Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition

Already started liar. By those like you. Lying treasonous filth.

Oh my god! The Civil War already started?!

How many enemies have you taken out?

How about you HereWeGoAgain? How many have you gotten?

Home invaders get shot on a regular basis.
Why would you think this would be any different?

How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?

Here's what I dont understand.
This shit only hurts the working poor. It has no effect on me whatsoever.
I could sell my house and hit the boonies and watch this shit go down. I have no need for more money so this is a type of entertainment in a way.

So 0. Ok thanks.

Once more in English please.

Maybe you should pay closer attention.

Me: "How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?"

You: Mindless rambling that doesn't answer the question.

Me: "So 0. Ok thanks."

I've killed thousands and my backyard is getting a bit full.
Unfortunately my dogs wont eat em because even they have better taste.

Yea those squirrels are really dangerous.

Who said anything about squirrels in this thread?
Already started liar. By those like you. Lying treasonous filth.

Oh my god! The Civil War already started?!

How many enemies have you taken out?

How about you HereWeGoAgain? How many have you gotten?

Home invaders get shot on a regular basis.
Why would you think this would be any different?

How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?

Here's what I dont understand.
This shit only hurts the working poor. It has no effect on me whatsoever.
I could sell my house and hit the boonies and watch this shit go down. I have no need for more money so this is a type of entertainment in a way.

So 0. Ok thanks.

Once more in English please.

Maybe you should pay closer attention.

Me: "How many enemies have you taken down in the great civil war of 2020?"

You: Mindless rambling that doesn't answer the question.

Me: "So 0. Ok thanks."

I've killed thousands and my backyard is getting a bit full.
Unfortunately my dogs wont eat em because even they have better taste.

Yea those squirrels are really dangerous.

Who said anything about squirrels in this thread?

The thousands you killed. Squirrels, right?

Surely a no-action all-talk pussy like you hasn't killed enemy combatants in the great civil war of 2020.
It'll be a bloodbath.

Sure it will. Then you'll wake up from your little fantasy and come back to reality.

The reality where you're not going to do shit.

So why havent they left the inner cities?
They come here and i'll treat em like any other crook trying to break into my home.
And I'll have ample warning that they are coming,giving me plenty of time to prepare,hell,I might even leave the front door wide open as an invite.
They'll be met with this....
View attachment 355563
View attachment 355564
Oh...thats .400 thick 4140 commercial heat treated steel.
With any luck they'll stack up at the door and I can get three in one shot.
Here's my 308 at 100 yards. 3/8 steel plate.
View attachment 355602

View attachment 355603 butter.
I hope BLM and Pantifa hide behind car doors like they see in the movies.
The hardest part when it comes to shooting em would be controlling my laughter enough to settle the sights. butter.
I hope BLM and Pantifa hide behind car doors like they see in the movies.
The hardest part when it comes to shooting em would be controlling my laughter enough to settle the sights.

Make sure you let us know when you actually follow through and actually DO that.

All talk. No action.
Fake news.

The data says otherwise.

View attachment 355606

If you have evidence that suggests otherwise, go ahead and post it.
Like you, your data lies.

I repeat: "If you have evidence that suggests otherwise, go ahead and post it."

Are you just making things up? Like your make-believe civil war? Pew Pew Pew!
I can't wait until the first group of blob supporting vigilantes comes up against professional security staff. It should be fun to watch. Praise god and pass the popcorn.

The data says otherwise.

View attachment 355606

If you have evidence that suggests otherwise, go ahead and post it.
Vermin like you don't accept evidence unless it perpetuates your lies.

I just showed you evidence.

Do you have any? No? All talk and no substance. Sounds familiar.
Who did they poll? People in Flint?

The data says otherwise.

View attachment 355606

If you have evidence that suggests otherwise, go ahead and post it.

Yeah...because when pollsters ask me what I think I'm gonna say fuck those negros!!!!
I'd have thought you clowns would have learned something from 2016 but apparently not.

63% of Republicans said they don't support them. What makes you special?

If you have evidence that suggests otherwise, go ahead and post it.

The data says otherwise.

View attachment 355606

If you have evidence that suggests otherwise, go ahead and post it.
Vermin like you don't accept evidence unless it perpetuates your lies.

I just showed you evidence.

Do you have any? No? All talk and no substance. Sounds familiar.
Who did they poll? People in Flint?

Does it matter? You'll disagree regardless because it goes against your feelings.

No numbers. No data. Just feelings.

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