Predict what will happen in the Obamacare ruling

What will the Court decide?

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The whole thing goes.
First off, there is no severability clause in the act. So taking Congress at its word if one part is found unconstitutional, the whole thing is.
Second, the mandate is integral to the act. Striking only the mandate would mean the Supremes would have to go back through the act and figure out which parts are good and which aren't, basically rewriting the legislation. That isn't their job. It is much cleaner and more constitutional to strike the whole thing and send it back to Congress to let them do their job properly.

Yeah, somehow, I don't think even these knuckle draggers are going to want to be the ones to day, "It's perfectly okay for Cigna to call your daughter's cancer a Pre-existing condition and let her die".

So, no, I think at worse, they'll just strike down the Mandate.

They might not even go that far. Scalia seemed really pissed off at Kennedy and Roberts during the Arizona ruling, and I don't think it is limited to just that decision.

But we'll see.

You need to quit the beer for breakfast routine.

Projecting again, are we?
Yeah, somehow, I don't think even these knuckle draggers are going to want to be the ones to day, "It's perfectly okay for Cigna to call your daughter's cancer a Pre-existing condition and let her die".

So, no, I think at worse, they'll just strike down the Mandate.

They might not even go that far. Scalia seemed really pissed off at Kennedy and Roberts during the Arizona ruling, and I don't think it is limited to just that decision.

But we'll see.

You need to quit the beer for breakfast routine.

Projecting again, are we?

You're projectile vomiting? That would be an improvement over your posts, which are idiotic and uninformed.
so only one person thinks they will uphold the bill? I thought there would be more
I think there is more of a chance that individual mandate goes down than the whole thing... but I think striking that down makes the path easier to rid ourselves of it, one way or another
I think there is more of a chance that individual mandate goes down than the whole thing... but I think striking that down makes the path easier to rid ourselves of it, one way or another

keep in mind they neglected to put a sever-ability clause in.
About 1/2 hour to go.

CSM had an article on why it wouldn't fall - but they deleted it. Things that make you go hmm.
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I think there is more of a chance that individual mandate goes down than the whole thing... but I think striking that down makes the path easier to rid ourselves of it, one way or another

keep in mind they neglected to put a sever-ability clause in.

Is it the role of the SC to re-write legislation? I dont think so. The whole thing goes.

kinda my point. no clause means there is nothing in the law that states if any one part of the law is struck down, the other parts stand. No clause, no standing for the other parts. It all goes.
Its all over, the mandate won, Obama has did it again to the rightwingers, YES!!!!!
The ruling from the Roberts court today is a blow to individual freedom and now we as conservatives have two options. Will we submit to the whims of the federal government, or will we refocus our efforts on every Senate and House race knowing that this election represents our last opportunity to stop ObamaCare?
Its all over, the mandate won, Obama has did it again to the rightwingers, YES!!!!!

You realize that you are now obligated to pay for the Koch brothers health insurance, right?

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