Pre-Debate debacles -- Ear Bud Checks, 30 minute breaks..

Team Biden refuses to allow the candidates to be checked for communication devices.
Why would they do that? :rolleyes:
Then Trump needs to call this out after 30 seconds. Every 30 seconds.

Such bullshit. If a busy person is to make a decision on someone for POTUS, then they should be able to hear from that person's thoughts; not from what amounts to someone else's thoughts piping through a feed.
He can't take the mental pressure / pace, needs breaks to minimize mental breakdowns / gaffes....

BREAKING: Joe Biden’s Campaign Requests
Breaks EVERY 30 MINUTES during Tonight’s
First Debate — VIDEO

'On Tuesday morning the Biden Campaign requested TWO debate breaks tonight during the presidential debate. The Biden campaign want breaks EVERY 30 MINUTES during the debate tonight!'

-- 'I will NOT AGREE tot his condition.'

"Also — The Trump campaign has requested a third party entity to inspect both candidates for communication devices like an ear piece before the debate tonight.
-- The Biden Campaign has NOT AGREED to this."

Gee, I wonder why not...?!

Bwuhahahahaha :p

Here's easy65, promoting Russian propaganda and dis-information, yet again.

Biden is ready and prepared for the debate. Trump is going with his standard strategy: Watching FOX News and playing golf.

Don the Con can't even walk down a ramp unassisted, or drink a glass of water without his hand shaking, and here you are trying to deflect from the physical and mental limitations of a man who denies that he was rushed to Walter Reed Hospital last year and treated for a series of "small strokes". It's odd that Donald Trump would deny this since no one had ever suggested that he had been. The White House put out a fake story about it being part of his annual physical, but that's bullshit too.

Trump can't even string a compete sentence together or answer the question about what his plans are for the next 4 years. His Party has no platform. His record is a litany of "worsts" in American history.
  • Worst President in American history
  • Worst business record in American history
  • Worst covid19 death rate in the world
  • Worst covid19 disease rate in the world
  • Worst businessman in American history
  • Worst economic crash in American history
  • Worst wealth inequity in American history
  • Worst unemployment in American history
  • Worst deficits in American history
  • Worst income inequity in American history
  • Worst air and water quality in recent history
  • Worst public health response since the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic
While you're spreading the same lies and propaganda as the Russian government, these are the things Joe Biden will be talking about.

Will the REAL 'Joe Biden' please stand up...and debate the President by yourself like a competent, mentally stable / capable man....
What a complete and total vagina.

This is the best the Dims can come up with???? (said yet again after the last fail) :21:

I agree. The DNC should have backed Gabbard. She is by far the best the Dems have. What a pack of imbeciles.
If they weren't imbeciles they wouldn't be democrats.
messa thinks you have that backwards,,,
says the snowflake attempting to imitate a racist, stupid Star Wars character...

What a complete and total vagina.

This is the best the Dims can come up with???? (said yet again after the last fail) :21:

I agree. The DNC should have backed Gabbard. She is by far the best the Dems have. What a pack of imbeciles.
If they weren't imbeciles they wouldn't be democrats.
messa thinks you have that backwards,,,
says the snowflake attempting to imitate a racist, stupid Star Wars character...

I will get back to you when I can make sense of that,,,
The Trump cult is in full panic now. That's why they're coming up with the whiniest stupid reasons as to why Trump is going to look so bad.

What, Trump losers, you really thought it wasn't obvious?
You actually don't know about the Hillary earpiece in 2016 ? Pheeew! (high-pitched whistle) LOL.
And now the Biden campaign is in damage control mode by just responding that "Joe can go the full 90 minutes without a break" after crying for one every thirty...

FOX just reported on this....

You cant make this crap up...

Where did I call anyone an idiot? Are we feeling triggered this morning?
Did not say you called anyone a idiot, but please, do not talk idiot talk, like the tax dodging president please--thank you

Why do you pay more than the legal minimum in taxes?
Remember this accusation and the photo that every voter saw? It certainly looks like an earpiece, and she was not sharp on her toes and in the moment, but she could rattle off stats like nobodies business.

At the very least Trump is going to accuse him and he will point out the vast improvement Biden had from his first debate to his last.

President Trump should arrange to have an audio-technology expert standing off to the side or behind the stage with a frequency scrambler to scramble Joe's ear piece signal to prevent him from getting outside help during the debate....

...either that or hijack his signal and feed him bullshit and ridiculous directions....

Woman Claims Biden Sexually Harassed Her When She Was 14, But New Documents  Cast Doubt on Timing (UPDATED) | Law & Crime

"...and one more
I like big butts and I can not lie, all you other
brothers can't got back...ummm..."
Last edited:
They need to let Joe wear it then jam it with Karl Marx speeches or Rap "music".
Make it squeal loudly so he has to remove it on camera.... There are devices that can do this...

Or something that intercepts/scrambles the signal?

If none of the contestants are wearing an ear piece it shouldn't matter. I imagine Trump could get his hands on something like that.
To me this is a game changer.

Why on earth would someone not agree to this? Could it be Biden was getting these messages in his last debate? Trump now has opened up another big opening, and Bidens refusal to agree to this raises red flags, whether he uses them or doesn't.

Trump is playing hardball, I expect a heated debate. Bidens team can't be liking all of the allegations and suspicions.

Trump camp seeks extra debate rule: Third party inspectors to look for electronic devices in candidates' ears

CLEVELAND -- President Trump is asking for an additional ground rule ahead of Tuesday night’s first presidential debate between himself and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. But the Biden campaign is rejecting it.

Fox News has learned that the president’s re-election campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to inspect the ears of each debater for electronic devices or transmitters. The president has consented to this kind of inspection, but a source said the Biden campaign has declined the ear check.

The Trump campaign claimed Biden's campaign had agreed to such an inspection before reversing themselves.

“Joe Biden’s handlers several days ago agreed to a pre-debate inspection for electronic earpieces but today abruptly reversed themselves and declined. Biden’s handlers have asked for multiple breaks during the debate, which President Trump doesn’t need, so we have rejected that request," said Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh. "On top of the refusal to take a drug test, it seems pretty obvious that the Biden team is looking for any safety net they can find in the hours leading up to the debate. With his 47 years as a failed Washington politician, how much help does Biden want?

Over the last several weeks, the former vice president's campaign has also requested two breaks -- one every 30 minutes -- to break up the 90-minute commercial-free program. But that request has been denied by their Trump counterparts, Fox News is told.
It's not true that Biden refused an ear check.
Then Trump needs to call this out after 30 seconds. Every 30 seconds.

Such bullshit. If a busy person is to make a decision on someone for POTUS, then they should be able to hear from that person's thoughts; not from what amounts to someone else's thoughts piping through a feed.
It's now been reported that the Biden gang at first agreed to being checked for earpieces and such.
But now, suddenly, have reversed themselves and won't allow it.

Now why would they do that? Obviously they cannot allow poor cognitively deprived Joe Biden to appear
on a national stage without a crutch like an earpiece or a monitor screen prompting Joe.

He's simply unable to function relying on his own mind.
To me this is a game changer.

Why on earth would someone not agree to this? Could it be Biden was getting these messages in his last debate? Trump now has opened up another big opening, and Bidens refusal to agree to this raises red flags, whether he uses them or doesn't.

Trump is playing hardball, I expect a heated debate. Bidens team can't be liking all of the allegations and suspicions.

Trump camp seeks extra debate rule: Third party inspectors to look for electronic devices in candidates' ears

CLEVELAND -- President Trump is asking for an additional ground rule ahead of Tuesday night’s first presidential debate between himself and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. But the Biden campaign is rejecting it.

Fox News has learned that the president’s re-election campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to inspect the ears of each debater for electronic devices or transmitters. The president has consented to this kind of inspection, but a source said the Biden campaign has declined the ear check.

The Trump campaign claimed Biden's campaign had agreed to such an inspection before reversing themselves.

“Joe Biden’s handlers several days ago agreed to a pre-debate inspection for electronic earpieces but today abruptly reversed themselves and declined. Biden’s handlers have asked for multiple breaks during the debate, which President Trump doesn’t need, so we have rejected that request," said Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh. "On top of the refusal to take a drug test, it seems pretty obvious that the Biden team is looking for any safety net they can find in the hours leading up to the debate. With his 47 years as a failed Washington politician, how much help does Biden want?

Over the last several weeks, the former vice president's campaign has also requested two breaks -- one every 30 minutes -- to break up the 90-minute commercial-free program. But that request has been denied by their Trump counterparts, Fox News is told.

To me - adding all these "extra debate rules" like drug tests are a game changer and 3rd party ear checks. Trump didn't demand that before.

Why does he keep demanding new rules based on unsubstantiated allegations? Just debate.
He can't take the mental pressure / pace, needs breaks to minimize mental breakdowns / gaffes....

BREAKING: Joe Biden’s Campaign Requests
Breaks EVERY 30 MINUTES during Tonight’s
First Debate — VIDEO

'On Tuesday morning the Biden Campaign requested TWO debate breaks tonight during the presidential debate. The Biden campaign want breaks EVERY 30 MINUTES during the debate tonight!'

-- 'I will NOT AGREE tot his condition.'

"Also — The Trump campaign has requested a third party entity to inspect both candidates for communication devices like an ear piece before the debate tonight.
-- The Biden Campaign has NOT AGREED to this."

Gee, I wonder why not...?!

Bwuhahahahaha :p

Here's easy65, promoting Russian propaganda and dis-information, yet again.

Biden is ready and prepared for the debate. Trump is going with his standard strategy: Watching FOX News and playing golf.

Don the Con can't even walk down a ramp unassisted, or drink a glass of water without his hand shaking, and here you are trying to deflect from the physical and mental limitations of a man who denies that he was rushed to Walter Reed Hospital last year and treated for a series of "small strokes". It's odd that Donald Trump would deny this since no one had ever suggested that he had been. The White House put out a fake story about it being part of his annual physical, but that's bullshit too.

Trump can't even string a compete sentence together or answer the question about what his plans are for the next 4 years. His Party has no platform. His record is a litany of "worsts" in American history.
  • Worst President in American history
  • Worst business record in American history
  • Worst covid19 death rate in the world
  • Worst covid19 disease rate in the world
  • Worst businessman in American history
  • Worst economic crash in American history
  • Worst wealth inequity in American history
  • Worst unemployment in American history
  • Worst deficits in American history
  • Worst income inequity in American history
  • Worst air and water quality in recent history
  • Worst public health response since the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic
While you're spreading the same lies and propaganda as the Russian government, these are the things Joe Biden will be talking about.

Nothing in your post explains why Fingers asked for breaks every 30 minutes or why he refuses to be checked for an ear piece.
But but but but Trump doesn't fly.
What a complete and total vagina.

This is the best the Dims can come up with???? (said yet again after the last fail) :21:

I agree. The DNC should have backed Gabbard. She is by far the best the Dems have. What a pack of imbeciles.
If they weren't imbeciles they wouldn't be democrats.
messa thinks you have that backwards,,,
says the snowflake attempting to imitate a racist, stupid Star Wars character...

I will get back to you when I can make sense of that,,,
Just funny that to call someone 'confused' you typed as if the beloved, racist, and stupid Star Wars Character JarJar Binks....

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