Prager University says that _____ was the cause of the Civil War

And yet Lincoln offered the south slavery forever, as long as they stayed in the union. If it was all about slavery, why did the south refuse his offer and chose to fight?

Because the most zealous of the secessionists didn't believe him, and they carried the day.
Some truth to that.

However it was the abolitionist zealots in the North, that wanted slavery eliminated and pushed for war.

'abolitionist zealots'- interesting term for people who wanted to end slavery.

Lincoln was not among them- yet the South feared he was- and moved to secede- and started the war.
If you are in denial over the Southern secession being about slavery,

I suggest you start by reading the C.S.A. Constitution.
And...if you are in doubt that Lincoln was an ardent racist even for his time, you are in denial. .

Actually Lincoln was a racist pretty much like everyone was in his time.

But his 'racism' had nothing to do with his desire to keep the Union together in the face of the Slave states trying to leave the Union to protect their 'right' to own human beings.
Lincoln was a tyrant who believed kill them and destroy their property, to keep them in the Union. He was a traitor.

And by 'traitor'- you mean the man who preserved the Union- and by his actions caused the end of slavery in the United States.
Instead of settling the question legally, under the More Perfect Union and its processes, a special interest group sought to separate from a solemn pledge illegally. This uprising against the common interest was justly dealt with and put down.
Lincoln was a tyrant who believed kill them and destroy their property, to keep them in the Union. He was a traitor.

And by 'traitor'- you mean the man who preserved the Union- and by his actions caused the end of slavery in the United States.
By the man who ignored the Constitution and shit on the Founders...then murdered 850,000 Americans and destroyed half the nation....leading to decades of racism. Good job...but only in the minds of the small minded STATIST!!!

He was a ardent racist even for his time. Just prior to his death, he was hoping to deport all blacks. Statists still love him unconditionally...because they are CRAZY!!!!
Lincoln was a tyrant who believed kill them and destroy their property, to keep them in the Union. He was a traitor.

And by 'traitor'- you mean the man who preserved the Union- and by his actions caused the end of slavery in the United States.
Preserve the Union by killing it. Makes sense to the senseless.
Lincoln was a tyrant who believed kill them and destroy their property, to keep them in the Union. He was a traitor.

And by 'traitor'- you mean the man who preserved the Union- and by his actions caused the end of slavery in the United States.
Preserve the Union by killing it. Makes sense to the senseless.

The Union still stands- despite the best efforts of the traitors based out of Richmond.
Lincoln was a tyrant who believed kill them and destroy their property, to keep them in the Union. He was a traitor.

And by 'traitor'- you mean the man who preserved the Union- and by his actions caused the end of slavery in the United States.
By the man who ignored the Constitution and shit on the Founders...then murdered 850,000 Americans and destroyed half the nation....leading to decades of racism./QUOTE]

Lincoln no more 'murdered' Americans than FDR 'murdered' Germans. The Southern rebels fired on American troops- starting a war. A lesser President could have chosen to ignore the attack on the U.S. Army- and let the Union fall apart- but Lincoln fought to preserve the Constitution- and shit on the rebels in the South.

And 'leading to decades of racism'? Really? So if the South had seceded there would not have been 'decades' of racism- just decades of slavery of African Americans.

Why exactly are you so pissed off that the victory by the United States over its Southern rebels resulted in the end of slavery? The institutionalized racism that followed was horrible- but that followed a hundred years of institutionalized racism and slavery.

The Union didn't go to war to end slavery- but the South went to war to protect the right to own human beings- and they lost that war- and their human property
Lincoln was a tyrant who believed kill them and destroy their property, to keep them in the Union. He was a traitor.

And by 'traitor'- you mean the man who preserved the Union- and by his actions caused the end of slavery in the United States.
Preserve the Union by killing it. Makes sense to the senseless.

The Union still stands- despite the best efforts of the traitors based out of Richmond.
Lincoln was a tyrant who believed kill them and destroy their property, to keep them in the Union. He was a traitor.

And by 'traitor'- you mean the man who preserved the Union- and by his actions caused the end of slavery in the United States.
By the man who ignored the Constitution and shit on the Founders...then murdered 850,000 Americans and destroyed half the nation....leading to decades of racism./QUOTE]

Lincoln no more 'murdered' Americans than FDR 'murdered' Germans. The Southern rebels fired on American troops- starting a war. A lesser President could have chosen to ignore the attack on the U.S. Army- and let the Union fall apart- but Lincoln fought to preserve the Constitution- and shit on the rebels in the South.

And 'leading to decades of racism'? Really? So if the South had seceded there would not have been 'decades' of racism- just decades of slavery of African Americans.

Why exactly are you so pissed off that the victory by the United States over its Southern rebels resulted in the end of slavery? The institutionalized racism that followed was horrible- but that followed a hundred years of institutionalized racism and slavery.

The Union didn't go to war to end slavery- but the South went to war to protect the right to own human beings- and they lost that war- and their human property
Lincoln is just about solely responsible for the 850k deaths and destruction of half the nation. He could have allowed the South to secede, as nearly all newspapers and many politicians believed should have happened.

Lincoln was scum...but statists love the murdering fool.
Lincoln was a tyrant who believed kill them and destroy their property, to keep them in the Union. He was a traitor.

And by 'traitor'- you mean the man who preserved the Union- and by his actions caused the end of slavery in the United States.
Preserve the Union by killing it. Makes sense to the senseless.

The Union still stands- despite the best efforts of the traitors based out of Richmond.

You are still pissed off that the United States consists of 50 states.

And no slave states.
Lincoln was a tyrant who believed kill them and destroy their property, to keep them in the Union. He was a traitor.

And by 'traitor'- you mean the man who preserved the Union- and by his actions caused the end of slavery in the United States.
By the man who ignored the Constitution and shit on the Founders...then murdered 850,000 Americans and destroyed half the nation....leading to decades of racism./QUOTE]

Lincoln no more 'murdered' Americans than FDR 'murdered' Germans. The Southern rebels fired on American troops- starting a war. A lesser President could have chosen to ignore the attack on the U.S. Army- and let the Union fall apart- but Lincoln fought to preserve the Constitution- and shit on the rebels in the South.

And 'leading to decades of racism'? Really? So if the South had seceded there would not have been 'decades' of racism- just decades of slavery of African Americans.

Why exactly are you so pissed off that the victory by the United States over its Southern rebels resulted in the end of slavery? The institutionalized racism that followed was horrible- but that followed a hundred years of institutionalized racism and slavery.

The Union didn't go to war to end slavery- but the South went to war to protect the right to own human beings- and they lost that war- and their human property
Lincoln is just about solely responsible for the 850k deaths and destruction of half the nation. He could have allowed the South to secede, as nearly all newspapers and many politicians believed should have happened.

Lincoln was scum...but statists love the murdering fool.

The Southern leaders who fought to preserve the institution of slavery were scum. They fired on the U.S. Army, violated the Constitution, and their actions were solely responsible for the deaths in the South and the destruction thereof.

They fought to preserve their right to own human property- and lost.

You mourn their loss.
An interesting note .

Why They Fought
Men on both sides were inspired to fight by patriotism, state pride, the chance for adventure, steady pay. Union soldiers fought to preserve the Union; the common Confederate fought to defend his home. Later in the war, increasing numbers of Federal soldiers fought to abolish slavery, if for no other reason than to end the war quickly. Confederate soldiers sometimes fought because they feared Union victory would result in a society where black people were placed on an even footing with whites.

Army Melting Pots
The large majority of Civil War soldiers were native born. Nonetheless, large numbers of stout-hearted newcomers to the country also volunteered to fight–especially in the North. Nearly one quarter of the Union’s soldiers were immigrants, including 200,000 Germans; 150,000 Irish; 45,000 English; 15,000 Canadians, and lesser numbers of French, Norwegians, Italians, Mexicans, and Poles. Exact figures for the South are sketchy, but tens of thousands of Irish, Germans, British, French, Canadians, Dutch, and Austrians entered Confederate ranks.

Black Troops
By war’s end, African-American soldiers made up roughly 10 percent of the Union army. Approximately 179,000 black soldiers wore the blue; 37,000 lost their lives. In March 1865, the Confederate congress authorized the army to recruit 300,000 black troops. Some units were raised, but it was too late for them to make a difference.

Civil War Soldiers | HistoryNet

Black troops in the Union army were paid half the wages of white Union soldiers as well.....

And? I don't think that anyone will argue that the United States was generally racist in the era.

None of that changes the fact that the stated reason why Southern states seceded was to preserve 'the peculiar institution' of slavery.

The United States didn't fight to free the slaves- but the South attempted to secede in order to preserve slavery.
The South, "reneged" on our Declaration of Independence. Just a bunch of renegades.

If you study the secessionist sentiment of the times you will find that it is stunningly similar to the philosophy of the modern American conservative.

1. they feared 'democracy'.

2. they were states rights extremists

3. they feared that the abolition of slavery, coupled with black citizenship and suffrage, could destroy white supremacy in the South.
If you are in denial over the Southern secession being about slavery,

I suggest you start by reading the C.S.A. Constitution.
And...if you are in doubt that Lincoln was an ardent racist even for his time, you are in denial.

He was also an ardent big government statist (no doubt you like that), fully prepared to murder 850k Americans and destroy half the nation for his absurd statist view of the Constitution.

The Crittenden compromise, a huge concession to the South, was offered in late 1860 as an attempt to avoid war.

Lincoln opposed it.

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