Prager On Attaching Significance....

I often quote radio host Dennis Prager...and, in his recent column, one about the decade old recording of Donald Trump using vile and vulgar language, he makes a valid defense....and gives a similar defense for Bill's wife.....

"This is hysteria first and foremost because the comments were made in private. I would say the same thing if crass comments made by Hillary Clinton in private conversation had been recorded.

In fact, I did. In 2000, in a Wall Street Journal column, I defended Hillary Clinton against charges that she was an anti-Semite. That year it was reported that Clinton had called Paul Fray, the manager of her husband's failed 1974 congressional campaign, a "f---ing Jew bastard."

Even the left-wing newspaper, the Guardian, reported that three people -- two witnesses and Fray -- confirmed the report.

Nevertheless, I wrote in the Journal, "I wish to defend Mrs. Clinton. I do so as a practicing Jew and a Republican. ... We must cease this moral idiocy of judging people by stray private comments."

I gave two more examples:

One was Harry Truman, who often used the word "****" when referring to Jews. Yet, he was the Jews' greatest friend when he changed Jewish history by resisting powerful State Department opposition and recognized the State of Israel.

The other was Richard Nixon, who made anti-Jewish remarks in private conversations in the Oval Office. These were revealed on tapes he himself made of his conversations, and he was accordingly widely labeled an anti-Semite. Yet, as president, Nixon appointed the first American Jewish secretary of state and, more importantly, literally saved Israel's life with his quick airlift of military supplies during the 1973 Yom Kippur War."
Trump's Comments: The Latest Left-Wing Hysteria

You are off the deep end if you believe these people have principles... they don't.

And in fighting them, unfortunately, you will have to shove yours.
Street slang, gotta love it, cause it confuses the heck out of foreigners...

Hardly an excuse for a lack of formal education.

But...if you are claiming that it is the best you can do,......I'll agree.
Really, how high are the walls that surrounded you all your life?

Does this answer your question?

Is that a king Ludwig castle?
I often quote radio host Dennis Prager...and, in his recent column, one about the decade old recording of Donald Trump using vile and vulgar language, he makes a valid defense....and gives a similar defense for Bill's wife.....

"This is hysteria first and foremost because the comments were made in private. I would say the same thing if crass comments made by Hillary Clinton in private conversation had been recorded.

In fact, I did. In 2000, in a Wall Street Journal column, I defended Hillary Clinton against charges that she was an anti-Semite. That year it was reported that Clinton had called Paul Fray, the manager of her husband's failed 1974 congressional campaign, a "f---ing Jew bastard."

Even the left-wing newspaper, the Guardian, reported that three people -- two witnesses and Fray -- confirmed the report.

Nevertheless, I wrote in the Journal, "I wish to defend Mrs. Clinton. I do so as a practicing Jew and a Republican. ... We must cease this moral idiocy of judging people by stray private comments."

I gave two more examples:

One was Harry Truman, who often used the word "****" when referring to Jews. Yet, he was the Jews' greatest friend when he changed Jewish history by resisting powerful State Department opposition and recognized the State of Israel.

The other was Richard Nixon, who made anti-Jewish remarks in private conversations in the Oval Office. These were revealed on tapes he himself made of his conversations, and he was accordingly widely labeled an anti-Semite. Yet, as president, Nixon appointed the first American Jewish secretary of state and, more importantly, literally saved Israel's life with his quick airlift of military supplies during the 1973 Yom Kippur War."
Trump's Comments: The Latest Left-Wing Hysteria

You are off the deep end if you believe these people have principles... they don't.

And in fighting them, unfortunately, you will have to shove yours.

" fighting them, unfortunately, you will have to shove yours."

I never do that, Normy.....

In Prager's column I found logic and wisdom.
That's why I provided it.

I have never tried to justify that vulgar rant of Trump's, but will continue to make my vote for him as a sacrifice for a better America, one in which the Constitution has credence.
Here's a prime example:
Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

And to see the America that Bill's wife champions, remember what she said about here picks for the Supreme Court....they had nothing to do with either the Constituiton nor justice.....only 'social justice.'
Street slang, gotta love it, cause it confuses the heck out of foreigners...

Hardly an excuse for a lack of formal education.

But...if you are claiming that it is the best you can do,......I'll agree.
Really, how high are the walls that surrounded you all your life?

Does this answer your question?

Is that a king Ludwig castle?

It's our little summer place.....

....we're trying to pack a few things to move to the winter castle.

The mansion has so many rooms that we once had to organize a search party for someone who got lost on the way to the bathroom.
Seeing PoliticalChic become a Trump apologist is downright delightful.
I was wondering how many times her snatch was snatched by the Don???

And....why is it that every time a Leftist is skewered, and embarrassed, they default to exactly the way they spoke in the boy's room, third grade?
Hardly, in third grade we didn't know half of the street slang you learn as an adult, ask Trump, he is well versed in it...


I've forced you to get back to the subject of the OP!
And all it took was embarrassing you about being inarticulate.

I could have done it faster....but it was such fun.

The Prager quote begins:
"This is hysteria first and foremost because the comments were made in private. I would say the same thing if crass comments made by Hillary Clinton in private conversation had been recorded."

First....why don't you include Bill's wife in your crituque?

Need vile language from her?

"Hillary Clinton once said “f**k you” to a veteran who had been awarded the Purple Heart"
Hillary Clinton once said “f**k you” to a veteran who had been awarded the Purple Heart

Do try to be articulate if you respond.

I once said 'fuck you' to Tim McVeigh.
Street slang, gotta love it, cause it confuses the heck out of foreigners...

Hardly an excuse for a lack of formal education.

But...if you are claiming that it is the best you can do,......I'll agree.
Really, how high are the walls that surrounded you all your life?

Does this answer your question?

Is that a king Ludwig castle?

It's our little summer place.....

....we're trying to pack a few things to move to the winter castle.

The mansion has so many rooms that we once had to organize a search party for someone who got lost on the way to the bathroom.
I am sure your outhouses are made of brick also...
Hardly an excuse for a lack of formal education.

But...if you are claiming that it is the best you can do,......I'll agree.
Really, how high are the walls that surrounded you all your life?

Does this answer your question?

Is that a king Ludwig castle?

It's our little summer place.....

....we're trying to pack a few things to move to the winter castle.

The mansion has so many rooms that we once had to organize a search party for someone who got lost on the way to the bathroom.
I am sure your outhouses are made of brick also...

See what I mean about your lacking the ability to articulate your point?

No? You don't recognize the flaw?

That may be the explanation for the prob.
Really, how high are the walls that surrounded you all your life?

Does this answer your question?

Is that a king Ludwig castle?

It's our little summer place.....

....we're trying to pack a few things to move to the winter castle.

The mansion has so many rooms that we once had to organize a search party for someone who got lost on the way to the bathroom.
I am sure your outhouses are made of brick also...

See what I mean about your lacking the ability to articulate your point?

No? You don't recognize the flaw?

That may be the explanation for the prob.
Some day you may earn that right, till then, nah...
Does this answer your question?

Is that a king Ludwig castle?

It's our little summer place.....

....we're trying to pack a few things to move to the winter castle.

The mansion has so many rooms that we once had to organize a search party for someone who got lost on the way to the bathroom.
I am sure your outhouses are made of brick also...

See what I mean about your lacking the ability to articulate your point?

No? You don't recognize the flaw?

That may be the explanation for the prob.
Some day you may earn that right, till then, nah...

We may, sadly, be viewing the inception of a serious mental disability on your part.

I wrote:
"See what I mean about your lacking the ability to articulate your point?
No? You don't recognize the flaw?
That may be the explanation for the prob."

You responded:
"Some day you may earn that right, till then, nah..."

Are you actually going to claim not to see that your post is in no way related to the one you were, ostensibly, responding to???????

The good news? You won't be lonely:

Serious Mental Illness (SMI) In 2012, there were an estimated 9.6 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. with SMI in the past year. This represented 4.1 percent of all U.S. adults.
Is that a king Ludwig castle?

It's our little summer place.....

....we're trying to pack a few things to move to the winter castle.

The mansion has so many rooms that we once had to organize a search party for someone who got lost on the way to the bathroom.
I am sure your outhouses are made of brick also...

See what I mean about your lacking the ability to articulate your point?

No? You don't recognize the flaw?

That may be the explanation for the prob.
Some day you may earn that right, till then, nah...

We may, sadly, be viewing the inception of a serious mental disability on your part.

I wrote:
"See what I mean about your lacking the ability to articulate your point?
No? You don't recognize the flaw?
That may be the explanation for the prob."

You responded:
"Some day you may earn that right, till then, nah..."

Are you actually going to claim not to see that your post is in no way related to the one you were, ostensibly, responding to???????

The good news? You won't be lonely:

Serious Mental Illness (SMI) In 2012, there were an estimated 9.6 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. with SMI in the past year. This represented 4.1 percent of all U.S. adults.
You certainly have the best excuses available for interpersonal relationship withdrawal..
It's our little summer place.....

....we're trying to pack a few things to move to the winter castle.

The mansion has so many rooms that we once had to organize a search party for someone who got lost on the way to the bathroom.
I am sure your outhouses are made of brick also...

See what I mean about your lacking the ability to articulate your point?

No? You don't recognize the flaw?

That may be the explanation for the prob.
Some day you may earn that right, till then, nah...

We may, sadly, be viewing the inception of a serious mental disability on your part.

I wrote:
"See what I mean about your lacking the ability to articulate your point?
No? You don't recognize the flaw?
That may be the explanation for the prob."

You responded:
"Some day you may earn that right, till then, nah..."

Are you actually going to claim not to see that your post is in no way related to the one you were, ostensibly, responding to???????

The good news? You won't be lonely:

Serious Mental Illness (SMI) In 2012, there were an estimated 9.6 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. with SMI in the past year. This represented 4.1 percent of all U.S. adults.
You certainly have the best excuses available for interpersonal relationship withdrawal..

I try to be a nice person, but sometimes my mouth doesn't cooperate.

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