Prediction of global temperature for 2017-2024

We have none of the denialists stepping up to make a definate prediction. Very interesting considering that so many of you have previously stated that there is an iminant cooling. I think that by 2024, we will have seen a very definate increase in the warming that we are seeing now.
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.
wow, way to step out there bubba. Hahahahahahahahahaha you probably won't be here in 50. What value is that to anyone here? I know I won't unless I live to be 110. so predict something outside your lifetime and call it accurate. hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

Fine, let's do it your way. I predict in 3 months it'll be hotter than now.

That's global warming dude......
We have none of the denialists stepping up to make a definate prediction. Very interesting considering that so many of you have previously stated that there is an iminant cooling. I think that by 2024, we will have seen a very definate increase in the warming that we are seeing now.

We predict more of the same that has been happening since the beginning of the earth and we predict that it will all be within the boundaries of natural variability and we are batting 1000.....we are always 100% correct.
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.
wow, way to step out there bubba. Hahahahahahahahahaha you probably won't be here in 50. What value is that to anyone here? I know I won't unless I live to be 110. so predict something outside your lifetime and call it accurate. hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

Fine, let's do it your way. I predict in 3 months it'll be hotter than now.

That's global warming dude......

You don't know it but you have really just described what passes for climate science.
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.
wow, way to step out there bubba. Hahahahahahahahahaha you probably won't be here in 50. What value is that to anyone here? I know I won't unless I live to be 110. so predict something outside your lifetime and call it accurate. hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

Fine, let's do it your way. I predict in 3 months it'll be hotter than now.

That's global warming dude......

You don't know it but you have really just described what passes for climate science.

No, I haven't. What I've just done is described what you want climate science to pass as.

Rule number one, if you can't attack the facts, then attack the people who make the facts.
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.
wow, way to step out there bubba. Hahahahahahahahahaha you probably won't be here in 50. What value is that to anyone here? I know I won't unless I live to be 110. so predict something outside your lifetime and call it accurate. hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

Fine, let's do it your way. I predict in 3 months it'll be hotter than now.

That's global warming dude......

You don't know it but you have really just described what passes for climate science.

No, I haven't. What I've just done is described what you want climate science to pass as.

Rule number one, if you can't attack the facts, then attack the people who make the facts.
you first have to have facts. So post up some facts. We've been waiting. You all keep posting up that comment and fail to ever produce.
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.
wow, way to step out there bubba. Hahahahahahahahahaha you probably won't be here in 50. What value is that to anyone here? I know I won't unless I live to be 110. so predict something outside your lifetime and call it accurate. hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

Fine, let's do it your way. I predict in 3 months it'll be hotter than now.

That's global warming dude......
hahahaahahahahaahahaha, no that would be summer. wow, and I thought you thought you knew something.
We have none of the denialists stepping up to make a definate prediction. Very interesting considering that so many of you have previously stated that there is an iminant cooling. I think that by 2024, we will have seen a very definate increase in the warming that we are seeing now.
why do you think there is a need to predict? What is it you have in mind to correct? Please, I'm all eyes to see what it is that will solve your little climate problem.
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.
wow, way to step out there bubba. Hahahahahahahahahaha you probably won't be here in 50. What value is that to anyone here? I know I won't unless I live to be 110. so predict something outside your lifetime and call it accurate. hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

Fine, let's do it your way. I predict in 3 months it'll be hotter than now.

That's global warming dude......

You don't know it but you have really just described what passes for climate science.

No, I haven't. What I've just done is described what you want climate science to pass as.

Rule number one, if you can't attack the facts, then attack the people who make the facts.

You have no facts....I have been asking for facts for decades and have yet to see me one shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of the claim that man is altering the global climate.
March was the 11th straight record hot month



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Ever notice on those maps how the hottest places on earth are invariably the places with the least instrumental coverage? And while you might be wondering, do you wonder why that map shows warming in the continental US while the CRN network...a state of the art, triple redundant network so pristinely placed that it requires no adjustment says that the continental US has been steadily cooling for the past decade? Is there any rational, scientifically valid reason to believe that if the adjustments that resulted in your map were extended to cover the face of the earth, the same cooling trend would be evident?...clearly the adjustments are wrong for the continental US...why would they not be equally wrong for the rest of the globe as the same sort of adjustments are used globally?
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.
wow, way to step out there bubba. Hahahahahahahahahaha you probably won't be here in 50. What value is that to anyone here? I know I won't unless I live to be 110. so predict something outside your lifetime and call it accurate. hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

Fine, let's do it your way. I predict in 3 months it'll be hotter than now.

That's global warming dude......

You don't know it but you have really just described what passes for climate science.

No, I haven't. What I've just done is described what you want climate science to pass as.

Rule number one, if you can't attack the facts, then attack the people who make the facts.
you first have to have facts. So post up some facts. We've been waiting. You all keep posting up that comment and fail to ever produce.

Then you post facts and then it turns into an exercise of ignoring the facts and saying all the facts are wrong. And around in a circle we go because you'll not accept ANYTHING that doesn't support your position.
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.
wow, way to step out there bubba. Hahahahahahahahahaha you probably won't be here in 50. What value is that to anyone here? I know I won't unless I live to be 110. so predict something outside your lifetime and call it accurate. hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

Fine, let's do it your way. I predict in 3 months it'll be hotter than now.

That's global warming dude......
hahahaahahahahaahahaha, no that would be summer. wow, and I thought you thought you knew something.

You really aren't with it, are you?
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.
wow, way to step out there bubba. Hahahahahahahahahaha you probably won't be here in 50. What value is that to anyone here? I know I won't unless I live to be 110. so predict something outside your lifetime and call it accurate. hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

Fine, let's do it your way. I predict in 3 months it'll be hotter than now.

That's global warming dude......

You don't know it but you have really just described what passes for climate science.

No, I haven't. What I've just done is described what you want climate science to pass as.

Rule number one, if you can't attack the facts, then attack the people who make the facts.

You have no facts....I have been asking for facts for decades and have yet to see me one shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of the claim that man is altering the global climate.

So what you're saying is you'll only accept 100% fact, and any fact I present you'll basically say it isn't fact.

You do realize we're not dealing with 100%s here. We can't say something for certain because there's always going to be interpretation of the facts.

So what you're demanding is something that you'll always be able to put doubt on, and therefore always reject.

Fine, you can do that. You can be closed minded and try and ignore what is happening around us.


This is what we believe has happened with temperatures in the last 400,000 years. Every 100,000 years, more or less, we see a massive spike in temperatures. It starts from somewhere quite cold and then rises quickly and then drops equally quickly. Then after the drop temperatures rise again, but not as high as they did before.

You can either go with this, saying it's the best evidence we have, or you can just reject it because you want to believe what you want to believe.

What should be happening? Well according to this data we should be getting colder.

So any increase in temperatures is man made.

Can I PROVE this? No I can't. You can't PROVE this in any way, shape or form. This isn't about proof. This is about looking at the evidence and trying to understand what should be happening.

Are we seeing natural global cooling? Quite possibly, and along side that we have man made global warming, and then you get a slight rise in temperatures. Not a massive rise in temperatures.

What I can prove, however, is that the seas are changing.

We know that the CO2 in the sea is rising


Ocean Acidification -- Pristine Seas -- National Geographic

"Scientists now know that about half of this anthropogenic, or man-made, CO2 has been absorbed over time by the oceans."

"But relatively new research is finding that the introduction of massive amounts of CO2 into the seas is altering water chemistry and affecting the life cycles of many marine organisms, particularly those at the lower end of the food chain."

So, basically many of the predictions of man made climate change may have been wrong because people didn't really understand where the CO2 was going. Half of it goes to the seas. Thereby reducing the impact of man made global warming by half.

What does this mean? It means we could see the end of much sea life, and this could happen very soon. Coral reefs are dying.

"Projections based on these numbers show that by the end of this century, continued emissions could reduce ocean pH by another 0.5 units. Shell-forming animals including corals, oysters, shrimp, lobster, many planktonic organisms, and even some fish species could be gravely affected."

The really important thing here is this:

"Equally worrisome is the fact that as the oceans continue to absorb more CO2, their capacity as a carbon storehouse could diminish. That means more of the carbon dioxide we emit will remain in the atmosphere, further aggravating global climate change."

We're pumping into the air, a lot goes into the seas, what happens if the seas can no longer take in the CO2, either because a lot of life has died, or because the sea is simply "full"? Well, then all we pump will come out as airborne CO2 and then we'll really see the effects of this.

This is the problem, the main problem. Stopping something once it has gone past the point of no return. We know we're fucking the planet up, and yet we're not doing anything to stop it going over the edge.
So what you're saying is you'll only accept 100% fact, and any fact I present you'll basically say it isn't fact.

You do realize we're not dealing with 100%s here. We can't say something for certain because there's always going to be interpretation of the facts.


The fanatical denialist did not arrive at their conclusions using facts. This is why facts have no effects on their opinions about Global warming...

When the Hurricane center forecasts the movement of a Vortex in the atmosphere...they create a cone of probability as to the position of the storm in the future they do not declare with total certainty "the storm will be at some particular location"...that is Science...different Hurricane forecasting Computer models interpret the data differently so they vary in the forecast positions ... a consensus is reached via a "cone of probability" using the different models interpretation of data...
So what you're saying is you'll only accept 100% fact, and any fact I present you'll basically say it isn't fact.

You do realize we're not dealing with 100%s here. We can't say something for certain because there's always going to be interpretation of the facts.


The fanatical denialist did not arrive at their conclusions using facts. This is why facts have no effects on their opinions about Global warming...

When the Hurricane center forecasts the movement of a Vortex in the atmosphere...they create a cone of probability as to the position of the storm in the future they do not declare with total certainty "the storm will be at some particular location"...that is Science...different Hurricane forecasting Computer models interpret the data differently so they vary in the forecast positions ... a consensus is reached via a "cone of probability" using the different models interpretation of data...

Of course. People who are able to "justify" their views through a variety of tactics that allow them to never be "wrong".
wow, way to step out there bubba. Hahahahahahahahahaha you probably won't be here in 50. What value is that to anyone here? I know I won't unless I live to be 110. so predict something outside your lifetime and call it accurate. hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

Fine, let's do it your way. I predict in 3 months it'll be hotter than now.

That's global warming dude......

You don't know it but you have really just described what passes for climate science.

No, I haven't. What I've just done is described what you want climate science to pass as.

Rule number one, if you can't attack the facts, then attack the people who make the facts.
you first have to have facts. So post up some facts. We've been waiting. You all keep posting up that comment and fail to ever produce.

Then you post facts and then it turns into an exercise of ignoring the facts and saying all the facts are wrong. And around in a circle we go because you'll not accept ANYTHING that doesn't support your position.
well you need to understand what you consider to be a fact and ones that really are. I can't help you there. But the fact is you have no observed data that you can post up that supports any claim made by the warmers in here. Zero, and I'm not the only one here making that statement to you or your warmer friends in here.

Fact is something that is, not something predicted. Please learn the difference and you'll be that much smarter in your life.
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.
wow, way to step out there bubba. Hahahahahahahahahaha you probably won't be here in 50. What value is that to anyone here? I know I won't unless I live to be 110. so predict something outside your lifetime and call it accurate. hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

Fine, let's do it your way. I predict in 3 months it'll be hotter than now.

That's global warming dude......
hahahaahahahahaahahaha, no that would be summer. wow, and I thought you thought you knew something.

You really aren't with it, are you?
so you are saying that summer isn't coming? Ok willard. Holy fk. So what season is coming then? It isn't climate season, it will be summer and wouldn't you fking know it, the temperature will go up. holy fk!!

You all crack the living shit out of me. so now we're not having seasons. wow.
Fine, let's do it your way. I predict in 3 months it'll be hotter than now.

That's global warming dude......

You don't know it but you have really just described what passes for climate science.

No, I haven't. What I've just done is described what you want climate science to pass as.

Rule number one, if you can't attack the facts, then attack the people who make the facts.
you first have to have facts. So post up some facts. We've been waiting. You all keep posting up that comment and fail to ever produce.

Then you post facts and then it turns into an exercise of ignoring the facts and saying all the facts are wrong. And around in a circle we go because you'll not accept ANYTHING that doesn't support your position.
well you need to understand what you consider to be a fact and ones that really are. I can't help you there. But the fact is you have no observed data that you can post up that supports any claim made by the warmers in here. Zero, and I'm not the only one here making that statement to you or your warmer friends in here.

Fact is something that is, not something predicted. Please learn the difference and you'll be that much smarter in your life.

"observed data" being what? I sense some trickery in this term already and I don't even know what you mean by it.

So you're basically telling me you'll accept no evidence that goes against your "belief"?

Well I guess from people who have been justifying their made up religious crap for 2,000 years, applying it to something that's fairly recent wouldn't be too hard.

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