an expression commonly used in English-speaking countries - "the deserving poor." The expression is no longer used - not politically correct, because it implies that there are NON-deserving poor, which is something we cannot countenance.
But the expression is apropos.

I'll reserve my sympathy for those who play by the rules, and are thrown into poverty by factors totally outside their control, and with no fault on their part. It happens. But usually these news reports focus on people who have simply been irresponsible and then find themselves in untenable situations.

Yeah, they should have waited until after college and probably established in their first job. Anyone who has not done these things, or are not even planning to do these these, should not reproduce. In other words, you are a moron, to put it nicely.
First and foremost I think you for the thread. This is a reply more to the negative replies to your OP than to you but to you also. One has to wonder who has a greater lack of education. The people you refer to or your detractors? To not understand the human condition is to not know others, not know the majority, not to understand practically all of human history. What do they think? That people do not suffer? That only some people suffer, those they can relate to, which is a very limited demographic apparently. What kind of education can one have that at some point along the way open ones mind to the life of more than oneself?
I didn't know he or she had detractors. And what the hell are you babbling about? Poverty exists and that proves some people only care about themselves? That isn't thinking or the reasoning by education, it's an emotional response.
It ain't so bad in the Ozarks that we still live in shotgun shacks elevated from the ground to keep varmits out. Why all you rich city folk do is complain..that's why someone had to do a study to find out what's going on since we don't raise much of a fuss here..

our women have equal rights


plenty to eat(during certain times of the year)


people here practice natural, wholesome, traditional marriage...


and we enjoy farm products straight off the hoof..




swimming pools..




We got it good here in the Ozarks...
I travelled many back roads of Appalachia in the late-'70s and saw much poverty first-hand.
Not one of them was unhappy.
It's not a good thing, but it's not a sad thing either.

How do you know not one of them was unhappy? You really think people live that way by choice? Isn't that condescenting and patronizing? That's what people said about slaves and after slavery about poor blacks. It wasn't true.

You don't actually know what they think or how they feel. Poverty like this is generally caused by poor education and is a generational thing. According to this story, it is increasing in this area.

Of course they live that way by choice.

If they didn't choose to live there, they would move.

Where exactly would you suggest they move to? The city? Any suggestion where they are going to get first and last month's rent? That is if they can find someone who will rent to them. Move from poverty in the Ozarks to the projects in the city? Is this what upward mobility has come to in this country? Perhaps it would not be too much for this country to provide and little money for food and a respectable education so they can buy a little something from the local store and maybe start a local business, or work in someone else's. Or maybe the best idea is to pass the Ryan budget and all those "programs that don't work" can be canceled so the job creators can move jobs oversees so the price of those plastic toys in Wal-mart will become even cheaper because after all, cheap toys are better than food any day.
I travelled many back roads of Appalachia in the late-'70s and saw much poverty first-hand.
Not one of them was unhappy.
It's not a good thing, but it's not a sad thing either.

How do you know not one of them was unhappy? You really think people live that way by choice? Isn't that condescenting and patronizing? That's what people said about slaves and after slavery about poor blacks. It wasn't true.

You don't actually know what they think or how they feel. Poverty like this is generally caused by poor education and is a generational thing. According to this story, it is increasing in this area.

It was my impression that yes, many did live that way by choice.
Where exactly would you suggest they move to? The city? Any suggestion where they are going to get first and last month's rent? That is if they can find someone who will rent to them. Move from poverty in the Ozarks to the projects in the city? Is this what upward mobility has come to in this country? Perhaps it would not be too much for this country to provide and little money for food and a respectable education so they can buy a little something from the local store and maybe start a local business, or work in someone else's. Or maybe the best idea is to pass the Ryan budget and all those "programs that don't work" can be canceled so the job creators can move jobs oversees so the price of those plastic toys in Wal-mart will become even cheaper because after all, cheap toys are better than food any day.
People move to find work back in the depression days. I mean the other depression. There's a bigger world out there than the Ozarks, the city or Walmart. Having kids when you are poor is going to make you poorer. What's your solution, pay them more for having kids?
Where exactly would you suggest they move to? The city? Any suggestion where they are going to get first and last month's rent? That is if they can find someone who will rent to them. Move from poverty in the Ozarks to the projects in the city? Is this what upward mobility has come to in this country? Perhaps it would not be too much for this country to provide and little money for food and a respectable education so they can buy a little something from the local store and maybe start a local business, or work in someone else's. Or maybe the best idea is to pass the Ryan budget and all those "programs that don't work" can be canceled so the job creators can move jobs oversees so the price of those plastic toys in Wal-mart will become even cheaper because after all, cheap toys are better than food any day.
People move to find work back in the depression days. I mean the other depression. There's a bigger world out there than the Ozarks, the city or Walmart. Having kids when you are poor is going to make you poorer. What's your solution, pay them more for having kids?

Relocating nowadays isn't as simple as it used to be. But, even so, there are milliions of people in the US, right now, who are complaining about the economic situation, who complain that they can't get a job. However, they refuse to consider moving because they have family and roots in the area where they live. They say things like 'Why should I have to pull up stakes and leave everything behind? It is the government who needs to fix this situation.' I don't live or work in the States right now. However, I know if I wanted to go back, I would have no trouble finding a job, and one in my area of expertise, because I have no roots to any particular area and would be willing to go anywhere, where the jobs are. Here you are judging people about relocating to get work, but I'll bet if you lost your job and needed to relocate to find another one, you probably wouldn't. You'd just go on the dole or do something else, but you wouldn't pull up stakes and leave behind your family and everything else you are familiar with, and start a whole new life. And you, a (supposedly) educated person with a marketable skill, would have a much easier time starting over than a person who has lived his life in poverty, has little education and no marketable skills.
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I travelled many back roads of Appalachia in the late-'70s and saw much poverty first-hand.
Not one of them was unhappy.
It's not a good thing, but it's not a sad thing either.

That is true. The family unit might still be intact. Welfare brought a halt to family life.

From 1999: [and probably much worse today]

Numerous academic and social science researchers have demonstrated how the path to achieving a decent and stable income is still the traditional one: complete school, get a job, get married, then have children, in that order. Obviously, the journey toward a secure income can be derailed by choices growing children make, such as dropping out of school or getting pregnant before marriage. But generally, children who grow up in a stable, two-parent Family have the best prospects for achieving income security as adults.

Because of recent advances in the methods social scientists and economists use to collect data, researchers are taking a broader intergenerational view of America's poor. From this vantage point, it has become clear that federal policies over the past three decades have promoted Welfare dependency and single-parent families over married parents while frittering away the benefits of a vigorous free market and strong economy. Today, the economic and social future of children in the poor and the middle class is being undermined by a culture that promotes teenage sex, divorce, cohabitation, and out-of-wedlock birth.

How Broken Families Rob Children of Their Chances for Future Prosperity


How Broken Families Rob Children of Their Chances for Future Prosperity
I travelled many back roads of Appalachia in the late-'70s and saw much poverty first-hand.
Not one of them was unhappy.
It's not a good thing, but it's not a sad thing either.

That is true. The family unit might still be intact. Welfare brought a halt to family life.

From 1999: [and probably much worse today]

Numerous academic and social science researchers have demonstrated how the path to achieving a decent and stable income is still the traditional one: complete school, get a job, get married, then have children, in that order. Obviously, the journey toward a secure income can be derailed by choices growing children make, such as dropping out of school or getting pregnant before marriage. But generally, children who grow up in a stable, two-parent Family have the best prospects for achieving income security as adults.

Because of recent advances in the methods social scientists and economists use to collect data, researchers are taking a broader intergenerational view of America's poor. From this vantage point, it has become clear that federal policies over the past three decades have promoted Welfare dependency and single-parent families over married parents while frittering away the benefits of a vigorous free market and strong economy. Today, the economic and social future of children in the poor and the middle class is being undermined by a culture that promotes teenage sex, divorce, cohabitation, and out-of-wedlock birth.

How Broken Families Rob Children of Their Chances for Future Prosperity


How Broken Families Rob Children of Their Chances for Future Prosperity

The documentary I saw on poverty in the Ozarks was long before 1999. Thhis is not something new. It's been going on for decades and decades. Mr. H said he saw it in the 70s. It's been going on most of the century and probably before. Social welfare programs have not created this problem and are probably not causing it to continue. Education is the key to changing this problem.
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I really enjoy reading the comments by liberals who are so ready to call for "wars on poverty" and then go about blaming the poor for being in the situation they are.

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