Powder Keg Watch: Harvard names a Jew to replace outgoing President Claudine Gay

Let's just say I have had my dealings with racism and discrimination over the years. I came up at the back end of Jim Crow

I attended a segregated elementary school in the South during the closing days of Jim Crow. I told my class mates, and even a teacher that I thought the school should be integrated.


How does Harvard end up being a part of a war half a world away?
Islam Is the Perfect Religion for Globalism and Its Transnationalist Ruling Class

The Preppy Pipsqueaks have inside information that Israel is on the front lines of civilization's War on Islam. Since Heirheads, too, are the mortal enemies of civilization, they support the rabid Arab rabble as caddies for the Emperors' Club.

(Emperor's Club, the actual title, is another example of Low-IQ grammar in high places.)
I attended a segregated elementary school in the South during the closing days of Jim Crow. I told my class mates, and even a teacher that I thought the school should be integrated.
The Governor Felt More Loyalty to the Class He Was Born In

The famous incident in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957 requiring integration at gunpoint by federal troops was initiated by the Arkansas upper class, which not only wanted the incompatible mixing but demanded that it only happen at a working-class high school.
The Governor Felt More Loyalty to the Class He Was Born In

The famous incident in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957 requiring integration at gunpoint by federal troops was initiated by the Arkansas upper class, which not only wanted the incompatible mixing but demanded that it only happen at a working-class high school.
Rich liberals like to force less affluent whites to make sacrifices on behalf of blacks that rich liberals avoid making.
The fact that you call black folks Negroes shows you are racist as hell.
Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech called them Negroes fifteen times.

I also call them "colored people." Do you know what NAACP stands for? It stands for "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People."
Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech called them Negroes fifteen times.

I also call them "colored people." Do you know what NAACP stands for? It stands for "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People."
How many years has it been since Dr. King's speech? White folks called Dr. King the Nword at that time as well, how many black men have you called that to their face today?

What year was the NAACP founded?

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