Predict how long before????

I am a gun owner, a CCW permit holder, an airborne infantryman for 12 years active duty, quite comfortable with weapons, their use, and their results.

There is no constitutional protection for civilians with military type weapons.

The automatic action and magazine capacity are the issues.

Certain weapons are not the single shot weapons about which the Founders were concerned.

bigrebnc has repeatedly proved that the laws of the land prevent the militias from owning military-style weapons.

Why, Jake? Why should semi-automatics be an 'issue'? For that matter, why should full autos be an 'issue'? Gun laws only stop honest citizens from owning them. Criminals are going to have them no matter what laws you pass. If you don't believe me, look at Chicago and Washington, DC.

Of course there is, Jake. What kind of arms do yo think they were talking about, peashooters? Calling up the militia meant taking on the baddest army on the planet. Our Founders knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they wrote it.
Mayor Bumburg already had a press conference calling out the POTUS nominees to pretty much come out against guns like him.

That piece of shit thinks he can control our guns, food, sodas, etc.

Spoons make you fat.

Cars must get drunk and crash.

The guns are already here. Over 200 million in private hands. We are not going to make them magically disappear

Massacres like we saw last night are the price we pay for our second amendment rights to protect ourselves. We need to shrug our shoulders, say "That's too bad" and move on with our lives

That's what we always do

And you think the second amendment is solely about protecting ourselves? I believe it is also about first, and foremost keeping the power in the hands of the people, so the progressives don't fly off the handle and decide one day that they want to keep somebody like Obama in charge a bit longer than the Constitution allows for.
I grew up in the 60s

In the 60S to early 80s, these psychos got their 15 minutes through assassination. JFK, MLK, RFK, Wallace, Lennon, Ford, Reagan. Pop somebody big and you get your name in the paper

Since Columbine it has moved on to the massacre. Arm yourself to the teeth and try to get in the record books for killing the most people

It is easy to scream, ban guns. But there are too many guns out there. You can try to put metal detectors in public places, but they will just go where there are no metal detectors. It is part of our culture. There is no solution

It was long before Columbine. Texas A&M ring a bell? What has brought it front and center is the near instant media coverage we have now, that we didn't have in the 60's. What we don't need is people like Brian Ross, and ABC using these tragedies to further agenda's, without any regard for facts. That is not journalism, that is despicable.
How long before the Tragedy of the Batman Movie shooting will be twisted Politically into another Anti gun Campaign by the Democrats? I'm thinking Monday Morning the pro gun ban people will be in high gear. I think that they will use the weekend to plan their strike which will commence at 9AM Monday morning on all of those usual suspect shows. They will wait until the majority of people who aren't Democrats do what they do best... Go to WORK.

Welcome to the effect of talk radio.

The democrats have not touched the 2nd Amendment, nor will they.

They might bitch and moan about guns, just like the Right bitches and moans about abortion.

But nothing ever changes, and nothing ever will. There are too many vested interests in the conflict.

Note to OP: Your leaders are trying to mobilize, agitate, and distract you with wedge issues so you don't notice the special interest monopolies running the country.

(Don't be such a puppet. You are smarter than talk radio thinks you are. Now take back your brain)
How long before the Tragedy of the Batman Movie shooting will be twisted Politically into another Anti gun Campaign by the Democrats? I'm thinking Monday Morning the pro gun ban people will be in high gear. I think that they will use the weekend to plan their strike which will commence at 9AM Monday morning on all of those usual suspect shows. They will wait until the majority of people who aren't Democrats do what they do best... Go to WORK.

Welcome to the effect of talk radio.

The democrats have not touched the 2nd Amendment, nor will they.

They might bitch and moan about guns, just like the Right bitches and moans about abortion.

But nothing ever changes, and nothing ever will. There are too many vested interests in the conflict.

Note to OP: Your leaders are trying to mobilize, agitate, and distract you with wedge issues so you don't notice the special interest monopolies running the country.

(Don't be such a puppet. You are smarter than talk radio thinks you are. Now take back your brain)

:badgrin: I haven't listened to talk radio in ages, and even admitted my prediction of Monday was wrong when others pointed out the fact that the anti gun nuts were already being busy little bees politicizing the tragedy in Colorado with their anti gun talking points. The Democrats have their attack on the second amendment on hold... Nancy Pelosi admitted it before. And Obama, well we all know the deal.... Spare me your BS.
[ame=]Obama Pushes Anti-Gun Treaty - YouTube[/ame]
Mayor Bumburg already had a press conference calling out the POTUS nominees to pretty much come out against guns like him.

That piece of shit thinks he can control our guns, food, sodas, etc.

Spoons make you fat.

Cars must get drunk and crash.

The guns are already here. Over 200 million in private hands. We are not going to make them magically disappear

Massacres like we saw last night are the price we pay for our second amendment rights to protect ourselves. We need to shrug our shoulders, say "That's too bad" and move on with our lives

That's what we always do

And you think the second amendment is solely about protecting ourselves? I believe it is also about first, and foremost keeping the power in the hands of the people, so the progressives don't fly off the handle and decide one day that they want to keep somebody like Obama in charge a bit longer than the Constitution allows for.

fuck assholes can't just debate an have to be dickheads on top of it.
The whole gun debate is just further fodder for one of the worlds absolute truths: Liberalism is a mental disorder.

This nut on CNN tonight was lamenting about how the Co. tragedy could have been averted with strict gun control laws...............


The only people more dangerous than people like this shooter are the limpwristed in our society who navigate life in a perpetual world of fantasy.
Your opinion is not law. This has already been decided. You don't get a guided missile frigate for your canal or lake. The civic virtue of We the People guarantee our safet, not our hand guns and shoulder weapons.

I am a gun owner, a CCW permit holder, an airborne infantryman for 12 years active duty, quite comfortable with weapons, their use, and their results.

There is no constitutional protection for civilians with military type weapons.

Why, Jake? Why should semi-automatics be an 'issue'? For that matter, why should full autos be an 'issue'? Gun laws only stop honest citizens from owning them. Criminals are going to have them no matter what laws you pass. If you don't believe me, look at Chicago and Washington, DC.

Of course there is, Jake. What kind of arms do yo think they were talking about, peashooters? Calling up the militia meant taking on the baddest army on the planet. Our Founders knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they wrote it.
Your opinion is not law. This has already been decided. You don't get a guided missile frigate for your canal or lake. The civic virtue of We the People guarantee our safet, not our hand guns and shoulder weapons.
what they were doing when they wrote it.

Guided missles are not in common usage as lawfully owned defensive weapons other NFA violations notwithstanding.

AR-15's are.
The point is that citizens' arms are not going to save the Constitution or the union from government take over.

Your opinion is not law. This has already been decided. You don't get a guided missile frigate for your canal or lake. The civic virtue of We the People guarantee our safet, not our hand guns and shoulder weapons.
what they were doing when they wrote it.

Guided missles are not in common usage as lawfully owned defensive weapons other NFA violations notwithstanding.

AR-15's are.
Mayor Bumburg already had a press conference calling out the POTUS nominees to pretty much come out against guns like him.

That piece of shit thinks he can control our guns, food, sodas, etc.

Spoons make you fat.

Cars must get drunk and crash.

The guns are already here. Over 200 million in private hands. We are not going to make them magically disappear

Massacres like we saw last night are the price we pay for our second amendment rights to protect ourselves. We need to shrug our shoulders, say "That's too bad" and move on with our lives

That's what we always do

And you think the second amendment is solely about protecting ourselves? I believe it is also about first, and foremost keeping the power in the hands of the people, so the progressives don't fly off the handle and decide one day that they want to keep somebody like Obama in charge a bit longer than the Constitution allows for.

You gun nuts who think you need arms for an eventual conflict with our government make me want to puke
A civilian revolt will not end will for the civilians. Arab Spring is instructive that Libya, Egypt, and Syria instruct observers that defecting military units and outside help of some sort are needed for the success of internal revolts.
I grew up in the 60s

In the 60S to early 80s, these psychos got their 15 minutes through assassination. JFK, MLK, RFK, Wallace, Lennon, Ford, Reagan. Pop somebody big and you get your name in the paper

Since Columbine it has moved on to the massacre. Arm yourself to the teeth and try to get in the record books for killing the most people

It is easy to scream, ban guns. But there are too many guns out there. You can try to put metal detectors in public places, but they will just go where there are no metal detectors. It is part of our culture. There is no solution

It was long before Columbine. Texas A&M ring a bell? What has brought it front and center is the near instant media coverage we have now, that we didn't have in the 60's. What we don't need is people like Brian Ross, and ABC using these tragedies to further agenda's, without any regard for facts. That is not journalism, that is despicable.

Actually, it was University of Texas tower as well as Lubys in Killeen Texas. There have been other isolated massacres but they really took off after Columbine.
Thankfully, assassinations have diminished

It amazes me how you use this event as an excuse to condemn the first amendment while defending the second
Your opinion is not law. This has already been decided. You don't get a guided missile frigate for your canal or lake. The civic virtue of We the People guarantee our safet, not our hand guns and shoulder weapons.

I am a gun owner, a CCW permit holder, an airborne infantryman for 12 years active duty, quite comfortable with weapons, their use, and their results.

There is no constitutional protection for civilians with military type weapons.

Of course there is, Jake. What kind of arms do yo think they were talking about, peashooters? Calling up the militia meant taking on the baddest army on the planet. Our Founders knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they wrote it.

The 'civic virtue' of We the People doesn't guarantee a damned thing, Jake. If it did we wouldn't need police.
A civilian revolt will not end will for the civilians. Arab Spring is instructive that Libya, Egypt, and Syria instruct observers that defecting military units and outside help of some sort are needed for the success of internal revolts.

And what exactly makes you think that American military personnel won't honor the oath they took when they joined?

Oath Keepers » Oath Keepers – Guardians of the Republic

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, veterans, peace officers, and firefighters who will fulfill the oath we swore to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God.

Our oath is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and we will not obey unconstitutional (and thus illegal) and immoral orders, such as orders to disarm the American people or to place them under martial law and deprive them of their ancient right to jury trial.

We Oath Keepers have drawn a line in the sand. We will not “just follow orders.”

Our motto is “Not on our watch!”

If you, the American people, are forced to once again fight for your liberty in another American Revolution, you will not be alone. We will stand with you.
The point is that citizens' arms are not going to save the Constitution or the union from government take over.

Your opinion is not law. This has already been decided. You don't get a guided missile frigate for your canal or lake. The civic virtue of We the People guarantee our safet, not our hand guns and shoulder weapons.
what they were doing when they wrote it.

Guided missles are not in common usage as lawfully owned defensive weapons other NFA violations notwithstanding.

AR-15's are.

Once again you are talking out of your ass.

To prove it rather quickly.

Iraq and IED"s They have managed to keep us at bay.

But as A BIG Government guy you would probably cheer carpet bombing our cities.
How long before the Tragedy of the Batman Movie shooting will be twisted Politically into another Anti gun Campaign by the Democrats? I'm thinking Monday Morning the pro gun ban people will be in high gear. I think that they will use the weekend to plan their strike which will commence at 9AM Monday morning on all of those usual suspect shows. They will wait until the majority of people who aren't Democrats do what they do best... Go to WORK.


As with after Tucson, there’ll be no serious effort to enact new legislation.

Democrats and liberals have accepted the individual right to own guns and consider it settled law; indeed, the vast majority of democrats gave up on ‘gun control’ years ago, well before Heller/McDonald. And many democrats and liberals are gun owners and avid supporters of gun rights.

For the left this is a non-issue.

The right, however, continues to attempt to contrive some controversy because they’ve lost what they perceive to be an effective political weapon. And by attempting to contrive such a controversy, only succeed in making conservatives look foolish and desperate.
How long before the Tragedy of the Batman Movie shooting will be twisted Politically into another Anti gun Campaign by the Democrats? I'm thinking Monday Morning the pro gun ban people will be in high gear. I think that they will use the weekend to plan their strike which will commence at 9AM Monday morning on all of those usual suspect shows. They will wait until the majority of people who aren't Democrats do what they do best... Go to WORK.


As with after Tucson, there’ll be no serious effort to enact new legislation.

Democrats and liberals have accepted the individual right to own guns and consider it settled law; indeed, the vast majority of democrats gave up on ‘gun control’ years ago, well before Heller/McDonald. And many democrats and liberals are gun owners and avid supporters of gun rights.

For the left this is a non-issue.

The right, however, continues to attempt to contrive some controversy because they’ve lost what they perceive to be an effective political weapon. And by attempting to contrive such a controversy, only succeed in making conservatives look foolish and desperate.

Democrats and liberals have accepted the individual right to own guns and consider it settled law;

Strongly disagree and we have hundreds of dead because of democrats and the scheme to let guns walk to diminish the second.

Quit lying......
Well, that was Guy BabbleSpeak.

Your opinion is not law. This has already been decided. You don't get a guided missile frigate for your canal or lake. The civic virtue of We the People guarantee our safet, not our hand guns and shoulder weapons.

Of course there is, Jake. What kind of arms do yo think they were talking about, peashooters? Calling up the militia meant taking on the baddest army on the planet. Our Founders knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they wrote it.

The 'civic virtue' of We the People doesn't guarantee a damned thing, Jake. If it did we wouldn't need police.
Because, despite your wacky extremism, our country is not like Syria or Egypt or Libya, and our soldiers will keep fidelity to the Constitution and those appointed over them.

Military personnel appear to overwhelmingly despise the 'oath keeper' wacks in their midst. A relative who is of star rank told me that the brass is well aware of those people are and their true intentions.

A civilian revolt will not end will for the civilians. Arab Spring is instructive that Libya, Egypt, and Syria instruct observers that defecting military units and outside help of some sort are needed for the success of internal revolts.

And what exactly makes you think that American military personnel won't honor the oath they took when they joined?

Oath Keepers » Oath Keepers – Guardians of the Republic

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, veterans, peace officers, and firefighters who will fulfill the oath we swore to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God.

Our oath is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and we will not obey unconstitutional (and thus illegal) and immoral orders, such as orders to disarm the American people or to place them under martial law and deprive them of their ancient right to jury trial.

We Oath Keepers have drawn a line in the sand. We will not “just follow orders.”

Our motto is “Not on our watch!”

If you, the American people, are forced to once again fight for your liberty in another American Revolution, you will not be alone. We will stand with you.

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