Prediction: Biden will be the nominee and he will lose in a landslide.

You're right about wages but wrong about the cause. The US has been dabbling in globalization for the past 25 years and lowering the standard of living here to match Europe and Asia. Now you want to implement a Santa Clause government here to match the rest of the world. Wonderful promises of free gifts under the tree.

The people here didn't just fall off the turnip truck but that's what the poor from neighboring countries are being marched across our borders for. Lyndon Johnson's legacy has come home.
Much could be accomplished, if our corrupt government didn’t spend over one trillion annually on an imperialistic military.

As a percentage of annual GDP, the United States spends less on defense now than it did during the peace time of the 1980s. National Defense is the most important function of the government. The United States has typically underfunded its military except during World War II.
Funding of the military should be dependent on the threat we face

Acting as the worlds policeman is not a threat

Sure, we can wait for a threat, then put money into the military. Dumbest thing you've said today (so far). Is that how you live? Don't do any maintenance on the house until it starts to crumble, don't put tires on the car until they go flat...idiot.
Who is the threat to the United States that warrants us maintaining a military that is stronger than the next eight nations combined ?

Our nation is surrounded by two massive oceans and two peaceful neighbors. We have not been invaded in 200 years me the threat

Yep, you just keep driving on those bald tires.
Prediction: Biden will be the nominee and he will lose in a landslide.

Hell, I predicted there was no fucking way Obama could win. The second time he was elected in a LANDSLIDE I quit predicting.
Much could be accomplished, if our corrupt government didn’t spend over one trillion annually on an imperialistic military.

As a percentage of annual GDP, the United States spends less on defense now than it did during the peace time of the 1980s. National Defense is the most important function of the government. The United States has typically underfunded its military except during World War II.
Funding of the military should be dependent on the threat we face

Acting as the worlds policeman is not a threat

Sure, we can wait for a threat, then put money into the military. Dumbest thing you've said today (so far). Is that how you live? Don't do any maintenance on the house until it starts to crumble, don't put tires on the car until they go flat...idiot.
Who is the threat to the United States that warrants us maintaining a military that is stronger than the next eight nations combined ?

Our nation is surrounded by two massive oceans and two peaceful neighbors. We have not been invaded in 200 years me the threat

Yep, you just keep driving on those bald tires.
Still waiting for you to show me a realistic threat

Looks like you got nothing
Yeah the richest nation the world has ever known can’t provide the same benefits that nearly the entire western world already has. We just don’t have what it takes.
What "benefits" are you referring to ?

A living minimum wage.

A quality education for ALL children. Some nations even spend MORE money on educating poor children than rich children, believing a good education is the only route out of poverty.

Government funded universal health care. America has an obsesity and health crisis because of for-profit medicine. Opiod abuse is the latest "get rich quick scheme" for the manufacturers. Addicts make great repeat customers. They can be cycled in and out of rehab.
This should be obvious because even though Joe Biden is a senile, doddering old fool, he is the only candidate running who appears to be remotely sane. The Democratic Party has become the Titanic and no one is steering the ship.

I don't think Biden will be the nominee, but then it's my belief that he's too old. In each of the debates, Joe's weaknesses as a candidate were on full display. Ditto Bernie.

These guys have had 40 years in government and they've done little in their time in office to suggest that they have good ideas to fix things. Joe's getting a lot of heat for crap he authored, voted for and thought were good ideas at the time. You had your chance, and you blew it Joe. What would ever make us think that going back to the old ways, is going to work going forward? As we've seen with Donald Trump repealling regulations, and trying to revive the coal industry, you can't go back. The world has moved on and the USA needs to move forward, not back.

Yep, let's rely on the other loonies that want to give away all the freebie stuff, that'll definitely fix things.
This should be obvious because even though Joe Biden is a senile, doddering old fool, he is the only candidate running who appears to be remotely sane. The Democratic Party has become the Titanic and no one is steering the ship.

I don't think Biden will be the nominee, but then it's my belief that he's too old. In each of the debates, Joe's weaknesses as a candidate were on full display. Ditto Bernie.

These guys have had 40 years in government and they've done little in their time in office to suggest that they have good ideas to fix things. Joe's getting a lot of heat for crap he authored, voted for and thought were good ideas at the time. You had your chance, and you blew it Joe. What would ever make us think that going back to the old ways, is going to work going forward? As we've seen with Donald Trump repealling regulations, and trying to revive the coal industry, you can't go back. The world has moved on and the USA needs to move forward, not back.

Yep, let's rely on the other loonies that want to give away all the freebie stuff, that'll definitely fix things.

Yeah, free things like health care for all, and a quality education for all. Things that will lift up the entire nation. Things that are available to the citizens of every other first world nation in the world. Things that will help to grow the middle class, instead of shrinking it, which is what has been going on since Reagan changed the tax code.

Other countries consider programs which help educated and support the most vulnerable people in their population as "good governance", and governing for the majority of your citizens. Only radical American conservatives call programs which help their people and their economy "free shit". These self-same people who consider free education, and cell phones for the poor and the unemployed "free shit" should ask themselves how these people are going to get a job if they don't have a phone, or an education.

Smart people call this "enlightened self interest". If the person on welfare has a phone, and a potential employer can call them, maybe they'll get a job and get off welfare. Maybe if their children get a good education which properly prepares them for employment in the 21st Century, maybe the next generation can leave poverty behind.

2% of the population is currently able to lift themselves out of poverty. When Ronald Reagan was elected and ended the War on Poverty, that number was 20%. Right now 98 children out of 100, born into poverty in the USA, will remain in poverty all of their lives and will always be a drain on the public purse. Conservative tax, economic and education policies are encouraging and growing poverty, not decreasing it.

Instead of massive, government funded retraining projects in the mid-west to re-educate workers and train them for 21st Century jobs, Trump wants to bring back low skill manufacturing jobs. Instead of raising the minimum wage, conservatives want to increase the "earned income credit", making taxpayers responsible for subsidizing and financially supporting the low paid workers of some of the most profitable corporations in America. The reason these companies are so profitable is because they're underpaying their workers, while screwing the middle class, and conservative governments are helping them do this.

No other nation in the world makes the middle class subsidize the wages of the working class, to the detriment of both.

You're right about wages but wrong about the cause. The US has been dabbling in globalization for the past 25 years and lowering the standard of living here to match Europe and Asia. Now you want to implement a Santa Clause government here to match the rest of the world. Wonderful promises of free gifts under the tree.

The people here didn't just fall off the turnip truck but that's what the poor from neighboring countries are being marched across our borders for. Lyndon Johnson's legacy has come home.

Globalization is what made America rich after WWII, Ray. The USA was the only major industrialized nation with it's infrastructure and manufacturing capability intact after WWII. The only attack on American soil disabled the 7th Fleet, not the mainland, and certainly not the manufacturing centres. American companies made billion supplying Europeans and helping them rebuild their nation, and selling them the lastest equipment to streamline manufacturing.

It's no accident that after Europe was rebuilt that Germany and Japan because two of the big economic success stories. Effectively barred from investing in military equipment or weapons, they poured their resources into rebuilding their countries and their economies. Both had their manufacturing capability levelled, but with the latest technology, German engineering, Japanese ingenuity and hard work, both economies are among the most successful in the post war economy.

Globalization put American corporations into every country in Western civilization. Only the Communist nations kept American companies out. American corporations continue to syphon the wealth of nations and return capital earned in other countries to their shareholders. Every war fought to protect "American interests in [name of country here]" were fought to protect the property owned by US corporations in those countries. In OPEC nations, those US interests included refineries and US built shipping centres and ports.

Globalization is still benefitting American corporations and the 20% of Americans who own all of the stocks in multi-nationals. Walmart is still the most profitable company in Canada, despite being forced to pay Canadian taxes, and minimum wages of $14 in Ontario, and mandated employer financed benefits, including two weeks paid vacation annually, workers' compensation insurance for workplace injuries, 1 year's paid maternity leave (funded through the Employment Insurance fund), universal health care, unemployment insurance, Canada Pension Plan, family leave. Canada has one of the top education systems in the world, and is considered to be the best place in the world to live.

These kinds of benefits are available to the residents of every first world country, save one. The richest one. Even the Arabs use their oil money to fund a decent life for their citizens.
Yeah, free things like health care for all, and a quality education for all. Things that will lift up the entire nation. Things that are available to the citizens of every other first world nation in the world. Things that will help to grow the middle class, instead of shrinking it, which is what has been going on since Reagan changed the tax code.

Other countries consider programs which help educated and support the most vulnerable people in their population as "good governance", and governing for the majority of your citizens. Only radical American conservatives call programs which help their people and their economy "free shit". These self-same people who consider free education, and cell phones for the poor and the unemployed "free shit" should ask themselves how these people are going to get a job if they don't have a phone, or an education.

Smart people call this "enlightened self interest". If the person on welfare has a phone, and a potential employer can call them, maybe they'll get a job and get off welfare. Maybe if their children get a good education which properly prepares them for employment in the 21st Century, maybe the next generation can leave poverty behind.

2% of the population is currently able to lift themselves out of poverty. When Ronald Reagan was elected and ended the War on Poverty, that number was 20%. Right now 98 children out of 100, born into poverty in the USA, will remain in poverty all of their lives and will always be a drain on the public purse. Conservative tax, economic and education policies are encouraging and growing poverty, not decreasing it.

Instead of massive, government funded retraining projects in the mid-west to re-educate workers and train them for 21st Century jobs, Trump wants to bring back low skill manufacturing jobs. Instead of raising the minimum wage, conservatives want to increase the "earned income credit", making taxpayers responsible for subsidizing and financially supporting the low paid workers of some of the most profitable corporations in America. The reason these companies are so profitable is because they're underpaying their workers, while screwing the middle class, and conservative governments are helping them do this.

No other nation in the world makes the middle class subsidize the wages of the working class, to the detriment of both.

What other country would you want to be like? Nothing is preventing you to move to one of those other countries.

Go back to your country!

Where have I heard that one before?

Evidently reading comprehension is a big void in your life...dumbass.
You guys are a one trick pony

Yet "you guys" are putting on a dog and pony show...go figure.

Hey Stinker! I already live in "one of those countries". My sister is currently facing a life threatening illness. Her and her husband aren't rich, but they have a nice, comfortable home in on the edge of a small city, and enough retirment income that their government pensions go straight to savings. If they were Americans, my sister's illness would bankrtupt them. She's gone from first appointment, through all of the testing in under 10 days. In our healthcare system, this tells me just how sick my sister is. I had to wait 3 months for my MRI. She had hers in 5 days - and there was a weekend in there. She's been in hospital for a week now, as they've sought to stabilize a bad reaction to her cancer biopsy.

My sister and her husband will never see a medical bill, or a prescription bill. Our healthcare system is taking care of all of it. No co-pays, no caps. Our family has no worry my sister and her husband will lose their home, or how we will pay for her treatment. We just have to be there for her and pray things aren't as bad as they look right now. They also have no paperwork to complete. No pre-approvals either. Her doctors determine her care.

My grandchildren are benefitting from one of the best education systems in the world. My children are busy starting their own businesses, and growing their own families.
Prediction: Biden will be the nominee and he will lose in a landslide.
This should be obvious because even though Joe Biden is a senile, doddering old fool, he is the only candidate running who appears to be remotely sane. The Democratic Party has become the Titanic and no one is steering the ship.

I want to believe you. I have doubt about the "Landslide" part. Trump surely deserves a landslide victory, but there is too much hate out there to let that happen
Prediction: Biden will be the nominee and he will lose in a landslide.

Hell, I predicted there was no fucking way Obama could win. The second time he was elected in a LANDSLIDE I quit predicting.

I don't think Obama would have won if W hadn't totally fucked up the economy, the housing bubble hand't burst, the market hadn't crashed, and the economy hadn't fallen off a cliff.
President Trump will be re-elected in a landslide no matter which moron the Demos nominate.

And they know it.
What other country would you want to be like? Nothing is preventing you to move to one of those other countries.

Go back to your country!

Where have I heard that one before?

Evidently reading comprehension is a big void in your life...dumbass.
You guys are a one trick pony

Yet "you guys" are putting on a dog and pony show...go figure.

Hey Stinker! I already live in "one of those countries". My sister is currently facing a life threatening illness. Her and her husband aren't rich, but they have a nice, comfortable home in on the edge of a small city, and enough retirment income that their government pensions go straight to savings. If they were Americans, my sister's illness would bankrtupt them. She's gone from first appointment, through all of the testing in under 10 days. In our healthcare system, this tells me just how sick my sister is. I had to wait 3 months for my MRI. She had hers in 5 days - and there was a weekend in there. She's been in hospital for a week now, as they've sought to stabilize a bad reaction to her cancer biopsy.

My sister and her husband will never see a medical bill, or a prescription bill. Our healthcare system is taking care of all of it. No co-pays, no caps. Our family has no worry my sister and her husband will lose their home, or how we will pay for her treatment. We just have to be there for her and pray things aren't as bad as they look right now. They also have no paperwork to complete. No pre-approvals either. Her doctors determine her care.

My grandchildren are benefitting from one of the best education systems in the world. My children are busy starting their own businesses, and growing their own families.

Great, then perhaps you should focus on the country you're in.
What other country would you want to be like? Nothing is preventing you to move to one of those other countries.

Go back to your country!

Where have I heard that one before?

Evidently reading comprehension is a big void in your life...dumbass.
You guys are a one trick pony

Yet "you guys" are putting on a dog and pony show...go figure.

Hey Stinker! I already live in "one of those countries". My sister is currently facing a life threatening illness. Her and her husband aren't rich, but they have a nice, comfortable home in on the edge of a small city, and enough retirment income that their government pensions go straight to savings. If they were Americans, my sister's illness would bankrtupt them. She's gone from first appointment, through all of the testing in under 10 days. In our healthcare system, this tells me just how sick my sister is. I had to wait 3 months for my MRI. She had hers in 5 days - and there was a weekend in there. She's been in hospital for a week now, as they've sought to stabilize a bad reaction to her cancer biopsy.

My sister and her husband will never see a medical bill, or a prescription bill. Our healthcare system is taking care of all of it. No co-pays, no caps. Our family has no worry my sister and her husband will lose their home, or how we will pay for her treatment. We just have to be there for her and pray things aren't as bad as they look right now. They also have no paperwork to complete. No pre-approvals either. Her doctors determine her care.

My grandchildren are benefitting from one of the best education systems in the world. My children are busy starting their own businesses, and growing their own families.
Any American who has faced a pile of medical bills after a major medical procedure understands how great your sisters coverage is
Sleepy Joe will have his super delegates to be the nominee. Like Crooked Hillary did back when the convention happened.
I’ve said all along Biden will be the nominee by default. I realize in order to win the nomination dems have to go left in the primaries, but these candidates are all committing political suicide by running left of Fidel Castro.
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I’ve said all along Biden will be the nominee by default. I realize in order to loot to win the nomination dems have to go left in the primaries, but these candidates are all committing political suicide by running left of Fidel Castro.

Biden has the best chance of beating Trump
That is what most Democrats care about
I’ve said all along Biden will be the nominee by default. I realize in order to loot to win the nomination dems have to go left in the primaries, but these candidates are all committing political suicide by running left of Fidel Castro.

Biden has the best chance of beating Trump
That is what most Democrats care about

Biden has no chance.
I’ve said all along Biden will be the nominee by default. I realize in order to loot to win the nomination dems have to go left in the primaries, but these candidates are all committing political suicide by running left of Fidel Castro.

Biden has the best chance of beating Trump
That is what most Democrats care about

Biden has no chance.

I personally think it’s too close to call. If the economy is strong, I think Trump will win a nail biter. If the economy goes South, I can see Biden pulling off the nail biter.
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This should be obvious because even though Joe Biden is a senile, doddering old fool, he is the only candidate running who appears to be remotely sane. The Democratic Party has become the Titanic and no one is steering the ship.

The Democratic Party is indeed like the Titanic. Creepy Old Joe is like the bandleader on the deck playing the music as the ship goes down.

If America thought that Crooked Hillary was a terrible candidate that Trump schlonged just wait until he gets a hold of Creepy Old Joe.
I’ve said all along Biden will be the nominee by default. I realize in order to loot to win the nomination dems have to go left in the primaries, but these candidates are all committing political suicide by running left of Fidel Castro.

Biden has the best chance of beating Trump
That is what most Democrats care about

Biden has no chance.
Not what the polls say

Biden is kicking his ass
This should be obvious because even though Joe Biden is a senile, doddering old fool, he is the only candidate running who appears to be remotely sane. The Democratic Party has become the Titanic and no one is steering the ship.

The Democratic Party is indeed like the Titanic. Creepy Old Joe is like the bandleader on the deck playing the music as the ship goes down.

If America thought that Crooked Hillary was a terrible candidate that Trump schlonged just wait until he gets a hold of Creepy Old Joe.
More Americans voted for Hilary than Fat Donnie
This should be obvious because even though Joe Biden is a senile, doddering old fool, he is the only candidate running who appears to be remotely sane. The Democratic Party has become the Titanic and no one is steering the ship.

The Democratic Party is indeed like the Titanic. Creepy Old Joe is like the bandleader on the deck playing the music as the ship goes down.

If America thought that Crooked Hillary was a terrible candidate that Trump schlonged just wait until he gets a hold of Creepy Old Joe.
More Americans voted for Hilary than Fat Donnie
All the fraud votes....
The Moon Bats are hoping for the Illegal votes.

They are delusional about Trump Delusional Syndrome. Just because they have the mental illness and hate Trump doesn't mean everybody has it.

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