Powder Keg Watch: Harvard names a Jew to replace outgoing President Claudine Gay

Jews: Wake up!
"Let Them Eat Juden"

The predatory preppies who legacy at Harvard dominate the other students and the professors. The richboys and their boytoys are preordained to rule America, so if they've returned to their hereditary class's Thousand-Year Reich of anti-semitism, that's far more dangerous than the Squad the Democrats coddle.
A white person who hates black folks just because they are black. That fits you to a T.
That is not me at all. I evaluate blacks the way I evaluate whites. My standards are fairly mild. All I desire is that one not be a criminal and that one not have illegitimate children. If, in addition, one is intelligent, that is even better. Nevertheless, one cannot control one's intelligence; one can control one's behavior.

I have known blacks who were more admirable than most of the whites I have known.
Probably someone who has dealt with years of racism.

I’m always amazed that people who know nothing about elite universities, have probably never stepped foot on one, and couldn’t get into one in a million years — unless their parents had money! — have so much interest in the politicking that goes on there, and so little interest in the research, hard work, training and genuine education that is its main function. They do everything they can to bring their own prejudices and conspiracy theories to “analyzing academia.” It’s like they will never be happy until the gutter politics they practice on USMB and their own version of “political correctness” … rules everywhere.
Expect the sparks to fly now that they're replacing her with a Jew. Wikipedia has already been edited to hide the fact that he IS a Jew. Too late though.


The very third sentence of the Wikipedia article, as it appears at present, remarks on the Jewish background of the “acting” Harvard President. Actually, that seems too prominent to me, but reflects the short character and structure of the entry. It will surely change many times, as do all new potentially controversial Wikipedia entries.

The author of this little hysterical attack on Wikipedia is just trying to strum up hate. There was never any attempt to hide anything.
Harvard's response to the anti-Semitic terrorism on their campus was to tell Jewish students to remove and hide their yarmulkes, and not talk about Judaism on campus.
Until I see a link I will assume this to be false.
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Probably someone who has dealt with years of racism.

By the same token a white racist can be seen as one who has had bad experiences with blacks. These bad experiences are likely to consist of experiences with black crime, teaching at or attending as a student a black majority public school, or losing job opportunities to affirmative action programs. Perhaps one has had to work with affirmative action beneficiaries, and saw them to be incompetent and indifferent.

I have had bad and good experiences with Negroes, so I feel ambivalent about the race. I have always had good experiences with East Asians, so I so I prefer the Oriental race to my own race. What is derided as "prejudice" is usually based on previous experience.

In the United States blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites by every objective criterion. They have a crime rate about eight times the white rate, and an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half the white rate. This explains why many whites, Orientals, and Hispanics have low opinions of the Negro race. These low opinions affect behavior that blacks perceive of as racism.
By the same token a white racist can be seen as one who has had bad experiences with blacks.
You ever had any bad experiences with whites?
These bad experiences are likely to consist of experiences with black crime, teaching at or attending as a student a black majority public school, or losing job opportunities to affirmative action programs. Perhaps one has had to work with affirmative action beneficiaries, and saw them to be incompetent and indifferent.
Excuses to justify being a racist. White women benefit more from AA than anyone, so do you hate white women? There are plenty of incompetent white men on the job, do you hate them as well?
I have had bad and good experiences with Negroes, so I feel ambivalent about the race. I have always had good experiences with East Asians, so I so I prefer the Oriental race to my own race. What is derided as "prejudice" is usually based on previous experience.
More bullshit to justify being a racist.
In the United States blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites by every objective criterion. They have a crime rate about eight times the white rate, and an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half the white rate. This explains why many whites, Orientals, and Hispanics have low opinions of the Negro race. These low opinions affect behavior that blacks perceive of as racism.
Just more right-wing propaganda to convince yourself that being a racist is justifiable.
How does Harvard end up being a part of a war half a world away?
Anti-Israel Arab donations from rich countries like to Qatar. They’ve bribed Harvard into indoctrinating their students to hate Israel and hate Jews, so much so that the president of Harvard can’t even condemn the calls to genocide Jews.
You ever had any bad experiences with whites?

Excuses to justify being a racist. White women benefit more from AA than anyone, so do you hate white women? There are plenty of incompetent white men on the job, do you hate them as well?

More bullshit to justify being a racist.

Just more right-wing propaganda to convince yourself that being a racist is justifiable.
I have had bad experiences with whites. I have never been mugged, robbed at gunpoint, and nearly murdered by whites. Negroes have done that to me.

What have whites done to you?

Calling anyone a "racist" is name calling. Name calling is the lowest form of discourse. That is why I do not resort to it.

I have already explained why your definition of "racist" does not describe me.
I have had bad experiences with whites. I have never been mugged, robbed at gunpoint, and nearly murdered by whites. Negroes have done that to me.
So how many occasions has this happened to you? Sounds like some bullshit.
What have whites done to you?
Let's just say I have had my dealings with racism and discrimination over the years. I came up at the back end of Jim Crow

Calling anyone a "racist" is name calling. Name calling is the lowest form of discourse. That is why I do not resort to it.

Don't you call a duck a duck.
I have already explained why your definition of "racist" does not describe me.
I have explained why it fits you to a T.

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