Praise Allah, John F’n Kerry Not Ruling Out 2020

So if he did inherit a full 20 million, he increased his wealth by 150 times. Given those numbers, I'd say that he has also increased the greatness of this country proportionally. So we are at least 100 times greater than we were when Obama was President.
He inherited over 100’million. And you have no clue what the orange sociopath is worth because you’ve never seen it’s tax returns.
/——/,Tax returns show income not net worth, you imbecile. You’d know if you’d ever filed one.
but where did the income come from?? Putin??? Pay back?
/——/ No, that would be Hildabeast who got money from Putin.
OH?? she laundered money too??? I didn't know that
/——/ Yes, though her phony foundation. Thanks for asking
I wonder what would happen if Obama sought a VP position. Technically, the 22nd Amendment isn't relevant there. The Dems could run any old dolt, and Dems would likely show up in historic numbers, I bet.

Not that I see any difference between a Republican and a Democrat where it really matters, the monetary policy, but still. He likely could do that.

For instance, if Biden ran, and Obama sought the VP, it would be constitutional, I think.
....still waiting on this military records 'Lurch' promised he would release to the public last time he ran for President...

...any day now...

You remind me of an eight-year-old son of a woman I was dating. One day the kid called out,

"MO--om! I can't find my shirt!"

Without hesitation his mother called back what I thought was a silly question:

"Did ya LOOK?"

The kid says, 'Noooo.."

Military Career of John Kerry -- Wikipedia, the Top Secret Repository of Guarded Information Open to Only the Select Few of the Inner Circle with Secret Decoder Rings
I wonder what would happen if Obama sought a VP position. Technically, the 22nd Amendment isn't relevant there. The Dems could run any old dolt, and Dems would likely show up in historic numbers, I bet.

Not that I see any difference between a Republican and a Democrat where it really matters, the monetary policy, but still. He likely could do that.

For instance, if Biden ran, and Obama sought the VP, it would be constitutional, I think.
/——-/,As worded, the primary focus of the 22nd Amendment is on limiting individuals twice elected to the presidency from being elected again. Due to this, several issues could be raised regarding the amendment's meaning and application, especially in relation to the 12th Amendment, ratified in 1804, which states, "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States".[22] While it is clear that under the 12th Amendment the original constitutional qualifications of age, citizenship, and residency apply to both the president and vice president, it is unclear whether someone who is ineligible to be elected president could be elected vice president. Because of this apparent ambiguity, there may be a loophole in the 22nd
I wonder what would happen if Obama sought a VP position. Technically, the 22nd Amendment isn't relevant there. The Dems could run any old dolt, and Dems would likely show up in historic numbers, I bet.

Not that I see any difference between a Republican and a Democrat where it really matters, the monetary policy, but still. He likely could do that.

For instance, if Biden ran, and Obama sought the VP, it would be constitutional, I think.
/——-/,As worded, the primary focus of the 22nd Amendment is on limiting individuals twice elected to the presidency from being elected again. Due to this, several issues could be raised regarding the amendment's meaning and application, especially in relation to the 12th Amendment, ratified in 1804, which states, "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States".[22] While it is clear that under the 12th Amendment the original constitutional qualifications of age, citizenship, and residency apply to both the president and vice president, it is unclear whether someone who is ineligible to be elected president could be elected vice president. Because of this apparent ambiguity, there may be a loophole in the 22nd

Yeah. You're right. I think it'd get instantly challenged in court.

Scratch Obama VP, then.
I wonder what would happen if Obama sought a VP position. Technically, the 22nd Amendment isn't relevant there. The Dems could run any old dolt, and Dems would likely show up in historic numbers, I bet.

Not that I see any difference between a Republican and a Democrat where it really matters, the monetary policy, but still. He likely could do that.

For instance, if Biden ran, and Obama sought the VP, it would be constitutional, I think.

I wonder what would happen if Obama sought a VP position.

You can't be VP if you're ineligible to be President.
I wonder what would happen if Obama sought a VP position. Technically, the 22nd Amendment isn't relevant there. The Dems could run any old dolt, and Dems would likely show up in historic numbers, I bet.

Not that I see any difference between a Republican and a Democrat where it really matters, the monetary policy, but still. He likely could do that.

For instance, if Biden ran, and Obama sought the VP, it would be constitutional, I think.

I wonder what would happen if Obama sought a VP position.

You can't be VP if you're ineligible to be President.

He isn't 'ineligible'.

The 22nd Amendment says "no person shall be elected" to the office more than twice. He's not ineligible to be President; just ineligible to run. Actually he's even eligible to run, he just can't be elected.
I wonder what would happen if Obama sought a VP position. Technically, the 22nd Amendment isn't relevant there. The Dems could run any old dolt, and Dems would likely show up in historic numbers, I bet.

Not that I see any difference between a Republican and a Democrat where it really matters, the monetary policy, but still. He likely could do that.

For instance, if Biden ran, and Obama sought the VP, it would be constitutional, I think.

I wonder what would happen if Obama sought a VP position.

You can't be VP if you're ineligible to be President.

He isn't 'ineligible'.

The 22nd Amendment says "no person shall be elected" to the office more than twice. He's not ineligible to be President; just ineligible to run. Actually he's even eligible to run, he just can't be elected.

Actually a more interesting test to the 22nd might be Grover Cleveland, if he were still alive.

Historians insist on miscounting the number of Presidents owing to their dogged insistence on counting Grover Cleveland as BOTH the 22nd AND 24th President. This can only mean that "Grover Cleveland" and "Grover Cleveland" were two different people. Ergo if both Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland were still alive today, either one of them would be eligible for a second term. They could even run against each other. And if one of them won and they were assigned yet another ordinal number --- they could then run again.

Both of those guys are dead now so that won't happen. But if Jimmy Carter or George Bush I ran again and historians insisted on assigning them another ordinal number, something would have to give.
That asshole Kerry had a book written by his fellow veterans detailing his cowardice. That is pretty damn sorry, isn't it?

Some of the best money I ever spent was donating to The Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth.

Kerry was a real coward and shithead. Thank god he wasn't elected President. He is tied with that Crooked Hillary piece of shit for the title of "Worst Secretary of State Ever".
100% repub Bullshit Swift boat pos were liars Paid liars Kerry was there Trump was hiding in his doctors office

Fake news about the veterans that exposed Kerry's cowardice from the Kerry campaign. Only the idiot Moon Bats who were so stupid as to think that asshole Kerry would make a good President thinks that he served honorably. He was a piece of shit.

The only lies we saw were Kerry's lies about his service like the hilarious lie of "Christmas in Cambodia" or his band aid Purple Hearts.

Thank god the SBVFTT exposed him being a shithead. Great service to their country. Hope that is what cost him the Presidency. He deserved to be told to take a hike.
He was there Your punk Trump was in the Drs office

You mean like Joe Biden? Sorry but Bush served in the Air National guard unlike during Vietnam when your hero Slick Willy was writing letters saying how he loathed the military and that asshole Obama was hanging out with his communists buddies when he could have been serving his country, wasn't he?

I was there. Got there in October 0f 1967 and left in March of 1970.

Kerry didn't serve jackshit in four months. He was a fucking coward according to the people he did serve with. They even wrote a book about what a scumbag he was. I suggest you go read the book so you won't be so confused.

It takes a real moron to think John Kerry is the cat's meow. One of the worst scumbags in the history of American politics.

You really need to pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass.
Sorry you don't know jack shit
How did the orange sociopath get rich? His daddy left him money.

Is run along

I don't take direction from you fake lawyer.

Sources say Trump inherited between 2 and 20 million form his father, the exact amount isn't known. His net worth today is around 3 billion dollars. I'd say he'e done very well...of course you're as stupid as a stump and won't grasp it

So if he did inherit a full 20 million, he increased his wealth by 150 times. Given those numbers, I'd say that he has also increased the greatness of this country proportionally. So we are at least 100 times greater than we were when Obama was President.
He inherited over 100’million. And you have no clue what the orange sociopath is worth because you’ve never seen it’s tax returns.
/——/,Tax returns show income not net worth, you imbecile. You’d know if you’d ever filed one.
but where did the income come from?? Putin??? Pay back?
Bilking people with pretend universities.
Filing bankruptcy and screwing his vendors
....still waiting on this military records 'Lurch' promised he would release to the public last time he ran for President...

...any day now...

You remind me of an eight-year-old son of a woman I was dating. One day the kid called out,

"MO--om! I can't find my shirt!"

Without hesitation his mother called back what I thought was a silly question:

"Did ya LOOK?"

The kid says, 'Noooo.."

Military Career of John Kerry -- Wikipedia, the Top Secret Repository of Guarded Information Open to Only the Select Few of the Inner Circle with Secret Decoder Rings
Dude, I'm talking about his OFFICIAL records, not 'Wiki' records...

You know - the ones that show he was in Cambodia at Christmas time while serving in Viet Nam....

Kerry's Cambodia Whopper (

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