Poverty, Stress, and Achievement: What Role Does Racism Play?

*yawn* Tell you what, when us "white folk" can get free schooling and legally steal jobs from more qualified "black folk" in the US ... then whine about it, until then you are just spouting off hot air.
White people, some of you more spe-cvifically are in such a huge state of denial and so ultra-sensitive-defensive about the race issue[our course when it shows the wrongs and effects of white racism against peoples of color] that one has o wonder is there some kind of mental illness at play here.
The one thing I find amazing about all the racism stuff, is how little responsibility is being taken by those who seem to accept that is all they are, victims of racism.

I am probably not going to be popular for saying this, but I think the black culture needs to turn away from the racism crutch and start working a little harder on personal responsibility. Responsibility for their families, their education and their lives. And it needs to start with the home environment. As it is rare for a child to grow up to succeed when their parents or parent seek to only blame. Children are the future of this nation, and it costs nothing to teach them self respect, determination and ambition. Even those living in poverty can afford to do that.
The one thing I find amazing about all the racism stuff, is how little responsibility is being taken by those who seem to accept that is all they are, victims of racism.

I am probably not going to be popular for saying this, but I think the black culture needs to turn away from the racism crutch and start working a little harder on personal responsibility. Responsibility for their families, their education and their lives. And it needs to start with the home environment. As it is rare for a child to grow up to succeed when their parents or parent seek to only blame. Children are the future of this nation, and it costs nothing to teach them self respect, determination and ambition. Even those living in poverty can afford to do that.
iiRACIST!! :rofl:

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The one thing I find amazing about all the racism stuff, is how little responsibility is being taken by those who seem to accept that is all they are, victims of racism.

I am probably not going to be popular for saying this, but I think the black culture needs to turn away from the racism crutch and start working a little harder on personal responsibility. Responsibility for their families, their education and their lives. And it needs to start with the home environment. As it is rare for a child to grow up to succeed when their parents or parent seek to only blame. Children are the future of this nation, and it costs nothing to teach them self respect, determination and ambition. Even those living in poverty can afford to do that.

Are yu kidding me? Why would Charlie Bass want to focus on illegitimate kids missing fathers, crack head street professions and the importance of chrome rims over child support when there are white people to blame?
The one thing I find amazing about all the racism stuff, is how little responsibility is being taken by those who seem to accept that is all they are, victims of racism.

I am probably not going to be popular for saying this, but I think the black culture needs to turn away from the racism crutch and start working a little harder on personal responsibility. Responsibility for their families, their education and their lives. And it needs to start with the home environment. As it is rare for a child to grow up to succeed when their parents or parent seek to only blame. Children are the future of this nation, and it costs nothing to teach them self respect, determination and ambition. Even those living in poverty can afford to do that.

Are yu kidding me? Why would Charlie Bass want to focus on illegitimate kids missing fathers, crack head street professions and the importance of chrome rims over child support when there are white people to blame?

You can't blame them for doing that, and not all folks of poverty and color do that. many of thos kids (now adults) have been raised that way. That is what I meant by start at home, then worry about out there. And if people like Charles were half as passionate about educating folks on how to be better parents, better teachers and better examples, what you describe above would not be so prevalent.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe racism exsists, no doubt. I have seen it myself. But blame never fixes anything. Change does.
White people, some of you more spe-cvifically are in such a huge state of denial and so ultra-sensitive-defensive about the race issue[our course when it shows the wrongs and effects of white racism against peoples of color] that one has o wonder is there some kind of mental illness at play here.

I just don't get it. You hate the majority people in this country, the people that establishes this country and you label yourself an African first........ why stay here? Africa is a huge place with plenty of natural resources, I would happily put tax dollars into a plane ticket and 50 grand for relocation of every person that wants to refer to themselves as an African-american. Take that African from Kenya with you and don't forget his family.

I know enough real Africans that refer to themselves as Americans and are proud of their new country that think black Americans are whining, lazy babies....... they don't care to have you around either.
The one thing I find amazing about all the racism stuff, is how little responsibility is being taken by those who seem to accept that is all they are, victims of racism.

I am probably not going to be popular for saying this, but I think the black culture needs to turn away from the racism crutch and start working a little harder on personal responsibility. Responsibility for their families, their education and their lives. And it needs to start with the home environment. As it is rare for a child to grow up to succeed when their parents or parent seek to only blame. Children are the future of this nation, and it costs nothing to teach them self respect, determination and ambition. Even those living in poverty can afford to do that.

Are yu kidding me? Why would Charlie Bass want to focus on illegitimate kids missing fathers, crack head street professions and the importance of chrome rims over child support when there are white people to blame?

Setting up strawmen arguments and blurting out racist stereotypes doesn't change reality, some of you whites are indenial if you think black people have it some much better than whites.
White people, some of you more spe-cvifically are in such a huge state of denial and so ultra-sensitive-defensive about the race issue[our course when it shows the wrongs and effects of white racism against peoples of color] that one has o wonder is there some kind of mental illness at play here.

I'm a white guy and I will side with you over Dude anyday.

Please remember Charles that it really doesn't matter if you are gay, black, arabic, hispanic, jewish, muslim, christian, female, etc.

NONE of that matters. Its all about class. The rich are against all of us poor/middle class people. They don't care what color you are.

If you have enough money, you too can become a JC Watts or Michael Steele.

Bush would rather live next door to Michael Steele than he would Dude.

And Dude does have a mental illness.
The chronically manic paranoid victim...charging someone else of being mentally unbalanced...

Oh, to laugh!! :rofl:
Hey Bass, when you return to your homeland, bring bobo, he'll fit right in.:lol::lol::lol:
The one thing I find amazing about all the racism stuff, is how little responsibility is being taken by those who seem to accept that is all they are, victims of racism.

I am probably not going to be popular for saying this, but I think the black culture needs to turn away from the racism crutch and start working a little harder on personal responsibility. Responsibility for their families, their education and their lives. And it needs to start with the home environment. As it is rare for a child to grow up to succeed when their parents or parent seek to only blame. Children are the future of this nation, and it costs nothing to teach them self respect, determination and ambition. Even those living in poverty can afford to do that.

Are yu kidding me? Why would Charlie Bass want to focus on illegitimate kids missing fathers, crack head street professions and the importance of chrome rims over child support when there are white people to blame?

Setting up strawmen arguments and blurting out racist stereotypes doesn't change reality, some of you whites are indenial if you think black people have it some much better than whites.

No, you are in denial that some black people just fuck up ... white people do to, we just don't have anyone to conveniently blame for it.
The one thing I find amazing about all the racism stuff, is how little responsibility is being taken by those who seem to accept that is all they are, victims of racism.

I am probably not going to be popular for saying this, but I think the black culture needs to turn away from the racism crutch and start working a little harder on personal responsibility. Responsibility for their families, their education and their lives. And it needs to start with the home environment. As it is rare for a child to grow up to succeed when their parents or parent seek to only blame. Children are the future of this nation, and it costs nothing to teach them self respect, determination and ambition. Even those living in poverty can afford to do that.

Are yu kidding me? Why would Charlie Bass want to focus on illegitimate kids missing fathers, crack head street professions and the importance of chrome rims over child support when there are white people to blame?

You can't blame them for doing that, and not all folks of poverty and color do that. many of thos kids (now adults) have been raised that way. That is what I meant by start at home, then worry about out there. And if people like Charles were half as passionate about educating folks on how to be better parents, better teachers and better examples, what you describe above would not be so prevalent.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe racism exsists, no doubt. I have seen it myself. But blame never fixes anything. Change does.

and not every white person is out to socially lynch a black person.. Good luck convincing our house negro of that.
The one thing I find amazing about all the racism stuff, is how little responsibility is being taken by those who seem to accept that is all they are, victims of racism.

I am probably not going to be popular for saying this, but I think the black culture needs to turn away from the racism crutch and start working a little harder on personal responsibility. Responsibility for their families, their education and their lives. And it needs to start with the home environment. As it is rare for a child to grow up to succeed when their parents or parent seek to only blame. Children are the future of this nation, and it costs nothing to teach them self respect, determination and ambition. Even those living in poverty can afford to do that.

Are yu kidding me? Why would Charlie Bass want to focus on illegitimate kids missing fathers, crack head street professions and the importance of chrome rims over child support when there are white people to blame?

Setting up strawmen arguments and blurting out racist stereotypes doesn't change reality, some of you whites are indenial if you think black people have it some much better than whites.

yea, I know dude.. bonus affirmative action points merely for being black is just like Atlas's boulder!

When is enough, enough? Is it enough that we have transplanted Africans, en masse, from the worst continent in the world to the greatest country in the world? Is it enough that after generations of slavery and abuse - we have given them the full right to vote, to work, to political entrenchment? Is it enough to give more to Africa then any other continent? Africans, like any one else, can marry who they want, when they want - they are equal in the eyes of the law. Justice applies to them as equally as anyone else; what else is there to give?

Yet that falls right into a common trap for the question is not, what is allowed. It is what we allow. Though it is not we to Jesse Jackson and his ilk, that we is "them" it is "the man" it is "they, who are against us" and they enjoy branding the world as such. For him it is not what society gives, the question is what white society gives. It is not responsibility which Jesse Jackson asks for, he asks for white responsibility. That is what defines him as a black politician, because he defines himself as such - Martin Luther King defined himself as a leader, because he defined himself as such. That is why I am tired of this same old song and dance; there are no more issues left so more are created by pale imitations.

University's not enrolling 'enough' minority students? Fine, quotas work and for considerations that the university system should be applauded for coming into a post-racial society? Ignored. Companies that employ people no matter what their race is not good enough anymore, it is required that companies employ people to look like race is not a factor; the superficiality of political correctness is in, the calm and previously acceptable reality of sincerity is out. It's not enough these days to employ black people, you must now employ black people and employ them to interventionist guidelines created by a selection of liberal pseudo-intellectuals.

It's frustration, plain and simple. People want to play fair, there are no vast conspiracies of true racists in control of the media, big business, small business, farms, universities, the Imperial Federal Government - everyone knows it. You know it, I know it, Bob down the corner knows it and even Jesse Jackson knows it. Yet you spread this doctrine of hate around, you spread it by prostituting racism like it was a cheap whore; to you there is no problem but one that can solved by the judicial application of hate. I know this, and you know this.

You only post about your plight, as if the world did not exist - it is clear to me, to you and to the world that your interests go against everything this country stands for. Does it matter that Mexicans are willing to risk life, limb and family to reach this country? Does it matter quotas are placed on Asians - to restrict their university percentage instead of increase it? Yes it matters but you don’t care - this sort of “faction” thinking was explicitly warned against in the Federalist Paper #10. Though you don’t care, you don’t care unless it is directly helping your narrow and increasingly transparent interests that only enrich a few - at the expense of your fellow ‘bros’ and the country as a whole.

Sadly enough, you apply racism everywhere; you apply it at universities, you apply it to companies, you apply it to the State and you apply it to Unions. Yet why? People know that there's no vast conspiracy and yet you still brand them as inherently racist because they had the ignobility to disagree with you? Yes. That is why people are frustrated with you, and that is why racism in America has a chance.

Not because of society but because you brand it as 'white society.' Not because of Fox News but because you brand it as 'white noise.' Not because of companies but because you brand them as 'white companies.' You, not I, should bear the responsibility of racism; if anyone is to bear it. Personally, I believe we should all be responsible for it but you don't - no, no, no. You don't. Your only responsibility these days is to make “us” responsible and that - is what will always separate you from a leader, you from MLK Jr.
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The one thing I find amazing about all the racism stuff, is how little responsibility is being taken by those who seem to accept that is all they are, victims of racism.

I am probably not going to be popular for saying this, but I think the black culture needs to turn away from the racism crutch and start working a little harder on personal responsibility. Responsibility for their families, their education and their lives. And it needs to start with the home environment. As it is rare for a child to grow up to succeed when their parents or parent seek to only blame. Children are the future of this nation, and it costs nothing to teach them self respect, determination and ambition. Even those living in poverty can afford to do that.

Are yu kidding me? Why would Charlie Bass want to focus on illegitimate kids missing fathers, crack head street professions and the importance of chrome rims over child support when there are white people to blame?

Setting up strawmen arguments and blurting out racist stereotypes doesn't change reality, some of you whites are indenial if you think black people have it some much better than whites.

It is not a stereotype...

"In 2006, 76 percent of White, non-Hispanic, 66 percent of Hispanic, and 35 percent of Black children lived with two married parents.3 "

Childstats.gov - America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being 2007 - Family and Social Environment: Family Structure and Children's Living Arrangements
Are yu kidding me? Why would Charlie Bass want to focus on illegitimate kids missing fathers, crack head street professions and the importance of chrome rims over child support when there are white people to blame?

Setting up strawmen arguments and blurting out racist stereotypes doesn't change reality, some of you whites are indenial if you think black people have it some much better than whites.

yea, I know dude.. bonus affirmative action points merely for being black is just like Atlas's boulder!


The Bass doesn't bite bait nor respond to trash from trolls, when you post hard evidence that blacks in America have it better than whites then the Bass will respond. You speak of all these advantages that blacks have over whites, where are they? Where are those advantages in the criminal justice system, distribution of wealth, job opportunities, etc? Post hard evidence faggots, the Bass is still waiting.

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