Power the U.S. With Solar Panels!

When they say the US has 10 years worth left and Venezuela has 370, they are obviously projecting based on opinions.

They're projecting production versus reserves. Duh!

And whether that opinion is 30 years or 70 years does not matter much or is much different.

40 years more energy doesn't matter much? What an ignorant claim.
I guess that's what you're good at.

If the US only has 10 years of gas/oil left, then obviously fracking to extract it all early, when the price was low, as stupid.

Fracking it because we need it is only stupid in your "mind".
When it becomes more expensive, it will make economic sense to frack more difficult locations.

We should have imported gas and oil while the price was low, and save our gas and oil for when the price is at its maximum.

We should frack it when it makes economic sense. Which means idiots like you
won't be involved in the decision.

That is silly.
Obviously 40 years plus or minus does not matter at all.
The changes needed to adapt can't easily be done is 40 or even 100 years.
Its going to be a huge problem, and we have to start as soon as possible, to find a solution.
And no, since we have already fracked and sold most of the oil when it was cheap, there will be no way to replace it later when import oil will be much more expensive.
And no, fracking may not be a good idea at all, since it tends to easily contaminate the water table with cancer causing oil chemicals.
You can always make a profit selling oil, but while it was cheap, we should have imported oil and saved our reserves for later when more valuable.
If left to a few greedy people to decide, they won't care about what is best for the whole country.
You are totally full of shit. Musk did the calculations with solar panels at 20%, and it would take only a square 100 X 100 miles. Of course, that is not what is going to happen. Another way is 1% of agricultural land would be equal to that. And parking lots are a very good place for a lot of solar.
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Its not that easy.
Night, clouds, changes in angle, dust, snow, etc., all greatly reduce solar production and increase cost.
The batteries needed would cost a fortune.
Its not that easy.
Night, clouds, changes in angle, dust, snow, etc., all greatly reduce solar production and increase cost.
The batteries needed would cost a fortune.

And further declines since 2017.


And the cost will continue to decline.
You are totally full of shit. Musk did the calculations with solar panels at 20%, and it would take only a square 100 X 100 miles. Of course, that is not what is going to happen. Another way is 1% of agricultural land would be equal to that. And parking lots are a very good place for a lot of solar.
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Show me the engineering calculations. I have actually done them for an NRC permit and I know bullshit when I see it. That map is full of bullshit and I doubt any real engineer came up with that silly ass shit. These Environmental Wackos pretend that they know something but at the end of the day they don't know their ass from a hole in ground.

Solar will never take the place of fossil fuels and produce the same amount of energy for what we get out of oil, NG or coal.

There may be a day when we run out of fossil fuels and need to to use something else but that ain't today. When that day comes we had better have nuclear or greatly reduce population because all the rivers are already dammed up, thermo is not widely available and the stupid solar and wind will never come close to producing the needs for power that we have now.

It is nothing more than a silly ass Environmental Wacko's pipe dream. You shitheads are dumbasses.
More expensive, less reliable energy creates wealth?

How much wealth has been created by Germany with their expensive electricity?
Germans are notoriously hard working and intelligent----what they can do is not what the average person even among other europeans can do.
That is silly.
Obviously 40 years plus or minus does not matter at all.
The changes needed to adapt can't easily be done is 40 or even 100 years.
Its going to be a huge problem, and we have to start as soon as possible, to find a solution.
And no, since we have already fracked and sold most of the oil when it was cheap, there will be no way to replace it later when import oil will be much more expensive.
And no, fracking may not be a good idea at all, since it tends to easily contaminate the water table with cancer causing oil chemicals.
You can always make a profit selling oil, but while it was cheap, we should have imported oil and saved our reserves for later when more valuable.
If left to a few greedy people to decide, they won't care about what is best for the whole country.

The changes needed to adapt can't easily be done is 40 or even 100 years.

How many new nuke plants could we build in the next 40 years?

And no, fracking may not be a good idea at all, since it tends to easily contaminate the water table with cancer causing oil chemicals.


If left to a few greedy people to decide, they won't care about what is best for the whole country.

If left to green idiots, pretty much the same thing, except more expensive and less reliable.
Germans are notoriously hard working and intelligent----what they can do is not what the average person even among other europeans can do.

No kidding. But when their hard work goes toward a stupid cause.....you end up with the highest electricity prices in the world.
Show me the technical inputs to that stupid chart.

You know there is only a narrow band in the sunbelt of the Southwest where solar becomes even close to being competitive with fossil fuels. Show me where that chart becomes relevant to the other 99% of the rest of the US.

Solar is not even close to being cost effective in Florida for power generation and we are known as the Sunshine State. Hell boy, this is the forth cloudy day in a row today and this is the middle of summer for us. Ohio, Illinois, Maine, Pennsylvania, forget it. Look at the pictures of the destroyed solar farms in Louisiana after the storm a couple of weeks ago.

Shitty technology and you stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about things like this. Your copy and paste map is pathetic.

I occasionally teach a class in Environmental Science. You should really sign up for it so that you will learn something about the real world and won't be such a dumbass when you post your silly Environmental Wacko bullshit.

I have some information that a "wiz kid" like you might believe. Solar panels work. If they didn't, people wouldn't use them. And from what I've heard, Germany went with solar panels in a big way. They wouldn't have done that if they didn't work. Next, don't tell me about Florida. I used to live there. Next, every night I watch the nightly news of CBS and ABC. They covered a LOT about the storms and their aftermath. Never did they mention a damaged solar farm.

Next, if you teach an environmental science class, your students should get their money back. And how much of your salary comes from coal or oil industries. I know that colleges or universities in general receive money from them.
Stop parroting that crap already. If Germany's electricity is the most expensive in the world, there must be a reason for it.

No kidding. All the stupid green energy. And shutting down their nukes.

Fucking idiots.

You're the idiot. You GET energy from green energy. You don't lose energy from green energy. And if they shut down any coal or nuclear power plants, it is because they don't need the electricity from them any more. Otherwise, they wouldn't have shut them down, now would they.
Since we have only about 30 years of oil and gas, but about 400 years of coal, we are going to end up using coal, regardless of it being the most dirty.

You only have about 30 years of survival, period. Unless something drastic is done. Like being all racist and limiting population growth. Along with switching completely to solar energy.
I have some information that a "wiz kid" like you might believe. Solar panels work. If they didn't, people wouldn't use them. And from what I've heard, Germany went with solar panels in a big way. They wouldn't have done that if they didn't work. Next, don't tell me about Florida. I used to live there. Next, every night I watch the nightly news of CBS and ABC. They covered a LOT about the storms and their aftermath. Never did they mention a damaged solar farm.

Next, if you teach an environmental science class, your students should get their money back. And how much of your salary comes from coal or oil industries. I know that colleges or universities in general receive money from them.

I have an assignment for you dumbass.

Go get any kind of fossil fuel. Gas, oil, coal, it doesn't matter. Ignite it. Put your hand over it. Record the number of seconds it takes for you to remove your had because of the heat intensity.

After your hand heals go and put your hand in direct sunlight. Record how long it takes you before the heat intensity requires that you remove your hand, if ever,

Then go take a college class in thermodynamics. Then report back to me as to why that difference is relevant to energy production in the US.

No need to do a do a an extensive analysis. One or two sentences will be suffienct.

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