Prediction of global temperature for 2017-2024

How many tipping points have we missed alrdy....doomed times ten yet they persist with new ones

In real science, one failure to predict is enough to send a hypothesis to the scrap heap and initiate research into developing a different many predictive failures can the AGW hypothesis claim now?...the string of failed predictions stretches back for decades.
March was the 11th straight record hot month


by hundredths of a degree and PENCIL WHIPPED...OMG OMG OMG OMG were gonna burn...

You idiots are so hilarious.. Running in circles..
How many tipping points have we missed alrdy....doomed times ten yet they persist with new ones

In real science, one failure to predict is enough to send a hypothesis to the scrap heap and initiate research into developing a different many predictive failures can the AGW hypothesis claim now?...the string of failed predictions stretches back for decades.
If you include GCM's its well over 235 failures..
How many tipping points have we missed alrdy....doomed times ten yet they persist with new ones

In real science, one failure to predict is enough to send a hypothesis to the scrap heap and initiate research into developing a different many predictive failures can the AGW hypothesis claim now?...the string of failed predictions stretches back for decades.
If you include GCM's its well over 235 failures..

What gets me is that the GCM's are the AGW hypothesis and the greenhouse hypothesis incarnate and they fail the end they are going to admit that the "greenhouse" effect isn't and the earth is the temperature it is as a result of the actual physical laws.....not magic CO2. Action
US joins 174 nations to sign hard-won climate pact
UNITED NATIONS -- At least 171 world leaders gathered Friday at the United Nations to sign a sweeping climate agreement negotiated last year and aimed at slowing global warming and helping poorer nations affected most by it.

The "Paris Agreement" was hammered out in Le Bourget, France, in December, at a summit of diplomats and leaders including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who flew back from Saudi Arabia Thursday night in time to take part in Friday's signing ceremony. Action
US joins 174 nations to sign hard-won climate pact
UNITED NATIONS -- At least 171 world leaders gathered Friday at the United Nations to sign a sweeping climate agreement negotiated last year and aimed at slowing global warming and helping poorer nations affected most by it.

The "Paris Agreement" was hammered out in Le Bourget, France, in December, at a summit of diplomats and leaders including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who flew back from Saudi Arabia Thursday night in time to take part in Friday's signing ceremony.

You think governments have credibility? And by the way...the paris agreement is a great big koyoto and the rest....lip service...nothing more.

You think governments have credibility? And by the way...the paris agreement is a great big koyoto and the rest....lip service...nothing more.

Of course Government does not have credibility specially compared to you and the other pseudonym anonymous posters ..of course LOL
You skeptics and deniers often say why don't we warmers make predictions that are in the short term so we can be called out for them? Well, I am going to make a few and tie them in with the enso. I am making a assumption that the global temperature will be .05-.1c warmer based on the giss dataset then we were pre-2015-2016 nino. I will put my credibility on the line and I want a mod to pin this at the top of this forum for skeptics/deniers to rip me apart when I get it wrong!

When will I be wrong?
1. IF we see a moderate nina year that turns out to be .56 or .58c...That is wrong. Rip me a part as a idiot!
2. If we see below .64c in a weak nina! Rip me apart as a idiot!

3. On the other hand it is a possibility that we may hit or break last years record in a neutral year so a high side prediction is wrong but it only proves a warming world!
These are the ranges that the means should fall into. All data points GISS(Nasa)!

I will predict that Neutral years will avg near .75c-.80c for 2017-2020 and .77 to .83c for 2021 to 2024. The possibility is there that one could get over .85c during the later part of the period during a neutral year.

Weak ninas(-.5 to -.9c) could see global avg temperatures between .69-.74c. In comparison, 2005's .69 or 2014's global yearly temperature.

Moderate ninas(-1 to -1.4c) will probably see global avg yearly temperatures near .66c +- .3c. Probably warmer then 1998! ;)

Strong Nina's(-1.5c to -2.0) will probably see .58 to .65c depending on how strong. Likelyhood of a .5c yearly global temperature will only occur in a -1.8c or above nina.


Warmer's forecasts have been so incredibly "ACCURATE" over the past fifty years.

Are you telling us that after a nearly TWO DECADE..."PAUSE" in global warming, it suddenly is going to start to increase?

"Warmer's" have been so wrong, for so long, they even had to change the name of their massive, fraudulent movement from Global Warming, not happening, to Climate Change. Since "Climate Change" has been happening for BILLIONS of years, who can deny that, right? Action
US joins 174 nations to sign hard-won climate pact
UNITED NATIONS -- At least 171 world leaders gathered Friday at the United Nations to sign a sweeping climate agreement negotiated last year and aimed at slowing global warming and helping poorer nations affected most by it.

The "Paris Agreement" was hammered out in Le Bourget, France, in December, at a summit of diplomats and leaders including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who flew back from Saudi Arabia Thursday night in time to take part in Friday's signing ceremony.

You think governments have credibility? And by the way...the paris agreement is a great big koyoto and the rest....lip service...nothing more.
Here's the deal....> If I am wrong at least 2 years of the next 8 years = I'll strongly consider the skeptical point of view. I don't like being burned.

So the last 45 years weren't enough huh?

What percentage of six billion years are 45 years?
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.

Given that previous forecasts have been SO wrong, what should WE do? What is your definition of "WE"? Also, what does a "LOT" mean?

Keep in mind that China, India, Africa, and South America will do NOTHING, ANYTHING we do will accomplish nothing, it cannot even be measurable.
you first have to have facts. So post up some facts. We've been waiting. You all keep posting up that comment and fail to ever produce.

Then you post facts and then it turns into an exercise of ignoring the facts and saying all the facts are wrong. And around in a circle we go because you'll not accept ANYTHING that doesn't support your position.
well you need to understand what you consider to be a fact and ones that really are. I can't help you there. But the fact is you have no observed data that you can post up that supports any claim made by the warmers in here. Zero, and I'm not the only one here making that statement to you or your warmer friends in here.

Fact is something that is, not something predicted. Please learn the difference and you'll be that much smarter in your life.

"observed data" being what? I sense some trickery in this term already and I don't even know what you mean by it.

So you're basically telling me you'll accept no evidence that goes against your "belief"?

Well I guess from people who have been justifying their made up religious crap for 2,000 years, applying it to something that's fairly recent wouldn't be too hard.
do you know what the word means? Just asking cause you seem to be having an issue with it.

And by the way, what is it I've made up? The only make up is the doom and gloom danger of CO2. And that buddy boy is a warmer invention. And one still unproven.

Oh, I know what it means. I know what lots of words and phrases mean. That doesn't mean the person I'm talking to has the same idea in their head when they're using such a word. Do you understand this concept? I've dealt with enough far right groups to know that when they say something, they don't mean what most people would interpret it to mean. And in this case I've a feeling you might not be using the same meaning as I'm thinking, because you seem to like trickery.

The doom and gloom of CO2?

There is doom and gloom, and it's not made up.

The PH levels of the seas are dropping. Half of all CO2 is taken up by the seas, and they're suffering for it. Coral is dying because of the change in CO2 levels, species are struggling and getting towards the point of extinction because the seas are changing so much.

Now, the question I have is this. What happens if the seas die, and their ability to absorb CO2 goes from 50% of CO2 in the atmosphere to 0% of CO2 in the atmosphere?

It's possible. It hasn't happened yet. It might never happen. However if it does happen, we go past the point of no return. Then what? What happens if we push the world past this point? Basically the answer is: we're fucked.

PLEASE show us from a reliable, independent source your allegations are indeed FACTUAL.

What do trees, bushes, grass produce at night?

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