Powder Keg Watch: Harvard names a Jew to replace outgoing President Claudine Gay

That’s horrible.

Jews in my liberal area are already removing their mezzuzim.

And the irony, of course, is that these leftists spewing their antisemitism are the same people crying about how awful racists are to black people.

Really? Most jews and blacks will be voting for Democrats again.

That must really hurt.
Really? Most jews and blacks will be voting for Democrats again.

That must really hurt.
Yeah, the brainwashing is slow to wear off. But blacks are leaving in droves - only about 60% will vote for Biden, and I bet it will be the same for Jews.
Yeah, the brainwashing is slow to wear off. But blacks are leaving in droves - only about 60% will vote for Biden, and I bet it will be the same for Jews.
Republicans might get about 7% of the black vote. Why would I want to vote for a party that has racist like you in it pounding the drums.
Republicans might get about 7% of the black vote. Why would I want to vote for a party that has racist like you in it pounding the drums.
You really need to stop calling people racist who aren’t. It weakens any claim you might have against actual racists. Like the boy who cried wolf.
Republicans might get about 7% of the black vote. Why would I want to vote for a party that has racist like you in it pounding the drums.
Only 63% of blacks support Biden. They’re waking up to the lip service and tired of being used as pawns.

You really need to stop calling people racist who aren’t. It weakens any claim you might have against actual racists. Like the boy who cried wolf.
What do you call a woman who hates to see black folks have the opportunity to attend college or good jobs.
How many years has it been since Dr. King's speech? White folks called Dr. King the Nword at that time as well, how many black men have you called that to their face today?

What year was the NAACP founded?
How does that matter?

Yes, there have been changes since then. The black illegitimacy rate used to be 20%. Now it is 79%. Black soul music used to be about romantic love, and even unrequited love. Contemporary black rap music is about gun violence and raw, animal lust.
Oh you mean when black folks didn't have any rights.
Yes, back then. What have Negroes done with the rights given to them?

I will answer my own question. Since the civil rights legislation was passed into the law, and since the War on Poverty was declared colored people have substantiated arguments presented against these when they were debated in Congress.
Do you really think 37% of black folks are going to vote Republican?
Nope. Doesn’t matter. If 37% of black voters go for a third party, or just don’t bother voting, guess what? Trump wins! Especially since Latinos are dumping Biden too.
What do you call a woman who hates to see black folks have the opportunity to attend college or good jobs.
Many white women have the good sense to hate to see standards lowered so that black can attend colleges where they lack the intelligence to perform adequately. Look at the fool Claudine Gay made of herself.
Many white women have the good sense to hate to see standards lowered so that black can attend colleges where they lack the intelligence to perform adequately. Look at the fool Claudine Gay made of herself.
And you notice in order to convince himself I’m a racist, he attributes an attitude to me that I don’t have? To him, unless you are for admitting blacks with poorer grades and scores and instead rejecting whites with better grades and scores, you don’t want them to attend college?
Sounds like dreaming at best.
What’s so surprising? Blacks realize that their lives are worse under Biden than they were under Trump. Why would blacks vote for someone who is bringing in millions of migrants to compete for jobs and housing, driving wages down and costs up?

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