Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition

Already started liar. By those like you. Lying treasonous filth.

Oh my god! The Civil War already started?!

How many enemies have you taken out?

How about you HereWeGoAgain? How many have you gotten?

Home invaders get shot on a regular basis.
Why would you think this would be any different?

How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?

Here's what I dont understand.
This shit only hurts the working poor. It has no effect on me whatsoever.
I could sell my house and hit the boonies and watch this shit go down. I have no need for more money so this is a type of entertainment in a way.
Already started liar. By those like you. Lying treasonous filth.

Oh my god! The Civil War already started?!

How many enemies have you taken out?

How about you HereWeGoAgain? How many have you gotten?

Home invaders get shot on a regular basis.
Why would you think this would be any different?

How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?

Here's what I dont understand.
This shit only hurts the working poor. It has no effect on me whatsoever.
I could sell my house and hit the boonies and watch this shit go down. I have no need for more money so this is a type of entertainment in a way.

So 0. Ok thanks.
We are not involved in a "civil war." Excitable people always leap to hysterical hyperbole.
America, 2020. Reason and moderation not required.
#MAGA. Trump voters wanting mass genocide. Makes you chuckle.

Trump voters have been quite happy with things, it's all the Leftist Agitators and their feral sub-animals in BLM who are causing ALL the trouble in America and have caused trouble in various ways since Trump beat Hillary, a situation they have NEVER accepted like the Emotionally Retarded Bedwetters they are.
We are not involved in a "civil war." Excitable people always leap to hysterical hyperbole.
America, 2020. Reason and moderation not required.
#MAGA. Trump voters wanting mass genocide. Makes you chuckle.

Trump voters have been quite happy with things, it's all the Leftist Agitators and their feral sub-animals in BLM who are causing ALL the trouble in America and have caused trouble in various ways since Trump beat Hillary, a situation they have NEVER accepted like the Emotionally Retarded Bedwetters they are.

Happy people are “chomping at the bit” to shoot someone?
It'll be a bloodbath.

Sure it will. Then you'll wake up from your little fantasy and come back to reality.

The reality where you're not going to do shit.

So why havent they left the inner cities?
They come here and i'll treat em like any other crook trying to break into my home.
And I'll have ample warning that they are coming,giving me plenty of time to prepare,hell,I might even leave the front door wide open as an invite.
They'll be met with this....
View attachment 355563
View attachment 355564
Oh...thats .400 thick 4140 commercial heat treated steel.
With any luck they'll stack up at the door and I can get three in one shot.

You're just fantasizing about going Pew Pew Pew.

You're not actually going to do anything.

Hide and watch....
I'm sure you're good at that sort of thing.

Nothing to hide from. You're not doing anything.

Well come on down!!!
You can join your looter buddies and score some easy shit in the burbs.

You got a few things wrong there.

1. I don't loot and I don't support looting.

2. You're not going to do anything.

All talk. No action. Sit down and take your meds.

But you obviously support them.

I just said I don't support looting. I don't support the people doing the looting either.

What about the BLM Marxists do you support them?

I support BLM.

Thats good information thanks.

Most Americans do.

Uuuh...actually they dont.
Even blacks dont like what they're doing.
We are not involved in a "civil war." Excitable people always leap to hysterical hyperbole.
America, 2020. Reason and moderation not required.
#MAGA. Trump voters wanting mass genocide. Makes you chuckle.

Trump voters have been quite happy with things, it's all the Leftist Agitators and their feral sub-animals in BLM who are causing ALL the trouble in America and have caused trouble in various ways since Trump beat Hillary, a situation they have NEVER accepted like the Emotionally Retarded Bedwetters they are.

Happy people are “chomping at the bit” to shoot someone?

Not nearly as many who are chomping at the bit to riot and loot apparently.
It'll be a bloodbath.

Sure it will. Then you'll wake up from your little fantasy and come back to reality.

The reality where you're not going to do shit.

So why havent they left the inner cities?
They come here and i'll treat em like any other crook trying to break into my home.
And I'll have ample warning that they are coming,giving me plenty of time to prepare,hell,I might even leave the front door wide open as an invite.
They'll be met with this....
View attachment 355563
View attachment 355564
Oh...thats .400 thick 4140 commercial heat treated steel.
With any luck they'll stack up at the door and I can get three in one shot.

You're just fantasizing about going Pew Pew Pew.

You're not actually going to do anything.

Hide and watch....
I'm sure you're good at that sort of thing.

Nothing to hide from. You're not doing anything.

Well come on down!!!
You can join your looter buddies and score some easy shit in the burbs.

You got a few things wrong there.

1. I don't loot and I don't support looting.

2. You're not going to do anything.

All talk. No action. Sit down and take your meds.

But you obviously support them.

I just said I don't support looting. I don't support the people doing the looting either.

What about the BLM Marxists do you support them?

I support BLM.

Thats good information thanks.

Most Americans do.

Uuuh...actually they dont.
Even blacks dont like what they're doing.

The data says otherwise.


If you have evidence that says otherwise, go ahead and show it.

I assume it doesn't exist. Just like the civil war you idiots think we're in.
Yes we already know you do. You HATE America then.

I don't fantasize about killing Americans in a non-existent civil war.

But BLM DO say they want to Kill Whitey and given the opportunity they would, but they won't GET that opportunity because their RACIST and Marxist attempt an Insurrection will NOT be tolerated in Suburban and Rural areas.
From the link;
"Some people are taking it even further. I know of several individuals, in five cities, who've carefully measured the ranges from their property to potential trouble points nearby, and possess rifles capable of "reaching out and touching someone" at those distances, if necessary. One has built a front-yard "tree house" for his kids - with ladders that are sized and strengthened for adult weights, and a flat area on top of the "tree house" that provides a useful platform for a man with a rifle, and a clear view down his suburban street in both directions. You might say he's preparing to be a suburban Roof Korean - and I daresay he's far from alone.

Others have formed local support groups, so that if trouble arises they'll provide mutual backup as and when necessary. If a member goes out of town for some reason, their houses - and, if necessary, their families - are watched to ensure their safety. Members who've had training in weapons use (military, law enforcement and private) are passing that on to others in the group during prearranged sessions at shooting ranges. Those who don't have adequate weapons are being taught what's worth having, and assisted to buy them. I've heard of one group that is said to have sent representatives to a gun show held in a location where restrictions on private gun and ammo sales and purchases were less stringent. They're said to have spent a fair amount of money on weapons and ammunition, all of which were "off-paper" cash transactions.

I'm not a member of any such group. Nevertheless, if I, a relatively insignificant blogger and simple retired pastor, know of a few people and groups like that, how many more are there? I was rather surprised at how many friends wanted to upgrade their rifles to a more practical defensive configuration recently (something I wrote about here, as well as writing a three part series on the considerations involved). I suspect the "silent majority" is getting bigger, and more frustrated, and better organized, with every new inner-city crime spree or left-wing riot or fatuous progressive demand."
Already started liar. By those like you. Lying treasonous filth.

Oh my god! The Civil War already started?!

How many enemies have you taken out?

How about you HereWeGoAgain? How many have you gotten?

Home invaders get shot on a regular basis.
Why would you think this would be any different?

How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?

Here's what I dont understand.
This shit only hurts the working poor. It has no effect on me whatsoever.
I could sell my house and hit the boonies and watch this shit go down. I have no need for more money so this is a type of entertainment in a way.

So 0. Ok thanks.

Once more in English please.
Already started liar. By those like you. Lying treasonous filth.

Oh my god! The Civil War already started?!

How many enemies have you taken out?

How about you HereWeGoAgain? How many have you gotten?

Home invaders get shot on a regular basis.
Why would you think this would be any different?

How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?

Here's what I dont understand.
This shit only hurts the working poor. It has no effect on me whatsoever.
I could sell my house and hit the boonies and watch this shit go down. I have no need for more money so this is a type of entertainment in a way.

So 0. Ok thanks.

Once more in English please.

Maybe you should pay closer attention.

Me: "How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?"

You: Mindless rambling that doesn't answer the question.

Me: "So 0. Ok thanks."
Already started liar. By those like you. Lying treasonous filth.

Oh my god! The Civil War already started?!

How many enemies have you taken out?

How about you HereWeGoAgain? How many have you gotten?

Home invaders get shot on a regular basis.
Why would you think this would be any different?

How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?

Here's what I dont understand.
This shit only hurts the working poor. It has no effect on me whatsoever.
I could sell my house and hit the boonies and watch this shit go down. I have no need for more money so this is a type of entertainment in a way.

So 0. Ok thanks.

Once more in English please.

Maybe you should pay closer attention.

Me: "How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?"

You: Mindless rambling that doesn't answer the question.

Me: "So 0. Ok thanks."

I've killed thousands and my backyard is getting a bit full.
Unfortunately my dogs wont eat em because even they have better taste.
Already started liar. By those like you. Lying treasonous filth.

Oh my god! The Civil War already started?!

How many enemies have you taken out?

How about you HereWeGoAgain? How many have you gotten?

Home invaders get shot on a regular basis.
Why would you think this would be any different?

How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?

Here's what I dont understand.
This shit only hurts the working poor. It has no effect on me whatsoever.
I could sell my house and hit the boonies and watch this shit go down. I have no need for more money so this is a type of entertainment in a way.

So 0. Ok thanks.

Once more in English please.

Maybe you should pay closer attention.

Me: "How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?"

You: Mindless rambling that doesn't answer the question.

Me: "So 0. Ok thanks."

I've killed thousands and my backyard is getting a bit full.
Unfortunately my dogs wont eat em because even they have better taste.

Yea those squirrels are really dangerous.
...There is ONLY one group who should be put on pills and that's the feral sub-animals who are rioting, looting and trashing things.
Tranquilizers also come in pill form. You really, really seem to need some. They won't take away your mindless racism, but they'll make you shut up about it for a few hours.
It'll be a bloodbath.

Sure it will. Then you'll wake up from your little fantasy and come back to reality.

The reality where you're not going to do shit.

So why havent they left the inner cities?
They come here and i'll treat em like any other crook trying to break into my home.
And I'll have ample warning that they are coming,giving me plenty of time to prepare,hell,I might even leave the front door wide open as an invite.
They'll be met with this....
View attachment 355563
View attachment 355564
Oh...thats .400 thick 4140 commercial heat treated steel.
With any luck they'll stack up at the door and I can get three in one shot.
Here's my 308 at 100 yards. 3/8 steel plate.


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