Predict how long before????

The guns are already here. Over 200 million in private hands. We are not going to make them magically disappear

Massacres like we saw last night are the price we pay for our second amendment rights to protect ourselves. We need to shrug our shoulders, say "That's too bad" and move on with our lives

That's what we always do

And you think the second amendment is solely about protecting ourselves? I believe it is also about first, and foremost keeping the power in the hands of the people, so the progressives don't fly off the handle and decide one day that they want to keep somebody like Obama in charge a bit longer than the Constitution allows for.

You gun nuts who think you need arms for an eventual conflict with our government make me want to puke

It's called keeping power in the hands of the people numbskull, it's why the we have the second amendment, you loons are so quick to hand away your Constitutional Rights for your twisted ideologies. You'd be content if only Police, Military, and criminals were armed? It worked so nicely in Great Britain didn't it?:lol:While your puking, would you mind not doing it on our Constitution?
your credibility is worse then Jakes. Run along little man........

Want to tell us again how the NRA nuts are going to bring the mean old GUBMINT to it's knees?

We might not, but there's an old saying...

"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

The funniest thing about the "guns keep us free" crowd is that in their mind they feel they could hold off the feds with their little stash of guns in their three bedroom suburban fortress.
Just so. The gun crazees and militias can talk all they want, and they can own legal firearms generally. But we will not put up with their nonsense silently.

No one has said anything about bringing the government down.

The second also guards against the tyranny of big government intrusion. The types of intrusions you approve of. You seem to think Big Brother will roll into the cities in tanks.

Well done comrade.

It is the first amendment that guards against big government intrusion

The second just protects gun nuts from their demons

Yes you present yourself as quite the blowhard, yet struggle to blow out a candle.
I grew up in the 60s

In the 60S to early 80s, these psychos got their 15 minutes through assassination. JFK, MLK, RFK, Wallace, Lennon, Ford, Reagan. Pop somebody big and you get your name in the paper

Since Columbine it has moved on to the massacre. Arm yourself to the teeth and try to get in the record books for killing the most people

It is easy to scream, ban guns. But there are too many guns out there. You can try to put metal detectors in public places, but they will just go where there are no metal detectors. It is part of our culture. There is no solution

It was long before Columbine. Texas A&M ring a bell? What has brought it front and center is the near instant media coverage we have now, that we didn't have in the 60's. What we don't need is people like Brian Ross, and ABC using these tragedies to further agenda's, without any regard for facts. That is not journalism, that is despicable.

Actually, it was University of Texas tower as well as Lubys in Killeen Texas. There have been other isolated massacres but they really took off after Columbine.
Thankfully, assassinations have diminished

It amazes me how you use this event as an excuse to condemn the first amendment while defending the second

Condemning journalists who LIE, is hardly attacking the First Amendment. Use your head.
Don't be a reflecting mirror, Mr. Blow Hard. You guys lit up your silliness and the logical commentary in this thread extinguished your little lights.
Don't be a reflecting mirror, Mr. Blow Hard. You guys lit up your silliness and the logical commentary in this thread extinguished your little lights.

LOL Still can not address the topic. Instead you must create fiction so you can claim some sort of victory.

Jake the Fake.
How long before the Tragedy of the Batman Movie shooting will be twisted Politically into another Anti gun Campaign by the Democrats? I'm thinking Monday Morning the pro gun ban people will be in high gear. I think that they will use the weekend to plan their strike which will commence at 9AM Monday morning on all of those usual suspect shows. They will wait until the majority of people who aren't Democrats do what they do best... Go to WORK.


As with after Tucson, there’ll be no serious effort to enact new legislation.

Democrats and liberals have accepted the individual right to own guns and consider it settled law; indeed, the vast majority of democrats gave up on ‘gun control’ years ago, well before Heller/McDonald. And many democrats and liberals are gun owners and avid supporters of gun rights.

For the left this is a non-issue.

The right, however, continues to attempt to contrive some controversy because they’ve lost what they perceive to be an effective political weapon. And by attempting to contrive such a controversy, only succeed in making conservatives look foolish and desperate.

I was already proven wrong about Monday, the anti gun talk has already begun, I don't know where you have been.
The topic has been addressed, your blowhardiness has been extinguished, and now you are pouting.

No one cares.

Don't be a reflecting mirror, Mr. Blow Hard. You guys lit up your silliness and the logical commentary in this thread extinguished your little lights.

LOL Still can not address the topic. Instead you must create fiction so you can claim some sort of victory.

Jake the Fake.
Wouldn't take that.....gun nuts will surrender once the first one shoots off his toe

your credibility is worse then Jakes. Run along little man........

Want to tell us again how the NRA nuts are going to bring the mean old GUBMINT to it's knees?

Want to explain why you think the Military would arbitrarily side with the mean old GUBMINT over their own friends and families? An out of control group of Politicians can also be labeled as domestic enemies of America.
In the end it will come out this gunmen was another left-wing anarchist like the AZ shooter, but of course liberal scum use the event to call right-wingers "gun nuts."

Uh, look in the mirror....most gun crimes every day of the year are done by liberals in this country.
No, "gun nuts" are extremists far to the political right; they are not mainstream right wingers.

That lie of yours ends right here.
your credibility is worse then Jakes. Run along little man........

Want to tell us again how the NRA nuts are going to bring the mean old GUBMINT to it's knees?

Want to explain why you think the Military would arbitrarily side with the mean old GUBMINT over their own friends and families? An out of control group of Politicians can also be labeled as domestic enemies of America.

Military coups always result in military governments, be careful what you wish for, they never turn out to be a beneficial thing and power always has to pried from them. Stupid to even think about that as a path to anything except all the horrors that go along with martial law.
The gun nuts are not bringing the government down, only themselves to their own executions and graves.

We, the much larger and better informed and more influential part of society, will make sure of that if they try to get stupid.

Just think of those sillies and the Republic of Texas insurgency 20 years ago. Stupid, silly little freaks from East Texas.

^Really? You obviously have forgotten that the Democrats are the handout Party, I really don't think the better informed hang out waiting for the Mailman to offer up a check once a month.
Want to tell us again how the NRA nuts are going to bring the mean old GUBMINT to it's knees?

Want to explain why you think the Military would arbitrarily side with the mean old GUBMINT over their own friends and families? An out of control group of Politicians can also be labeled as domestic enemies of America.

Military coups always result in military governments, be careful what you wish for, they never turn out to be a beneficial thing and power always has to pried from them. Stupid to even think about that as a path to anything except all the horrors that go along with martial law.

How did the American Revolution turn out?
Dumbfuck, this domestic terrorist is aligned with the leftist, anarchist "Occupy" crowd.....not the right-wing.

This crying wolf about "right wing nuts" everytime there is a gun killing in the USA is worn out, find something new to make up as a lie.

No, "gun nuts" are extremists far to the political right; they are not mainstream right wingers.

That lie of yours ends right here.
The topic has been addressed, your blowhardiness has been extinguished, and now you are pouting.

No one cares.

Don't be a reflecting mirror, Mr. Blow Hard. You guys lit up your silliness and the logical commentary in this thread extinguished your little lights.

LOL Still can not address the topic. Instead you must create fiction so you can claim some sort of victory.

Jake the Fake.

Actually you keep running away like a little girl.

Always afraid to write your actual thoughts down pretending you have some intelligence by avoiding to actual topic.

You are a fake jake.
Want to explain why you think the Military would arbitrarily side with the mean old GUBMINT over their own friends and families? An out of control group of Politicians can also be labeled as domestic enemies of America.

Military coups always result in military governments, be careful what you wish for, they never turn out to be a beneficial thing and power always has to pried from them. Stupid to even think about that as a path to anything except all the horrors that go along with martial law.

How did the American Revolution turn out?

Not a military coup. Did you think it was or are you just saying that as a joke?
No, "gun nuts" are extremists far to the political right; they are not mainstream right wingers.

That lie of yours ends right here.

That is why you fail, you believe in your mind that Democrats do not own guns, or respect the ideas behind the second amendment. Having lived in Wisconsin, I assure you I met some people I'd nearly be willing to label as "gun nuts" if I used such a term, and you'd be surprised to know that they were Registered Democrats. It is facts like these that make it easy to understand the reasons for the Democratic Party becoming unhinged, and its pattern of defeat since 2010. Democrats do not understand fellow Democrats outside of their own immediate circles. Speaking of Wisconsin... How did that Walker thing work out again?
Want to tell us again how the NRA nuts are going to bring the mean old GUBMINT to it's knees?

We might not, but there's an old saying...

"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

The funniest thing about the "guns keep us free" crowd is that in their mind they feel they could hold off the feds with their little stash of guns in their three bedroom suburban fortress.

You really are delusional, man. If you actually read the words instead of spouting talking points you'd see those first 3 words. Most importantly the 3rd one. Just because you don't have the backbone to die for the greater good doesn't mean the rest of us should follow your sheepish example. In other words, I have NO expectation of holding off the brownshirts indefinitely, but I do expect they'd pay a price for their temerity.

If our Founders felt like you do we'd still be a province of England.
No, "gun nuts" are extremists far to the political right; they are not mainstream right wingers.

That lie of yours ends right here.

That is why you fail, you believe in your mind that Democrats do not own guns, or respect the ideas behind the second amendment. Having lived in Wisconsin, I assure you I met some people I'd nearly be willing to label as "gun nuts" if I used such a term, and you'd be surprised to know that they were Registered Democrats. It is facts like these that make it easy to understand the reasons for the Democratic Party becoming unhinged, and its pattern of defeat since 2010. Democrats do not understand fellow Democrats outside of their own immediate circles. Speaking of Wisconsin... How did that Walker thing work out again?

Jake is a blowhard. If you ask him to prove his contention he withers away.

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