Predict Nov 8th

Inflation Reduction Act Benefits: Good Paying Jobs And Revitalized U.S. Manufacturing​

Energy Innovation: Policy and Technology
We are a nonpartisan climate policy think tank helping policymakers make informed energy policy choices and accelerate clean energy by supporting the policies that most effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Sarah Spengeman
Deputy Director of Communications
Sep 28, 2022,07:15am EDT
Inflation Reduction Act Benefits: Good Paying Jobs And Revitalized U.S. Manufacturing

there was an anti gouging bill that past the house, but the senate killed it. right along party lines. huh ... who is to blame for THAT?

also why is BIGCORP making record profits?

women are going to vote (D) for a whole host of reasons. but make no mistake, they know what's at stake.
You're in for a big surprise. Most people don't give a shit about climate change. They want affordable gas and food.
Curious what everyone thinks on the following:

  • Does the GOP take the House or do the Dems hold majority?
  • Does the GOP take the Senate?
  • Georgia Senate Race: Walker or Warnock?
  • AZ Senate Race: Kelly or Masters?
  • Nevada Senate Race: Laxalt or Cortez Masto?
  • PA Senate Race: Oz or Uncle Fester?
  • Ohio Senate Race: Ryan or Vance?
  • NH Senate Race: Hassan or Bolduc?
  • AZ Governor: Lake or Hobbs?
  • Michigan Governor: Whitmer or Dixon?
  • NY Governor: Zeldin or Hochul?
Make your picks

Inflation Reduction Act Benefits: Good Paying Jobs And Revitalized U.S. Manufacturing​

Energy Innovation: Policy and Technology
We are a nonpartisan climate policy think tank helping policymakers make informed energy policy choices and accelerate clean energy by supporting the policies that most effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Sarah Spengeman
Deputy Director of Communications
Sep 28, 2022,07:15am EDT
Inflation Reduction Act Benefits: Good Paying Jobs And Revitalized U.S. Manufacturing

there was an anti gouging bill that past the house, but the senate killed it. right along party lines. huh ... who is to blame for THAT?

also why is BIGCORP making record profits?

women are going to vote (D) for a whole host of reasons. but make no mistake, they know what's at stake.

Inflation Reduction Act Benefits:​

I meant, what has he done that will actually actually control it.
Moronic, green, pork-barrel spending doesn't do that.

there was an anti gouging bill that past the house, but the senate killed it.

What's "gouging"? How can government stop it?

also why is BIGCORP making record profits?

You can raise prices during high Bidenflation.
i don't lie.

i didn't say it stopped it from spreading. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, the odds of spreading it are a lot lower when a person is vaccinated by having a lessened viral load to spread.

lower viral load = less chance of spread.

not vaccinated = greater chance of spread.

nor if you say i said something that i did not, zoggy zoggy zog zog zogster.
Studies have shown that even a low viral load can spread a virus. So stop being a super spreader you filthy DemNazi.
'eh? oh, you mean when i called oz a turkish citizen?


Mehmet Oz’s Explanation of Why He Kept Turkish Citizenship Makes No Sense

By Michael Rubin
Washington Examiner
May 09, 2022

Mehmet Oz, the television doctor-turned-Republican Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, continues to fend off criticism regarding his ties to Turkey.

While several sitting senators were born abroad, Oz’s foreign ties are more problematic for a number of reasons. First, Oz’s ties to Turkey are not simply a matter of birth. He served in the Turkish military and voted in a recent Turkish election, reportedly just days after failing to do so in the United States. His fawning interaction with Turkey’s mercurial and profoundly anti-American dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan is cringeworthy : It came and comes against the backdrop of the imprisonment of thousands in Turkey, Erdogan’s crackdown on religious freedom, and the taking of Andrew Brunson, an American pastor, as a political hostage.

Mehmet Oz’s Explanation of Why He Kept Turkish Citizenship Makes No Sense

in his case - i'd say quite a lot.

are you?
Why does it matter? What is wrong with dual citizenships? You do realize that many Congress people have dual citizenships, why do you only point out one?
As a furrener with only a little bit in the outcome...LIKE BLOODY $9 A FLAMIN" GALLON FOR DIESEL CAUSED BY THAT IDIOT BIDEN'S "WAR ON FOSSIL FUEL" plus inflation caused by US Monetary expansion policies................I can only meekly and mildly ask my American friends and allies TO KICK THOSE STUPID IRRATIONAL INCOMPETENT MORONS.........out please.

Thanks in advance...GOP to take the house +17 and the Senate +2.

(Why so low for the house: starting point is already elevated).

What do I HOPE for?


As a furrener with only a little bit in the outcome...LIKE BLOODY $9 A FLAMIN" GALLON FOR DIESEL CAUSED BY THAT IDIOT BIDEN'S "WAR ON FOSSIL FUEL" plus inflation caused by US Monetary expansion policies................I can only meekly and mildly ask my American friends and allies TO KICK THOSE STUPID IRRATIONAL INCOMPETENT MORONS.........out please.

Thanks in advance...GOP to take the house +17 and the Senate +2.

(Why so low for the house: starting point is already elevated).

What do I HOPE for?


You left out Biden Pissing off The Saudis so much that they are on the verge of abandoning The Petro Dollar which will also lead to inflation. Russia is already selling it's oil in Rubles which is devaluing our dollar. All of this is directly attributable to EmperorShtizHizPantz.
alrighty, i shall.


you owning a gun.

the reason why you have a gun.

i'm going to assume you're in favor of the death penalty, as am i.

italians are fantastic people.

oops, that's 4.
Damn you.

Got me

Can’t get you there on the trans BS though?

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