Prediction of global temperature for 2017-2024

Mattie, Are you saying that you now understand CO2 affects on temperature? Wow, scientists don't even know this. Dude, you must be a fkn genius. Skooks and Frank, Good, we will now learn how warm 0 PPM of CO2 makes the globe?

s0n......this is from your signature >>>

Say NO to small idiotic government and YES to accountable government!!

HOLY about clueless. do you even navigate in the real world?:spinner:

I want a efficient government that invests in our own country like most of the rest of the western world. You're the one that lives 10,000 years ago and doesn't believe in civilization. Clueless of the world and why America is powerful...Yes, you are...

Do you think we could warm to meet my predictions during the next 5-10 years?

s0n......this is from your signature >>>

Say NO to small idiotic government and YES to accountable government!!

HOLY about clueless. do you even navigate in the real world?:spinner:

I want a efficient government that invests in our own country like most of the rest of the western world. You're the one that lives 10,000 years ago and doesn't believe in civilization. Clueless of the world and why America is powerful...Yes, you are...

Do you think we could warm to meet my predictions during the next 5-10 years?'re a deep matrix guy compelled to chase what is known as consensus reality. Your signature statement makes no sense. We have a huge idiotic government and zero accountability. Whats gonna change that s0n? This election?:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::up:
Take a good look at your anomaly graph.. Karl Et Al made adjustments of +0.4 degrees C on the trend in green but left the trend in blue and red on its original plot.. This is how the left does deception... if you place both on the same anomaly base line, this last year is cooler than the 97/98 event..

But keep on spinning..
I added a black line for the means from 1980 to 2016...Remember this dataset is adjusted to be bias cool! But even this it is without question that we have been warming.

This ignores the volcano's, nino's, nina's and other short term crap.
Herewegoagain....It is clear that the global temperature has been warming for the past 45 years!
to 2030.png

Neutral for 2020 should easily get .76-.78c! The little thin purple line shows the trend is my friend.

My range for -1c to .5c at 3.4 is shown by black lines. Moderate nina's or nino's or stronger are shown in red or blue....
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The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 14 months are:

UAH V6 Global Temperature Update for Feb. 2016: +0.83 deg. C (new record) « Roy Spencer, PhD

Even Dr. Spencer says you are a liar, Silly Billy.

Ahh......this is graph fuckery.......... run that black line from about 1997 and its almost as flat as a pancake.:disbelief::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: In fact, you couldn't find anything flatter if you tried!!:bye1:

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Amazing how frequently these AGW folks come in here, post up stats or graphs and pwn themselves in the process!!:oops-28:
Here's the deal....> If I am wrong at least 2 years of the next 8 years = I'll strongly consider the skeptical point of view. I don't like being burned.

Review your comments going back to 2010 when you got here have already been being burned for years....and what sort of credibility do you think you still are a first class passenger on the AGW crazy have been onboard with every crazy prediction made since you got here. Your credibility is zero and you have been burned so much there is little left but ash.
View attachment 71922 This supports my conclusion...A 15 year smoothing means.

View attachment 71921

Here matthew....refer to your graph...

Now, how about you explain why in 1989, NOAA stated clearly that they had observed a global temperature decline between the years of 1921 and 1979...and that decline is not evident in any of your modern graphs....what rational, scientifically valid explanation can you give for altering the record so heavily that the cooling trend NOAA detected then is no longer present in the record?

And in 1989 NOAA stated explicitly that most of the warming since 1881 happened before 1919. Now look at any of your graphs.... from 1989 back to any of the modern graphs show that most of the warming up to that date (1989) happened prior to 1919? Explain why? What rational scientifically valid reason might there be for manipulating the data so heavily?.... You are a believer, lets hear your explanation.

I am working on a hypothesis here that you are nothing more than one of the army of useful idiots out there that climate pseudoscientists joke about.....I am going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction based on my hypothesis and predict that you do not give me a rational, scientifically valid reason for such heavy data manipulation and that you A) respond with a logical fallacy or B) ignore this question all together or C) toss out a third grade level insult and congratulate yourself for winning the point.

Mathew present the work of scientific agencies. You silly asses present cartoons and old newspaper articles. Bit of disparity there in the credibility of what is being presented.
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.
Mathew present the work of scientific agencies. You silly asses present cartoons and old newspaper articles. Bit of disparity there in the credibility of what is being presented.
are those articles fake?
Mathew present the work of scientific agencies. You silly asses present cartoons and old newspaper articles. Bit of disparity there in the credibility of what is being presented.
BTW, the agencies already admitted they have messed with the data. It's out there bubba. WTF, where have you been?
Predictions are just that. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, unless they're as vague as possible.

My prediction is that unless we do something about this problem, in 50 years time it'll be a lot warmer.
wow, way to step out there bubba. Hahahahahahahahahaha you probably won't be here in 50. What value is that to anyone here? I know I won't unless I live to be 110. so predict something outside your lifetime and call it accurate. hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.
Mathew present the work of scientific agencies. You silly asses present cartoons and old newspaper articles. Bit of disparity there in the credibility of what is being presented.

Like I answer....the spokesman from NOAA was making statements regarding their observations of the climate....the graphs being posted today bear no resemblance to what NOAA was saying about the year 1989 and the previous years....why? Still waiting for a rational, scientifically valid bet is that none will be forthcoming.

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