Pray for my Katy please.

We don't even have a niece, HWGA. I won't do that to another dog. We are too old now. Yes, it will be lonely without one, but it would be selfish to do it. I'd rather be lonely than do that to any future furkids.

One thing to think about Gracie...I'll say the same thing I said to my aunt... if you have a loved one you can trust to back you up, or a decent rescue or might be worth it to take the risk. I adopt out to older people, as long as the fit is right....our rescue backs our placements, no matter how many years. I hate to think of people, enduring lonlyness when there might be a way to remedy it, with a solution that helps all :)
Again...we have no one. So..thank you...but no. No more. Besides..when Karma goes....I might go with her. The only thing keeping me here now is Karma.

I think he was referring to being a foster parent for rescues.
My only problem,and maybe yours as well,is giving them up once they come into your life.
It would be fulfilling to help the Dogs and you get the satisfaction of knowing you've helped them find a good home.

What I've always asked relation to giving them up - can I give them something better? In my house, being part of a pack vs being the one and only center of attention?
If I was to get a pet after my rabbit, it would probably have to be a cat. I don't know what would happen leaving a dog alone in my home while I was working. Also, my place is kind of small. I'd love to have a little dog though.
Unfortunately the wife and I have no family members to take them in if we were to pass other than my Niece.
My Niece is still far too young to bring up those kind of things but considering she'll get everything we own when we go and she's a great kid she'd probably do it. I of course will have to see if she's a dedicated dog person first but I have a feeling she will be.
If it comes to it we'll set up a trust for em.

That's the thing to do. You can also reach out to friends or rescues for help - set it up in advance :)

Rescue would be my last choice,the people who run them are definitely dog lovers but seeing the Boxers in the kennels that we couldnt take home just tears you up. Hell,I want to bring em all home.
If it wasn't for our HOA I probably would have but they only allow two.:lol:

Rescues vary - I'm with Australian Shepherd Rescue (ARPH) and all our dogs are in foster homes (and yes...sigh...I'm a failed foster ;) )

I can't imagine not having a 4 footed companion..:)

We've worked with Boxer Rescue and considered being foster parents.
We decided against it for the same reason,we wouldnt be able to give any of em up.:lol:
The wife retires in a couple more years and we have acreage in mind so I can guarantee a whole passel of "unadoptable Boxers" :eusa_whistle: living with us.

:lol: I here you!!!

I have 3 failed fosters...though, to be honest, one was unadoptable and another could have gotten in trouble due to "handling" issues :)

Cozmo,the chunky white fellow in my pic,was one of those trouble dogs.
We adopted him when he was two based on our female Addies recommendation.
He was originally owned by a Houston Police officer of all things who abused him.
He bit many of my friends in the first months and the final straw was when he bit the wife when she tried to take a rotten pecan out of his mouth,stupid I know,and she required stitches.
Well he got an ass whipping he never forgot and turned into the best Dog I've ever had.
He never tried to bit another soul and he did nothing but try and please us both from then on out.
Funny thing though,he never once tried to bite me.:lol:

I figured i did him a favor as much as I hated doing it,and I received some flack for doing it on this board.
From those who dont understand the hierarchy of the pack obviously.
If I was to get a pet after my rabbit, it would probably have to be a cat. I don't know what would happen leaving a dog alone in my home while I was working. Also, my place is kind of small. I'd love to have a little dog though.

If you're going to leave them home alone you have to get two of em.
That's the thing to do. You can also reach out to friends or rescues for help - set it up in advance :)

Rescue would be my last choice,the people who run them are definitely dog lovers but seeing the Boxers in the kennels that we couldnt take home just tears you up. Hell,I want to bring em all home.
If it wasn't for our HOA I probably would have but they only allow two.:lol:

Rescues vary - I'm with Australian Shepherd Rescue (ARPH) and all our dogs are in foster homes (and yes...sigh...I'm a failed foster ;) )

I can't imagine not having a 4 footed companion..:)

We've worked with Boxer Rescue and considered being foster parents.
We decided against it for the same reason,we wouldnt be able to give any of em up.:lol:
The wife retires in a couple more years and we have acreage in mind so I can guarantee a whole passel of "unadoptable Boxers" :eusa_whistle: living with us.

:lol: I here you!!!

I have 3 failed fosters...though, to be honest, one was unadoptable and another could have gotten in trouble due to "handling" issues :)

Cozmo,the chunky white fellow in my pic,was one of those trouble dogs.
We adopted him when he was two based on our female Addies recommendation.
He was originally owned by a Houston Police officer of all things who abused him.
He bit many of my friends in the first months and the final straw was when he bit the wife when she tried to take a rotten pecan out of his mouth,stupid I know,and she required stitches.
Well he got an ass whipping he never forgot and turned into the best Dog I've ever had.
He never tried to bit another soul and he did nothing but try and please us both from then on out.
Funny thing though,he never once tried to bite me.:lol:

I figured i did him a favor as much as I hated doing it,and I received some flack for doing it on this board.
From those who dont understand the hierarchy of the pack obviously.

Isn't it funny how sometimes the hardest dogs you've had turn out to be the best? I learn the most from my hardest pups :)
If I was to get a pet after my rabbit, it would probably have to be a cat. I don't know what would happen leaving a dog alone in my home while I was working. Also, my place is kind of small. I'd love to have a little dog though.

Cats are awesome too - I have two, Baxter and Sylvester. I love them :)
If I was to get a pet after my rabbit, it would probably have to be a cat. I don't know what would happen leaving a dog alone in my home while I was working. Also, my place is kind of small. I'd love to have a little dog though.

If you're going to leave them home alone you have to get two of em.

Then they'd be tearing the place up like hoodlums! :lol:
If I was to get a pet after my rabbit, it would probably have to be a cat. I don't know what would happen leaving a dog alone in my home while I was working. Also, my place is kind of small. I'd love to have a little dog though.

If you're going to leave them home alone you have to get two of em.

Then they'd be tearing the place up like hoodlums! :lol:

Contrary to popular belief most dogs dont mind being crated.
And if they're small get an extra large crate and they can hang out together.
The trick is to never make the crate a form of punishment.
When the wife and I both worked all you had to say is crate up and they both ran for em like they were going on a car ride.
Of course you have to give em plenty of exercise when they get out on early release.
If I was to get a pet after my rabbit, it would probably have to be a cat. I don't know what would happen leaving a dog alone in my home while I was working. Also, my place is kind of small. I'd love to have a little dog though.

If you're going to leave them home alone you have to get two of em.

Then they'd be tearing the place up like hoodlums! :lol:

Contrary to popular belief most dogs dont mind being crated.
And if they're small get an extra large crate and they can hang out together.
The trick is to never make the crate a form of punishment.
When the wife and I both worked all you had to say is crate up and they both ran for em like they were going on a car ride.
Of course you have to give em plenty of exercise when they get out on early release.

What is your Katy doing right now? :)
If I was to get a pet after my rabbit, it would probably have to be a cat. I don't know what would happen leaving a dog alone in my home while I was working. Also, my place is kind of small. I'd love to have a little dog though.

Cats are awesome too - I have two, Baxter and Sylvester. I love them :)

Dont mind cats just never cared for em.
Had a shitload of em at our weekend place and while they kept the rats and vermin under control they were mean as hell and they were wiping out the local wildlife.
After getting rid of around twenty of em or so the two I left got fat and happy and the wildlife came back in amazing numbers.
The problem was the sorry assholes who'd take em out to the boonies and dump them.
If I was to get a pet after my rabbit, it would probably have to be a cat. I don't know what would happen leaving a dog alone in my home while I was working. Also, my place is kind of small. I'd love to have a little dog though.

If you're going to leave them home alone you have to get two of em.

Then they'd be tearing the place up like hoodlums! :lol:

Contrary to popular belief most dogs dont mind being crated.
And if they're small get an extra large crate and they can hang out together.
The trick is to never make the crate a form of punishment.
When the wife and I both worked all you had to say is crate up and they both ran for em like they were going on a car ride.
Of course you have to give em plenty of exercise when they get out on early release.

What is your Katy doing right now? :)

She's snoozing,taking up my side of the bed in it's entirety.
I may be sleeping on the couch because I cant find it in myself to wake her up.
If I was to get a pet after my rabbit, it would probably have to be a cat. I don't know what would happen leaving a dog alone in my home while I was working. Also, my place is kind of small. I'd love to have a little dog though.

Cats are awesome too - I have two, Baxter and Sylvester. I love them :)

Dont mind cats just never cared for em.
Had a shitload of em at our weekend place and while they kept the rats and vermin under control they were mean as hell and they were wiping out the local wildlife.
After getting rid of around twenty of em or so the two I left got fat and happy and the wildlife came back in amazing numbers.
The problem was the sorry assholes who'd take em out to the boonies and dump them.

I've had a bunch of pets cats when I was a kid and a few as an adult. I can only remember having one that was kind of mean, but she was a full bred Russian Blue, and they are kind of known to be "bitchy." Lol. :D
I've had cats, dogs, gerbils, rats, mice, fish...all different, all special :)
I've had cats, dogs, gerbils, rats, mice, fish...all different, all special :)

OMG, I've had a few crazy fish. I've had some bad experiences with fish. Lol. I don't like having to clean a fish tank either. Pain in the butt that is!
If I was to get a pet after my rabbit, it would probably have to be a cat. I don't know what would happen leaving a dog alone in my home while I was working. Also, my place is kind of small. I'd love to have a little dog though.

Cats are awesome too - I have two, Baxter and Sylvester. I love them :)

Dont mind cats just never cared for em.
Had a shitload of em at our weekend place and while they kept the rats and vermin under control they were mean as hell and they were wiping out the local wildlife.
After getting rid of around twenty of em or so the two I left got fat and happy and the wildlife came back in amazing numbers.
The problem was the sorry assholes who'd take em out to the boonies and dump them.

I've had a bunch of pets cats when I was a kid and a few as an adult. I can only remember having one that was kind of mean, but she was a full bred Russian Blue, and they are kind of known to be "bitchy." Lol. :D

The one's at the weekend place were feral as all get out. You couldnt even get close to em,and God forbid if you ever cornered em in the garage.
I tried trapping em for awhile but it was fifty miles to the nearest shelter.
We were hanging out down in a hollow around the fire one weekend and I started calling for Addie and she didnt come running as per usual.
Of course I got worried and went looking for as she'd gotten in trouble with a porcupine,skunk and a hog while we were up there.
Found her in the live trap with a dead cat. I guess it was the cat or her because she wouldnt hurt a fly and I cant for the life of me figure out why she went into the trap in the first place.
The fit was so tight I had to upend the trap and shake her out like a stack of Pringles.
If I was to get a pet after my rabbit, it would probably have to be a cat. I don't know what would happen leaving a dog alone in my home while I was working. Also, my place is kind of small. I'd love to have a little dog though.

Cats are awesome too - I have two, Baxter and Sylvester. I love them :)

Dont mind cats just never cared for em.
Had a shitload of em at our weekend place and while they kept the rats and vermin under control they were mean as hell and they were wiping out the local wildlife.
After getting rid of around twenty of em or so the two I left got fat and happy and the wildlife came back in amazing numbers.
The problem was the sorry assholes who'd take em out to the boonies and dump them.

I've had a bunch of pets cats when I was a kid and a few as an adult. I can only remember having one that was kind of mean, but she was a full bred Russian Blue, and they are kind of known to be "bitchy." Lol. :D

The one's at the weekend place were feral as all get out. You couldnt even get close to em,and God forbid if you ever cornered em in the garage.
I tried trapping em for awhile but it was fifty miles to the nearest shelter.
We were hanging out down in a hollow around the fire one weekend and I started calling for Addie and she didnt come running as per usual.
Of course I got worried and went looking for as she'd gotten in trouble with a porcupine,skunk and a hog while we were up there.
Found her in the live trap with a dead cat. I guess it was the cat or her because she wouldnt hurt a fly and I cant for the life of me figure out why she went into the trap in the first place.
The fit was so tight I had to upend the trap and shake her out like a stack of Pringles.


Maybe the cat had already died and she went in to investigate?
If I was to get a pet after my rabbit, it would probably have to be a cat. I don't know what would happen leaving a dog alone in my home while I was working. Also, my place is kind of small. I'd love to have a little dog though.

Cats are awesome too - I have two, Baxter and Sylvester. I love them :)

Dont mind cats just never cared for em.
Had a shitload of em at our weekend place and while they kept the rats and vermin under control they were mean as hell and they were wiping out the local wildlife.
After getting rid of around twenty of em or so the two I left got fat and happy and the wildlife came back in amazing numbers.
The problem was the sorry assholes who'd take em out to the boonies and dump them.

I've had a bunch of pets cats when I was a kid and a few as an adult. I can only remember having one that was kind of mean, but she was a full bred Russian Blue, and they are kind of known to be "bitchy." Lol. :D

The one's at the weekend place were feral as all get out. You couldnt even get close to em,and God forbid if you ever cornered em in the garage.
I tried trapping em for awhile but it was fifty miles to the nearest shelter.
We were hanging out down in a hollow around the fire one weekend and I started calling for Addie and she didnt come running as per usual.
Of course I got worried and went looking for as she'd gotten in trouble with a porcupine,skunk and a hog while we were up there.
Found her in the live trap with a dead cat. I guess it was the cat or her because she wouldnt hurt a fly and I cant for the life of me figure out why she went into the trap in the first place.
The fit was so tight I had to upend the trap and shake her out like a stack of Pringles.


Maybe the cat had already died and she went in to investigate?

Nah...I figure she went in to play with the cat and it got hostile so she had no choice.
I'm calling self defense.:lol:

Seriously though,she'd walk up to wild animals wagging her tail and wanting to play,of course they didnt see it that way.
She got fifteen stitches over her eye when she tried to play with the wild hogs and I pulled at least a hundred porcupine quills out of her face when she decided it'd be a good idea to make friends with a porcupine.
And then there was the skunk encounter.....
Cats are awesome too - I have two, Baxter and Sylvester. I love them :)

Dont mind cats just never cared for em.
Had a shitload of em at our weekend place and while they kept the rats and vermin under control they were mean as hell and they were wiping out the local wildlife.
After getting rid of around twenty of em or so the two I left got fat and happy and the wildlife came back in amazing numbers.
The problem was the sorry assholes who'd take em out to the boonies and dump them.

I've had a bunch of pets cats when I was a kid and a few as an adult. I can only remember having one that was kind of mean, but she was a full bred Russian Blue, and they are kind of known to be "bitchy." Lol. :D

The one's at the weekend place were feral as all get out. You couldnt even get close to em,and God forbid if you ever cornered em in the garage.
I tried trapping em for awhile but it was fifty miles to the nearest shelter.
We were hanging out down in a hollow around the fire one weekend and I started calling for Addie and she didnt come running as per usual.
Of course I got worried and went looking for as she'd gotten in trouble with a porcupine,skunk and a hog while we were up there.
Found her in the live trap with a dead cat. I guess it was the cat or her because she wouldnt hurt a fly and I cant for the life of me figure out why she went into the trap in the first place.
The fit was so tight I had to upend the trap and shake her out like a stack of Pringles.


Maybe the cat had already died and she went in to investigate?

Nah...I figure she went in to play with the cat and it got hostile so she had no choice.
I'm calling self defense.:lol:

Seriously though,she'd walk up to wild animals wagging her tail and wanting to play,of course they didnt see it that way.
She got fifteen stitches over her eye when she tried to play with the wild hogs and I pulled at least a hundred porcupine quills out of her face when she decided it'd be a good idea to make friends with a porcupine.
And then there was the skunk encounter.....

Poor kitty! Too friendly for her own good! Lol!
Dont mind cats just never cared for em.
Had a shitload of em at our weekend place and while they kept the rats and vermin under control they were mean as hell and they were wiping out the local wildlife.
After getting rid of around twenty of em or so the two I left got fat and happy and the wildlife came back in amazing numbers.
The problem was the sorry assholes who'd take em out to the boonies and dump them.

I've had a bunch of pets cats when I was a kid and a few as an adult. I can only remember having one that was kind of mean, but she was a full bred Russian Blue, and they are kind of known to be "bitchy." Lol. :D

The one's at the weekend place were feral as all get out. You couldnt even get close to em,and God forbid if you ever cornered em in the garage.
I tried trapping em for awhile but it was fifty miles to the nearest shelter.
We were hanging out down in a hollow around the fire one weekend and I started calling for Addie and she didnt come running as per usual.
Of course I got worried and went looking for as she'd gotten in trouble with a porcupine,skunk and a hog while we were up there.
Found her in the live trap with a dead cat. I guess it was the cat or her because she wouldnt hurt a fly and I cant for the life of me figure out why she went into the trap in the first place.
The fit was so tight I had to upend the trap and shake her out like a stack of Pringles.


Maybe the cat had already died and she went in to investigate?

Nah...I figure she went in to play with the cat and it got hostile so she had no choice.
I'm calling self defense.:lol:

Seriously though,she'd walk up to wild animals wagging her tail and wanting to play,of course they didnt see it that way.
She got fifteen stitches over her eye when she tried to play with the wild hogs and I pulled at least a hundred porcupine quills out of her face when she decided it'd be a good idea to make friends with a porcupine.
And then there was the skunk encounter.....

Poor kitty! Too friendly for her own good! Lol!

Pretty sure that wasn't the problem..:lol:
Cats are awesome too - I have two, Baxter and Sylvester. I love them :)

Dont mind cats just never cared for em.
Had a shitload of em at our weekend place and while they kept the rats and vermin under control they were mean as hell and they were wiping out the local wildlife.
After getting rid of around twenty of em or so the two I left got fat and happy and the wildlife came back in amazing numbers.
The problem was the sorry assholes who'd take em out to the boonies and dump them.

I've had a bunch of pets cats when I was a kid and a few as an adult. I can only remember having one that was kind of mean, but she was a full bred Russian Blue, and they are kind of known to be "bitchy." Lol. :D

The one's at the weekend place were feral as all get out. You couldnt even get close to em,and God forbid if you ever cornered em in the garage.
I tried trapping em for awhile but it was fifty miles to the nearest shelter.
We were hanging out down in a hollow around the fire one weekend and I started calling for Addie and she didnt come running as per usual.
Of course I got worried and went looking for as she'd gotten in trouble with a porcupine,skunk and a hog while we were up there.
Found her in the live trap with a dead cat. I guess it was the cat or her because she wouldnt hurt a fly and I cant for the life of me figure out why she went into the trap in the first place.
The fit was so tight I had to upend the trap and shake her out like a stack of Pringles.


Maybe the cat had already died and she went in to investigate?

Nah...I figure she went in to play with the cat and it got hostile so she had no choice.
I'm calling self defense.:lol:

Seriously though,she'd walk up to wild animals wagging her tail and wanting to play,of course they didnt see it that way.
She got fifteen stitches over her eye when she tried to play with the wild hogs and I pulled at least a hundred porcupine quills out of her face when she decided it'd be a good idea to make friends with a porcupine.
And then there was the skunk encounter.....

Friendly but a tough bitch when she needs to be! I like that cat. :)

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