Prayers for the shaman guy Jake Angeli

You let yourself believe the brutal propaganda. These folks posed no violent threats. They were nothing like the Black Lives Matter criminal rioters who murdered 25 people. You got no evidence so from the crooked politicians trying to convince you

The crooked politicians Democrats and Republicans are trying to convince you when the January 6 protesters murdered nobody. So it’s all just hearsay it in the window on the other hand we have the proof in the summer of 2020 the BLM riders murder 25 people and this guy called EMH has said nothing about it.
No violent threats?

140 cops injured?

Chants of “Hang Mike Pence”?

Rioters openly searching for the Speaker of the House to “put a bullet on her brain” ( their words)

Fuck off
2020 the BLM riders murder 25 people and this guy called @EMH has said nothing a

EMH has repeatedly slammed BLM here, especially regarding George Floyd and that coroner...

Nice try.

You are still lost. You do not understand basic political sabotage. Your "shaman" is not a conservative, not a Trump supporter, not a patriotic American, and not a hetrosexual...

He is a fraud planted by the left to lead a HATE HOAX to discredit Donald Trump.

It takes an IQ of 5 to notice that.
Chants of “Hang Mike Pence”?

We need the tech experts to validate the timing of that video.... AFTER 1/6 for sure...

We see it with Paul Pelosi's gay coke whore, your side will completely fudge video to HATE HOAX it...
EMH has repeatedly slammed BLM here, especially regarding George Floyd and that coroner...

Nice try.

You are still lost. You do not understand basic political sabotage. Your "shaman" is not a conservative, not a Trump supporter, not a patriotic American, and not a hetrosexual...

He is a fraud planted by the left to lead a HATE HOAX to discredit Donald Trump.

It takes an IQ of 5 to notice that.
Hey asshole antiSemite… the Shaman creep admitted he was a Trumper and he has a long documented social media presence proving it
Hey asshole antiSemite… the Shaman creep admitted he was a Trumper and he has a long documented social media presence proving it

He says he is a Trump supporter

Jussie said he was attacked by Trump supporters...

HATE HOAX is as HATE HOAX does....


Escorted around the facility by Capital Cops and arrested and sentenced to four years for criminal trespass. The Chi/Coms couldn't have orchestrated the propaganda any better.
What do you stand for do you stand for good middle-class jobs or do you stand for a horrible life that’s so many Americans have now because we have horrendous businessman we have fast food restaurants being built all over the country instead of factories instead of modern day factories That can employ thousands of people. might call America a shit hole country right now due to our current leader ship

And we have us tiny percentage of Americans who have support from the mass media well actually a tiny percentage of Americans who have been brainwashed by rich elite businessman who support BLM, they have been brainwashed by Republicans and Democrats that support BLM into the hating American history.

Do you think that the United States is a country filled with white supremacy and evil imperialism because it is not at all. That is a horrible lie designed to make people feel bad about themselves and only designed to put money into the pockets of corrupt Democrats and corrupt Republicans. If you care about the middle-class you will stand up to BLM and you will realize that the January 6 protesters by large were working class good Americans

And only the strong middle-class can stand up to this garbage. Our business class today is awful. All they do is just build fast food restaurants all over the place getting the country more and more unhealthy. They build smoke shops all over the country selling marijuana probably laced with fentanyl to children. Do you stand for selling poison to children sir?

Whoops sorry are you dealing with an information overload. You’re probably can’t handle my post or you might respond with a three word response. That’s what you and the other naysayers always do. You can’t compete brother. And I hope you join my cause because me and so many posters here support freedom.

You let yourself believe the brutal propaganda. These folks posed no violent threats. They were nothing like the Black Lives Matter criminal rioters who murdered 25 people. You got no evidence so from the crooked politicians trying to convince you

The crooked politicians Democrats and Republicans are trying to convince you to support them when the January 6 protesters murdered nobody. So it’s all just hearsay …. on the other hand we have the proof in the summer of 2020 the BLM rioters murder 25 people and this guy called EMH has said nothing about it.

Man our economy is a disgrace right now. Our country is ugly. It’s nothing like it was in the 1960s when black men and white men had union jobs. They had great jobs. Now we have an obesity problem we have a country on dope we have a country that is on social media all day every day they’re on Instagram there on Twitter wasting their lives. But so many Americans are rejecting this garbage lifestyle and it’s these types of Americans who realize that the January 6 protesters were protesters there was no insurrection

OK In order for there to be an insurrection against the government they would need to have an army with them complete with military jets. And at least probably 1 million troops if not probably 5 million troops

We have politicians telling young men and young women oh don’t have children just go get a pet dog. Wow what a joke what a disgrace. Brother I hope you stand for whats right
So we should have just let the violent mob get to our elected officials?
He is a navy veteran.

Jake Angeli​

And I just wanted to say god bless him and I’m praying for this man. We’ve seen the video evidence this guy was actually praying with police officers who let him around the building. This guy is a political prisoner. And I remember in the past when we didn’t have the full information I made a mistake by saying that this guy was nuts

Thanks to Tucker Carlson and common sense. I think a lot of us have seen the light and the vast vast majority of those in prison because of January 6 are political prisoners. They are in prison but not the BLM rioters who actually use violence and brutality

. It’s clear that this man is a political prisoner. And then you guys like Benjamin Crump a blm lawyer he’s a criminal he’s a con man he has no moral integrity whatsoever. Maybe Nancy Pelosi should have to go to jail for two years. Maybe AOC should have to go to jail for two years for how they denigrated people like the shaman guy and other January 6 protesters peaceful protesters.

He's a low-life piece of shit.

Tucker Carlson Exposed: Says He Hates Trump ‘Passionately’ In Private Texts

He also said that Trump's presidency was a disaster!

So funny...
Go against the Constitution? Now, which political parties want to destroy the 1st and 2nd amendments? That would be the Democrat Party for sure! Then, there are the Democrats who want to allow non-citizens to vote in U.S. elections destroying the Constitution. There's much more but I'll let you think about this...
Thanks for the comedy...
So Jake is a bit colorful. We all know this is America where freedom of speech is to be admired above all else. This guy had a few viewpoints that people could find colorful maybe even offensive. it means nothing there’s always been communists and so-called neo-Nazis in this country and to think that this guy is thrown in jail because he walked around the building peacefully. Because that’s it that’s all that happened you could say he illegally enter the capital building and walked around peacefully. There was never any possible way for the government to be overthrown people who believe that are the same types of people who would believe anything that the government tells them. Who would believe any sort of fable if you will. And we the people the American people make up the government we are the ones who vote for those in power and we pay taxes to put together the government buildings.

Looking back on it Donald Trump should have pardoned this guy….. maybe he could use his influence to get him out now.

But more than anything it is tucker Carlson and his producers who are to be thanked for bringing light to this case. How evil it is for the January 6 protesters the ones who walked around the building peacefully attacking nobody for them to be languishing in jail for two years without trial is a crime against humanity. They should all get $2 million each from the US Democrats and from Black Lives Matter…. and also the BLM lawyer Benjamin Crump should give up all of his money to the January 6 protesters languishing in jail.

Again if anybody can show the shaman attacking anybody, if anybody can show the shaman guy actually saying something truly violent please show it because there’s nothing there is nothing I have seen. There’s no comparing the January 6 protesters to the violent mobs of Black Lives Matter rioters who did billions of dollars worth of damage to various buildings including government buildings in the summer of 2020. Guess what there was no damage done to the capitol building on January 6. Only a small amount of Americans at this point agree that the January 6 protesters were rightfully put in prison for two years without trial. And I can’t believe there’s still a small percentage of Americans who continue to propagate the lie that if the January 6 protesters were black they would’ve all been shot what an absolute disgrace in light of the fact that the Black Lives Matter criminals cost billions of dollars of damage in the summer of 2020 and blmers murdered over 25 people ….what world are the BLM supporters living in.

So far what I have seen about this man the so-called shaman even on his Wikipedia page the only controversial thing is his viewpoints. That’s it it’s his views. It’s all peace being put in prison because of his viewpoints the man is a political prisoner and it is a shocking thing that some Americans are just laughing at it or saying he deserves to be in jail. That’s no different than saying that a BLM supporter should languish in jail for years on end without trial. This guy was in jail for two years without trial and then finally sentenced to four years in prison. So it reminds us of the political prisoners of the past a prisoner of conscience if you will ….
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What violent mob?
He’s possibly referring to the Black Lives Matter mobs over 2020 that attacked various government buildings actually set them on fire, and murdered 25 people along with hundreds if not thousands of violent brutal attacks and those that they disagreed with and those American patriots who tried to stop things. We saw a massive difference between how police were treated on January 6 compared to the various BLM riots.

If we stay positive we will win in America will prevail. We will actually get Democrats to come over and vote for the Republican candidate in 2024 and for there to be some sort of a justice for these January 6 protesters we all saw the new video by Tucker Carlson these guys were walking around the building peacefully they were attacking anybody. They’re only guilty of illegally entering a government building that’s it.

It’s an upside down world that the people who agree with everything Chuck Schumer tells them to agree with are living in.

Chuck Schumer should have to empty his bank account and pay off millions of dollars to the January 6 protesters languishing in jail for two years without trial.
What violent mob?
The one that broke into the building and injured several officers.

You’re suggesting that we should have just let them through to our elected officials?

You’re a fucking idiot.
Her killer should be in prison.
For doing his job?

I would love to see this happen outside your apartment.
You have ample vision of an angry mob outside your window.
One mob member breaks the window and another mob members crawls into the broken window frame and is about to leap into your space.
Murdering an unarmed woman was doing his job?
He didn't know if she was armed or not.
We still don't know if she was armed or not.

What was her intention once she made it through the window.

Why did you dodge my question to you about this happening outside YOUR place,
You saying you would just let this mob member jump through the broken window and into your space.
He didn't know if she was armed or not.
We still don't know if she was armed or not.

What was her intention once she made it through the window.

Why did you dodge my question to you about this happening outside YOUR place,
You saying you would just let this mob member jump through the broken window and into your space.
We aren't discussing my property. The topic is that man murdering an unarmed woman.

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