Praise The Lord! President Trump Returns The Nativity Scene Back To The White House (Christ Is Back)

So refreshing having a President who actually loves America. It's great seeing Trump flushing away the 8yr Anti-American Hussein reign of terror. Go Trump! :dance:
If it has not already happened, this is going to drive the snowflakes right over the edge.... :p
What a great gesture to do in returning Christ back to the White House after the former ineligible Muslim president is no longer an occupier in it. Bringing God and Christ back into the White House is a beneficial step in making America great again. We owe our gratitude to President Trump and First Lady Melania.

Melania Trump Twitter Video of the Decorations.

VIDEO=> Trump Brings Christ Back to Christmas: First Lady Melania Promotes Nativity Scene — Removes Mao Balls

Thanks for the link Steve....Since Trump has been elected it makes us proud to be Americans again. Obama's 8 years were nothing but gloom and doom.
Trump is declaring War on Christmas

Taking Christmas away from Santa where it belongs
Did you know that "Christ" was literally Rump's father's middle name?

You know, the guy arrested at a Klan rally....?

You must be very proud.

German: from the Latin personal name Christus ‘Christ’ (see Christian). The name Christ (Latin Christus) is from Greek Khristos, a derivative of khriein ‘to anoint’, a calque of Hebrew mashiach ‘Messiah’, which likewise means literally ‘the anointed’. English: variant of Crist.

Prounced "krist" in that case, not "kryst". Thus are you enlightened.

Actually this is a message board, ergo it deals with the written word, not the spoken.
That means I didn't "prounce" it. That would have required a media file.

I did however spell it. The same way Fred did.

And yes I know perfectly well what Krystos means.

There's a well-known guitar company called C.F. Martin, founded by a German. His first name was Christian. He didn't go around calling himself "Christ"; rather, he let his work do the talking.

That's how you do humility.

You attempted to make a connection between the father's middle name and the promotion of a nativity scene at the White House.

That's how you do idiocy.

Go look at the thread title. It was the OP who brought up "Christ" (in the political forum no less, which he still hasn't explained).

I just provided a doubly-related factoid.

He liked it too. Took him back to his cross-burning daze.

That's how you do nostalgia.

Who cares? Your attempt was both feeble and puerile.

And that ^^ is how you do concession.

So edumacational is this thread.
Michelle Obama's 2015 White House Christmas decoration. This is what happens when we have ghetto trash living in America's House...


I like the two dogs out front

Of course Trump is the first president in 100 years not to have a dog

Why does Rump hate dogs? Do they get too much attention?

That's not a political question of course. But neither is this thread. OP still hasn't essplained that.
What a great gesture to do in returning Christ back to the White House after the former ineligible Muslim president is no longer an occupier in it. Bringing God and Christ back into the White House is a beneficial step in making America great again. We owe our gratitude to President Trump and First Lady Melania.

Melania Trump Twitter Video of the Decorations.

VIDEO=> Trump Brings Christ Back to Christmas: First Lady Melania Promotes Nativity Scene — Removes Mao Balls

By the way McKlan, what the fuck does this have to do with "Politics"?

You think Politics is Religion now?

Dear Pogo, yes since the prochoice-prolife politics went to war against each other, Christianity became a target for discrediting and demonizing
the right, the Republicans, conservatives and Christians as a prolife lobby.

This became politicized.

Constitutionalism is a political belief or religion, it crosses the line with religion and politics. Some people believe in limited govt, some don't.

Belief in right to marriage and right to health care
crosses the line with beliefs and politics concerning the role of govt.

And with LGBT beliefs on the left, this has now become the liberal
equivalent of demanding protection for Christian beliefs for the right.

These BELIEFS have become politicized because
they involved GOVT. When parties get involved in bullying and
demonizing each other to push their political BELIEFS through GOVT,
YES, this has mixed religion with politics, Christianity and LGBT beliefs with public policy, etc. etc.

It becomes a political statement for either Christian or LGBT beliefs
to be expressed in public, in public institutions or on public property.

Because both parties have used these BELIEFS to target each other politically, trying to influence the public to demand changes in govt policy.

Nobody brought up fake labels like "pro-choice/pro-life" here Emily. Nobody brought up anything of the kind.

The OP brought up "Christ" (it's in his title) and then plunked it in the political forum.

I asked him why he did that. And he ran away.

Apparently he thinks Rump is an exterior decorator now too :gay: but that's a whole 'nother question.
German: from the Latin personal name Christus ‘Christ’ (see Christian). The name Christ (Latin Christus) is from Greek Khristos, a derivative of khriein ‘to anoint’, a calque of Hebrew mashiach ‘Messiah’, which likewise means literally ‘the anointed’. English: variant of Crist.

Prounced "krist" in that case, not "kryst". Thus are you enlightened.

Actually this is a message board, ergo it deals with the written word, not the spoken.
That means I didn't "prounce" it. That would have required a media file.

I did however spell it. The same way Fred did.

And yes I know perfectly well what Krystos means.

There's a well-known guitar company called C.F. Martin, founded by a German. His first name was Christian. He didn't go around calling himself "Christ"; rather, he let his work do the talking.

That's how you do humility.

You attempted to make a connection between the father's middle name and the promotion of a nativity scene at the White House.

That's how you do idiocy.

Go look at the thread title. It was the OP who brought up "Christ" (in the political forum no less, which he still hasn't explained).

I just provided a doubly-related factoid.

He liked it too. Took him back to his cross-burning daze.

That's how you do nostalgia.

Who cares? Your attempt was both feeble and puerile.

And that ^^ is how you do concession.

Au contraire. That's how you do a brush-off.
What a great gesture to do in returning Christ back to the White House after the former ineligible Muslim president is no longer an occupier in it. Bringing God and Christ back into the White House is a beneficial step in making America great again. We owe our gratitude to President Trump and First Lady Melania.

Melania Trump Twitter Video of the Decorations.

VIDEO=> Trump Brings Christ Back to Christmas: First Lady Melania Promotes Nativity Scene — Removes Mao Balls
Hey dumb fuck.

The Obama's had a nativity creche every year.

You fucking gullible parroting dumb fucks drink whatever piss is put in your cups.

White House Christmas Tour 2016 - Part II
Michelle Obama's 2015 White House Christmas decoration. This is what happens when we have ghetto trash living in America's House...


I like the two dogs out front

Of course Trump is the first president in 100 years not to have a dog

Why does Rump hate dogs? Do they get too much attention?

That's not a political question of course. But neither is this thread. OP still hasn't essplained that.

I suspect that dogs hate him to the extent he can't own one
And the War on Christmas takes a blow. The White House Christmas card this year will say "Merry Christmas" for the first time in 8 years.
The Trumps have the EXACT SAME CRECHE as the Obamas had.

You people are beyond fucking stupid.
What a great gesture to do in returning Christ back to the White House after the former ineligible Muslim president is no longer an occupier in it. Bringing God and Christ back into the White House is a beneficial step in making America great again. We owe our gratitude to President Trump and First Lady Melania.

Melania Trump Twitter Video of the Decorations.

VIDEO=> Trump Brings Christ Back to Christmas: First Lady Melania Promotes Nativity Scene — Removes Mao Balls
They put two males and one female next to the manger for accuracy, right?
Michelle Obama's 2015 White House Christmas decoration. This is what happens when we have ghetto trash living in America's House...


I like the two dogs out front

Of course Trump is the first president in 100 years not to have a dog

Why does Rump hate dogs? Do they get too much attention?

That's not a political question of course. But neither is this thread. OP still hasn't essplained that.

I suspect that dogs hate him to the extent he can't own one

I suspect they'd lick the orange off his face.

While I don't necessarily believe in the fable of the nativity, I do put up a crèche every year outside my house....not that anyone on the public road can see it.
Michelle Obama's 2015 White House Christmas decoration. This is what happens when we have ghetto trash living in America's House...


I like the two dogs out front

Of course Trump is the first president in 100 years not to have a dog

Why does Rump hate dogs? Do they get too much attention?

That's not a political question of course. But neither is this thread. OP still hasn't essplained that.

I suspect that dogs hate him to the extent he can't own one
Which proves that dogs are smarter than trumpanzees.

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