Prediction of global temperature for 2017-2024

dude what part of there isn't any evidence there don't you understand? I mean, we've been there, and, there isn't any evidence there. Post some up of what it is you think is? Show us dude.
what part of all the Scientific evidence supports my position is it that you do not understand ...all Scientific Organizations supports my posit5ion and you have no links no information to offer ...

So what observed, measured, quantified evidence are the scientific organizations basing their claims upon...I can't find can't find one on earth can find it because it doesn't exist...
.my position is that there is absolutely no observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting the anthropogenic component of the AGW hypothesis....and I can't help but notice that you aren't even attempting to bring any here......
Are you bringing that crap to this thread too? You were already shown the evidence in the thread you started.
In Support of the A in AGW

You keep harping on the same thing! You were given observed, measured quantified evidence that there is back radiation from the greenhouse gasses hitting earth. The only point you had in rebuttal is to lie about the laws of physics. You were soundly rebutted against that too.

Sorry guy..never happened....Crick provided evidence that an instrument cooled to -80 degrees can measure energy moving from the warmer do you claim that supports the A in AGW?...then rocks provided evidence that so called greenhouse gasses absorb and emit radiation....he failed to note the fact that they also emit the radiation that they absorbed...that doesn't even prove that absorption and emission equals warming..there is certain no natural law that says such a do you suppose that supports the A in AGW? I have asked before but you failed to give any sort of an answer.
.my position is that there is absolutely no observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting the anthropogenic component of the AGW hypothesis....and I can't help but notice that you aren't even attempting to bring any here......
Are you bringing that crap to this thread too? You were already shown the evidence in the thread you started.
In Support of the A in AGW

You keep harping on the same thing! You were given observed, measured quantified evidence that there is back radiation from the greenhouse gasses hitting earth. The only point you had in rebuttal is to lie about the laws of physics. You were soundly rebutted against that too.
apparently this SSDD believes he is an authority over Science...

I am not claiming to be an authority over anything..I am asking for the observed, measured, quantified evidence that the "authorities" supposedly base their positions on...
I knew you couldn't produce any, and I agree it is hilarious that you think there is evidence "there"
there is only your empty opinions ...Science as I have shown supports my position...

But you have not shown even the first bit of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the opinion of science...what is their opinion based on if not observed, measured, quantified evidence...they are supposed to be science after all...where is the evidence?
These nihilist fools believe if they simply repeat that they are Correct it overcomes Science and Scientific agencies...

You, or any other warmer could prove me wrong at any time simply by posting some observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the A in isn't going to happen you know why? Because as I have said...there isn't any....not the first bit...
I knew you couldn't produce any, and I agree it is hilarious that you think there is evidence "there"
there is only your empty opinions ...Science as I have shown supports my position...
you haven't shown a damn thing gene, you just post up links with nothing of relevance to any discussion and no excerpts that qualify as observed evidence of anything. Thanks for playing though.
all you do is repeat nonsense ...I have shown links I have shown what scientific organizations on Climate believe...where are your links ...where do your opinions come from LOL

OK...lets try to simplify this...maybe the point of the argument is flying right over your head...excuse me for assuming that you are smarter than you apparently are.

No one is denying that you have posted links to scientific organizations that believe that man is responsible for climate change...that is not in question nor has it ever been in question....As you have stated, you have posted links that have shown what scientific organizations question about have shown what scientific organizations believe.

Now, lets get to the point...when you hold a belief, there is usually something that caused you to hold that belief...when you are a scientific organization, the thing that should lead you to a belief...or to be sure of the cause of a thing is observed, measured, quantified evidence...especially when the thing that you believe is an observable, measurable, quantifiable entity... Science believes that man is causing the temperature of the atmosphere to change...the atmosphere is an observable, measurable, quantifiable entity..

The point is that there is no observed, measured, quantified evidence to support the belief that man is causing the climate to change....showing temperate graphs certainly shows that the temperature has changed...but the temperature is always changing...increasing temperature does not prove that man is causing it because the temperatures have been much higher in the past without the aid of mankind or the internal combustion engine...and CO2 has been much higher in the past even during ice ages..

You can post organizations giving their opinions, or their belief all you like, but until you can post the actual observed, measured, quantified evidence that led them to that opinion or belief, you are not doing anything of value...and you will never post any observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the claim that mankind is causing climate change because not a single shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence exists to support that claim...
jc - you have had your questions answered over and over again. Yet you endlessly re-ask them.

Is there back radiation? Yes, of course, every object radiates according to its temperature.

Does back radiation warm the surface? Sort of, it is sending energy to the surface, adding to amount of net energy. Heat is the net transfer of energy, by any means, radiation conduction convection. Temperature is the amount of average energy relative to a reference. The surface temperature is controlled by the equation 'energy in minus energy out'. Using averages for sunlight and surface temps gives us 160w in, minus 400w out. The difference is 240w, which is the least amount of 'back radiation' possible. Latent heat and convection skew the results by adding another pathway.

You keep mentioning 'heat rises'. This has nothing to do with radiation. It is a gravity driven effect. The same volume of air, at a higher temp, has fewer molecules, and is therefore lighter. Surrounding air pressure pushes it up because of gravity. Likewise air with more water (H2O) is lighter than dry air, and is also pushed up by gravity.

You have mentioned the hot spot on numerous occasions. It is already there. It is the cloud boundary where water vapour gives up its latent heat and condenses. No meaningful change has been found over the last seven decades which leads to the conclusion that climate models are deficient in handling evaporation, convection and clouds. On the other hand, increased CO2 in the stratosphere should lead to cooling, and that has been observed.

All-in all I give you a failing grade in all things concerned with physics. I wish you would stick to politics rather than fouling the skeptical discussion with outlandish and false claims in the realm of physics.
.my position is that there is absolutely no observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting the anthropogenic component of the AGW hypothesis....and I can't help but notice that you aren't even attempting to bring any here......
Are you bringing that crap to this thread too? You were already shown the evidence in the thread you started.
In Support of the A in AGW

You keep harping on the same thing! You were given observed, measured quantified evidence that there is back radiation from the greenhouse gasses hitting earth. The only point you had in rebuttal is to lie about the laws of physics. You were soundly rebutted against that too.
apparently this SSDD believes he is an authority over Science...
he does? When has he ever stated such a thing? I think that is bull, and you can't prove it. Can you?
The science is clear and the SSDD nonsense dude thinks all he has to do is express his opinion and it overrules science you

How can the science be clear when there is no observed, measured, quantified evidence to support claims regarding an observable, measurable, quantifiable entity such as the atmosphere?
dude what part of there isn't any evidence there don't you understand? I mean, we've been there, and, there isn't any evidence there. Post some up of what it is you think is? Show us dude.
what part of all the Scientific evidence supports my position is it that you do not understand ...all Scientific Organizations supports my posit5ion and you have no links no information to offer ...
good for you. That doesn't automatically qualify as evidence just cause you believe them. I don't, and there isn't any evidence there. So what do we do? Hmm, I'm going to keep asking you to present the evidence and you'll keep avoiding it. So, it appears there is no evidence.
Post something anything that supports your position have nothing ..I have posted literally dozens of links to the science LOL
I am not claiming anything. here this is a post that you can't post one piece of evidence to support CO2 causes temps to go up. That is fact. prove me wrong.
you are claiming there is no evidence ..NONSENSE LOL

And yet, you can't seem to post any observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the A in AGW...
Climate Myth...
There's no empirical evidence
"There is no actual evidence that carbon dioxide emissions are causing global warming. Note that computer models are just concatenations of calculations you could do on a hand-held calculator, so they are theoretical and cannot be part of any evidence." (David Evans)

Empirical evidence that humans are causing global warming

The reason that the Earth is warm enough to sustain life is because of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These gases act like a blanket, keeping the Earth warm by preventing some of the sun’s energy being re-radiated into space. The effect is exactly the same as wrapping yourself in a blanket – it reduces heat loss from your body and keeps you warm.

If we add more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, the effect is like wrapping yourself in a thicker blanket: even less heat is lost. So how can we tell what effect CO2 is having on temperatures, and if the increase in atmospheric CO2 is really making the planet warmer?

One way of measuring the effect of CO2 is by using satellites to compare how much energy is arriving from the sun, and how much is leaving the Earth. What scientists have seen over the last few decades is a gradual decrease in the amount of energy being re-radiated back into space. In the same period, the amount of energy arriving from the sun has not changed very much at all. This is the first piece of evidence: more energy is remaining in the atmosphere.

The Smoking Gun
The final piece of evidence is ‘the smoking gun’, the proof that CO2 is causing the increases in temperature. CO2 traps energy at very specific wavelengths, while other greenhouse gases trap different wavelengths. In physics, these wavelengths can be measured using a technique called spectroscopy. Here’s an example:

Spectrum of the greenhouse radiation measured at the surface. Greenhouse effect from water vapor is filtered out, showing the contributions of other greenhouse gases (Evans 2006).

The graph shows different wavelengths of energy, measured at the Earth’s surface. Among the spikes you can see energy being radiated back to Earth by ozone (O3), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N20). But the spike for CO2 on the left dwarfs all the other greenhouse gases, and tells us something very important: most of the energy being trapped in the atmosphere corresponds exactly to the wavelength of energy captured by CO2.

Total Earth Heat Content from Church et al. (2011)

CO2 doesn't "trap" have shown a graph shows the absorption spectrum of greenhouse could also show an emission spectrum of the so called greenhouse gasses that would look almost like a mirror image of the absorption spectrum...that is because greenhouse gasses (with the exception of water vapor) immediately emit the radiation they absorb...they don't trap the firs bit of energy....

Can you point to a physical law that states that absorption and emission equals warming?....showing that gasses absorb and emit is not evidence that absorption and emission equal warming...and showing a graph of heat content does not even begin to prove what is causing the warming..
he does? When has he ever stated such a thing? I think that is bull, and you can't prove it. Can you?
The science is clear and the SSDD nonsense dude thinks all he has to do is express his opinion and it overrules science you
my opinion. What is it that I have opined? I have not offered any opinion, I have requested evidence, and I have remained consistent with that effort. So post up some comment of mine that is an opinion piece.[/QUOTE
all you have is i opinion me any scientific organization that agrees there is no evidence of AGW Scientific organization that claims there is no evidence of Global warming the statement that there is no evidence of global warming
how stupid is that? you can't show me so I have to create something that doesn't exist to show that it doesn't exist? how does one do that? It isn't warming up outside. Manipulation is done to show otherwise, CO2 went up and temps didn't and the AR5 report agreed. What else can I post that can show you differently, I can't cause it doesn't exist. I can't show you something that never happened. That would indeed be a trick and fking magic.
when you can come up with something that supports "there is no evidence that CO 2 cause GW ..let me know a link like I just did

You posted a link...but it in no way even begins to support the claim that man is causing the global climate to change.
“Numerous studies show rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, but our study provides the critical link between those concentrations and the addition of energy to the system, or the greenhouse effect.”

It’s important to be clear that by no means did the Berkeley researchers need to do this in order to prove that carbon dioxide is trapping heat in the atmosphere: as physicist and climate expert Ken Caldeira explained to the San Francisco Chronicle, “the underlying physics is robust and was never in question.” Climate scientist Andrew Dessler told the Associated Press that the work is somewhat similar to using a falling rock to confirm gravity.

But the findings do help validate climate models that depend, in part, on correctly simulating the effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, Mashable’s Andrew Freedman explains. All of that research warning that human activity is directly contributing to global warming, in other words, and that “substantial and sustained” reductions in emissions are our best hope of avoiding “severe, pervasive and irreversible” consequences, is no longer deniable — not that it ever was.

Scientists stick it to climate deniers: Study provides direct evidence that human activity is causing global warming go visit one of those studies and copy and paste whatever you believe is there that represents observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the anthropogenic component of the AGW hypothesis.
Lets take it step by step...try to follow ...

1) the Scientific Organizations I linked to use the Scientific Method. This involves observation; Hypothesis about the observed phenomena; Experimentation to test the hypothesis...
2) The Climate Science world has settled the science on AGW...they believe it to be true
3) Since #1 and #2 above are without argument True then they have the quantifiable data to support their rather public stance ...they have published Peer Reviewed papers that lead to the conclusions that AGW is can check my links to see that it is true

IT IS RIDICULOUS to expect me to post the raw data upon which Climate organizations over decades have used to reach the views that they espouse ...the data is available...follow my links and you will be prompted to what data you seek

Now do you have any Scientific Organization that is making the same claims you are that there exist no data to support AGW ...what a joke LOL
that's a bunch of mumbo jumbo with no evidence at all. All it is someone saying someone trapped it and found it. No evidence there. Did you bother to read it? I mean dude, I expect better from you.
try to link to anyone or anything that supports your nonsense...I already know what you believe because you have spammed the thread repeatedly with your position however you fail to support your position in any way merely repeat it...
BTW, you know you have to have back radiation for your hypothesis to be good right? Not that CO2 absorbs, that's science and we all know this. So now post up that link with the back radiation that can prove CO2 is a sun.
Nonsense supports my position that is why you cannot post anything but your opinion ..over and over

Scientific organizations support your is all about observing, measuring, and quantifying...and there is no observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the opinion that science is holding.
“Numerous studies show rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, but our study provides the critical link between those concentrations and the addition of energy to the system, or the greenhouse effect.”

It’s important to be clear that by no means did the Berkeley researchers need to do this in order to prove that carbon dioxide is trapping heat in the atmosphere: as physicist and climate expert Ken Caldeira explained to the San Francisco Chronicle, “the underlying physics is robust and was never in question.” Climate scientist Andrew Dessler told the Associated Press that the work is somewhat similar to using a falling rock to confirm gravity.

But the findings do help validate climate models that depend, in part, on correctly simulating the effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, Mashable’s Andrew Freedman explains. All of that research warning that human activity is directly contributing to global warming, in other words, and that “substantial and sustained” reductions in emissions are our best hope of avoiding “severe, pervasive and irreversible” consequences, is no longer deniable — not that it ever was.

Scientists stick it to climate deniers: Study provides direct evidence that human activity is causing global warming go visit one of those studies and copy and paste whatever you believe is there that represents observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the anthropogenic component of the AGW hypothesis.
You bring links here that support your outlandish claim that NOAA NASA all the Met organization of the world have no data to back their beliefs...its just a crazy unhinged claim LOL
hahahahahahahahahahahaha, it doesn't work that way Tommie ole boy. you make a claim, you back the claim, not vice versa, I know you want it to be like that but, alas, it isn't. See I claim there is no back radiation. I make that claim due to the absence of links to prove it is there. comprehenday?
You are repeating the same crap as SSDD. There is back-radiation because every substance radiates EM energy to every other substance in it's path no matter what the temperatures are. You have denied that understanding that is known by 100% of all scientists.

And yet, it can't be measured at ambient temperature even though you claim that twice as much is radiating back to earth as comes in from the sun..
that's a bunch of mumbo jumbo with no evidence at all. All it is someone saying someone trapped it and found it. No evidence there. Did you bother to read it? I mean dude, I expect better from you.
try to link to anyone or anything that supports your nonsense...I already know what you believe because you have spammed the thread repeatedly with your position however you fail to support your position in any way merely repeat it...
BTW, you know you have to have back radiation for your hypothesis to be good right? Not that CO2 absorbs, that's science and we all know this. So now post up that link with the back radiation that can prove CO2 is a sun.
Nonsense supports my position that is why you cannot post anything but your opinion ..over and over

Scientific organizations support your is all about observing, measuring, and quantifying...and there is no observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the opinion that science is holding.
There sure is or the Science would not agree ...there is evidence...what there is no evidence of is your claim that one day all these Scientific organization decided out of the blue to start saying AGW is real without having any data LOL
That person believes that all he has to do is repeat his opinion and that is it essentially...and its seriously nonsense ...his opinion...
He is still posting crap. Talking about steam and amber etc. He is one of SSDD's minions that try to put scientific words in sentences that don't mean anything.
The topper of it all he is demanding proof LOL I have posted all the links I am going to post..those nut bags could be confronted with all the data in the world but it will not change their so called minds because using data and science is not how they arrived at their positions

You posted plenty of doubt...and in doing so, you have proven that you don't have the first idea of what observed, measured, quantified evidence is because there is none in any of the links you provided that supports the anthropogenic component of AGW.
The topper of it all he is demanding proof LOL I have posted all the links I am going to post..those nut bags could be confronted with all the data in the world but it will not change their so called minds because using data and science is not how they arrived at their positions
The whole problem on this environment board is trying to discuss science with kids who don't understand science. They even deny proven scientific principles involving radiation physics, and the second law of thermodynamics.

Kids like you who believe evidence has been posted but can't begin to explain how you think the evidence supports the A in AGW.
hahahahahahahahahahahaha, it doesn't work that way Tommie ole boy. you make a claim, you back the claim, not vice versa, I know you want it to be like that but, alas, it isn't. See I claim there is no back radiation. I make that claim due to the absence of links to prove it is there. comprehenday?
You are repeating the same crap as SSDD. There is back-radiation because every substance radiates EM energy to every other substance in it's path no matter what the temperatures are. You have denied that understanding that is known by 100% of all scientists.

And yet, it can't be measured at ambient temperature even though you claim that twice as much is radiating back to earth as comes in from the sun..
Then why is science saying what they are saying ...what is your theory about why the dominant belief is that AGW is do you explain that LOL

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