Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition

It'll be a bloodbath.

Sure it will. Then you'll wake up from your little fantasy and come back to reality.

The reality where you're not going to do shit.

So why havent they left the inner cities?
They come here and i'll treat em like any other crook trying to break into my home.
And I'll have ample warning that they are coming,giving me plenty of time to prepare,hell,I might even leave the front door wide open as an invite.
They'll be met with this....
View attachment 355563
View attachment 355564
Oh...thats .400 thick 4140 commercial heat treated steel.
With any luck they'll stack up at the door and I can get three in one shot.

You're just fantasizing about going Pew Pew Pew.

You're not actually going to do anything.

Hide and watch....
I'm sure you're good at that sort of thing.

Nothing to hide from. You're not doing anything.

Well come on down!!!
You can join your looter buddies and score some easy shit in the burbs.

You got a few things wrong there.

1. I don't loot and I don't support looting.

2. You're not going to do anything.

All talk. No action. Sit down and take your meds.

But you obviously support them.

I just said I don't support looting. I don't support the people doing the looting either.

What about the BLM Marxists do you support them?

I support BLM.

Thats good information thanks.
Already started liar. By those like you. Lying treasonous filth.

Oh my god! The Civil War already started?!

How many enemies have you taken out?

How about you HereWeGoAgain? How many have you gotten?

Home invaders get shot on a regular basis.
Why would you think this would be any different?

How many have you gotten in the great civil war of 2020?

He is NOT in one of the Democrat SHIT HOLES and as such the feral sub-animals have NOT yet had the balls to leave them and so as of now until they DO they can't be used as Target Practice.
It'll be a bloodbath.

Sure it will. Then you'll wake up from your little fantasy and come back to reality.

The reality where you're not going to do shit.

So why havent they left the inner cities?
They come here and i'll treat em like any other crook trying to break into my home.
And I'll have ample warning that they are coming,giving me plenty of time to prepare,hell,I might even leave the front door wide open as an invite.
They'll be met with this....
View attachment 355563
View attachment 355564
Oh...thats .400 thick 4140 commercial heat treated steel.
With any luck they'll stack up at the door and I can get three in one shot.

You're just fantasizing about going Pew Pew Pew.

You're not actually going to do anything.

Hide and watch....
I'm sure you're good at that sort of thing.

Nothing to hide from. You're not doing anything.

Well come on down!!!
You can join your looter buddies and score some easy shit in the burbs.

You got a few things wrong there.

1. I don't loot and I don't support looting.

2. You're not going to do anything.

All talk. No action. Sit down and take your meds.

But you obviously support them.

I just said I don't support looting. I don't support the people doing the looting either.

What about the BLM Marxists do you support them?

I support BLM.

Thats good information thanks.

Most Americans do.
Already started liar. By those like you. Lying treasonous filth.

Oh my god! The Civil War already started?!

How many enemies have you taken out?

How about you HereWeGoAgain? How many have you gotten?

Come on out and we'll see what the body count will be.
As it is they're destroying their own cities which works in my favor.

So how many have you taken out so far?

10? 50? 100?

You sound like an imbecile.
I've stated my position over and over and you still dont get it.
Yes we already know you do. You HATE America then.

I don't fantasize about killing Americans in a non-existent civil war.

But BLM DO say they want to Kill Whitey and given the opportunity they would, but they won't GET that opportunity because their RACIST and Marxist attempt an Insurrection will NOT be tolerated in Suburban and Rural areas.
Already started liar. By those like you. Lying treasonous filth.

Oh my god! The Civil War already started?!

How many enemies have you taken out?

How about you HereWeGoAgain? How many have you gotten?

Come on out and we'll see what the body count will be.
As it is they're destroying their own cities which works in my favor.

So how many have you taken out so far?

10? 50? 100?

You sound like an imbecile.
I've stated my position over and over and you still dont get it.

Oh right. So you've done nothing in the great civil war of 2020.

All talk, no action. Because there is no civil war.

Just a bunch of idiots running around saying "pew pew pew" and making vague threats on the internet.
Keep telling your same lie, and we'll call you a liar. We already had one gathering. Don't recall how many people were there but it might have been 100 or so, mostly armed locals standing by side with local police. Come on down scum, have your peaceful protest, anything else and if the police don't stop you we will. We already had meetings concerning this. YOU vermin are NOT tearing up our town. Now I know you filth will refuse to believe this but one cop was asked what the local police would do if they started looting or burning things and he said they would shoot them. So you filthy vermin bring you sorry hides to red America. Be real nice because you might be here for a long time.'ve done nothing. Got it.
No reason to do anything liar. The criminals didn't like seeing all the guns and decided to move on. Now if they were gonna have a peaceful protest I wonder why they didn't stay? We stayed there all night to make sure but they left. So as I said ya troll pos, there was to need to do anything. Just like happens a lot of the time, in reality, when you show the criminals your gun they have a sudden change of heart.
Oh you badass! Did you whip out your big gun? Was it in your monster truck with your pit bull?

You know, there are some pills you can take instead of going to all this trouble.
He is NOT in one of the Democrat SHIT HOLES and as such the feral sub-animals have NOT yet had the balls to leave them and so as of now until they DO they can't be used as Target Practice.

So nothing is happening yet. Ok that's good.

You are either just being deliberately stupid OR you ARE stupid, I already said and this is the FOURTH time now, that they have NOT left the Democrat City Areas yet, they should bring it on but they have NOT got the balls to leave their Shit Holes and go to where ALL the MASSIVE AMOUNT of gun-owners are ie. Suburban and Rural areas.
Yes we already know you do. You HATE America then.

I don't fantasize about killing Americans in a non-existent civil war.

But BLM DO say they want to Kill Whitey and given the opportunity they would, but they won't GET that opportunity because their RACIST and Marxist attempt an Insurrection will NOT be tolerated in Suburban and Rural areas.

Oh ok. Well let me know when something happens.
He is NOT in one of the Democrat SHIT HOLES and as such the feral sub-animals have NOT yet had the balls to leave them and so as of now until they DO they can't be used as Target Practice.

So nothing is happening yet. Ok that's good.

Absolutely it's good.
As long as they leave us alone they're free to destroy where they live.
Keep telling your same lie, and we'll call you a liar. We already had one gathering. Don't recall how many people were there but it might have been 100 or so, mostly armed locals standing by side with local police. Come on down scum, have your peaceful protest, anything else and if the police don't stop you we will. We already had meetings concerning this. YOU vermin are NOT tearing up our town. Now I know you filth will refuse to believe this but one cop was asked what the local police would do if they started looting or burning things and he said they would shoot them. So you filthy vermin bring you sorry hides to red America. Be real nice because you might be here for a long time.'ve done nothing. Got it.
No reason to do anything liar. The criminals didn't like seeing all the guns and decided to move on. Now if they were gonna have a peaceful protest I wonder why they didn't stay? We stayed there all night to make sure but they left. So as I said ya troll pos, there was to need to do anything. Just like happens a lot of the time, in reality, when you show the criminals your gun they have a sudden change of heart.
Oh you badass! Did you whip out your big gun? Was it in your monster truck with your pit bull?

You know, there are some pills you can take instead of going to all this trouble.

WTF?! You are not supporting BLM now are you?
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?

Apparently you haven’t had enough. You’re not shooting anyone. Or are you too scared?
You are either just being deliberately stupid OR you ARE stupid, I already said and this is the FOURTH time now, that they have NOT left the Democrat City Areas yet, they should bring it on but they have NOT got the balls to leave their Shit Holes and go to where ALL the MASSIVE AMOUNT of gun-owners are ie. Suburban and Rural areas.

I'm just clarifying that nothing has happened.

Ok I think I get it now.

How about now? Still nothing? Oh ok then.
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?

All of you fools who "liked" the above post have lost their right to call any other group violent.
Already started liar. By those like you. Lying treasonous filth.

Oh my god! The Civil War already started?!

How many enemies have you taken out?

How about you HereWeGoAgain? How many have you gotten?

Come on out and we'll see what the body count will be.
As it is they're destroying their own cities which works in my favor.

So how many have you taken out so far?

10? 50? 100?

You sound like an imbecile.
I've stated my position over and over and you still dont get it.

Oh right. So you've done nothing in the great civil war of 2020.

All talk, no action. Because there is no civil war.

Just a bunch of idiots running around saying "pew pew pew" and making vague threats on the internet.

Because they havent the balls to bring it out of their own cities.
This isnt NJ it's Texas.
He is NOT in one of the Democrat SHIT HOLES and as such the feral sub-animals have NOT yet had the balls to leave them and so as of now until they DO they can't be used as Target Practice.

So nothing is happening yet. Ok that's good.

Absolutely it's good.
As long as they leave us alone they're free to destroy where they live.

Right. Because we don't want you getting in there with all the bad guys you've taken down.

Pew pew pew! They wouldn't know what hit them! Pew Pew Pew!

You should wear head-band like Rambo. Man, you'd be so bad-ass.

Too bad nothing is going to actually happen.
Keep telling your same lie, and we'll call you a liar. We already had one gathering. Don't recall how many people were there but it might have been 100 or so, mostly armed locals standing by side with local police. Come on down scum, have your peaceful protest, anything else and if the police don't stop you we will. We already had meetings concerning this. YOU vermin are NOT tearing up our town. Now I know you filth will refuse to believe this but one cop was asked what the local police would do if they started looting or burning things and he said they would shoot them. So you filthy vermin bring you sorry hides to red America. Be real nice because you might be here for a long time.'ve done nothing. Got it.
No reason to do anything liar. The criminals didn't like seeing all the guns and decided to move on. Now if they were gonna have a peaceful protest I wonder why they didn't stay? We stayed there all night to make sure but they left. So as I said ya troll pos, there was to need to do anything. Just like happens a lot of the time, in reality, when you show the criminals your gun they have a sudden change of heart.
Oh you badass! Did you whip out your big gun? Was it in your monster truck with your pit bull?

You know, there are some pills you can take instead of going to all this trouble.

"You know, there are some pills you can take instead of going to all this trouble."

There is ONLY one group who should be put on pills and that's the feral sub-animals who are rioting, looting and trashing things.

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