Prayers for the shaman guy Jake Angeli

The good news is that Ashli the traitor isn't roasting in Hell for eternity.

Traitors go to the frigid ninth plane, so she's freezing in Hell for eternity.

That shouldn't cheer me up so much, but I'm an imperfect person, so it does. As does the knowledge that so many other Trump cultists will suffer the same fate.

She said the same thing when Jew Army Rangers took Pat Tillman out, shot him, had a laugh, and then hate hoaxed it to AQ....

Pat was complaining from Afghan than the unit was "just sitting there" with "no target." The Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" made Pat the "target."

And Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist Mossad maMOOOO loved all of it...
Gratefully he is now in a good place. A place where he can think about what he did. Go against the Constitution of the US, just because Trump said so.

Go against the Constitution? Now, which political parties want to destroy the 1st and 2nd amendments? That would be the Democrat Party for sure! Then, there are the Democrats who want to allow non-citizens to vote in U.S. elections destroying the Constitution. There's much more but I'll let you think about this...
He's the hero you deserve.
He's innocent, not a hero, just innocent, but you, you could care less because you, you're a sociopath! There is not a jot of conscience in your evil ambulating corpse, let alone empathy, you don't care one whit about the men and women languishing in fascist democrat dungeons, all you care about is whether or not you are entertained, and pleased with political order of the day as you comprehend it to be, and you are absolutely devoted to the fascist elites committing any atrocities they deem necessary to ensure you get that political order of the day pleasure as you feel them to be, no matter fucking what! :fu:
The guy is a 100% pure homosexual left wing FRAUD.

Get a clue.

He was one of the 1/6 hate hoax actors trotted in to help the false flag...

You have no evidence for what you’re saying. And you sound like a fraud of the highest order. Welcome to the ignore list. Get Jesus on your life. What are you just like Chuck Schumer. You’re certainly not a Christian. Because you’re talking with me a proud Catholic.

I’m tired of people like you. Hide behind your computer because you never say it to somebody in front of their face. You hide behind your little computer . I’ve never even really interacted with you when you come up here sounding like a little shit.

Go hang out with Chuck Schumer you lowlife
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What did he do, besides be escorted by 8 cops into the Capitol building and pose for some photographs?
Nothing we’re talking about an innocent man when it comes to Jake.

We all saw the video evidence he walked around the building peacefully. Only a monstrous court and a monstrous judge would sentence him to jail. This is cruel and inhumane punishment

I wouldn’t say that a BLM protestor or who illegally walked into a government building peacefully and did nothing else should get 4 years in jail. Maybe two weeks but not 4 years.
Nothing we’re talking about an innocent man when it comes to Jake.

We all saw the video evidence he walked around the building peacefully. Only a monstrous court and a monstrous judge would sentence him to jail. This is cruel and inhumane punishment

I wouldn’t say that a BLM protestor or who illegally walked into a government building peacefully and did nothing else should get 4 years in jail. Maybe two weeks but not 4 years.

Absolutely. His only crime was that someone took some pictures of him and they were published on the news.
Mmmmm. Tasty. The bitter yet sweet fascist loser-tears from the Trump cult traitors.

So delicious. So soul-nourishing. Mor plz.

Remember, Trump cultists, Bubba can't wait to meet you, so I would suggest putting a hold on the violent treason.
How Trump was set up...

The first thing homO did was have his homo army dress up "MAGA" and go wave Confederate flags. Those people were all frauds. Trump fell for it.

Then the Community HATE HOAX Organizer created "Q-Anon" with left wing homosexual actors designed to "support Trump" and be used to set up HATE HOAXES.... like 1.6

The whole 1/6 is 100% fraud and so is Global Warming, covid "vaccine," 911, and if we don't get a clue soon, all will be gone...
You believe stupid shit.
So we should have just let the violent mob get to our elected officials?

You’re an idiot.
What do you stand for do you stand for good middle-class jobs or do you stand for a horrible life that’s so many Americans have now because we have horrendous businessman we have fast food restaurants being built all over the country instead of factories instead of modern day factories That can employ thousands of people. might call America a shit hole country right now due to our current leader ship

And we have us tiny percentage of Americans who have support from the mass media well actually a tiny percentage of Americans who have been brainwashed by rich elite businessman who support BLM, they have been brainwashed by Republicans and Democrats that support BLM into the hating American history.

Do you think that the United States is a country filled with white supremacy and evil imperialism because it is not at all. That is a horrible lie designed to make people feel bad about themselves and only designed to put money into the pockets of corrupt Democrats and corrupt Republicans. If you care about the middle-class you will stand up to BLM and you will realize that the January 6 protesters by large were working class good Americans

And only the strong middle-class can stand up to this garbage. Our business class today is awful. All they do is just build fast food restaurants all over the place getting the country more and more unhealthy. They build smoke shops all over the country selling marijuana probably laced with fentanyl to children. Do you stand for selling poison to children sir?

Whoops sorry are you dealing with an information overload. You’re probably can’t handle my post or you might respond with a three word response. That’s what you and the other naysayers always do. You can’t compete brother. And I hope you join my cause because me and so many posters here support freedom.

You let yourself believe the brutal propaganda. These folks posed no violent threats. They were nothing like the Black Lives Matter criminal rioters who murdered 25 people. You got no evidence so from the crooked politicians trying to convince you

The crooked politicians Democrats and Republicans are trying to convince you to support them when the January 6 protesters murdered nobody. So it’s all just hearsay …. on the other hand we have the proof in the summer of 2020 the BLM rioters murder 25 people and this guy called EMH has said nothing about it.

Man our economy is a disgrace right now. Our country is ugly. It’s nothing like it was in the 1960s when black men and white men had union jobs. They had great jobs. Now we have an obesity problem we have a country on dope we have a country that is on social media all day every day they’re on Instagram there on Twitter wasting their lives. But so many Americans are rejecting this garbage lifestyle and it’s these types of Americans who realize that the January 6 protesters were protesters there was no insurrection

OK In order for there to be an insurrection against the government they would need to have an army with them complete with military jets. And at least probably 1 million troops if not probably 5 million troops

We have politicians telling young men and young women oh don’t have children just go get a pet dog. Wow what a joke what a disgrace. Brother I hope you stand for whats right
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