Prager On Attaching Significance....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
I often quote radio host Dennis Prager...and, in his recent column, one about the decade old recording of Donald Trump using vile and vulgar language, he makes a valid defense....and gives a similar defense for Bill's wife.....

"This is hysteria first and foremost because the comments were made in private. I would say the same thing if crass comments made by Hillary Clinton in private conversation had been recorded.

In fact, I did. In 2000, in a Wall Street Journal column, I defended Hillary Clinton against charges that she was an anti-Semite. That year it was reported that Clinton had called Paul Fray, the manager of her husband's failed 1974 congressional campaign, a "f---ing Jew bastard."

Even the left-wing newspaper, the Guardian, reported that three people -- two witnesses and Fray -- confirmed the report.

Nevertheless, I wrote in the Journal, "I wish to defend Mrs. Clinton. I do so as a practicing Jew and a Republican. ... We must cease this moral idiocy of judging people by stray private comments."

I gave two more examples:

One was Harry Truman, who often used the word "****" when referring to Jews. Yet, he was the Jews' greatest friend when he changed Jewish history by resisting powerful State Department opposition and recognized the State of Israel.

The other was Richard Nixon, who made anti-Jewish remarks in private conversations in the Oval Office. These were revealed on tapes he himself made of his conversations, and he was accordingly widely labeled an anti-Semite. Yet, as president, Nixon appointed the first American Jewish secretary of state and, more importantly, literally saved Israel's life with his quick airlift of military supplies during the 1973 Yom Kippur War."
Trump's Comments: The Latest Left-Wing Hysteria
Nevertheless, I wrote in the Journal, "I wish to defend Mrs. Clinton. I do so as a practicing Jew and a Republican. ... We must cease this moral idiocy of judging people by stray private comments."

Yet as we have seen in this day and age, people have lost their jobs over private comments,,,
Nevertheless, I wrote in the Journal, "I wish to defend Mrs. Clinton. I do so as a practicing Jew and a Republican. ... We must cease this moral idiocy of judging people by stray private comments."

Yet as we have seen in this day and age, people have lost their jobs over private comments,,,

Soooo.....what job are you preparing to toss Bill's wife our of????

And....let's remember it was always the Left becoming irate over comments and causing said loss of livelihoods.
Nevertheless, I wrote in the Journal, "I wish to defend Mrs. Clinton. I do so as a practicing Jew and a Republican. ... We must cease this moral idiocy of judging people by stray private comments."

Yet as we have seen in this day and age, people have lost their jobs over private comments,,,

Soooo.....what job are you preparing to toss Bill's wife our of????

And....let's remember it was always the Left becoming irate over comments and causing said loss of livelihoods.
yeah, those little old ladies going to church are rough riders in the sack and enjoy every titillating moment...
Nevertheless, I wrote in the Journal, "I wish to defend Mrs. Clinton. I do so as a practicing Jew and a Republican. ... We must cease this moral idiocy of judging people by stray private comments."

Yet as we have seen in this day and age, people have lost their jobs over private comments,,,

Soooo.....what job are you preparing to toss Bill's wife our of????

And....let's remember it was always the Left becoming irate over comments and causing said loss of livelihoods.
yeah, those little old ladies going to church are rough riders in the sack and enjoy every titillating moment...

So sorry....

....I restrict my posting to the English language.

I would appreciate it if you would do the same.
Nevertheless, I wrote in the Journal, "I wish to defend Mrs. Clinton. I do so as a practicing Jew and a Republican. ... We must cease this moral idiocy of judging people by stray private comments."

Yet as we have seen in this day and age, people have lost their jobs over private comments,,,

Soooo.....what job are you preparing to toss Bill's wife our of????

And....let's remember it was always the Left becoming irate over comments and causing said loss of livelihoods.
yeah, those little old ladies going to church are rough riders in the sack and enjoy every titillating moment...

So sorry....

....I restrict my posting to the English language.

I would appreciate it if you would do the same.
So you are short an education in average everyday English, I get it toots..
Nevertheless, I wrote in the Journal, "I wish to defend Mrs. Clinton. I do so as a practicing Jew and a Republican. ... We must cease this moral idiocy of judging people by stray private comments."

Yet as we have seen in this day and age, people have lost their jobs over private comments,,,

Soooo.....what job are you preparing to toss Bill's wife our of????

And....let's remember it was always the Left becoming irate over comments and causing said loss of livelihoods.
yeah, those little old ladies going to church are rough riders in the sack and enjoy every titillating moment...

So sorry....

....I restrict my posting to the English language.

I would appreciate it if you would do the same.
So you are short an education in average everyday English, I get it toots..

It's times such as these that I must remember this rule:
A conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal.


Let's begin with the term 'articulate'....a term with which you seem unfamiliar. this down.
  1. 1.
    (of a person or a person's words) having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.
    "an articulate account of their experiences"
    synonyms: eloquent, fluent, effective, persuasive, lucid, expressive, silver-tongued; More
  2. verb
  1. 1.
    express (an idea or feeling) fluently and coherently.
    "they were unable to articulate their emotions"
    synonyms: express, voice, vocalize, put in words, communicate, state; More
    Case in point, this bizarre formulation masquerading as English:
"yeah, those little old ladies going to church are rough riders in the sack and enjoy every titillating moment..."

a. What the heck were you trying to say????

b. How is it related to the post you linked it to????

Please....imbibe a few cups of black coffee before you begin.
Last edited:
Street slang, gotta love it, cause it confuses the heck out of foreigners...
Street slang, gotta love it, cause it confuses the heck out of foreigners...

Hardly an excuse for a lack of formal education.

But...if you are claiming that it is the best you can do,......I'll agree.
Seeing PoliticalChic become a Trump apologist is downright delightful.
I was wondering how many times her snatch was snatched by the Don???

And....why is it that every time a Leftist is skewered, and embarrassed, they default to exactly the way they spoke in the boy's room, third grade?
Hardly, in third grade we didn't know half of the street slang you learn as an adult, ask Trump, he is well versed in it...
Seeing PoliticalChic become a Trump apologist is downright delightful.
I was wondering how many times her snatch was snatched by the Don???

And....why is it that every time a Leftist is skewered, and embarrassed, they default to exactly the way they spoke in the boy's room, third grade?
Hardly, in third grade we didn't know half of the street slang you learn as an adult, ask Trump, he is well versed in it...


I've forced you to get back to the subject of the OP!
And all it took was embarrassing you about being inarticulate.

I could have done it faster....but it was such fun.

The Prager quote begins:
"This is hysteria first and foremost because the comments were made in private. I would say the same thing if crass comments made by Hillary Clinton in private conversation had been recorded."

First....why don't you include Bill's wife in your crituque?

Need vile language from her?

"Hillary Clinton once said “f**k you” to a veteran who had been awarded the Purple Heart"
Hillary Clinton once said “f**k you” to a veteran who had been awarded the Purple Heart

Do try to be articulate if you respond.
Street slang, gotta love it, cause it confuses the heck out of foreigners...

Hardly an excuse for a lack of formal education.

But...if you are claiming that it is the best you can do,......I'll agree.
Really, how high are the walls that surrounded you all your life?

Does this answer your question?

Seeing PoliticalChic become a Trump apologist is downright delightful.
I was wondering how many times her snatch was snatched by the Don???

And....why is it that every time a Leftist is skewered, and embarrassed, they default to exactly the way they spoke in the boy's room, third grade?
Hardly, in third grade we didn't know half of the street slang you learn as an adult, ask Trump, he is well versed in it...


I've forced you to get back to the subject of the OP!
And all it took was embarrassing you about being inarticulate.

I could have done it faster....but it was such fun.

The Prager quote begins:
"This is hysteria first and foremost because the comments were made in private. I would say the same thing if crass comments made by Hillary Clinton in private conversation had been recorded."

First....why don't you include Bill's wife in your crituque?

Need vile language from her?

"Hillary Clinton once said “f**k you” to a veteran who had been awarded the Purple Heart"
Hillary Clinton once said “f**k you” to a veteran who had been awarded the Purple Heart

Do try to be articulate if you respond.
Oh no, I've called many a veteran a bad name also, when they deserved it....They called me bad names also while serving...
Seeing PoliticalChic become a Trump apologist is downright delightful.
I was wondering how many times her snatch was snatched by the Don???

And....why is it that every time a Leftist is skewered, and embarrassed, they default to exactly the way they spoke in the boy's room, third grade?
Hardly, in third grade we didn't know half of the street slang you learn as an adult, ask Trump, he is well versed in it...


I've forced you to get back to the subject of the OP!
And all it took was embarrassing you about being inarticulate.

I could have done it faster....but it was such fun.

The Prager quote begins:
"This is hysteria first and foremost because the comments were made in private. I would say the same thing if crass comments made by Hillary Clinton in private conversation had been recorded."

First....why don't you include Bill's wife in your crituque?

Need vile language from her?

"Hillary Clinton once said “f**k you” to a veteran who had been awarded the Purple Heart"
Hillary Clinton once said “f**k you” to a veteran who had been awarded the Purple Heart

Do try to be articulate if you respond.
Oh no, I've called many a veteran a bad name also, when they deserved it....They called me bad names also while serving...

And, this has exactly what to do with Trump, and why you haven't included Bill's wife in your suggested contumely?

Focus like a laser.
I was wondering how many times her snatch was snatched by the Don???

And....why is it that every time a Leftist is skewered, and embarrassed, they default to exactly the way they spoke in the boy's room, third grade?
Hardly, in third grade we didn't know half of the street slang you learn as an adult, ask Trump, he is well versed in it...


I've forced you to get back to the subject of the OP!
And all it took was embarrassing you about being inarticulate.

I could have done it faster....but it was such fun.

The Prager quote begins:
"This is hysteria first and foremost because the comments were made in private. I would say the same thing if crass comments made by Hillary Clinton in private conversation had been recorded."

First....why don't you include Bill's wife in your crituque?

Need vile language from her?

"Hillary Clinton once said “f**k you” to a veteran who had been awarded the Purple Heart"
Hillary Clinton once said “f**k you” to a veteran who had been awarded the Purple Heart

Do try to be articulate if you respond.
Oh no, I've called many a veteran a bad name also, when they deserved it....They called me bad names also while serving...

And, this has exactly what to do with Trump, and why you haven't included Bill's wife in your suggested contumely?

Focus like a laser.
In my book both Clinton and Trump are losers that have used their positions and wealth to create a world no one really cares for...
And....why is it that every time a Leftist is skewered, and embarrassed, they default to exactly the way they spoke in the boy's room, third grade?
Hardly, in third grade we didn't know half of the street slang you learn as an adult, ask Trump, he is well versed in it...


I've forced you to get back to the subject of the OP!
And all it took was embarrassing you about being inarticulate.

I could have done it faster....but it was such fun.

The Prager quote begins:
"This is hysteria first and foremost because the comments were made in private. I would say the same thing if crass comments made by Hillary Clinton in private conversation had been recorded."

First....why don't you include Bill's wife in your crituque?

Need vile language from her?

"Hillary Clinton once said “f**k you” to a veteran who had been awarded the Purple Heart"
Hillary Clinton once said “f**k you” to a veteran who had been awarded the Purple Heart

Do try to be articulate if you respond.
Oh no, I've called many a veteran a bad name also, when they deserved it....They called me bad names also while serving...

And, this has exactly what to do with Trump, and why you haven't included Bill's wife in your suggested contumely?

Focus like a laser.
In my book both Clinton and Trump are losers that have used their positions and wealth to create a world no one really cares for...

So glad to see you include Bill's wife.

Was it due to the beatings that I was forced to administer?

And...BTW....that even-handed treatment is what I was pointing out in Prager's column.

Soooo.....after all this time, you are agreeing?

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