Predict who you think is behind the Boston Terror Bombings


Fair and Balanced
Sep 23, 2012
I thought it'd be interesting to start a thread about who we think are behind the bombings.

I personally think it's a domestic terrorist. The significance of the date (Tax Day, Patriot's Day in Boston) seems like a major tell. We're also only four days away from the Waco and OKC bombings. I believe we're going to hear about a small cell of domestic terrorists (two to eight people) who are responsible for these bombings. I believe it's this because the bombings fit a domestic's terrorist's profile more than a foreign enemy. The bombings were small and amateurish. Also there's a lot of rumors that the Boston PD found as many thirteen to fifteen exploded bombs in the area.

I also think we'll learn that the authorities had prior knowledge as there's a lot of buzz online about significant Boston PD presence before hand and their rapid response.
I see no reason to speculate as to who or why other than as a way to pick out our favorite strawman so you can say I told you so if you happen to be right or ignore your speculation if your wrong. I have no idea who did this or why and my guessing serves no purpose other's of course are free to do so if they wish.
I thought it'd be interesting to start a thread about who we think are behind the bombings.

I personally think it's a domestic terrorist. The significance of the date (Tax Day, Patriot's Day in Boston) seems like a major tell. We're also only four days away from the Waco and OKC bombings. I believe we're going to hear about a small cell of domestic terrorists (two to eight people) who are responsible for these bombings. I believe it's this because the bombings fit a domestic's terrorist's profile more than a foreign enemy. The bombings were small and amateurish. Also there's a lot of rumors that the Boston PD found as many thirteen to fifteen exploded bombs in the area.

I also think we'll learn that the authorities had prior knowledge as there's a lot of buzz online about significant Boston PD presence before hand and their rapid response.

I don't even want to guess because I'd probably guess the wrong way. I think it was a man/men and not a woman/women - just a hunch.
Just guessing but I would say it was domestic. A nut case, that hates the city, the event, taxes, his country, his job, his wife, or God knows what else.
Just guessing but I would say it was domestic. A nut case, that hates the city, the event, taxes, his country, his job, his wife, or God knows what else.
And you base that on what?
Who cares who it was as long as the person or persons who planned and carried out this act of terrorism is found and exterminated.

As for who I think did this? Some person or group with a messed up whack out brain.
From the reports, videos, and pics it looks like dynamite/nitroglycerine or gunpowder bombs with ball bearings or other shrapnel added to be more effective (sick bastard/s). It reminds me of the Atlanta Olympics bomb. Does this verify it was domestic/US citizen? No IMO because anyone could have collected the materials to make these bombs. What is more interesting to me is how the bombs were detonated. Placing blame or guessing is silly right now IMO. Thinking of or praying for the victims and supporting them and their families is more important. I am confident that with plenty of video from the scene law enforcement will resolve this.
Just guessing but I would say it was domestic. A nut case, that hates the city, the event, taxes, his country, his job, his wife, or God knows what else.

In other words, a Yankees fan.

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