Prediction markets have Bernie way ahead of Biden now


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
The people who put their money on the line are saying that Bernie Sanders will win the Democratic nomination.
Biden led until very recently, but Democrats are realizing that Bernie can take away working class voters from Trump.
Bernie can highlight his vote against the Iraq War at a time when Trump was FOR the war.
Democrats want bold ideas, not a wishy wishy washy moderate or a Corrupt orange old man.

Other than Bernie and Yang, the others are corporatist warmongers. Yet, the D party and MSM much prefer the corporatist warmonger. Why don’t they just become republicans?

Good, what a better way to ensure Trump wins and drags the republicrats behind him across the finish line than to have an abrasive marxist loon as the standard bearer of the DNC.

At least with hitlery you turds had a hag that could be smothered in make up and made to sound like a rational human form of a shit sandwich.


Good, what a better way to ensure Trump wins and drags the republicrats behind him across the finish line than to have an abrasive marxist loon as the standard bearer of the DNC.

At least with hitlery you turds had a hag that could be smothered in make up and made to sound like a rational human form of a shit sandwich.
Bernie likely beats Trump. He is the only one capable of winning but watch as they screw him again and put up an establishment fuck, like Creepy Joe.
The people who put their money on the line are saying that Bernie Sanders will win the Democratic nomination.
Biden led until very recently, but Democrats are realizing that Bernie can take away working class voters from Trump.
Bernie can highlight his vote against the Iraq War at a time when Trump was FOR the war.
Democrats want bold ideas, not a wishy wishy washy moderate or a Corrupt orange old man.


Good, what a better way to ensure Trump wins and drags the republicrats behind him across the finish line than to have an abrasive marxist loon as the standard bearer of the DNC.

At least with hitlery you turds had a hag that could be smothered in make up and made to sound like a rational human form of a shit sandwich.
Bernie likely beats Trump. He is the only one capable of winning but watch as they screw him again and put up an establishment fuck, like Creepy Joe.
When Bernie wins the nomination, you're gonna say that Trump will beat him.
By the way, your profile says you're an "anarchist".
An anarchist who likes Single Payer.
The tent is growing fast.
Bernie likely beats Trump. He is the only one capable of winning but watch as they screw him again and put up an establishment fuck, like Creepy Joe.

I don't see how Bernie defeats Trump.

The DNC knew that is impossible for Bernie to win Nationally, that's why they fucked him with hitlery's cock and wiped the blood off with millions of millennial's teddy bears. The bed wetter millennial's don't want an old banking executive's property like Joe, that want a lunatic like Bernie or AOC.

When Bernie wins the nomination, you're gonna say that Trump will beat him.


There is no way in fucking hell the billionaire globalist sociopaths that control the DNC are going to allow card carrying marxist lunatics like Bernie or AOC to actually acquire power and steal all of their shit.

You really believe Soros, Buffet, Bloomberg, Bezos, Et Al want to give up 90% of their shit to buy you diapers and Starbucks Lattes?

Bernie likely beats Trump. He is the only one capable of winning but watch as they screw him again and put up an establishment fuck, like Creepy Joe.

I don't see how Bernie defeats Trump.

The DNC knew that is impossible for Bernie to win Nationally, that's why they fucked him with hitlery's cock and wiped the blood off with millions of millennial's teddy bears. The bed wetter millennial's don't want an old banking executive's property like Joe, that want a lunatic like Bernie or AOC.

Bernie probably beats Donnie in2016. He likely carries the rust belt states the dumb bitch lost.
Sanders is certainly more interesting and has more ideas than Biden. Whether or not America is ready for him is what elections are all about. "W" was re-elected. Trump was elected. Obama was elected.
Anything, it seems, can happen.
Gabbard-Yang would still be a possibility.
In 2016, Democrats interfered with US Elections by handing Hillary questions in advance of a Democratic primary debate to help her beat Bernie. Given the “concern” Democrats have expressed over integrity if US Elections over the past 4 years, who or what will protect US Elections from Democrats in ‘20?

Good, what a better way to ensure Trump wins and drags the republicrats behind him across the finish line than to have an abrasive marxist loon as the standard bearer of the DNC.

At least with hitlery you turds had a hag that could be smothered in make up and made to sound like a rational human form of a shit sandwich.
Bernie likely beats Trump. He is the only one capable of winning but watch as they screw him again and put up an establishment fuck, like Creepy Joe.
When Bernie wins the nomination, you're gonna say that Trump will beat him.
By the way, your profile says you're an "anarchist".
An anarchist who likes Single Payer.
The tent is growing fast.
I’m unchanged in my views.

Thing is we have an out of control government that works primarily for the extreme wealthy. They have socialism, the rest of are on our own. I can’t dump this government, so why not have do something for the people?

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