Prediction of global temperature for 2017-2024

Geo-engineering is the reason for the weather anomalies and this program is going on in all NATO countries.You can go to youtube and plug in "Chemtrails and Sweden" or any other country and you will see ordinary people posting videos of being sprayed. Some of these countries have done some really good documentaries with English sub-titles. This is real and this has been going on since 1997. This is a Department of Defense project thus it falls under the the catch all of "National Security" and there is no oversight so they could be spraying us with anything and not just nano aluminum, strontium and barium that has been found in unsafe levels in the soil and water.
hahahaahahahahaahahaha, no that would be summer. wow, and I thought you thought you knew something.

You really aren't with it, are you?
so you are saying that summer isn't coming? Ok willard. Holy fk. So what season is coming then? It isn't climate season, it will be summer and wouldn't you fking know it, the temperature will go up. holy fk!!

You all crack the living shit out of me. so now we're not having seasons. wow.

No, it's not what I'm saying.

What I was saying first was that a prediction over a 50 year period would be what I said. You got annoyed that you wouldn't be around to see such a prediction, so I made a prediction that would have been easier for someone like you to accept. A very short term one.

The point being that you'll believe what the hell you want to believe, and dismiss what the hell you want to dismiss, so I made something you couldn't dismiss, in the only way possible.
wow, now that is a rant and a half.

What I'll believe, well it is very simple, show me how evil CO2 is made by man. I've been waiting and there has been zero posts with any observed man made CO2. None. I'm sorry, but that isn't a belief, that is just fact.

How is CO2 made by man?

Do you know what happens when you burn coal?

How much carbon dioxide is produced when different fuels are burned? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Pounds of CO2 emitted per million British thermal units (Btu) of energy for various fuels:

Coal (anthracite) 228.6
Coal (bituminous) 205.7
Coal (lignite) 215.4
Coal (subbituminous) 214.3
Diesel fuel and heating oil 161.3
Gasoline 157.2
Propane 139.0
Natural gas 117.0

So, there are some ways of pumping CO2 into the atmosphere.

Go to China, see the impact of coal.

Beijing Air Pollution: Real-time PM2.5 Air Quality Index (AQI)

Here you can see a map of pollution is China, you can compare this with say, Japan, which is generally green, try and find a green place in China, I can find deep red which is severely polluted, most Chinese cities are badly polluted ALL THE TIME.

Why is this? Because pollution is being pumped into the air, ALL THE TIME. It impacts people, the number of people with breathing problems is much higher than other countries in the west, for example. And there are countries which are worse than this.

The majority of smog in Beijing is from the many factories. China will not participate in any sort of global agreement which requires they reduce their CO2. By the way, what do all plants need to live and what do they produce at night.

As you know too, China is building at least one highly sophisticated, clean burning coal power plants a week. They also have more nuclear plants under construction and in the planning stage than all other countries combined.

China learned from us that in order for an economy to grown they need CHEAP AND PLENTIFUL energy. Something Lame Duck President Obama promised to destroy.
Mr. Westwall, you were confidently predicting cooling six years ago, what say you now?

I still do. Local records worldwide show a slight decrease in temps. It is only through the magic of "amalgamated data" that the computer programs magically create this warming you all are so worked up about. I just had a foot of snow dropped on my house last night. More than 30 degrees below average temperature for this time of year.

Do you hear me bleating about global cooling? No, because I understand what "average temperature" means.
Geo-engineering is the reason for the weather anomalies and this program is going on in all NATO countries.You can go to youtube and plug in "Chemtrails and Sweden" or any other country and you will see ordinary people posting videos of being sprayed. Some of these countries have done some really good documentaries with English sub-titles. This is real and this has been going on since 1997. This is a Department of Defense project thus it falls under the the catch all of "National Security" and there is no oversight so they could be spraying us with anything and not just nano aluminum, strontium and barium that has been found in unsafe levels in the soil and water.

You have quite a sense of humor! Thanks for a good laugh.
wow, now that is a rant and a half.

What I'll believe, well it is very simple, show me how evil CO2 is made by man. I've been waiting and there has been zero posts with any observed man made CO2. None. I'm sorry, but that isn't a belief, that is just fact.

How is CO2 made by man?

Do you know what happens when you burn coal?

How much carbon dioxide is produced when different fuels are burned? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Pounds of CO2 emitted per million British thermal units (Btu) of energy for various fuels:

Coal (anthracite) 228.6
Coal (bituminous) 205.7
Coal (lignite) 215.4
Coal (subbituminous) 214.3
Diesel fuel and heating oil 161.3
Gasoline 157.2
Propane 139.0
Natural gas 117.0

So, there are some ways of pumping CO2 into the atmosphere.

Go to China, see the impact of coal.

Beijing Air Pollution: Real-time PM2.5 Air Quality Index (AQI)

Here you can see a map of pollution is China, you can compare this with say, Japan, which is generally green, try and find a green place in China, I can find deep red which is severely polluted, most Chinese cities are badly polluted ALL THE TIME.

Why is this? Because pollution is being pumped into the air, ALL THE TIME. It impacts people, the number of people with breathing problems is much higher than other countries in the west, for example. And there are countries which are worse than this.
dude, that is called pollution and not climate. See the information you provide is off kilter to the argument. Pollution in China isn't the debate.

Climate is the debate. AGW is the debate.

And yes I know we, humans, add CO2 to the atmosphere. Always, since we've been around. It isn't unusual, and yet you're trying to make it unusual. I've merely asked to prove how our CO2 is more evil than natural CO2. That is the argument.

I've also asked for what the normal amount of CO2 is expected in the atmosphere, and that can't be proven. And dude, you can post up all the fking info on that you want and there is no such thing. It's made up. There is also no such thing as normal temperatures. Made up again. if you choose to debate that, then just post your reason and supporting evidence.

Ice melts every year in the poles. Every year. It has since the ice formed. it's seasonal. Please feel free to prove me wrong. You can't.

do you reject that there are forests under glaciers?

You do know that Greenland loses glaciers every year and always has right?

Dude, I'm merely asking for facts that support that things happening are not normal and have been occurring longer than you and I have been on earth.

CO2 use to be in the thousands. FACT!!!!

This is ridiculous.

You demand an answer. Someone tries to explain something complex to you, then you shout that this has nothing to do with it.

I'm done. Unless you're going to actually debate instead of spend your whole time playing silly tricks, I'm going to stay done.

You can go tell everyone that no one in the last 20 years has ever proven anything, but you won't tell them it's because you're just fucking around the whole time and won't listen to those people.
well in fact that is correct, in the last 20 years no one has been able to prove that man made CO2 is bad. there you go, you got one right!!!

Because you don't listen, perhaps.

You know CO2 is a greenhouse gas right? You know that the more you pump into the atmosphere, along with other greenhouse gases, the more of a greenhouse effect you have, right?

Do you understand the greenhouse effect?

Why then have we not had any global warming in nearly 20 years?

If the "increased" CO2 causes global warming and is terrible. How then was the earth so much warmer in the Middle Ages that the Vikings were able to build colonies on Greenland, raise crops and grow herds of animals to re-supply their ships on the way to North America? Were there too many coal plants and SUV's causing all that excess warming?

Since there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING we can do to...reverse something we don't even know "should" be reduced...why should we spend TRILLIONS of dollars much better spent elsewhere?
What should be happening? Well according to this data we should be getting colder.

So any increase in temperatures is man made.

The first thing I note in your graph is that the spikes are not uniform either in temperature or there is no credible way you can say that we should be cooling at this time...further, the timescale on your graph is so large that you can't begin to make 100 year observations...even 200 year observations regarding the short, that graph proves nothing other than that it has been considerably warmer in the past half a million years without the benefit of the internal combustion engine.

The rest is also just wild speculation based on no actual evidence at all.
So what you're saying is you'll only accept 100% fact, and any fact I present you'll basically say it isn't fact.

You do realize we're not dealing with 100%s here. We can't say something for certain because there's always going to be interpretation of the facts.


The fanatical denialist did not arrive at their conclusions using facts. This is why facts have no effects on their opinions about Global warming...

When the Hurricane center forecasts the movement of a Vortex in the atmosphere...they create a cone of probability as to the position of the storm in the future they do not declare with total certainty "the storm will be at some particular location"...that is Science...different Hurricane forecasting Computer models interpret the data differently so they vary in the forecast positions ... a consensus is reached via a "cone of probability" using the different models interpretation of data...

We agree that the earth is warming...or cooling...where we disagree is the unsubstantiable claim that man is responsible.
Why then have we not had any global warming in nearly 20 years?

You have data to back it up ?

The "pause" in warming myth: debunked

Myth One: There has been a pause in global warming

Nope, the Earth continues to warm strongly.NASA,NOAA, theIPCCand a long list of other trusted organisations have confirmed that yearly global average temperature continues to climb. 2013 marked the37thyear in a rowthat the yearly global temperature was hotter than average.13 of the hottest 14 yearshave occurred this century.

Source:interactive NOAA graph
We agree that the earth is warming...or cooling...where we disagree is the unsubstantiable claim that man is responsible.
The 97% consensus on global warming
That humans are causing global warming is the position of the Academies of Science from 80 countries plus many scientific organizations that study climate science.More specifically, around 95% of active climate researchers actively publishing climate papers
We agree that the earth is warming...or cooling...where we disagree is the unsubstantiable claim that man is responsible.
The 97% consensus on global warming
That humans are causing global warming is the position of the Academies of Science from 80 countries plus many scientific organizations that study climate science.More specifically, around 95% of active climate researchers actively publishing climate papers

Which, for the umpteenth time is a logical fallacy given that EVERY ONE of those societies derives funding from perpetuating the fraud. It is not a legitimate argument.
Why then have we not had any global warming in nearly 20 years?

You have data to back it up ?

The "pause" in warming myth: debunked

Myth One: There has been a pause in global warming

Nope, the Earth continues to warm strongly.NASA,NOAA, theIPCCand a long list of other trusted organisations have confirmed that yearly global average temperature continues to climb. 2013 marked the37thyear in a rowthat the yearly global temperature was hotter than average.13 of the hottest 14 yearshave occurred this century.

Source:interactive NOAA graph

But yet we are getting 20 to 30 percent less sunlight reaching the planet than before...Google "Global dimming". Of course I don't trust anything that comes from the NOAA or the UN's IPCC at all. Action
US joins 174 nations to sign hard-won climate pact
UNITED NATIONS -- At least 171 world leaders gathered Friday at the United Nations to sign a sweeping climate agreement negotiated last year and aimed at slowing global warming and helping poorer nations affected most by it.

The "Paris Agreement" was hammered out in Le Bourget, France, in December, at a summit of diplomats and leaders including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who flew back from Saudi Arabia Thursday night in time to take part in Friday's signing ceremony.

Does childish screaming make your comments better? Or do you just FEEL better?

There are 258 countries, territories and dependent areas. What did the 171 agree mutually to do? Who are the 87 countries who are not even a part of the "agreement"?

Exactly what has China and India agreed to do? Action
US joins 174 nations to sign hard-won climate pact
UNITED NATIONS -- At least 171 world leaders gathered Friday at the United Nations to sign a sweeping climate agreement negotiated last year and aimed at slowing global warming and helping poorer nations affected most by it.

The "Paris Agreement" was hammered out in Le Bourget, France, in December, at a summit of diplomats and leaders including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who flew back from Saudi Arabia Thursday night in time to take part in Friday's signing ceremony.

Does childish screaming make your comments better? Or do you just FEEL better?

There are 258 countries, territories and dependent areas. What did the 171 agree mutually to do? Who are the 87 countries who are not even a part of the "agreement"?

Exactly what has China and India agreed to do?
Like childish screaming "its a conspiracy of Scientist" pulling the wool over our eyes but never showing any proof of such a thing ? Action
US joins 174 nations to sign hard-won climate pact
UNITED NATIONS -- At least 171 world leaders gathered Friday at the United Nations to sign a sweeping climate agreement negotiated last year and aimed at slowing global warming and helping poorer nations affected most by it.

The "Paris Agreement" was hammered out in Le Bourget, France, in December, at a summit of diplomats and leaders including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who flew back from Saudi Arabia Thursday night in time to take part in Friday's signing ceremony.

Does childish screaming make your comments better? Or do you just FEEL better?

There are 258 countries, territories and dependent areas. What did the 171 agree mutually to do? Who are the 87 countries who are not even a part of the "agreement"?

Exactly what has China and India agreed to do?
Like childish screaming "its a conspiracy of Scientist" pulling the wool over our eyes but never showing any proof of such a thing ?

Throughout history it has been the frauds, charlatans, and criminals who have attempted to muzzle all talk and debate about the relevant subject. Who is it that is trying to prosecute people for daring to question the scriptures? oh...right. It's you clowns.
Why then have we not had any global warming in nearly 20 years?

You have data to back it up ?

The "pause" in warming myth: debunked

Myth One: There has been a pause in global warming

Nope, the Earth continues to warm strongly.NASA,NOAA, theIPCCand a long list of other trusted organisations have confirmed that yearly global average temperature continues to climb. 2013 marked the37thyear in a rowthat the yearly global temperature was hotter than average.13 of the hottest 14 yearshave occurred this century.

Source:interactive NOAA graph

But yet we are getting 20 to 30 percent less sunlight reaching the planet than before...Google "Global dimming". Of course I don't trust anything that comes from the NOAA or the UN's IPCC at all.

Before what and what is your reliable, independent source and link? Action
US joins 174 nations to sign hard-won climate pact
UNITED NATIONS -- At least 171 world leaders gathered Friday at the United Nations to sign a sweeping climate agreement negotiated last year and aimed at slowing global warming and helping poorer nations affected most by it.

The "Paris Agreement" was hammered out in Le Bourget, France, in December, at a summit of diplomats and leaders including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who flew back from Saudi Arabia Thursday night in time to take part in Friday's signing ceremony.

Does childish screaming make your comments better? Or do you just FEEL better?

There are 258 countries, territories and dependent areas. What did the 171 agree mutually to do? Who are the 87 countries who are not even a part of the "agreement"?

Exactly what has China and India agreed to do?
Like childish screaming "its a conspiracy of Scientist" pulling the wool over our eyes but never showing any proof of such a thing ?

Not trying to be a dick, but seriously, wake the fuck up. This plan to use an environmental crisis in order to gain more control over the people was thought of in 1967 that was stated in the Iron Mountain Report. A paper written by a think tank group. The Club of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N took that idea and ran with it by proposing the "Zero Growth" plan. Lots of stuff you don't know or understand. I really don't have the time to hold your hand and walk you through it because it would just be a waste of time.
Global warming 'hiatus' never happened, Stanford scientists ...
What there has been no pause in is data manipulation..
Put up some data chump..,.lets see your data Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Exxon Knew About Global Warming More Than 30 Years Ago

Already had no answer, but for you, I will put it up again... Here is a modern temperature graph from NOAA produced in March supposedly shows rapid warming


Here is a news article from 1989 where the NOAA spokesman stated quite clearly that at that time 1989, most of the warming they had seed had happened prior to 1919...Now look at the modern graph....does it appear to you that any time between 1880 and 1919 is as warm or warmer than 1989? Doesn't look that way to me...then he states that NOAA has observed a cooling period between 1921 and 1979...again, do you see any evidence of cooling between 1921 and 1979?

The discrepancy between what NOAA said in 1989 and today and ever since the late 1990s is the result of data manipulation...a systematic cooling of the past in an effort to make the present look warmer and the warming more prominent than it has actually been. I'll say again, when faced with an obvious and undeniable case of data manipulation in which temperatures from 50 to over 100 years back have been changed for no scientifically valid reason, how can you place any trust whatsoever in the people who are doing it?


Here is a graph from 2013 just for fun....the differences between it and the one from 2016 are obvious, significant, and unexplainable in any rational, scientifically valid terms....the fact is that the temperature record has been so hopelessly corrupted in an effort to maintain the AGW narrative, I don't even know if the real historical record could ever be rebuilt...and I think that is precisely the goal.

Why then have we not had any global warming in nearly 20 years?

You have data to back it up ?

The "pause" in warming myth: debunked

Myth One: There has been a pause in global warming

Nope, the Earth continues to warm strongly.NASA,NOAA, theIPCCand a long list of other trusted organisations have confirmed that yearly global average temperature continues to climb. 2013 marked the37thyear in a rowthat the yearly global temperature was hotter than average.13 of the hottest 14 yearshave occurred this century.

Source:interactive NOAA graph

Hmmmm...obviously you did not notice that there has been no increase in temperature the past 18+ years and your chart only goes to 2010.

But, thank you for the effort.

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